Georgia set to reaffirm Biden's victory for 3rd time after recount, dealing major blow to Trump's attempt to overturn the results

How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like their is fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just none sense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quoting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
You need to ask Texas why they rejected Dominion's business. Maybe it's the unsavory alliances Dominion has with China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.
The hand recount of the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy obliterates your entire 'vote switching' conspiracy.

The moment I mentioned fled.

Good luck with that.
See post #54, again. I won't hold your hand.
The hand recount of the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy obliterates your entire 'vote switching' conspiracy.

The moment I mentioned fled.

Good luck with that.
See post #54, again. I won't hold your hand.

Uh-huh. The moment I mentioned that the hand counts obliterate your 'vote changing' conspiracy.....with the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy..... suddenly had to flee to your safe space.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run. Alas, you can do little else.
Uh-huh. The moment I mentioned that the hand counts obliterate your 'vote changing' conspiracy.....with the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy..... suddenly had to flee to your safe space.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run. Alas, you can do little else.
And if you had any credence at all you wouldn't have to lie about my actions and make shit up.
All you do is invite people to ignore you by acting like such a prick.
The quickest way to isolate yourself is to lie about others insisting on things they know not
to be true.
Uh-huh. The moment I mentioned that the hand counts obliterate your 'vote changing' conspiracy.....with the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy..... suddenly had to flee to your safe space.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run. Alas, you can do little else.
And if you had any credence at all you wouldn't have to lie about my actions and make shit up.
All you do is invite people to ignore you by acting like such a prick.
The quickest way to isolate yourself is to lie about others insisting on things they know not
to be true.

Anyone can review our conversation and see *exactly* when you suddenly felt that you had to run away to your safespace.

It was the moment I mentioned that the hand counts obliterate your 'vote changing' conspiracy.....with the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.....

You still refuse to address it. Why? Because it falsifies your 'vote changing' conspiracy. A conspiracy that is backed by nothing.

Time to 'Parler Up'. You'd clearly be happier around people that never question your silly conspiracies.
Votes were weighted, idiot. Not changed.

Dude, you don't even know the conspiracy you're apeing.

"Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both."

But votes weren't 'changed' in your latest iteration of this conspiracy? If you're going to mindless regurgitate whatever conspiracy pablum you're told to least do so accurately.

And noticed that you STILL won't address the fact that the physical ballots match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

You clearly need a safe space.
Dude, you don't even know the conspiracy you're apeing.

"Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both."

But votes weren't 'changed' in your latest iteration of this conspiracy? If you're going to mindless regurgitate whatever conspiracy pablum you're told to least do so accurately.
I'm quoting facts to you! Don't try to gaslight the situation by pretending I am the one that is confused,
lying, uniformed, etc..
Votes were weighted, idiot. Not changed.

Dude, you don't even know the conspiracy you're apeing.

"Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both."

But votes weren't 'changed' in your latest iteration of this conspiracy? If you're going to mindless regurgitate whatever conspiracy pablum you're told to least do so accurately.

And noticed that you STILL won't address the fact that the physical ballots match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

You clearly need a safe space.
Well done but I dont know why you are bothering.
Dude, you don't even know the conspiracy you're apeing.

"Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both."

But votes weren't 'changed' in your latest iteration of this conspiracy? If you're going to mindless regurgitate whatever conspiracy pablum you're told to least do so accurately.
I'm quoting facts to you! Don't try to gaslight the situation by pretending I am the one that is confused,
lying, uniformed, etc..

You're quoting nothing. Your own conspiracy doesn't say a thing about 'weighting'. It talks about votes for Trump being changed to votes for Biden.

A conspiracy backed by nothing.

And one obviously falsifiable by the fact that physical ballots match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy. You can't get around this.

Why is why you keep running. Time for another 'safe space.
Votes were weighted, idiot. Not changed.

Dude, you don't even know the conspiracy you're apeing.

"Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both."

But votes weren't 'changed' in your latest iteration of this conspiracy? If you're going to mindless regurgitate whatever conspiracy pablum you're told to least do so accurately.

And noticed that you STILL won't address the fact that the physical ballots match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

You clearly need a safe space.
Well done but I dont know why you are bothering.

I like to watch their grand arguments winnowed down by the slow attrition of evidence until they're openly and obviously ignoring the obliteration of their conspiracy.

LIke I forced Eric to do when he ignored the fact that the physical ballots match the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

So much for their 'vote changing' nonsense.
You get that these are republicans, yes? That your 'enemies of the people' are fellow republicans?

And even they are get folded up in your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory if they don't make up the results you want.
The facts and the record speaks for itself.
You can take your weak little rationalizations and talking points and fuck yourself!

The governor of Georgia lacks the authority to overturn the election results. The authority to call the election with the Secretary of State of Kemp would know when he WAS the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Yet Trump is bashing him for not doing it anyway. And calling the SoS of Georgia the 'enemy of the people'.

Your conspiracy is eating itself.
The facts are what they are. Kemp and Raffensparger invested last year in the Dominion vote changing machines though other states, like Texas, wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.
Their credibility is gone in Georgia. Their careers are over and I hope it was worth it to them.
SCOTUS is all likelihood will vacate the election in Georgia when all the facts are laid out.

Trump can categorize the situation as he wishes. The fact is Kemp and Raffensparger are caught with their pants around their ankles while hanging from telephone wire. Their credence has vanished for most
You keep saying the facts are the facts yet you can’t show anything to prove what you call facts! Is this a joke or Do you really think you are making convincing arguments?
You get that these are republicans, yes? That your 'enemies of the people' are fellow republicans?

