The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

Typical liberal slime...the video has never been seen before, but it has been "debunked".
Testimony heard on the hearing while watching it:

"We have an audio recording of an order for fake ballots in a phone call with a Chinese Printing company to print and bring in fake ballots in to The United States, and preposition them through out the states."

Also reminds me of the fake Drivers Licenses they found being shipped here from China.
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Expect the same bullshit response from the leftwing lemmings.

Sure. You're all parroting really stupid lies again. Given that you always lie, we always have to point that out. Just remember, you're still going to be sad cult losers no matter how many lies you parrot, because nobody falls for your stupid shit.

A question: Given how badly you Trump cult losers all suck at fraud, why do you keep engaging in it? After all, everyone already knows you're frauds. There's no need to keep hammering that point home.
No one engaged in Fraud except for The DemNazi Party. Many people are praying to God, through Jesus Christ our Advocate and Petitioning Heaven, and The Court of Heaven for Justice.

I think God will hear our prayer and show you a miracle and Donald J Trump will still be our president despite The Massive Fraud and Election Theft that was attempted.

It's God who places our rulers on the throne, not man, not fraud, not lies, not you.

I still believe God has work to do in America and is not ready to turn us over to the Godless Barbarians outside the gate, and within our Nation.
Conspiracy Theory? WTF, looks like someone doesn't believe what they're seeing on the tape.
The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

title is inaccurate.. No one is claiming all 10,000 dead voters voted for Biden.. Only that 10,000 dead voters voted.. Without tying ballot number to ballot logs -- no one YET has the authority to inspect HOW THEY VOTED.. All that is TBD...
The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

title is inaccurate.. No one is claiming all 10,000 dead voters voted for Biden.. Only that 10,000 dead voters voted.. Without tying ballot number to ballot logs -- no one YET has the authority to inspect HOW THEY VOTED.. All that is TBD...

And why do you think they are asking for a Forensic Audit in the face of so many affidavits SWORN AFFIDAVITS of Fraud?

We need to find out if even 1 dead person voted for Donald Trump. My guess is across the US Zero dead people voted for The President. What if Millions of People voted for Republicans and The Democrats actually won those 27 seats in The House? We need to find that out right?

You are splitting hairs since we know NO DEAD PEOPLE ever vote for Republicans. Do you want me to change The Title?

Why do you guys let these trolls title their posts anyone they want?
The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

title is inaccurate.. No one is claiming all 10,000 dead voters voted for Biden.. Only that 10,000 dead voters voted.. Without tying ballot number to ballot logs -- no one YET has the authority to inspect HOW THEY VOTED.. All that is TBD...

You are splitting hairs since we know NO DEAD PEOPLE ever vote for Republicans. Do you want me to change The Title?

Why do you guys let these trolls title their posts anyone they want?

Dont change a thing man.. I'm a nit-picker.. But it matters.. And I know a few dead Repubs who WOULD vote from the grave...
Like I said, all accusations of Voter Fraud are being censored and being moved to other forums for the smallest reasons.

You guys suck.
The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

title is inaccurate.. No one is claiming all 10,000 dead voters voted for Biden.. Only that 10,000 dead voters voted.. Without tying ballot number to ballot logs -- no one YET has the authority to inspect HOW THEY VOTED.. All that is TBD...

You are splitting hairs since we know NO DEAD PEOPLE ever vote for Republicans. Do you want me to change The Title?

Why do you guys let these trolls title their posts anyone they want?

Dont change a thing man.. I'm a nit-picker.. But it matters.. And I know a few dead Repubs who WOULD vote from the grave...

So now you are Chris Wallace?

You are poor at nitpicking btw because the reason they brought up the fact that 10,000 dead people voted was because the margin of victory was just 12,000 votes, and we know that historically The Democrat Party does not respect election laws and are famous for having dead people vote. They brought up this evidence inferring correctly that 10,000 dead people voted and they voted for Biden.

So take that Nit and Pick that!
And who knew. All this could be presented in a hotel court of public opinion and not in front of an actual judge under oath.

