Georgian Bigot Backlash

they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.

I am not aware of any religious belief that prohibits serving or not serving people because of the color of their skin. Perhaps you can enlighten me.

It doesn't matter. If you make a law that says you only need to have the religious belief to be able to legally deny people stuff, then people can claim what they hell they like.

Oh, in South Africa they used religion to justify their treatment of blacks, the KKK used religion to justify their beliefs too.
what a free country eh? you pathetic people can't get by without LAWS to FORCE others to do your bidding. because finding another business is just earth shattering to people's psyche.
others to do your bidding.

Others? like who

Actually when someone calls someone a Communist, I'd assume they mean it. I'm not a Communist and I don't like Communism, and I'd fight to stop Communism, but that doesn't mean I would hurt people for just having those views.
In all truth my post was dripping with sarcasm.

I'm not a Communist either, but being called one (and I have been) is hardly the apex of insults. I'd be more piqued if I was called stupid, brainwashed or illiterate.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.

I am not aware of any religious belief that prohibits serving or not serving people because of the color of their skin. Perhaps you can enlighten me.

It doesn't matter. If you make a law that says you only need to have the religious belief to be able to legally deny people stuff, then people can claim what they hell they like.

Oh, in South Africa they used religion to justify their treatment of blacks, the KKK used religion to justify their beliefs too.
what a free country eh? you pathetic people can't get by without LAWS to FORCE others to do your bidding. because finding another business is just earth shattering to people's psyche.

Actually, it has ALWAYS been so.

When people lived in tribes, or in small social groups, someone would be in charge.

Religion was a tool of those who wanted to control people. As people moved together, so religion gained strength.

Blasphemy laws were designed to get people to shut up and not rock the boat. Exactly what Islamic Extremism is trying to do, and even Christian extremism.

Morals are the same thing, they're what is right and what is wrong, and they are from society and they get taught to the young and pass down the generations.

It's not about finding other businesses, it's about being treated in a certain way in public. But, you've probably never been in the minority and felt what it is like. Empathy, you should try it.
Actually when someone calls someone a Communist, I'd assume they mean it. I'm not a Communist and I don't like Communism, and I'd fight to stop Communism, but that doesn't mean I would hurt people for just having those views.
In all truth my post was dripping with sarcasm.

I'm not a Communist either, but being called one (and I have been) is hardly the apex of insults. I'd be more piqued if I was called stupid, brainwashed or illiterate.

I understood that this wasn't necessarily your view point. However you brought something forward and I wanted to reply to it.

I've actually known Communists. Not really friends, people I just knew, and I didn't agree with them. I've had a run in with one when I said Stalin was worse than Franco too.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
I don't care what you do. If your business survived after that got out. good for you. but I'm not going to push myself into your life and business. none of you have that moral authority or was put on this earth to be judge and jury of all mankind

And that's the sort of country you want to live in, where people are segregated and hate each other? Where people can openly oppose people for ignorant nonsense? Then it might say a lot about you?
You know what. PEOPLE normally segregate themselves with people of the same. you high and mighty people, (bigots Yourselves for judging others because of what YOU BELEIVE) think you have a right to impose on everyone your views. that's what makes you and your ilk so insufferable and dangerous to the rest of us in the country
Then you have the right to stay away from society , no one is forcing YOU to do anything you may personally find repugnant , but don't project you bigotry and demand others to share that bigotry and ignorance
It's this homosexual mafia and their comrades who are the danger to us all and to our freedoms. they feel they can USE government, laws and now BIG CORPS to force themselves and views off on everyone. We had a Fascist like that for eight years acting like a President. wake up now, kick them out of our lives before it's too late
I understood that this wasn't necessarily your view point. However you brought something forward and I wanted to reply to it.

I've actually known Communists. Not really friends, people I just knew, and I didn't agree with them. I've had a run in with one when I said Stalin was worse than Franco too.
Fair enough, but the thing is what is a Communist? Why are they inherently bad?

These mouthbreathers can mention Stalin and Mao; and that's where their intellectual rigour buckles and abandons them. It just smacks of McCarthyite brainwashing (a dark, dark period in US history) that has poisoned minds in much the same way that its adherents were taught to abhor in their opposite number.
It's a part of our free democracy that people can use economic pressure to change things they feel is unfair. That's fine, that's freedom in America.