And even they are get folded up in your increasingly batshit conspiracy theory if they don't make up the results you want.
The facts and the record speaks for itself.
You can take your weak little rationalizations and talking points and fuck yourself!

The governor of Georgia lacks the authority to overturn the election results. The authority to call the election with the Secretary of State of Kemp would know when he WAS the Secretary of State of Georgia.

Yet Trump is bashing him for not doing it anyway. And calling the SoS of Georgia the 'enemy of the people'.

Your conspiracy is eating itself.
The facts are what they are. Kemp and Raffensparger invested last year in the Dominion vote changing machines though other states, like Texas, wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.
Their credibility is gone in Georgia. Their careers are over and I hope it was worth it to them.
SCOTUS is all likelihood will vacate the election in Georgia when all the facts are laid out.

Trump can categorize the situation as he wishes. The fact is Kemp and Raffensparger are caught with their pants around their ankles while hanging from telephone wire. Their credence has vanished for most
You keep saying the facts are the facts yet you can’t show anything to prove what you call facts! Is this a joke or Do you really think you are making convincing arguments?

Its circular horseshit. Dominion is corrupt because its part of his conspiracy. And its part of his conspiracy because its corrupt.

Same with Kemp. Same with the SoS. Same with anyone who they fold into their stupidly complicated dumpster fire of a conspiracy

Meanwhile......the recount of the physical ballots matching the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy just obliterates their entire silly conspiracy. Which is why they ignore the it.
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like it’s a fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just nonsense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quiting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
You need to ask Texas why they rejected Dominion's business. Maybe it's the unsavory alliances Dominion has with China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.
No I don’t need to ask Texas why they didn’t use Dominion. Apparently you can’t answer the question because it exposes your hypocrisy. I get it
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like it’s a fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just nonsense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quiting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
You need to ask Texas why they rejected Dominion's business. Maybe it's the unsavory alliances Dominion has with China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.
No I don’t need to ask Texas why they didn’t use Dominion. Apparently you can’t answer the question because it exposes your hypocrisy. I get it

24 States used Dominion, so those saying Dominion cheated to make sure Trump would not win would need to explain why those few States had that issue with the suppose cheating while others did not?

I know it is not OAN or Newsmax where the great minds of Trump base get their tabloid nonsense from but Reuters made it clear that 24 States used the Dominion machines, so let be clear Trump and his base along with Newsmax and OAN are full of shit about the Fraud they claim!
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like it’s a fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just nonsense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quiting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
You need to ask Texas why they rejected Dominion's business. Maybe it's the unsavory alliances Dominion has with China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.
No I don’t need to ask Texas why they didn’t use Dominion. Apparently you can’t answer the question because it exposes your hypocrisy. I get it

24 States used Dominion, so those saying Dominion cheated to make sure Trump would not win would need to explain why those few States had that issue with the suppose cheating while others did not?

I know it is not OAN or Newsmax where the great minds of Trump base get their tabloid nonsense from but Reuters made it clear that 24 States used the Dominion machines, so let be clear Trump and his base along with Newsmax and OAN are full of shit about the Fraud they claim!

Another major problem with Trump's the Doctrine of Laches. They knew dominion machines were in use before the election. If they were that obviously unreliable, they could have taken legal action before the election.

Instead, the waited until AFTER the election, then argued that the machines were only unreliable in states they lost, THEN only for one of the races that the machines tabulated.

If it sounds like bullshit, that's because it is. And its been laughed out of court again and again.
How much was the Texas contact with their system? You pretend like it’s a fact that dominion is known for flipping elections. That’s just nonsense. You only know about Doninion because Trump is crying foul and that’s the system he is pointing at. We knew he was going to cry fouls and blindly throw darts at as many things as he could to blame. We knew this before the election even happened. And here you are trying to defend this idiocracy without the ability to back any of it up.

Just because the Republican Georgia reps are chomping at the bit to disprove all the ridiculous conspiracy theory’s being tossed at them does not prove the conspiracies are true. If they were true and if there was evidence then the AG would place them under arrest. But that’s not happening, instead Barr is thinking about quiting because Trump is off the rails. This is such an embarrassing disgrace for Trump and all you fools trying to defend his lies.Just stop already
You need to ask Texas why they rejected Dominion's business. Maybe it's the unsavory alliances Dominion has with China, Iran, Venezuela, etc.
No I don’t need to ask Texas why they didn’t use Dominion. Apparently you can’t answer the question because it exposes your hypocrisy. I get it

24 States used Dominion, so those saying Dominion cheated to make sure Trump would not win would need to explain why those few States had that issue with the suppose cheating while others did not?

I know it is not OAN or Newsmax where the great minds of Trump base get their tabloid nonsense from but Reuters made it clear that 24 States used the Dominion machines, so let be clear Trump and his base along with Newsmax and OAN are full of shit about the Fraud they claim!

Another major problem with Trump's the Doctrine of Laches. They knew dominion machines were in use before the election. If they were that obviously unreliable, they could have taken legal action before the election.

Instead, the waited until AFTER the election, then argued that the machines were only unreliable in states they lost, THEN only for one of the races that the machines tabulated.

If it sounds like bullshit, that's because it is. And its been laughed out of court again and again.

I totally agree and this nonsense is annoying and when it is over the reality is the American Voter will have no faith in the voting system because of Trump, OAN, Newsmax and Trump base...

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