C'mon boys and girls say it and sound it out with me....S..E..D..I..T..I..O..N.
Oh, so when they don’t present evidence to the public, it’s all a “conspiracy theory” and you claim there is “no evidence”. Yet when they do present the evidence for the public to see, you claim it isn’t being presented in a court and thus dismiss it all.

Did you dismiss the claims made by this woman in a public court of opinion when she refused to give her account to authorities?
View attachment 424835

No, you didn’t. The media replayed it over and over and took her word as gospel. Kavanaugh was “guilty”, period.

Yet now that multiple witnesses are testifying they saw massive fraud, and will testify in court, you dismiss it. You’re a partisan hack.
All of this is a wind up to present to The Supreme Court. They are recording testimonies and arguments for future reference.

Won't make it to the SC. Sorry. Not even God can get it to the desk of Clarence, Brett, Sam, and Amy. :auiqs.jpg:

The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

title is inaccurate.. No one is claiming all 10,000 dead voters voted for Biden.. Only that 10,000 dead voters voted.. Without tying ballot number to ballot logs -- no one YET has the authority to inspect HOW THEY VOTED.. All that is TBD...

You are splitting hairs since we know NO DEAD PEOPLE ever vote for Republicans. Do you want me to change The Title?

Why do you guys let these trolls title their posts anyone they want?

Dont change a thing man.. I'm a nit-picker.. But it matters.. And I know a few dead Repubs who WOULD vote from the grave...

So now you are Chris Wallace?

You are poor at nitpicking btw because the reason they brought up the fact that 10,000 dead people voted was because the margin of victory was just 12,000 votes, and we know that historically The Democrat Party does not respect election laws and are famous for having dead people vote. They brought up this evidence inferring correctly that 10,000 dead people voted and they voted for Biden.

So take that Nit and Pick that!

But c'mon -- I heard a lot of that meeting and the guy listing the "funny votes" had a TOTAL OF 140,000 ineligible votes. This 10,000 Grateful Dead was just ONE of the entries.. Another entry was 44,000 HSchoolers who registered and were approved (apparently) even tho they were not 17 and 1/2 according to State law.. Sounds like the NEA made this "voter fraud" -- a mandatory "class project"...

It pains me to see you sticking to all these 10K dead ALL voting for Biden.. Because it shows you're not concerned with factual details.. ALL OF THE 140,000 ineligible votes were Statewide. NOT EVEN just in "Dem strongholds".. Loosen up.. Get a grip.. Don't be stupid about it..
Many people are praying to God, through Jesus Christ our Advocate and Petitioning Heaven, and The Court of Heaven for Justice.
God appears to be siding with the Demcorats. After all, He's giving us what we want.

Take that as a sign that you're not on the side of the angels.
Conspiracy Theory? WTF, looks like someone doesn't believe what they're seeing on the tape.

I watched the tape. It showed nothing out of the ordinary. Why did you think it did?

Remember, contrary to what you were told, there is no law that observers have to be in the room.

Also know the the Republican observers decided to take a break all on their own. Nobody made them leave. They left on their own, and the counters kept on counting. Why would anyone think that constitutes fraud?

The amount of fraud by the Rats in this election was beyond was frankly gross.

We need jail time for these scum.
There is no hope of putting the criminal politicians behind this in jail sense the elite protect them and there is one differerent law for them than there is for us so hopefully we can at least get those non politician criminal people in jail.
Expect the same bullshit response from the leftwing lemmings.

View attachment 424829

That's a pretty impressive self-confession, globalist.
The oldest WW 2 generation will die off. The boomers will at a percentage will die before your evil takes total control. And they will be the lucky ones.
Stupid fuck lying shills like Toto and all these other America hating Biden fan sellout trolls constantly in their babble claiming that there was never any mail fraud committed,like the trolls they are,always ignore the massive amount of dead people that voted claiming their votes were legit. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
What I don't understand is the "normal process" that occurs within various precincts to duplicate a ballot that possibly contains errors. So, you have one ballot that turns into 2 on the table where they are reviewed, and assumed to be later separated. Yet, when watching and listening to these poll watchers and poll challengers from these swing states describing how these duplicates were handled, that's something that needs to be taken out of the equation altogether. There are judges from both parties present to decide together on conflicting issues, not one of the clerks with a pen...sorry.

