Georgian Bigot Backlash

I guess those that don't accept Caitlyn Jenner as being normal are now bigots. If you don't want a tranny using the same restroom at the same time your 7 year old daughter uses it, you are a bigot. It's one thing to be tolerant, but we are moving to "either you have to completely approve and like it or you are a bigot".
Bruce Jenner is a man who showed no trace of homosexuality and suddenly after facing prison time due to a vehicular court case - he decides to be a transgender? It's more likely that Bruce was told what he was going to be because as always - Hollywood has an agenda to fulfill. America should boycott Hollywood permanently. They do not define our times. The Word of God defines our times and all times even until the end of time. Open the Book and read it.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
I don't care what you do. If your business survived after that got out. good for you. but I'm not going to push myself into your life and business. none of you have that moral authority or was put on this earth to be judge and jury of all mankind
Yet that is what you are trying to do to the rest of us. In a democratic republic with a constitution, Steph, you follow the law or else.

The great population and God does not care what the Jeremiah wonkeys think.
Georgia could lose out on hosting the Superbowl if Governor signs anti-LGBT bill
This must be the correct way to fight bigotry ?
Isolate the bigots,cut them off from mainstream civilisation.
Businesses leaving the state as well. Hopefully we will see bands refuse to play and so on.
Ultimately, the best way to fight bigotry in the US is to hurt them financially and make them economically accountable.

Hence Trump's success at bringing them out of the woodwork after decades of politicians appealing to this constituency through more and more guarded dog-whistles.
oh brother. you people are paranoid. dog whistles. would you like to round them up and have a mass hanging?
Where to start with that non-sequitur, I wonder?
Well, I put your spew of hate and nonsense. calling Trumps supporters BIGOTS in the trash can. you're quite the bigot in your own right

LOL They don't even know the definition of is a novel thought, if you dislike Christians (or any other faction of people) you're a bigot.
Tommy the taint is right. thinks they are put on earth to go out and DESTROY others if they don't bow to their way of thinking they should. and then you have the laughass as one of his brown shirts.
Tommy the taint is right. thinks they are put on earth to go out and DESTROY others if they don't bow to their way of thinking they should. and then you have the laughass as one of his brown shirts.
Steph we know that you and your ilk are the brown shirts.
Remember when all they wanted was to be left alone and stay out their bedrooms?
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
I don't care what you do. If your business survived after that got out. good for you. but I'm not going to push myself into your life and business. none of you have that moral authority or was put on this earth to be judge and jury of all mankind

And that's the sort of country you want to live in, where people are segregated and hate each other? Where people can openly oppose people for ignorant nonsense? Then it might say a lot about you?
Only a strange petty God would be upset because gays got to eat cake and got married....I am pretty dang certain no self respecting deity would worry about minor stuff like that ...
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.
As time marches on the bigots will become more of an irrelevance.They will be seen as anachronisms and the last of them will be displayed in cages where they will wear a puzzled look and scratch their arses all day.
They are becoming more marginalized
And that's the sort of country you want to live in, where people are segregated and hate each other? Where people can openly oppose people for ignorant nonsense? Then it might say a lot about you?
Careful, they'll be calling you a "commie" next.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
I don't care what you do. If your business survived after that got out. good for you. but I'm not going to push myself into your life and business. none of you have that moral authority or was put on this earth to be judge and jury of all mankind

And that's the sort of country you want to live in, where people are segregated and hate each other? Where people can openly oppose people for ignorant nonsense? Then it might say a lot about you?
You know what. PEOPLE normally segregate themselves with people of the same. you high and mighty people, (bigots Yourselves for judging others because of what YOU BELEIVE) think you have a right to impose on everyone your views. that's what makes you and your ilk so insufferable and dangerous to the rest of us in the country
And that's the sort of country you want to live in, where people are segregated and hate each other? Where people can openly oppose people for ignorant nonsense? Then it might say a lot about you?
Careful, they'll be calling you a "commie" next.

No doubt I've been called it in the past. Name calling just makes me ignore people.
And anyone with a measurable IQ knows what a damning, hurtful and stinging pejorative that is.

Now that is an anachronism!

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