Georgia Goes To Biden, Election Called Biden Defeats Trump 306-232, Becomes 46th President

Because he was independently wealthy they could not BUY him,

Then why did Trump take more bribes than any president in history? HIs whole admin was scamming and bribe-taking. He was the most disgusting swamp denizen ever. He filled the swamp with more putrid slime than it had ever held before.

Trumps's swamp slime, of course, didn't stay in the swamp. It poured out all over, and the Trump cult swamp denizens followed, taking joy in how the slime protected their reptilian hides from the light of day. That's why they're all so unhappy. Without Trump's protective slime, they'll have to leave the daylight and return to the swamp.

like they bought the Obamas etc.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...
Because he was independently wealthy they could not BUY him,

Then why did Trump take more bribes than any president in history? HIs whole admin was scamming and bribe-taking. He was the most disgusting swamp denizen ever. He filled the swamp with more putrid slime than it had ever held before.

Trumps's swamp slime, of course, didn't stay in the swamp. It poured out all over, and the Trump cult swamp denizens followed, taking joy in how the slime protected their reptilian hides from the light of day. That's why they're all so unhappy. Without Trump's protective slime, they'll have to leave the daylight and return to the swamp.

like they bought the Obamas etc.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...
It's just more slinging poo by both parties with never holding anyone accountable.

For example, Obama's Eric Holder was the first AG to be held in contempt of Congress in US history for not answering questions revolving around his illegal fast and furious program that armed drug lords across the border while telling US citizens they lectured about needing more regulation on their own fire arms.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
Sorry my man...the sheep picked the candidate with 47 years as a politician.

The independent thinkers chose Trump.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
You are either a liar or mentally retarded as the Russian Collusion bullshit was well before the election.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
You are either a liar or mentally retarded as the Russian Collusion bullshit was well before the election.
The smoking gun that tells the world it was all BS was that the impeachment had NOTHING to do with the Russia collusion BS.

But opponents of the DNC can't fight like they do. They don't own the press and the Swamp to do to Biden what was done to Trump with 24/7 negative coverage and endless conspiracy theories.

But they can fight in other ways, just you wait and see.
Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with.

Moonbat translation-I don't care what a politician I support actually does. As long as they act like a corporate political hack sleazeball puppet while in office.

I just need a D in office, because that's all I actually care about..beating those icky Republicans.

Biden is a career politician that hasn't done shit in nearly 50 years. Oh wait..he has done somethings.

He was part of a crime bill that woke progs riot about. Biden was part of an administration that provided the largest corporate bailouts the country had ever seen. Another thing Democrats would normally be against. But orange man bad though, am I right? :cuckoo:

Biden is the worst candidate the Democrats have ran in years, and somehow (supposedly) enough of you turds voted for everything you don't like about government..embodied in Commie Joe Potato. :uhoh3:

"Normal news cycle" like the media in this country hasn't been manipulating the news cycle against Trump for the past 4 years.

You care more about not being upset by your lying moonbat news media than you do about what is actually best for you, your family, or the country..You are fucking child.
Getting back to politicians acting like politicians and a normal news cycle will do to begin with.

Moonbat translation-I don't care what a politician I support actually does. As long as they act like a corporate political hack sleazeball puppet while in office.

I just need a D in office, because that's all I actually care about..beating those icky Republicans.

Biden is a career politician that hasn't done shit in nearly 50 years. Oh wait..he has done somethings.

He was part of a crime bill that woke progs riot about. Biden was part of an administration that provided the largest corporate bailouts the country had ever seen. Another thing Democrats would normally be against. But orange man bad though, am I right? :cuckoo:

Biden is the worst candidate the Democrats have ran in years, and somehow (supposedly) enough of you turds voted for everything you don't like about government..embodied in Commie Joe Potato. :uhoh3:

"Normal news cycle" like the media in this country hasn't been manipulating the news cycle against Trump for the past 4 years.

You care more about not being upset by your lying moonbat news media than you do about what is actually best for you, your family, or the country..You are fucking child.

Feel better now? As opposed to the incompetent carnival barker? Yeah, major upgrade.
And your so called worst candidate ever just trounced your great white hope.
What's best for this country is to move on from the cancer that was Donald John Trump. A man who didn't want the job, was corrupt, and incompetent.

So do me a favor and stow your righteous indignation. It's just sour grapes.
Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!

