Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Delta was caving to a vocal minority that was frothing at the mouth, and hoping they could scurry out of the line of fire with a minimum of kerfuffle. They appear to have been wrong, but we'll have to wait and watch it play out.
see - now we're getting back to conspiracy and the NRA being evil.


There is no conspiracy, the NRA does not hide in any way their actions.

Also, I did not say the NRA was evil, just that it wielded a lot of power, just like many other lobbyist.

Kind of hard for me to take seriously that the NRA does not hold any power when a one hour meeting with the POTUS can get him to sing a whole new song.

People on the right used to lament about the power of lobbyist in DC, yet when those folks are lobbying for them, well then is is not an issue.

This is what I am talking about when I say there is very little difference between the "right" and the "left". One cannot complain there is too much outside influences on our elected officials and then cheer when that influence favors them.
so - let me be clear before we move on.

the NRA isn't hiding anything or lying to the people, correct? if not correct, please show the lies as a reference.
the NRA isn't evil, but they deserve this protest and boycott? if not what you're saying apologies - trying to pin this down so i know how to better respond.
if they deserve it, why? they're not lying or hiding anything. people just don't like it. if that's the reason for the boycott, great. but at least we'll have that baseline.

now we're to a hidden doors meeting where they made trump change his mind.
ok - could they have presented facts to trump he could not refute or are you saying they said "fall in line OR ELSE" and if OR ELSE then how can we say they're NOT evil? i'd consider that evil.

and for anyone of us it's seldom an issue when people in power lobby for us. not even sure what that shared characteristic is supposed to say other than taking a shared characteristic and putting it against one side only. that doesn't make sense to me.

so - NRA not lying or evil, just powerful. is this a correct summary of your stance on the NRA?

Trump is HARDLY falling in line with the NRA. Did you SEE that last big meeting of his? Holy cats! The leftists were practically wetting themselves with glee, and every person there on the right had a "WTF?!" look on their faces, like dogs listening to a high-pitched sound. This is the problem with having a President who doesn't have a solid ideology of his own, particularly when you couple it with the fact that he really knows very little about most of the policies and positions he talks about.

I listened all day yesterday to Trump supporters desperately trying to spin it into some "brilliant mousetrap maneuver" to catch out the left, and I'm thinking, "Yeah, or maybe his mouth just flaps without bothering to consult his brain."
i've not had a chance to dig into it yet. but like you say - trump caters to his audience thats for sure.

I can't remember having ever seen anyone who is more of a walking ego with a body attached than Donald Trump.

Trump Stuns Lawmakers With Seeming Embrace of Gun Control
i thought G Gator said Trump caved to the NRA but this is pissing off the NRA.

i don't disagree with many of these points other than "due process" second.

i have no issue with 21+ for an AR15 or "military style" weapons. if you want one at 18, join the military.
i have no issue in expanding background checks. bare minimum fixing the one we have and asking states to share their DB on people. we've seen too many instances of things NOT being on record where they should be. if we fix this and update the system to be easier to maintain, done.
if someone is nuts, how is it proven? if by a doctor then we're engaging in due process. this is the part to watch carefully and ensure we don't use this as a "loophole" to take what we want and just start calling people cray-cray.
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.
i've always wanted to be a teacher in my retirement years. drama teacher at a small town high school sounds amazing to me. i also own guns, but i seldom shoot any of them. many have never been shot at all. strange maybe, but there we are. i've also got a KISS and PARAGON pinball machine and a stargate machine i never play either. i get strange hobbies at times. ;)

now - even if i were more into shooting the guns, i'd have a very hard time potentially having to shoot one of my students as if they are "troubled" i'd like to think i've been trying to help them. if i had to shoot/kill them it would likely mess me up pretty bad at least for awhile.

that's asking a lot of a teacher and while on paper maybe good - i can see a lot of breaking points in this one.

i'd rather see us hire vets or put in police substations in schools and limit entry to the school during certain hours.
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Delta was caving to a vocal minority that was frothing at the mouth, and hoping they could scurry out of the line of fire with a minimum of kerfuffle. They appear to have been wrong, but we'll have to wait and watch it play out.
Why do you think the red Georgia senate gave Delta concessions in the first place?? Now they take them away??? I hope delta moves their hubs and sticks Ga with the tax and job loss
i don't follow *anyone* on twitter. as close as i get is twitchy where i read the commentary that is HILARIOUS when it comes the stupid things all people say on twitter.

You really ought to think about doing it. I created an account for the singular purpose of seeing what Trump was tweeting for myself. That way I did not have to rely on other sources to see what Trump is saying
Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Only in the world of participation trophies and "nobody fails" could removing a discount be seen as a punishment. This is the mindset of the snowflakes you people are always complaining about.

Simply amazing how alike the two sides are.
i don't follow *anyone* on twitter. as close as i get is twitchy where i read the commentary that is HILARIOUS when it comes the stupid things all people say on twitter.