The treacherous corrupt left only approves if this when it suits them. If people try to use economic pressure to push right wing beliefs and desires, the left goes to court and uses the police power of government to force people to obey. Fucking despicable assholes democrats are.
I guess those that don't accept Caitlyn Jenner as being normal are now bigots. If you don't want a tranny using the same restroom at the same time your 7 year old daughter uses it, you are a bigot. It's one thing to be tolerant, but we are moving to "either you have to completely approve and like it or you are a bigot".

Nobody says you have to like it. Just abide by the laws. That's enough.
I understood that this wasn't necessarily your view point. However you brought something forward and I wanted to reply to it.

I've actually known Communists. Not really friends, people I just knew, and I didn't agree with them. I've had a run in with one when I said Stalin was worse than Franco too.
Fair enough, but the thing is what is a Communist? Why are they inherently bad?

These mouthbreathers can mention Stalin and Mao; and that's where their intellectual rigour buckles and abandons them. It just smacks of McCarthyite brainwashing (a dark, dark period in US history) that has poisoned minds in much the same way that its adherents were taught to abhor in their opposite number.

Well, I don't lie Communism because I wouldn't want to live in a society where I couldn't be selfish and do what I want.

People have different levels of desire when it comes to work, some want to be rich, others don't care, like me. I just want to live my life in my way.
It's this homosexual mafia and their comrades who are the danger to us all and to our freedoms. they feel they can USE government, laws and now BIG CORPS to force themselves and views off on everyone. We had a Fascist like that for eight years acting like a President. wake up now, kick them out of our lives before it's too late

No it isn't. You're just going off on one.

What fundamental principle do you want in life?
I understood that this wasn't necessarily your view point. However you brought something forward and I wanted to reply to it.

I've actually known Communists. Not really friends, people I just knew, and I didn't agree with them. I've had a run in with one when I said Stalin was worse than Franco too.
Fair enough, but the thing is what is a Communist? Why are they inherently bad?

These mouthbreathers can mention Stalin and Mao; and that's where their intellectual rigour buckles and abandons them. It just smacks of McCarthyite brainwashing (a dark, dark period in US history) that has poisoned minds in much the same way that its adherents were taught to abhor in their opposite number.

May I assume that Mao and Stalin are in your book of heroes?
How dare gay people and their allies use their economic power in the free market!? How very dare they!
I guess those that don't accept Caitlyn Jenner as being normal are now bigots. If you don't want a tranny using the same restroom at the same time your 7 year old daughter uses it, you are a bigot. It's one thing to be tolerant, but we are moving to "either you have to completely approve and like it or you are a bigot".

Nobody says you have to like it. Just abide by the laws. That's enough.

No, when comes to being a bigot.
I guess those that don't accept Caitlyn Jenner as being normal are now bigots. If you don't want a tranny using the same restroom at the same time your 7 year old daughter uses it, you are a bigot. It's one thing to be tolerant, but we are moving to "either you have to completely approve and like it or you are a bigot".

Nobody says you have to like it. Just abide by the laws. That's enough.

No, when comes to being a bigot.
If following the law is sufficient for not being a bigot, the there should be no problem with passing this law in Georgia and following it.
I guess those that don't accept Caitlyn Jenner as being normal are now bigots. If you don't want a tranny using the same restroom at the same time your 7 year old daughter uses it, you are a bigot. It's one thing to be tolerant, but we are moving to "either you have to completely approve and like it or you are a bigot".

Nobody says you have to like it. Just abide by the laws. That's enough.

No, when comes to being a bigot.
If following the law is sufficient for not being a bigot, the there should be no problem with passing this law in Georgia and following it.

If there are enough bigots to pass the law, and it isn't struck down by a superseding law you might be right. I would be interested in checking on those superseding laws though.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
Rejecting black people is based upon bigotry. Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex marriage is based on obedience to God's laws over man's. No matter who that man is. If any man tells you that you must accept same sex marriage as normal you can be assured that man does not speak for God! Obey God and damn the consequences. Romans 1 is not going to be edited from the King James Bible. Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow and for ever. His Word shall endure forever.
I beat up a faggot and I feel bad about it.... - The Landover Baptist Church Forum
You people are a parody of yourselves.

Hey Tommy, that's a satire site.
Yes,thats why I used the word "parody". However in some instances it is difficult to see the difference between their satire and the real life bigotry on here. I think you would fit in on there.

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