Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

What is it exactly, Rush? Seriously.

Is it some kind of pathological need for attention? Or is it just a fundamental lack of respect for women? Or is it some kind of conservative need to keep women 'in their place?'

Regardless of what the motivation is, women should take notice of these attitudes of prominent conservatives if for no other reason than because if THIS is what they'll say in public, one has to ask what they really think in private.

And this is true with numerous voting blocks. Conservatives run around bashing everyone in the electorate who isn't a member of their conservative club, and then they want to convince people that they should vote for their candidate. How nonsensical is that?

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak At Contraception Hearing, A 'Slut'

Did you listen to what she said?

She basically wants taxpayers to pay for her contraceptives while she's in college.

If you can't buy your own damn contraceptives then I suggest you abstain from having sex.

Geez... liberals are plain fucking stupid!

Did she testify about how hard it is to afford a case of beer every few days plus a couple bottles of Jager. The life of a college student is so very hard. This woman is a truly courageous person. What a waste of politicians time ... seriously. :cuckoo:
What is it exactly, Rush? Seriously.

Is it some kind of pathological need for attention? Or is it just a fundamental lack of respect for women? Or is it some kind of conservative need to keep women 'in their place?'

Regardless of what the motivation is, women should take notice of these attitudes of prominent conservatives if for no other reason than because if THIS is what they'll say in public, one has to ask what they really think in private.

And this is true with numerous voting blocks. Conservatives run around bashing everyone in the electorate who isn't a member of their conservative club, and then they want to convince people that they should vote for their candidate. How nonsensical is that?

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak At Contraception Hearing, A 'Slut'

Did you listen to what she said?

She basically wants taxpayers to pay for her contraceptives while she's in college.

If you can't buy your own damn contraceptives then I suggest you abstain from having sex.

Geez... liberals are plain fucking stupid!

Well said, my man
The hearing was not about contraception
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The rules of the committee is that you have to give 3 days notice in order to have someone speak
The Democratic women on the committee gave one day's notice and tried to get her to speak at the hearing.
She wanted to speak about contraception. The meeting was about the 1st amendment not contraception. This is why she was denied.

Catholic Health Care does cover contraception when it is an issue of health. Like preventing ovarian cysts.
If you want to have fun sex in college you should pay for it, not all the rest of the people in your health care plan.
The hearing was not about contraception
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.
The rules of the committee is that you have to give 3 days notice in order to have someone speak
The Democratic women on the committee gave one day's notice and tried to get her to speak at the hearing.
She wanted to speak about contraception. The meeting was about the 1st amendment not contraception. This is why she was denied.

Catholic Health Care does cover contraception when it is an issue of health. Like preventing ovarian cysts.
If you want to have fun sex in college you should pay for it, not all the rest of the people in your health care plan.
What is it exactly, Rush? Seriously.

Is it some kind of pathological need for attention? Or is it just a fundamental lack of respect for women? Or is it some kind of conservative need to keep women 'in their place?'

Regardless of what the motivation is, women should take notice of these attitudes of prominent conservatives if for no other reason than because if THIS is what they'll say in public, one has to ask what they really think in private.

And this is true with numerous voting blocks. Conservatives run around bashing everyone in the electorate who isn't a member of their conservative club, and then they want to convince people that they should vote for their candidate. How nonsensical is that?

Did you listen to what she said?

She basically wants taxpayers to pay for her contraceptives while she's in college.

If you can't buy your own damn contraceptives then I suggest you abstain from having sex.

Geez... liberals are plain fucking stupid!

Did she testify about how hard it is to afford a case of beer every few days plus a couple bottles of Jager. The life of a college student is so very hard. This woman is a truly courageous person. What a waste of politicians time ... seriously. :cuckoo:

Thanks for proving my point that liberals are plain stupid.
What is it exactly, Rush? Seriously.

Is it some kind of pathological need for attention? Or is it just a fundamental lack of respect for women? Or is it some kind of conservative need to keep women 'in their place?'

Regardless of what the motivation is, women should take notice of these attitudes of prominent conservatives if for no other reason than because if THIS is what they'll say in public, one has to ask what they really think in private.

And this is true with numerous voting blocks. Conservatives run around bashing everyone in the electorate who isn't a member of their conservative club, and then they want to convince people that they should vote for their candidate. How nonsensical is that?

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."

Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak At Contraception Hearing, A 'Slut'

Did you listen to what she said?

She basically wants taxpayers to pay for her contraceptives while she's in college.

If you can't buy your own damn contraceptives then I suggest you abstain from having sex.

Geez... liberals are plain fucking stupid!

The fact that she's a college student is irrelevant...unless, that is, you (and other conservatives) support selective discrimination because she's not married. And frankly, that's what a great number of people tend to believe. Just come out an admit it.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Where did you get this lie? From rushie? Paying me to have sex? Really? What at travesty.
What is it exactly, Rush? Seriously.

Is it some kind of pathological need for attention? Or is it just a fundamental lack of respect for women? Or is it some kind of conservative need to keep women 'in their place?'

Regardless of what the motivation is, women should take notice of these attitudes of prominent conservatives if for no other reason than because if THIS is what they'll say in public, one has to ask what they really think in private.

And this is true with numerous voting blocks. Conservatives run around bashing everyone in the electorate who isn't a member of their conservative club, and then they want to convince people that they should vote for their candidate. How nonsensical is that?

Did you listen to what she said?

She basically wants taxpayers to pay for her contraceptives while she's in college.

If you can't buy your own damn contraceptives then I suggest you abstain from having sex.

Geez... liberals are plain fucking stupid!

