Georgia set to reaffirm Biden's victory for 3rd time after recount, dealing major blow to Trump's attempt to overturn the results

Which current President endorsed Kemp for Governor?

Or was that just a broken clock moment for The "dipshit" Donnie?
Undoubtedly Trump endorsed a crooked governor.

I blame him for not being omniscient and able to see into the future.
Have a good day, asshole!

You get that these are republicans, yes? That your 'enemies of the people' are fellow republicans?

And even they are get folded up in your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory if they don't make up the results you want.

The governor of Georgia lacks the authority to overturn the election results. The authority to call the election with the Secretary of State of Kemp would know when he WAS the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Yet Trump is bashing him for not doing it anyway. And calling the SoS of Georgia the 'enemy of the people'.

Your conspiracy is eating itself.
No wonder they used Dominion. Texas looked into Dominion and found loads of glitches and decided not to use them. Texas was smart.

Seems the Governor of GA welcomed those glitches. Follow the money folks.
Lin Wood has publicly challenged Kemp to account for the money in the Dominion deal
and also challenged him to sue Wood over the matter.

Of course Kemp has pretended he hasn't heard all this. He will NEVER sue over the matter and
open up the records. Georgia will have a new governor (and Sec. of State) in the next term.
These two sell out bandits are through!
You haven’t laid out facts, you’ve laid out baseless accusations. An alien took over trumps body 10 years ago. Go ahead and dispute that. I’m waiting....
The governor and the Secretary of State of Georgia contracted with Dominion to provide election computers for the state, beginning in 2019, Georgia Awards $107M Voting Machine Contract to Dominion

Given how Dominion has gained this horrible reputation for flipping elections I can see how you want to run away from facts. And I know you can't really be shamed into the truth. You have zero integrity.

What 'horrible reputation' has domination gained for flipping elections?
No wonder they used Dominion. Texas looked into Dominion and found loads of glitches and decided not to use them. Texas was smart.

Seems the Governor of GA welcomed those glitches. Follow the money folks.
Lin Wood has publicly challenged Kemp to account for the money in the Dominion deal
and also challenged him to sue Wood over the matter.

Of course Kemp has pretended he hasn't heard all this. He will NEVER sue over the matter and
open up the records. Georgia will have a new governor (and Sec. of State) in the next term.
These two sell out bandits are through!

Lin Wood can challenge him to a wrestling cage match if he wants to.

The hand recount still obliterates the entire the physical ballots match the electronic tallies by more than 99%.

Your conspiracy is not only baseless, its falsifiable.
You get that these are republicans, yes? That your 'enemies of the people' are fellow republicans?

And even they are get folded up in your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory if they don't make up the results you want.
The facts and the record speaks for itself.
You can take your weak little rationalizations and talking points and fuck yourself!

The governor of Georgia lacks the authority to overturn the election results. The authority to call the election with the Secretary of State of Kemp would know when he WAS the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Yet Trump is bashing him for not doing it anyway. And calling the SoS of Georgia the 'enemy of the people'.

Your conspiracy is eating itself.
The facts are what they are. Kemp and Raffensparger invested last year in the Dominion vote changing machines though other states, like Texas, wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.
Their credibility is gone in Georgia. Their careers are over and I hope it was worth it to them.
SCOTUS is all likelihood will vacate the election in Georgia when all the facts are laid out.

Trump can categorize the situation as he wishes. The fact is Kemp and Raffensparger are caught with their pants around their ankles while hanging from telephone wire. Their credence has vanished for most
Why do you think Republicans Kemp and Raffesparger support Biden over Trump and would commit felonies to rig an election? That’s quite a claim. Care to try and prove it?
Kemp and Raffensperger DID sink millions into Dominion
product with no outside input from others or rationale for the decision).
Lin Wood has dared them to sue him for his allegations as I already pointed out, with no reply whatsoever from Kemp.
Georgia did indeed go to Biden due to election fraud as an investigation of Dominion and it's
weighted advantage the machine gives to Biden.

Kemp and Raffensperger have doubled down on corruption and continue to lie and obfuscate.

Waiting for you counter facts but it looks like you have none.
You haven’t laid out facts, you’ve laid out baseless accusations. An alien took over trumps body 10 years ago. Go ahead and dispute that. I’m waiting....

First show me Paul or Roger were desperate enough to take over a paper tiger of a billionaire!

Show me the probe that was used damn it!

As for the claims that they have the evidence I am still waiting on what was on that server in Germany our Military got when they invaded Germany and went to that office near Soros office and took it...

What no one remember that news story?

Of course not because it was fake like the rest of the shit OAN and Newsmax have been selling on their tabloid shit site!
You get that these are republicans, yes? That your 'enemies of the people' are fellow republicans?

