Black Voter Support For GOP Increased 400% Due To Trump's Mugshot

I don't care who black people vote for, I just hope they all vote, I don't have any clue as to what the Democrats or Republicans will do in the future, I hope we go to a rank voting system and get break their stranglehold on America. The two parties work for the rich, make laws for the rich and place the burdens on the working class. Some of us believe the BS that they are looking out for us, that is a flat out lie, the parties have provn they look out for their party first, not people.
Right. Rank voting someone who didn't get my vote takes it anyway.
77% of blacks voting for Trump is a poor show. It should be at least 100% and probably more when you add in the postal vote.

If you want to get to the promised land then Donald J Trump is your Moses. He is the blackest man in America and employs many of them in his golf clubs..

What is wrong with these people ?
Black people should know their place right ?
There is no border crisis, that was his claim, so he has done nothing to stop the flow and why should border states have to pay for them, New York City is a sanctuary city, they welcome all with open arms, good for them. Therefore have been warnings for a long time and because NY wasn’t threatened they were all in, now they can fix the mess they invited.
Who is it that has told this folks this is the land of opportunity? Who are the folks that are hiring these folks when they get here? Folks don't go where there is no opportunity for them.

"Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed Wednesday that polls show his support among Black Americans has quadrupled or quintupled since his mug shot was released. On Wednesday, Trump claimed in a falsehood-filled interview with conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt that “many Democrats” will be voting for him in the 2024 election. He then made this assertion: “The Black community is so different for me in the last – since that mug shot was taken, I don’t know if you’ve seen the polls; my polls with the Black community have gone up four and five times.”

Factcheck: National public polls do not show anything close to an increase of “four and five times” in Black support for Trump since his mug shot was taken, either in a race against President Joe Biden or in his own favorability rating; Trump’s campaign did not respond to CNN’s request to identify any poll that corroborates Trump’s claim."

Of course the lame-stream media will claim that Trump is lying; but the truth is, at least 69% of blacks will be voting for Trump among many other GOP candidates this year - ever since they saw Trump's mugshot. Trump and the GOP understand how unfair and racially biased the justice system is against blacks; Trump definitely understands how it feels to be falsely arrested on fake evidence, Trump himself saw this first hand when he was forced to falsely accuse the Central Park 5 of rape, even after they were exonerated -- all due to the Democrats racist treatment of blacks in our justice system for all of these years. This is why 77% of blacks will vote for Trump next year.

But it is even worse than that; any attempt to bring attention to the fact our justice system was built on institutional racism is seen as CRT and Dems try to prevent anyone learning about it. In fact, since it is the GOP's belief that most blacks are either felons or want to be felons; the Dems are working over time to pass voting restrictions that try to prevent these blacks from ever receiving their voting rights what they did in Florida:

"Nearly five years after Floridians voted to allow people with felony convictions to restore their voting rights, the coalition that pushed for the change is suing the state, arguing Florida created a system that impedes the will of the voters. The amendment’s passage was hailed as a major civil rights victory - But a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday, argues the state has thwarted the aspirations of the citizens of Florida who enacted Amendment 4, and the aspirations of those whose rights it restored.”

With this recent development of over 87% of back voters now voting for Trump - since they believe he is one of them, a felon; it makes perfect sense why Democrats are doing any and everything to prevent ex-felons from voting - and if someone says "Do you think most blacks are criminals?" - No, but whoever thinks getting a mugshot will make 92% of a certain demographic vote for you, then maybe they think they're all criminals.
What a curious thing to celebrate. I suppose if he was caught with cocaine he'd nail the drug dealer vote too. Is this the new Republican strategy?
Think about it. The racist left's assumption is that black people identify with anyone who has been arrested.
what he says! ;)

From MSNBC September 8th...

"The New York Times’ analysis found that Biden’s support among nonwhite voters seems to have faded significantly since he entered office. He won more than 70% of nonwhite voters in 2020; now, according to the Times’ aggregation of New York Times/Siena College polls from 2022 and 2023, [Biden] only leads Trump 53% to 28% among registered nonwhite voters. The Times reported that Biden’s weak support among Black, Latino and other voters of color “appears to be mostly responsible for the close race in early national surveys, which show Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump all but tied among registered voters even as Mr. Biden runs as well among white voters as he did four years ago.”


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