Again, recent history escapes you and the rest of the Trump supporting crowd. Allegations of Russian collusion and the Special Counsel came months AFTER the inauguration. And too bad, Mueller's report did NOT exonerate Trump. But sure, that Trump Tower meeting arranged by Junior was about adoption. :)
Sherlock, that same woman adoption Lawyer met Dem staffers too, and was brought into a congressional foreign affairs committee event as a guest of a Dem Politician (see Picture), if she was "the Russians(gov't)" then that Dem Politician would have broken the law and O.C.E. would have had him up on charges.
Your news source labeled her "Russian gov't" to paint a narrative and you bought it hook line and sinker. They also didn't tell you the full context of the Email she sent, if you read it the email was about Hillary getting help by Russia, which we now know was true, the Dossier was gotten from Russian sources=Clinton was actively using Russia to manipulate and interfere in the elections.
You really need new news sources, they are embarassing you.


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Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.

The irony, a guy parroting DNC talking points is calling other people lemmings, LOL. Couldn't make the shit up you people actually say
Let's be fair.

Millions and millions of people who voted for Mr. Biden did so because (a) they really, really, really wanted to oust President Trump and/or (b) they were thrilled that Ms. Harris is the Vice President (and probably President in 2024 -- or earlier).

(Those voters would not give Mr. Biden the time of the day. They realize that he is a broken-down career politician who has said some very unkind things in the past about certain folks.)
Let's be fair.

Millions and millions of people who voted for Mr. Biden did so because (a) they really, really, really wanted to oust President Trump and/or (b) they were thrilled that Ms. Harris is the Vice President (and probably President in 2024 -- or earlier).

(Those voters would not give Mr. Biden the time of the day. They realize that he is a broken-down career politician who has said some very unkind things in the past about certain folks.)
They don't really love me?

Let's be fair.

Millions and millions of people who voted for Mr. Biden did so because (a) they really, really, really wanted to oust President Trump and/or (b) they were thrilled that Ms. Harris is the Vice President (and probably President in 2024 -- or earlier).

(Those voters would not give Mr. Biden the time of the day. They realize that he is a broken-down career politician who has said some very unkind things in the past about certain folks.)
They don't really love me?


Career politicians are basically like corporate CEOs, except in the political business. They dont care. They have parachutes. They run shit into the ground and bail out. The democrats spout cries of charity and "giving back to the community". Its all just horseshit meant to boost sales. Trump really did measurable things that improved on what all the assholes of the last 30 years were doing (and then just bailed out).
United States on Nov. 7. Mr. Biden defeated President Trump after winning Pennsylvania, which put his total of Electoral College votes above the 270 he needed to clinch the presidency.
Like the grinch who stole Christmas? No. It's Trump by a landslide, and Biden will be arrested and charged with high treason if he attempts to take the office of POTUS on a fraudulent and rigged election straight out of Venezuela.

The software contains code written under the direction of Hugo Chávez, former president-for-life of Venezuela.
Once Again 45's Less Than Stellar Team of D-List Lawyers Is Humiliated In Court. They Do Not Know The Difference Between MI (Michigan) and MN (Minnesota).


You just cannot make this shit up.

45’s crack legal team Thursday filed a lawsuit alleging Michigan fraud that cited a list of seemingly irregular township voting percentages. Unfortunately, the data in a supporting affidavit might have been more persuasive had it not come from two states away in Minnesota.

Yes, it appears “MI” for Michigan is easily confused by “MN” for Minnesota if the lawyers on your “elite strike force” legal team aren’t actually all that elite. In this case, the grievous error was flagged by none other than, a blog authored by some extremely conservative attorneys.
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Our countries voting block is so fucking pathetic.

I thought the same thing four years ago. I still think it today.
I can't believe there are that many sheep and lemmings that support Trump.
For a group of democrats who had posted since day one of Trump's election that he was illegitimate and a Russian spy who Putin put into office and then took three years to prove to all of us that it was pure BS, even though treated as the gospel truth by the press, I can proudly say, get bent!
CNN has not told them it was a scameroosky yet. These critters here are 3 yrs behind the times.

They still think Trump was impeached and removed from office.

He was Impeached. Just like WJC. Just like Andrew Johnson

The Georgia Secretary of State issued a correction Friday afternoon, saying this state is still completing the certification process, despite an earlier announcement that the state had rectified an electoral victory for Joe Biden.

The recount will NOT move the needle, but I know that you need to play an unending game of grasping at straws.

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