Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Cecilie Sorry about your injury

Hey, if you like being an insane outlier, go to it. Just don't project onto the rest of us, please.

I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Cecilie Sorry about your injury

Fascinating to see that both you and Gator are proud to display your inability to read English.
I do enjoy being the outlier that is not beholden to one party or the other and that sees both sides clearly. There are not many of us, but we are trying

:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Cecilie Sorry about your injury

Fascinating to see that both you and Gator are proud to display your inability to read English.
See how you are ? I feel bad about your loss of IQ points and you say I can't read English ? OK then ,,,I'm not sorry
:auiqs.jpg: God, you're delusional.

Thanks. I will say coming from you that is a compliment. I never want to be like you again.

Unless you sustained a head injury that cost you a couple dozen IQ points, I doubt you were ever like me.
Cecilie Sorry about your injury

Fascinating to see that both you and Gator are proud to display your inability to read English.
See how you are ? I feel bad about your loss of IQ points and you say I can't read English ? OK then ,,,I'm not sorry

some people just cannot take a compliment. :19:
Do the entire world a favor and PLEASE hold your breath waiting for Delta to follow your "brilliant" business advice of a multi-million-dollar move of its hub, just so that you can feel warm and fuzzy and justified.

You just can't handle the fact that Conservatives' true anti-business nature is now showing. All this time, Conservatives claimed to be the party of the "free market" and capitalism, and now they're proving themselves to be the good little fascists they've always been...using government to enact punitive measures against businesses that don't conform to their ideological standards.
Do the entire world a favor and PLEASE hold your breath waiting for Delta to follow your "brilliant" business advice of a multi-million-dollar move of its hub, just so that you can feel warm and fuzzy and justified.

You just can't handle the fact that Conservatives' true anti-business nature is now showing. All this time, Conservatives claimed to be the party of the "free market" and capitalism, and now they're proving themselves to be the good little fascists they've always been...using government to enact punitive measures against businesses that don't conform to their ideological standards.

It also highlighted the weakness in their economic and social position in the country.
So basically, the same message the left has been sending for years with all their screaming boycotts.

"The left" has never done the fascism you guys are exercising right now, using government to enact punitive measures against a single business because that business doesn't conform to narrow ideological standards. Never. Not once. This is all you, all on you, all about your fascism. Fascism I always knew was inherent in Conservatism; now it's overt for the world to see.

So be a good little fascist and goosestep your way off this thread, coward.
Do the entire world a favor and PLEASE hold your breath waiting for Delta to follow your "brilliant" business advice of a multi-million-dollar move of its hub, just so that you can feel warm and fuzzy and justified.

You just can't handle the fact that Conservatives' true anti-business nature is now showing. All this time, Conservatives claimed to be the party of the "free market" and capitalism, and now they're proving themselves to be the good little fascists they've always been...using government to enact punitive measures against businesses that don't conform to their ideological standards.

It also highlighted the weakness in their economic and social position in the country.
and with these tariffs there goes Trumps prize ,tax cuts Story of trumps life ,,,gives with one hand ,takes with 2
So basically, the same message the left has been sending for years with all their screaming boycotts.

"The left" has never done the fascism you guys are exercising right now, using government to enact punitive measures against a single business because that business doesn't conform to narrow ideological standards. Never. Not once. This is all you, all on you, all about your fascism. Fascism I always knew was inherent in Conservatism; now it's overt for the world to see.

So be a good little fascist and goosestep your way off this thread, coward.
Why Gibson Guitar Was Raided By The Justice Department

that took about 3 seconds to find.
then fine. i'll buy the "legal" stance.

but it's also legal to end deltas gas subsidies.

It's not ending the tax break that's an issue (at least for me), it's the rationale given and the way the government went about it, explicitly saying it was because of Delta stopping discounts for NRA members and even indicating the tax break would continue if Delta reversed their decision and reinstated the discounts. The Georgia government basically said, "If Delta does not go back to giving a special perk to NRA members, no airlines will get a fuel tax break." In my opinion that is a horrible reason for denying the tax break. The government pressuring one specific company to give a discount to a specific organization is a misuse of power.

