Georgia Lawmaker Who Claimed Man Told Her To “Go Back To Her Country” Now Backtracks On Claim


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
She accused some ‘white’ guy in a grocery line, and of course the usual suspects all jumped in saying look how whitey attacks ‘people of color’.

It turned out he’s a Cuban suffering from a severe case of TDS.


She just converted him and a few other Cuban voters to go with Trump with such a fake outrage. She then changed her story and stated he might not have told her those exact words.

All of these race related stories are by design, some are really worried Trump is cutting into the black and hispanic voting base.
Most Cubans actually aren't democrooks or communists (not to be redundant) from what I have experienced.
Black Georgia lawmaker Erica Thomas busted for lying about ‘racist incident’…
Posted by Kane on July 21, 2019 10:56 am
Categories: Breaking
Complicated story so I will attempt condense it – Don’t use the Express Lane when you have 20 items

Georgia state lawmaker Erica Thomas posted this video on Facebook Friday night claiming a white man had berated her at the grocery store and told her to ‘go back where you came from.’ Watch the short video above to get a sense of her Oscar-worthy acting.

Twitter and politicians then exploded in rage at all Trump supporters all day yesterday under the hashtag #IStandWithErica — the only problem — Erica was lying. When a reporter went to the Publix supermarket, the accused man happened to show up.

Their confrontation is in the video below.

It turns out the guy hates Trump, is a Democrat, and supported the Jihad Squad earlier this week on Facebook. And he accuses Erica of lying.

Sparkes says he is a Democrat and of Cuban nationality and claimed Thomas was just accusing him to help her political career.

“This woman is playing the victim for political purposes because she is a state legislator,” Sparkes said. “I’m a Democrat and will vote Democrat for the rest of my life, so call me whatever you want to believe. For her political purposes, make it black, white, brown, whatever. It is untrue.”

When the reporter talked to Thomas after the confrontation, she changed her story.
“I don’t want to say he said, ‘Go back to your country,’ or ‘Go back to where you came from,'” Thomas said. “But he was making those types of references is what I remember

get all the dirt on the full of doo doo democrat NAZI progressive rat
Black Georgia lawmaker Erica Thomas busted for lying about ‘racist incident’… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

moonbattery has also put together a nice piece

Erica Thomas Joins Hate Hoax List - Moonbattery

I say we send her back to where her slave ancestors came from ..
Hi. Sadly, it appears Rep. Erica Thomas is a disciple of Michelle Obama, an unnamed leader of America's Segregation-minded, INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK community this 'black conservative female' speaks about.

Erica Thomas,Why Bitches Hoes.jpg

EVIL woman Michelle Obama_02.jpg

I did a second one cause non of the progs will touch it with a ten foot pole .
they merged them :113: :auiqs.jpg:

This is why never believe a woman when she cries rape
Never believe anyone that screams racist until the facts come out

Thats your doing lefties
No one will give real victims the benefit of the doubt Because of the nazi lefts racist behavior
Slander is all the Left has. She did it last week too:..
This is why never believe a woman when she cries rape
Never believe anyone that screams racist until the facts come out. Thats your doing lefties. No one will give real victims the benefit of the doubt Because of the nazi lefts racist behavior
It's just Jussie Smollett Syndrome. Victimhood is big biz.
Another week, another hate hoax.

I've seen a lot of Dems on Twitter all but begging people to stop doing this...saying this is exactly how Trump gets re-elected. :)
What is with these fucking psycho lefties faking hate crimes?

Jiminy Christmas, you guys are some sick fucks.

That bitch didn’t think the guy would push back and be a Cuban TRUMP HATER!

That shit is hilarious! :21:
What is with these fucking psycho lefties faking hate crimes?

Jiminy Christmas, you guys are some sick fucks.

That bitch didn’t think the guy would push back and be a Cuban TRUMP HATER!

That shit is hilarious! :21:
The Left need to create fake crimes because they have nothing to offer voters.
What is with these fucking psycho lefties faking hate crimes?

Jiminy Christmas, you guys are some sick fucks.

That bitch didn’t think the guy would push back and be a Cuban TRUMP HATER!

That shit is hilarious! :21:
The Left need to create fake crimes because they have nothing to offer voters.

And there is a decided lack of actual racists willing to do anything besides ranting on the internet and dusting off their KKK hoods and swastika armbands from time to time.

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