Georgia Supreme Court Rejects Trump's Request To Shut Down Election Probe

Over 50% of your posts accuse another poster of lying, being a liar.
I'm not lying, do the math.

Come up with some new material.
Well, when the shoe fits.

At least you simply make up your claims out of whole clothe.

Drop dead. Please. You know, if you can. 😎
Same difference, horse paste eater
No. It’s not the same difference.

One is false (i typically dishonest claim) and one is true (my polite effort to correct your misstatement). 👍

Also, your ad hominems are insipid, just like you. They suck ass, just like you. 👍
No. It’s not the same difference.

One is false (i typically dishonest claim) and one is true (my polite effort to correct your misstatement). 👍

Also, your ad hominems are insipid, just like you. They suck ass, just like you. 👍

Hardening of the arteries must be a bitch.
No. It’s not the same difference.

One is false (i typically dishonest claim) and one is true (my polite effort to correct your misstatement). 👍

Also, your ad hominems are insipid, just like you. They suck ass, just like you. 👍
Trump had to tuck his limp noodle between his legs and go back to his motel in Florida to cry into his Truthy Social. He posted the following: "
I got fucked by the Georgia SC. The Georgia SC is corrupt and an instrument of the deeeeeeep state. Send me some money."
You have homoerotic fantasies about Trump and you ate horse paste.
Trump had to tuck his limp noodle between his legs and go back to his motel in Florida to cry into his Truthy Social. He posted the following: "
I got fucked by the Georgia SC. The Georgia SC is corrupt and an instrument of the deeeeeeep state. Send me some money."
You have homoerotic fantasies about Trump and you ate horse paste.
You are a tragically confused retard and you can’t even follow an easily read thread.

You’re the one worried about the man’s penis ya dopey twat.

And your ad hominems are simply awful. You’d be embarrassed if you had any sense. Or a brain. Or self respect.
You are a tragically confused retard and you can’t even follow an easily read thread.

You’re the one worried about the man’s penis ya dopey twat.

And your ad hominems are simply awful. You’d be embarrassed if you had any sense. Or a brain. Or self respect.
You horse paste eating moron. Trump should have filed first with a lower court. But being the entitlement sow that Trump is, he went to the SC first. Now he doesn't need to bother with petitioning the appropriate lower court since they already know the SC ruling.
WTF handles Grifty's legal affairs? Somebody who graduated Trump University? Some dime store lawyer?
You horse paste eating moron. Trump should have filed first with a lower court. But being the entitlement sow that Trump is, he went to the SC first. Now he doesn't need to bother with petitioning the appropriate lower court since they already know the SC ruling.
WTF handles Grifty's legal affairs? Somebody who graduated Trump University? Some dime store lawyer?
You’re too lame to banter with.

Toddle off. Or waddle. I’m guessing you waddle.
Zzzz. Damn, you’re terrible at this.

Did you get a Masters in Dull?
Solid facts just don't do it for you. You crave the exotic stuff, far out stuff like birtherism and replacement theory. New Word Order and George Soros. The shit for cranks. Did you know that the great American crackpot went with horse paste during the pandemic? Yup, those nutters actually ate horse dewormer. lol

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