More, if the information I've read about this is correct, the tax break was not just for Delta, but all airlines. Why is the Georgia government ending tax breaks for all airlines? Why not make an exception to the legislation so that Delta would not qualify unless they reinstituted NRA discounts?
so why aren't you questioning Delta's rationale then? they only took one group's discount not all groups. so they are taking away a perk to punish the members of the NRA only charging their members a higher air fare. And you're cool with that correct?

I'm "cool with that" in the sense that Delta should be free to make such a decision, whereas I do not think the government should be free to use tax legislation as a way to pressure a single person or company to give discounts to any other single person or organization. The government does (or should) operate under different standards and restrictions than private citizens, companies, or organizations.

I honestly don't know why Delta gave a discount to the NRA in the first place, nor what other discounts Delta gives. Whether the move to get rid of the NRA discount was a good or bad business decision, time will tell.

You seem to think the government should be able to operate the same way a private company does. I disagree.
dude it happens in every state for specific customers. Look at the deal Amazon is going to get. don't be so naive that you don't open your own eyes. the state can give tax breaks to any company, just like any company can give discounts. it is no different. and yet you want it to be. wow. blind monkeys.

I'm well aware that companies get tax breaks for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure I disagree with some of those, as well. The state is under no obligation to provide tax breaks for airlines, and I have not once in this thread argued that they are. My argument is, and has been, that the way the Georgia government has gone about this, the explicit way the tax break was made contingent upon Delta giving special treatment to NRA members, is wrong. If Georgia were to make a tax break for Amazon require Amazon give discounts to UNICEF, I would oppose that.
well, again, it's the states call? no different than Delta's to pull the perk from the NRA members. it is no different.
so because government failed at all levels...we're gonna have our guns taken the government who failed at all levels.

going after guns is the craziest thing in the just drives me nuts!

i'm fired up!
we've seem to have taken, as a society, a new meaning to "discrimination" in order to use it as a "HA - BEAT THAT" card.

it's getting harder and harder to sell.

attacking the NRA, OF WHICH not a single shooter HAS EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF isn't discriminating against the NRA and their members?.

Having a discount for one week a year to one specific location taken away is not an attack, this I think is where you and I will never see eye to eye.

The discount was a perk, nothing something earned or something deserved or something required. As such removing it cannot be an attack.

An attack on the NRA and its Members would be to ban them from their planes or raise your prices for for people flying to the convention city.

And even if it were an “attack” it was a perfectly legal one and the government still had no place interfering. We as a country rely way too much on the government to fight our fights for us. It is like running to your big brother for help after talking shit to someone

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then fine. i'll buy the "legal" stance.

but it's also legal to end deltas gas subsidies.

It's not ending the tax break that's an issue (at least for me), it's the rationale given and the way the government went about it, explicitly saying it was because of Delta stopping discounts for NRA members and even indicating the tax break would continue if Delta reversed their decision and reinstated the discounts. The Georgia government basically said, "If Delta does not go back to giving a special perk to NRA members, no airlines will get a fuel tax break." In my opinion that is a horrible reason for denying the tax break. The government pressuring one specific company to give a discount to a specific organization is a misuse of power.

More, if the information I've read about this is correct, the tax break was not just for Delta, but all airlines. Why is the Georgia government ending tax breaks for all airlines? Why not make an exception to the legislation so that Delta would not qualify unless they reinstituted NRA discounts?
1 - i've never said it wasn't stupid
2 - i have said and will continue to say - it's not unexpected.

we're in "emotional times" not rational ones so if you make a move based on your emotional stance i don't understand how people can be so surprised when an emotional response comes back to you.

it's like sticking your hand in fire and getting pissed at the fire for burning you.

if everyone already saw it the way the liberals wanted there'd be no need to protest. since we're protesting, they don't. since they don't, they will react in kind to what you do to them. good, bad, smart or stupid.

called being human.

I completely agree that this move by Delta was going to lead to consequences. I certainly hope I am not giving the impression that I think Delta can do whatever they wish without consequences. It is the specific words and actions the Georgia government took I oppose.

If people or other companies or organizations want to boycott Delta, have at it. Hell, if the government could have at least provided some veneer of impartiality, at least pretended that they weren't punishing a private company for not giving special treatment to one organization, at worst it would have seemed like business as usual. This move is just too openly intrusive for me.

