Georgia Recount Finished -- Results: Biden Still Won

Democrats getting real insecure about the audit happening. President Trump will gain his actual legal votes in Georgia. This state could factor in him winning by 100 legal votes.

Nope. There was a full recount in Georgia and we didn't have a problem with it....and predictably Biden still won.

What did conservatives do? Make a new conspiracy to explain the failure of their old conspiracy.

Ugh the final results in Georgia aren't completed. Still have more than a month to determine the legal to illegal votes. Whether if it takes a month, half year, year, or 4 more years. There's no final result yet in Georgie, Fake News bot.

They've released preliminary results.....with Biden's lead in the solid 5 figures.

We both know that conservatives aren't going to accept the recount results if it shows a Biden win.

How can we use evidence to convince people that have no use for evidence?

I get it you Trump Haters want to illegally put in Corrupt Joe. But fact of the matter is. There's still an audit happening as we speak. It's going to be a long month for you.

You're kinda proving my point here.

As the only people putting in Joe Biden.....are the voters.

You apologists on this voter fraud just want those illegal votes to get pushed through so badly. Going to be a long month for you.

Which votes were illegal? Post the evidence of all these illegal votes. Voting for Pres. Biden is not illegal.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....

And if they opened up the voting machines and found nothing, you'd demand some other bizarre conspiracy theory.
What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??
Question: What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??

Answer: A president who lies to mislead our nation's people that the virus has turned the corner while at the same time every State in our union reports more and more infections.

Of course the trumpsters will claim this is all fake news and the numbers of infected by the virus in hospitals all across our nation are fictional.
No I claim you are a libber Polly Parrott....the President lied awwwk! The President spread the virus, awwwwk! The numbers of people infected are because of the vast number of tests we have run goofy. 99% have few or no symptoms and would never have been tested if not for all the hype. Severe case rates and mortality rates are waaaay down look for yourself awwwwk!
How many people are dying every day?
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
Google it.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
Google it.
It was a rhetorical question.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
Google it.
It was a rhetorical question.
And it was a generic answer.
Well I'll answer it.

Two THOUSAND yesterday...and nearly that the day before
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
About 1% of the daily case total which is driving down the overall mortality rate. When you test 2 million people a day you will get about 175-200k new cases and 1% or so will be deaths attributed to the virus.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
About 1% of the daily case total which is driving down the overall mortality rate. When you test 2 million people a day you will get about 175-200k new cases and 1% or so will be deaths attributed to the virus.
And .49% of the cases are critical, way down from previous months when this much testing was not being done.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
About 1% of the daily case total which is driving down the overall mortality rate. When you test 2 million people a day you will get about 175-200k new cases and 1% or so will be deaths attributed to the virus.
The idea that we are only finding more cases because we are testing more is inaccurate. We are finding more cases because there are more cases.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
How many people are dying every day from this silly flu excuse?
About 1% of the daily case total which is driving down the overall mortality rate. When you test 2 million people a day you will get about 175-200k new cases and 1% or so will be deaths attributed to the virus.
The idea that we are only finding more cases because we are testing more is inaccurate. We are finding more cases because there are more cases.
How would you "find" more cases without testing? And the critical case rate continues to decline as does the mortality rate, so what if there are more cases? Its a virus and you cannot hide from it.
How would you "find" more cases without testing? And the critical case rate continues to decline as does the mortality rate, so what if there are more cases? It a virus and you cannot hide from it.
There's a bit to unpack here and I don't know if you have a good understanding of the issues. The actual incidence of COVID is not entirely known because not everyone who has it is tested. The idea is that the identified cases are increasing merely because we are testing more, not because the actual incidence is rising. This is a false claim. The incidence is rising as was predicted this summer.

Critical case rate (not really a term anyone uses but we can work with it) and mortality rate are dependent on the denominator, how many cases are identified. As we said before, this is not a very accurate way to go about it because the denominator is not perfectly accurate and the degree of accuracy is shifting as time goes on. What you can do, is use a denominator that is known, such as population, to get a better scope on what is going on and it's not good.
How would you "find" more cases without testing? And the critical case rate continues to decline as does the mortality rate, so what if there are more cases? It a virus and you cannot hide from it.
There's a bit to unpack here and I don't know if you have a good understanding of the issues. The actual incidence of COVID is not entirely known because not everyone who has it is tested. The idea is that the identified cases are increasing merely because we are testing more, not because the actual incidence is rising. This is a false claim. The incidence is rising as was predicted this summer.