The fact that she's a college student is irrelevant...unless, that is, you (and other conservatives) support selective discrimination because she's not married. And frankly, that's what a great number of people tend to believe. Just come out an admit it.

It's very relevant because that was her argument. She wanted all college students to receive free contraception while they were in college.

And please don't attempt to know what I believe in respects to single women having sex.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Where did you get this lie? From rushie? Paying me to have sex? Really? What at travesty.

“Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy (Georgetown student insurance not covering contraception),” Fluke reported.
It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations.
“Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,” Fluke told the hearing.

Its what the article claims was said at the hearing.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Where did you get this lie? From rushie? Paying me to have sex? Really? What at travesty.

“Forty percent of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggled financially as a result of this policy (Georgetown student insurance not covering contraception),” Fluke reported.
It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations.
“Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,” Fluke told the hearing.

Its what the article claims was said at the hearing.

How much does it cost to attend Georgetown Law per year? This she has no problem with I'm sure. She should meet in a forum with the members of the board for the university asking them to cut tuition by 1000 dollars a year so she can afford birth control.
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Re-reading the OP link and listening to the actual testimony, Sandra Fluke did not say "protected sex".

The "protected sex" bit was added in by a male writer (Craig Bannister) who is quoted in a gray box in the OP link. His opinion piece is here: Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate |

If you listen to Fluke in the video at the end of the OP link, she is clearly talking about the Pill. Not condoms.

So this guy Bannister invented the condom thing to make fun of Fluke. He is, basically, being a dick.

I do not know how much the Pill costs, but $1,000 a year is probably not out of the ballpark.

Nevertheless, my other objections stand. Someone who can afford more than $60K a year to go to Georgetown and then go on to a very highly paid career in the top 1% can probably afford a thousand bucks a year for the Pill.

BIRTH CONTROL IS FREE. All she has to do is take her highly educated, highly sleezy ass down to the county health department. They will give her a pap, they will diagnose and treat any stds she has, test her for HIV and give her a year's prescription for pills, including a bag full of the first 6 months. At the end of 6 months, if she doesn't have enough to fill her prescription, back to the clinic she goes, where they slap her in the stirrups again and send her out the door with another six months worth.

Ah, yes, but that would require that she mingle with the unwashed, undesirable masses. Can't have a future lawyer occupying space with the filthy "poor".
Re-reading the OP link and listening to the actual testimony, Sandra Fluke did not say "protected sex".

The "protected sex" bit was added in by a male writer (Craig Bannister) who is quoted in a gray box in the OP link. His opinion piece is here: Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate |

If you listen to Fluke in the video at the end of the OP link, she is clearly talking about the Pill. Not condoms.

So this guy Bannister invented the condom thing to make fun of Fluke. He is, basically, being a dick.

I do not know how much the Pill costs, but $1,000 a year is probably not out of the ballpark.

Nevertheless, my other objections stand. Someone who can afford more than $60K a year to go to Georgetown and then go on to a very highly paid career in the top 1% can probably afford a thousand bucks a year for the Pill.

BIRTH CONTROL IS FREE. All she has to do is take her highly educated, highly sleezy ass down to the county health department. They will give her a pap, they will diagnose and treat any stds she has, test her for HIV and give her a year's prescription for pills, including a bag full of the first 6 months. At the end of 6 months, if she doesn't have enough to fill her prescription, back to the clinic she goes, where they slap her in the stirrups again and send her out the door with another six months worth.

Did you listen to Fluke's testimony? She said a lesbian girlfriend of hers got a big cyst on her ovaries because she could not afford the Pill.

How do you reconcile this with what you are saying?

I'm not being argumentative, but there is some kind of disconnect somewhere that I am not seeing the nature of.

Fluke is studying to become a lawyer, not an OB-GYN. There are lots of reasons why ovarian cysts occur. Just another "special" case trotted out to make some libtard point.
Ms. Fluke angry at the idea that she be 'forced' to attend another (less pretigious) university that would pay for contraceptives, or be 'forced' to abstain. Apparently she doesn't think women have the ability to 'just say no' and they have a right to casual sex, paid for by others:

"We refuse to pick between a quality education and our health and we resent that, in the 21st Century, anyone thinks it’s acceptable to ask us to make that choice simply because we are women,” Fluke said.

"Ms. Fluke, Iresent that you think women are incapable of controlling themselves, of sacrificing temporary pleasure for the sake of long-term success. You make us sound like animals, slaves to our instincts and able to be used, but we’re better than that. We’re persons, equal to men in dignity and love."

Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex … We’re going broke buying birth control « Hot Air

Hard to believe that a sentient human being would embarrass herself in this manner.

C'mon...this is from Saturday Night Live, isn't it?

How come all the lawyers on the board aren't screaming 'we are not all this stupid!!!"?
As both an Ivy League AND an attorney, this woman is an immature, selfish, silly TWIT. (Georgetown is not in the Ivy League but has student work programs like DORM CREW that I did 10 hours a week my freshman year.) This woman needs to get a JOB, if sex is of so much importance to her. She may not have the money, Georgetown also gives scholarships. TOUGH LUCK. Work to earn the money, or spend less on other luxuries.

I was lucky to have $2.35 bucks in 1980 to afford a once a week subway ride into Boston for fries & a coke at McDonald's.

Hell, if she likes sex so much, she can segue that hobby into a well-paying job. 14th Street awaits her debut.
She can't afford $50 the pill
Her men of choice can't afford a $1 condom
She can't tell daddy and have her parents pay (she is likely able to be on their policy with the new rules)
Her school won't pay for it (and why should they anyway)

So ....

Let's turn to Big Brother

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