Amazon has been brought up quite a bit. I wouldn't want to see a tax break for Amazon be made contingent on Amazon giving discounts to members of the NRA, or the ACLU, or any other organization. The government already seems to get too involved in private business practices, and this strikes me as just a bit further than the norm.

My position on the Georgia government's actions are in no way a representation of my opinions of the gun control debate in general, nor of the NRA.
I agree to disagree with you. the state did what a state would do in that situation. Delta made the move first and played their hand. The state responded to that play. you don't like it, I give two shits. the fact is mob rule has to end and this shit is just more of mob rule getting their way. When the facts are the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with the Parkland shootings and people then blame them, I say fk off!!! And if a company wishes to penalize innocent people in all of the US, for that incident I say what goes around comes around. and they too can fk off.
It's not ending the tax break that's an issue (at least for me), it's the rationale given and the way the government went about it, explicitly saying it was because of Delta stopping discounts for NRA members and even indicating the tax break would continue if Delta reversed their decision and reinstated the discounts. The Georgia government basically said, "If Delta does not go back to giving a special perk to NRA members, no airlines will get a fuel tax break." In my opinion that is a horrible reason for denying the tax break. The government pressuring one specific company to give a discount to a specific organization is a misuse of power.

More, if the information I've read about this is correct, the tax break was not just for Delta, but all airlines. Why is the Georgia government ending tax breaks for all airlines? Why not make an exception to the legislation so that Delta would not qualify unless they reinstituted NRA discounts?
so why aren't you questioning Delta's rationale then? they only took one group's discount not all groups. so they are taking away a perk to punish the members of the NRA only charging their members a higher air fare. And you're cool with that correct?

I'm "cool with that" in the sense that Delta should be free to make such a decision, whereas I do not think the government should be free to use tax legislation as a way to pressure a single person or company to give discounts to any other single person or organization. The government does (or should) operate under different standards and restrictions than private citizens, companies, or organizations.

I honestly don't know why Delta gave a discount to the NRA in the first place, nor what other discounts Delta gives. Whether the move to get rid of the NRA discount was a good or bad business decision, time will tell.

You seem to think the government should be able to operate the same way a private company does. I disagree.
dude it happens in every state for specific customers. Look at the deal Amazon is going to get. don't be so naive that you don't open your own eyes. the state can give tax breaks to any company, just like any company can give discounts. it is no different. and yet you want it to be. wow. blind monkeys.

I'm well aware that companies get tax breaks for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure I disagree with some of those, as well. The state is under no obligation to provide tax breaks for airlines, and I have not once in this thread argued that they are. My argument is, and has been, that the way the Georgia government has gone about this, the explicit way the tax break was made contingent upon Delta giving special treatment to NRA members, is wrong. If Georgia were to make a tax break for Amazon require Amazon give discounts to UNICEF, I would oppose that.
well, again, it's the states call? no different than Delta's to pull the perk from the NRA members. it is no different.

What the hell does the Georgia State Leg have to do with the NRA? Are they owned by them?
so why aren't you questioning Delta's rationale then? they only took one group's discount not all groups. so they are taking away a perk to punish the members of the NRA only charging their members a higher air fare. And you're cool with that correct?

I'm "cool with that" in the sense that Delta should be free to make such a decision, whereas I do not think the government should be free to use tax legislation as a way to pressure a single person or company to give discounts to any other single person or organization. The government does (or should) operate under different standards and restrictions than private citizens, companies, or organizations.

I honestly don't know why Delta gave a discount to the NRA in the first place, nor what other discounts Delta gives. Whether the move to get rid of the NRA discount was a good or bad business decision, time will tell.

You seem to think the government should be able to operate the same way a private company does. I disagree.
dude it happens in every state for specific customers. Look at the deal Amazon is going to get. don't be so naive that you don't open your own eyes. the state can give tax breaks to any company, just like any company can give discounts. it is no different. and yet you want it to be. wow. blind monkeys.