And even they are get folded up in your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory if they don't make up the results you want.
The facts and the record speaks for itself.
You can take your weak little rationalizations and talking points and fuck yourself!

Georgia had two recounts. The electronic vote tallies matched the hand recount of the physical ballots with way more than 99% accuracy.

Those are the facts. Your conspriacy didn't pan out.

And vilifying fellow REPUBLICANS as 'enemies of the State' because you want to ignore the election results does service to no one.

The governor of Georgia lacks the authority to overturn the election results. The authority to call the election with the Secretary of State of Kemp would know when he WAS the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Yet Trump is bashing him for not doing it anyway. And calling the SoS of Georgia the 'enemy of the people'.

Your conspiracy is eating itself.
The facts are what they are. Kemp and Raffensparger invested last year in the Dominion vote changing machines though other states, like Texas, wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.

Their credibility is gone in Georgia. Their careers are over and I hope it was worth it to them.

Why would their credibility be 'gone' for selecting Dominion voting machines?

Again, again.....over 99% accuracy in the hand recounts of the physical ballots to the electronic vote tallies. What 'vote changing' are you talking about?

SCOTUS is all likelihood will vacate the election in Georgia when all the facts are laid out.

Nonsense. You've been fed pseudo-legal gibberish and pipe dreams. Georgia has had not one but TWO recounts. All three counts show the same winner: Biden.

There's virtually no chance that the USSC is going to overturn that. You're being played.
No wonder they used Dominion. Texas looked into Dominion and found loads of glitches and decided not to use them. Texas was smart.

Seems the Governor of GA welcomed those glitches. Follow the money folks.
Lin Wood has publicly challenged Kemp to account for the money in the Dominion deal
and also challenged him to sue Wood over the matter.

Of course Kemp has pretended he hasn't heard all this. He will NEVER sue over the matter and
open up the records. Georgia will have a new governor (and Sec. of State) in the next term.
These two sell out bandits are through!

Lin Wood can challenge him to a wrestling cage match if he wants to.

The hand recount still obliterates the entire the physical ballots match the electronic tallies by more than 99%.

Your conspiracy is not only baseless, its falsifiable.
We believed you massively cheated. That will never change. This nation will be more divided even with the media/entertainers becoming more "cheerful" now. One day they will get theirs. Somehow.
Why would their credibility be 'gone' for selecting Dominion voting machines?

Again, again.....over 99% accuracy in the hand recounts of the physical ballots to the electronic vote tallies. What 'vote changing' are you talking about?

It's documented now. An equal amount of Trump and Biden votes are fed into the Dominion vote changing machines and no matter how many times it's done, Biden winds up with more votes?
Last edited:
Two proven crooks, Kemp and Reffesparger, control the count in Georgia.
I wouldn't believe their count with a gun to my head.
Why would their credibility be 'gone' for selecting Dominion voting machines?

Again, again.....over 99% accuracy in the hand recounts of the physical ballots to the electronic vote tallies. What 'vote changing' are you talking about?

Again, says a tweet. There's nothing corroborating any part of it.

Worse, there's been a hand recount of the physical ballots. And they matched the electronic tallies with way more than 99% accuracy.

Which they obviously wouldn't have if the machines had 'skewed' to Biden by 26%.

You've been played again.
Two proven crooks, Kemp and Reffesparger, control the count in Georgia.
I wouldn't believe their count with a gun to my head.

They're part of your conspiracy because they're 'proven crooks'...And they're 'proven crooks' because they're part of your conspiracy?

Your argument is circular nonsense. Where you literally just fold in anyone who contradicts you, making them part of your conspiracy too.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Trump just lost.
Why would their credibility be 'gone' for selecting Dominion voting machines?

Again, again.....over 99% accuracy in the hand recounts of the physical ballots to the electronic vote tallies. What 'vote changing' are you talking about?

Again, says a tweet. There's nothing corroborating any part of it.

Worse, there's been a hand recount of the physical ballots. And they matched the electronic tallies with way more than 99% accuracy.

Which they obviously wouldn't have if the machines had 'skewed' to Biden by 26%.

You've been played again.
Read my citation. It's way more than simply a "tweet".
Two proven crooks, Kemp and Reffesparger, control the count in Georgia.
I wouldn't believe their count with a gun to my head.

They're part of your conspiracy because they're 'proven crooks'...And they're 'proven crooks' because they're part of your conspiracy?

Your argument is circular nonsense. Where you literally just fold in anyone who contradicts you, making them part of your conspiracy too.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Trump just lost.
Kemp and Raffesparger are crooks because of what they've done. I only consider them crooked based on their own actions. Again, I invite you to fuck yourself.