I worked the polls a few years back, locally and not during a national election. I worked as a clerk because I was told it was the busiest job and having a 12 hour shift I wanted the day to fly. The judges had a lot of time on their hands and walked around a lot and drank too much coffee lol Anyway, it never involved duplicating ballots, and to do this with ballots pegged as having "potential errors" flagged by the machine makes no sense whatsoever. I'll be shortly searching for who exactly made that recommendation and how that person convinced others that was the way to go. Good grief. Kids in middle school can come up with better election processing plans than these jokers.
Amen to
The Margin of Victory is only 12,000 votes and there are 100s of thousands if Illegal Votes that were counted.

And on and on and on the fraud goes. You cannot watch this video of The Georgia Hearing and feel like our Republic is about to sink in to The Abyss never to rise again.

Unless this fraud is overturned, there is no reason to call yourself an American again. America is dead, and you might as well renounce your citizenship and declare yourself an illegal alien of No Country of Origin.

Listen for just a few minutes starting at the 6:07 Mark

Typical liberal slime...the video has never been seen before, but it has been "debunked".

Don’t these bidentrolls ever get tired of ending up with shit on their face in embarrassment? :laughing0301: :lmao:
And who knew. All this could be presented in a hotel court of public opinion and not in front of an actual judge under oath.

C'mon boys and girls say it and sound it out with me....S..E..D..I..T..I..O..N.
Oh, so when they don’t present evidence to the public, it’s all a “conspiracy theory” and you claim there is “no evidence”. Yet when they do present the evidence for the public to see, you claim it isn’t being presented in a court and thus dismiss it all.

Did you dismiss the claims made by this woman in a public court of opinion when she refused to give her account to authorities?
View attachment 424835

No, you didn’t. The media replayed it over and over and took her word as gospel. Kavanaugh was “guilty”, period.

Yet now that multiple witnesses are testifying they saw massive fraud, and will testify in court, you dismiss it. You’re a partisan hack.
All of this is a wind up to present to The Supreme Court. They are recording testimonies and arguments for future reference.

Won't make it to the SC. Sorry. Not even God can get it to the desk of Clarence, Brett, Sam, and Amy. :auiqs.jpg:

You posited this as a wind up to being presented to the SC.
Make your case..and stop being a whiny little god fearing bitch.
Your act is getting tired.
Maybe my preaching to you and that demon you have indwelling you may cause you to seek salvation, and you will be pulled from the flames of Hell at the last minute. So no. Jesus is Lord, Son of God, The Holy One of Israel, and is God. In the beginning was God and The Word was with God, and The Word was God.

Jesus Christ is called The Word and He is God, and He sacrificed Himself, and was then Resurrected because He was without sin.

Any man that denies these things Jesus will deny before The Father on Judgment Day and you will spend an eternity in Hell.

Your time to make an eternal decision is short because The Book of Revelation is about to be opened upon The World and soon.

Seek the Lord while He may be found for there will come a day when He cannot be Found.

There is a time limit for The World in The Last Days to repent of their sins and when that clock runs out, or you die in your sins, your eternal fate is sealed.
Conspiracy Theory? WTF, looks like someone doesn't believe what they're seeing on the tape.

I watched the tape. It showed nothing out of the ordinary. Why did you think it did?

Remember, contrary to what you were told, there is no law that observers have to be in the room.

Also know the the Republican observers decided to take a break all on their own. Nobody made them leave. They left on their own, and the counters kept on counting. Why would anyone think that constitutes fraud?

Nothing out of the ordinary? So there were a lot of places that had votes stashed away under the table, waiting to be pulled out once the observers were gone. Good to know...dumbass.
Nothing out of the ordinary? So there were a lot of places that had votes stashed away under the table, waiting to be pulled out once the observers were gone. Good to know...dumbass.

So In what reality did that happen?

Oh, that's right. Your cult told you it happened, and that settled it in your little cult mind.

Sucks to be you, loser.

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