I'm well aware that companies get tax breaks for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure I disagree with some of those, as well. The state is under no obligation to provide tax breaks for airlines, and I have not once in this thread argued that they are. My argument is, and has been, that the way the Georgia government has gone about this, the explicit way the tax break was made contingent upon Delta giving special treatment to NRA members, is wrong. If Georgia were to make a tax break for Amazon require Amazon give discounts to UNICEF, I would oppose that.
well, again, it's the states call? no different than Delta's to pull the perk from the NRA members. it is no different.

What the hell does the Georgia State Leg have to do with the NRA? Are they owned by them?

This is the problem.

For some it seems they see no difference between the role of the government and the role of private organizations

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It's not ending the tax break that's an issue (at least for me), it's the rationale given and the way the government went about it, explicitly saying it was because of Delta stopping discounts for NRA members and even indicating the tax break would continue if Delta reversed their decision and reinstated the discounts. The Georgia government basically said, "If Delta does not go back to giving a special perk to NRA members, no airlines will get a fuel tax break." In my opinion that is a horrible reason for denying the tax break. The government pressuring one specific company to give a discount to a specific organization is a misuse of power.

More, if the information I've read about this is correct, the tax break was not just for Delta, but all airlines. Why is the Georgia government ending tax breaks for all airlines? Why not make an exception to the legislation so that Delta would not qualify unless they reinstituted NRA discounts?
so why aren't you questioning Delta's rationale then? they only took one group's discount not all groups. so they are taking away a perk to punish the members of the NRA only charging their members a higher air fare. And you're cool with that correct?

I'm "cool with that" in the sense that Delta should be free to make such a decision, whereas I do not think the government should be free to use tax legislation as a way to pressure a single person or company to give discounts to any other single person or organization. The government does (or should) operate under different standards and restrictions than private citizens, companies, or organizations.

I honestly don't know why Delta gave a discount to the NRA in the first place, nor what other discounts Delta gives. Whether the move to get rid of the NRA discount was a good or bad business decision, time will tell.

You seem to think the government should be able to operate the same way a private company does. I disagree.
dude it happens in every state for specific customers. Look at the deal Amazon is going to get. don't be so naive that you don't open your own eyes. the state can give tax breaks to any company, just like any company can give discounts. it is no different. and yet you want it to be. wow. blind monkeys.

I'm well aware that companies get tax breaks for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure I disagree with some of those, as well. The state is under no obligation to provide tax breaks for airlines, and I have not once in this thread argued that they are. My argument is, and has been, that the way the Georgia government has gone about this, the explicit way the tax break was made contingent upon Delta giving special treatment to NRA members, is wrong. If Georgia were to make a tax break for Amazon require Amazon give discounts to UNICEF, I would oppose that.
well, again, it's the states call? no different than Delta's to pull the perk from the NRA members. it is no different.

The functions of and rules of operation of government and the functions of and rules of operation of a private business certainly should be different. The difference is that Delta is a private company, while the Georgia government is not. If another company wanted to take a perk away from Delta, I would have no problem with that. For example, if XYZ Glass supplies Delta, and gives them a discount, XYZ Glass could stop giving Delta a discount in response to this and that would be entirely up to them.

And as I've said, if the Georgia government simply said, "We don't feel this tax break is something we can get behind," that would also have been fine. I don't like the government throwing its weight around, so to speak, in a matter between 2 private organizations that involves no illegal actions, and doing it so blatantly. To go back to a quote from Cagle, he said that he would kill tax break legislation unless Delta reinstated its discount for NRA members, and described it as conservatives fighting back. When he is using the power of government, he isn't representing conservatives, he is representing the people of the state of Georgia.

Partisan politics already bothers me, and this seems like taking it just a little step further, or more openly.
Do the entire world a favor and PLEASE hold your breath waiting for Delta to follow your "brilliant" business advice of a multi-million-dollar move of its hub, just so that you can feel warm and fuzzy and justified.

You just can't handle the fact that Conservatives' true anti-business nature is now showing. All this time, Conservatives claimed to be the party of the "free market" and capitalism, and now they're proving themselves to be the good little fascists they've always been...using government to enact punitive measures against businesses that don't conform to their ideological standards.