I gain nothing by wasting my time arguing with a duplicitous knob polisher like you.
I'm happy letting the courts straighten out this criminal mess.
Why would their credibility be 'gone' for selecting Dominion voting machines?

Again, again.....over 99% accuracy in the hand recounts of the physical ballots to the electronic vote tallies. What 'vote changing' are you talking about?

Again, says a tweet. There's nothing corroborating any part of it.

Worse, there's been a hand recount of the physical ballots. And they matched the electronic tallies with way more than 99% accuracy.

Which they obviously wouldn't have if the machines had 'skewed' to Biden by 26%.

You've been played again.
Read my citation. It's way more than simply a "tweet".

The affidavit from Dr. Ayyadurai doesn't include any review of the machines. It cites the TWEET as its corroboration of the the affidavit.

But the tweet has no corroboration. This is just something that GA Rep. Jody Hice 'said' happened, with nothing to back up the claims.

Worse, there's been a hand recount of the physical ballots. And they matched the electronic tallies with way more than 99% accuracy.

Exploding the entire 'vote switching' conspiracy. Your tweet is falsifiable. And backed by absolutely nothing.
You haven’t laid out facts, you’ve laid out baseless accusations. An alien took over trumps body 10 years ago. Go ahead and dispute that. I’m waiting....
The governor and the Secretary of State of Georgia contracted with Dominion to provide election computers for the state, beginning in 2019, Georgia Awards $107M Voting Machine Contract to Dominion

Given how Dominion has gained this horrible reputation for flipping elections I can see how you want to run away from facts. And I know you can't really be shamed into the truth. You have zero integrity.

But you also cannot pretend that the idea that Bill Kemp and his sidekick Raffensperger turned all of Georgia
over to Dominion is a laughable or a crazy idea.

It actually happened. No one is lying to you. And allegations that Kemp and Raffensparger did this for
a substantial kickback from Dominion are also out there and so far Kemp and Raffensparger have been
challenged to deny that claim but have failed to do so in any substantial way.

So they would rather remain tainted and hated then clear their names. And don't think SCOTUS will
not take note this and naturally make the obvious conclusions.
How do ya like those facts!
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like their is fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just none sense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quoting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
Two proven crooks, Kemp and Reffesparger, control the count in Georgia.
I wouldn't believe their count with a gun to my head.

They're part of your conspiracy because they're 'proven crooks'...And they're 'proven crooks' because they're part of your conspiracy?

Your argument is circular nonsense. Where you literally just fold in anyone who contradicts you, making them part of your conspiracy too.

Here's a much simpler explanation: Trump just lost.
Kemp and Raffesparger are crooks because of what they've done. I only consider them crooked based on their own actions. Again, I invite you to fuck yourself.

I gain nothing by wasting my time arguing with a duplicitous knob polisher like you.
I'm happy letting the courts straighten out this criminal mess.

Sounds like its time to "Parler" up and increase the volume of your echo chamber. As your claims just don't hold up to even the slightest scrutiny.

You'd be happier around people that never question you.
You haven’t laid out facts, you’ve laid out baseless accusations. An alien took over trumps body 10 years ago. Go ahead and dispute that. I’m waiting....
The governor and the Secretary of State of Georgia contracted with Dominion to provide election computers for the state, beginning in 2019, Georgia Awards $107M Voting Machine Contract to Dominion

Given how Dominion has gained this horrible reputation for flipping elections I can see how you want to run away from facts. And I know you can't really be shamed into the truth. You have zero integrity.

But you also cannot pretend that the idea that Bill Kemp and his sidekick Raffensperger turned all of Georgia
over to Dominion is a laughable or a crazy idea.

It actually happened. No one is lying to you. And allegations that Kemp and Raffensparger did this for
a substantial kickback from Dominion are also out there and so far Kemp and Raffensparger have been
challenged to deny that claim but have failed to do so in any substantial way.

So they would rather remain tainted and hated then clear their names. And don't think SCOTUS will
not take note this and naturally make the obvious conclusions.
How do ya like those facts!
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like their is fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just none sense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quoting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already

Exactly. Their argument is blithering nonsense. Where their accusation and their 'evidence' is the exact same thing.

Its a classic circular argument.
Sounds like its time to "Parler" up and increase the volume of your echo chamber. As your claims just don't hold up to even the slightest scrutiny.

You'd be happier around people that never question you.
Weak limp wristed insults in place of actual arguments. You're done! See you never.
Sounds like its time to "Parler" up and increase the volume of your echo chamber. As your claims just don't hold up to even the slightest scrutiny.

You'd be happier around people that never question you.
Weak limp wristed insults in place of actual arguments. You're done! See you never.

The hand recount of the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy obliterates your entire 'vote switching' conspiracy.

The moment I mentioned fled.

Good luck with that.

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