Critical case rate (not really a term anyone uses but we can work with it) and mortality rate are dependent on the denominator, how many cases are identified. As we said before, this is not a very accurate way to go about it because the denominator is not perfectly accurate and the degree of accuracy is shifting as time goes on. What you can do, is use a denominator that is known, such as population, to get a better scope on what is going on and it's not good.
All we have is what we have. You can speculate all you want but we have to go with the numbers we have been using....and the case count goes up as the testing goes up. Right now 6.8% of all people tested in the US are positive for the virus and/or the antibodies. You can't technically have Covid without being tested and identified in a case. And using the same numbers as we have from the beginning, the critical case percentage has been declining along with the mortality rate....down from 6.5% four months ago to 2.1% now. You can watch the daily statistics to see why it continues to drop, the daily case count is very high because the testing is high....the deaths are a declining percentage based on the total cases.....which is totally dependent on the amount of testing. Don't know how else to explain it. The virus is not as deadly as Killer Cuomo made it out to be and the continuing statistics prove that every day. Funny how the media only focuses on the daily death count when it is a bit high or the case total another day when it is higher.
How would you "find" more cases without testing? And the critical case rate continues to decline as does the mortality rate, so what if there are more cases? It a virus and you cannot hide from it.
There's a bit to unpack here and I don't know if you have a good understanding of the issues. The actual incidence of COVID is not entirely known because not everyone who has it is tested. The idea is that the identified cases are increasing merely because we are testing more, not because the actual incidence is rising. This is a false claim. The incidence is rising as was predicted this summer.

Critical case rate (not really a term anyone uses but we can work with it) and mortality rate are dependent on the denominator, how many cases are identified. As we said before, this is not a very accurate way to go about it because the denominator is not perfectly accurate and the degree of accuracy is shifting as time goes on. What you can do, is use a denominator that is known, such as population, to get a better scope on what is going on and it's not good.
As for more virus infections, is a virus and impossible to hide from. Without a vaccine it will likely infect most all of us at one time or another.
As for more virus infections, is a virus and impossible to hide from. Without a vaccine it will likely infect most all of us at one time or another.
What makes you say it's impossible to hide from? It's not like we don't know how it's spread.
As for more virus infections, is a virus and impossible to hide from. Without a vaccine it will likely infect most all of us at one time or another.
What makes you say it's impossible to hide from? It's not like we don't know how it's spread.
My point is that until a vaccine comes along, the more time that passes makes it harder and harder to avoid being infected. Even with precautions and wearing masks. People I know are getting tested without symptoms, because you can now, and are infected with no clue as to how. Just an experience based opinion and another reason the case count is higher.
All we have is what we have. You can speculate all you want but we have to go with the numbers we have been using....and the case count goes up as the testing goes up. Right now 6.8% of all people tested in the US are positive for the virus and/or the antibodies. You can't technically have Covid without being tested and identified in a case. And using the same numbers as we have from the beginning, the critical case percentage has been declining along with the mortality rate....down from 6.5% four months ago to 2.1% now. You can watch the daily statistics to see why it continues to drop, the daily case count is very high because the testing is high....the deaths are a declining percentage based on the total cases.....which is totally dependent on the amount of testing. Don't know how else to explain it. The virus is not as deadly as Killer Cuomo made it out to be and the continuing statistics prove that every day. Funny how the media only focuses on the daily death count when it is a bit high or the case total another day when it is higher.
You explained it fine, but as I said, little of what you said is particularly relevant.

The number of deaths per day is big concern. The hospitalization number is a big concern. This is when our health system starts to fall apart.
My point is that until a vaccine comes along, the more time that passes makes it harder and harder to avoid being infected. Even with precautions and wearing masks. People I know are getting tested without symptoms, because you can now, and are infected with no clue as to how. Just an experience based opinion and another reason the case count is higher.
If none of the recommended measures had any effect, you'd have a point. However, the main problem is not that we don't know how to prevent the spread of COVID, the main problem is that people don't do it.

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