Are you still talking?
then i guess think of me not taking a side but trying to understand the motivations behind all the activity and examining our own human behavior. i guess when i do that (a lot it would seem) it can be confusing because i'm not really going at this in a "normal" fashion so fair enough i confuse people at times. i'll work on it.

I think the motivation behind the Delta move are painfully obvious, they thought that it was a good business decision and that continuing to endorse the NRA would be bad for them in the long run. I do not think Delta hates the NRA or gun owners, I think the people making these decisions care about one thing only, money. I would also suspect that they did not expect that removing a discount for one weekend a year to one specific city would cause so much heartache.
and THAT is what i've been saying.

they didn't do this to be neutral. they did it cause of assumed $$$. we can totally agree there then.

people are simply tired of protesters getting their way and businesses caving to the mob mentality. the days you could force a business into this are coming to a close and if you want massive support now, you tell the whiners to bugger off and find something else to do and let them protest away.

so if we agree then it wasn't a "let's stay neutral move" it was business. the state of GA is now doing this for their conservative base but i also agree in an earlier point in that they didn't have time to really ask - they're just doing it in their name.

but when you are doing things emotionally, this is what happens. react, don't think.

blink. :)

A business decision is an neutral decision. A business decision does not care about the NRA or any other group, the only thing that matters in a business decision is how will it impact the bottom line. Nothing is more neutral than that. It is not based on emotion or "liking" something or "hating" something, just MONEY.

I think that the days businesses caving to the mob mentality are coming to a close, I see them getting worse and worse as both sides dig in and refuse to budge an inch.
looks like the impact to Delta will be yuge!!! how stupid for a move to satisfy a mob ruled gang.
so why aren't you questioning Delta's rationale then? they only took one group's discount not all groups. so they are taking away a perk to punish the members of the NRA only charging their members a higher air fare. And you're cool with that correct?

I'm "cool with that" in the sense that Delta should be free to make such a decision, whereas I do not think the government should be free to use tax legislation as a way to pressure a single person or company to give discounts to any other single person or organization. The government does (or should) operate under different standards and restrictions than private citizens, companies, or organizations.

I honestly don't know why Delta gave a discount to the NRA in the first place, nor what other discounts Delta gives. Whether the move to get rid of the NRA discount was a good or bad business decision, time will tell.

You seem to think the government should be able to operate the same way a private company does. I disagree.
dude it happens in every state for specific customers. Look at the deal Amazon is going to get. don't be so naive that you don't open your own eyes. the state can give tax breaks to any company, just like any company can give discounts. it is no different. and yet you want it to be. wow. blind monkeys.

I'm well aware that companies get tax breaks for all sorts of reasons. I'm sure I disagree with some of those, as well. The state is under no obligation to provide tax breaks for airlines, and I have not once in this thread argued that they are. My argument is, and has been, that the way the Georgia government has gone about this, the explicit way the tax break was made contingent upon Delta giving special treatment to NRA members, is wrong. If Georgia were to make a tax break for Amazon require Amazon give discounts to UNICEF, I would oppose that.
well, again, it's the states call? no different than Delta's to pull the perk from the NRA members. it is no different.

The functions of and rules of operation of government and the functions of and rules of operation of a private business certainly should be different. The difference is that Delta is a private company, while the Georgia government is not. If another company wanted to take a perk away from Delta, I would have no problem with that. For example, if XYZ Glass supplies Delta, and gives them a discount, XYZ Glass could stop giving Delta a discount in response to this and that would be entirely up to them.

And as I've said, if the Georgia government simply said, "We don't feel this tax break is something we can get behind," that would also have been fine. I don't like the government throwing its weight around, so to speak, in a matter between 2 private organizations that involves no illegal actions, and doing it so blatantly. To go back to a quote from Cagle, he said that he would kill tax break legislation unless Delta reinstated its discount for NRA members, and described it as conservatives fighting back. When he is using the power of government, he isn't representing conservatives, he is representing the people of the state of Georgia.

Partisan politics already bothers me, and this seems like taking it just a little step further, or more openly.
doesn't the US Postal Service go up against Fed Ex and UPS and other carriers? Isn't the US Postal Service a government agency? The state is in itself a company run by the government. all Services are for customers. It is no different.

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