You really ought to think about doing it. I created an account for the singular purpose of seeing what Trump was tweeting for myself. That way I did not have to rely on other sources to see what Trump is saying
Atlanta kisses Amazon goodbye. Georgia’s once burgeoning entertainment industry dies. Economic development activities in the state come to a crashing halt. Georgia is no longer known as a business friendly state as Nathan Deal stated. But it is a state of NRA ass kissers.
i don't follow *anyone* on twitter. as close as i get is twitchy where i read the commentary that is HILARIOUS when it comes the stupid things all people say on twitter.

You really ought to think about doing it. I created an account for the singular purpose of seeing what Trump was tweeting for myself. That way I did not have to rely on other sources to see what Trump is saying
nope. i don't care what he says there. i'll find out soon enough later on with updates, interpretations and corrections. i don't get into this part of our pop culture. never have, never will. if trump wants to use/abuse it, great. i'll find something else to do than wait around to be pissed at what he does next.
i thought G Gator said Trump caved to the NRA but this is pissing off the NRA.

Trump pretty much walked away from all of these points after his meeting with the NRA.

i don't disagree with many of these points other than "due process" second.

i have no issue with 21+ for an AR15 or "military style" weapons. if you want one at 18, join the military.

I actually disagree with this one, a lot. I hate that people are an adult at 18 for some things but not for other things. We trust you enough to vote and defend your country, but do not have a beer or a some kinds of guns. What the hell sense does that even make? Either you are an adult at 18 or you are one at 21, we need as a country to make up our mind and move everything to that age.

i have no issue in expanding background checks. bare minimum fixing the one we have and asking states to share their DB on people. we've seen too many instances of things NOT being on record where they should be. if we fix this and update the system to be easier to maintain, done.

I agree, this is an area where much improvement could be made.[/quote]
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Delta was caving to a vocal minority that was frothing at the mouth, and hoping they could scurry out of the line of fire with a minimum of kerfuffle. They appear to have been wrong, but we'll have to wait and watch it play out.
Why do you think the red Georgia senate gave Delta concessions in the first place?? Now they take them away??? I hope delta moves their hubs and sticks Ga with the tax and job loss

Why do I think Georgia initially gave Delta tax breaks? Could have something to do with them being one of the largest employers in the state. :cuckoo:

They also didn't "take them away". The tax breaks had already expired. All that's happened so far is a bunch of current and prospective office holders have made statements opposing their reinstitution.

I'm sure Delta will jump right on a huge, multi-million-dollar move JUST to satisfy your petty vindictiveness, which is totally unrelated to what's actually good for Delta's long-term bottom line. Given how well pandering to the left's demands has worked out so far, I'm sure they're eager to continue making decisions on that basis.
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Delta was caving to a vocal minority that was frothing at the mouth, and hoping they could scurry out of the line of fire with a minimum of kerfuffle. They appear to have been wrong, but we'll have to wait and watch it play out.
Why do you think the red Georgia senate gave Delta concessions in the first place?? Now they take them away??? I hope delta moves their hubs and sticks Ga with the tax and job loss

Why do I think Georgia initially gave Delta tax breaks? Could have something to do with them being one of the largest employers in the state. :cuckoo:

They also didn't "take them away". The tax breaks had already expired. All that's happened so far is a bunch of current and prospective office holders have made statements opposing their reinstitution.

I'm sure Delta will jump right on a huge, multi-million-dollar move JUST to satisfy your petty vindictiveness, which is totally unrelated to what's actually good for Delta's long-term bottom line. Given how well pandering to the left's demands has worked out so far, I'm sure they're eager to continue making decisions on that basis.

You are correct that Delta will not move, and there is no reason for them to. They do not pay the taxes, their customers do. As do the customers of every airline that flies in and out of Atlanta since this move by the Ga Senate did not just affect Delta but every airline.
Once again we see that liberals really do not like "choice." They only like "choice" when they agree with the choice.

I have yet to see anyone provide a single rational reason for Delta's decision to punish the NRA in the aftermath of the FL school shooting. The NRA had nothing to do with that atrocity. Indeed, if the school had taken the NRA's long-standing advice to arm some teachers and to improve exterior school security, Cruz might not have attacked the school or would have been killed or scared away soon after he opened fire.

Oh, that's an easy one.

Delta was caving to a vocal minority that was frothing at the mouth, and hoping they could scurry out of the line of fire with a minimum of kerfuffle. They appear to have been wrong, but we'll have to wait and watch it play out.
Why do you think the red Georgia senate gave Delta concessions in the first place?? Now they take them away??? I hope delta moves their hubs and sticks Ga with the tax and job loss

Why do I think Georgia initially gave Delta tax breaks? Could have something to do with them being one of the largest employers in the state. :cuckoo:

They also didn't "take them away". The tax breaks had already expired. All that's happened so far is a bunch of current and prospective office holders have made statements opposing their reinstitution.

I'm sure Delta will jump right on a huge, multi-million-dollar move JUST to satisfy your petty vindictiveness, which is totally unrelated to what's actually good for Delta's long-term bottom line. Given how well pandering to the left's demands has worked out so far, I'm sure they're eager to continue making decisions on that basis.
anytime an all red legislature agrees on something i get the feeling some one is getting screwed
Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.

True, my IQ has never been as low as yours, head injury or not.

Thanks for pointing that out!
Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Cecilie Sorry about your injury

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