Georgian Bigot Backlash

I understood that this wasn't necessarily your view point. However you brought something forward and I wanted to reply to it.

I've actually known Communists. Not really friends, people I just knew, and I didn't agree with them. I've had a run in with one when I said Stalin was worse than Franco too.
Fair enough, but the thing is what is a Communist? Why are they inherently bad?

These mouthbreathers can mention Stalin and Mao; and that's where their intellectual rigour buckles and abandons them. It just smacks of McCarthyite brainwashing (a dark, dark period in US history) that has poisoned minds in much the same way that its adherents were taught to abhor in their opposite number.
Commmunism doesnt exist anywhere. Its a catch all phrase that helps bigots describe people who arent to the right of Genghis Khan.
they could lose the super bowl. the NFL is famous for putting in murderers, wife abusers, dog fighters, etc and they are dictating what STATES should do. what a joke. and the bigot is who posted the thread.

So, if I decided to not serve black people because of my religious beliefs, you'd be up for that no doubt.
Rejecting black people is based upon bigotry. Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex marriage is based on obedience to God's laws over man's. No matter who that man is. If any man tells you that you must accept same sex marriage as normal you can be assured that man does not speak for God! Obey God and damn the consequences. Romans 1 is not going to be edited from the King James Bible. Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow and for ever. His Word shall endure forever.
I beat up a faggot and I feel bad about it.... - The Landover Baptist Church Forum
You people are a parody of yourselves.

Hey Tommy, that's a satire site.
Yes,thats why I used the word "parody". However in some instances it is difficult to see the difference between their satire and the real life bigotry on here. I think you would fit in on there.

I think you would fit in on the receiving end of the event in the article
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.
It depends on whose rights you think are more important. The public or the bigots. You cant pick and choose your customers on the basis of anything other than they can pay and that they behave themselves whilst in your business. Otherwise you end up with anarchy and a nasty regressive society.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.
It depends on whose rights you think are more important. The public or the bigots. You cant pick and choose your customers on the basis of anything other than they can pay and that they behave themselves whilst in your business. Otherwise you end up with anarchy and a nasty regressive society.
Thats the problem, No ones rights are more important. You leftwingers want to take away tthe rights of others and call it equality, thats insane, As I stated do not buy the goods and services of any bussniess you deem engages in unacceptable behavior, but don't force your brand of exceptable behavior on others.
It's not like the teabagger Trumpets can afford to go to a Super Bowl, anyway.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.
It depends on whose rights you think are more important. The public or the bigots. You cant pick and choose your customers on the basis of anything other than they can pay and that they behave themselves whilst in your business. Otherwise you end up with anarchy and a nasty regressive society.
Thats the problem, No ones rights are more important. You leftwingers want to take away tthe rights of others and call it equality, thats insane, As I stated do not buy the goods and services of any bussniess you deem engages in unacceptable behavior, but don't force your brand of exceptable behavior on others.

That only works if you have enough leverage and, if you have choices.
It's this homosexual mafia and their comrades who are the danger to us all and to our freedoms. they feel they can USE government, laws and now BIG CORPS to force themselves and views off on everyone. We had a Fascist like that for eight years acting like a President. wake up now, kick them out of our lives before it's too late

How, specifically, are they a danger to you? What have they done to you personally?

The proposed law in the OP could have wide ranging implications...

It has been pointed out by human rights groups, that the bill would even allow hospitals to refuse necessary treatment to people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Is this a good thing?
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
That applies well to public entities such as public institutions and such but, private business are a different thing all together. The Government should not force a private business to act in any manner that is contrary to the owners personal beliefs that does not take away life or liberty.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
Desegregation didn't work. That's why blacks have resegregated themselves. Not only did desegregation not work. But at times when black people are forced into integration, they demand safe spaces where they don't have to associate with those that aren't like them.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
That applies well to public entities such as public institutions and such but, private business are a different thing all together. The Government should not force a private business to act in any manner that is contrary to the owners personal beliefs that does not take away life or liberty.

In that case, a lot of social change might never have occurred or would have taken much much longer. In particular, the separation of races in hotels, restaraunts, etc.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
Desegregation didn't work. That's why blacks have resegregated themselves. Not only did desegregation not work. But at times when black people are forced into integration, they demand safe spaces where they don't have to associate with those that aren't like them.

Desegregation did work. The first students to be involved were incredibly brave. It allowed choice, and that is what is really important. "Seperate but equal" was anything but equal.
'Originally intended to protect pastors who refuse to perform same-sex weddings, the bill has now passed in the House again by 104-65, after extra “protections” were added, meaning businesses and employees could discriminate against LGBT people.

It has been pointed out by human rights groups, that the bill would even allow hospitals to refuse necessary treatment to people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.'

This sort of ignorance, bigotry, fear, and hate common to most on the right is truly bizarre – how anyone could have such contempt for a fellow American is unfathomable.

And the notion of a 'law' to 'protect' pastors is just as ignorant and idiotic, as the 14th Amendment jurisprudence prohibiting the states from violating the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans applies solely to government, not private persons and religious institutions at liberty to discriminate against same-sex couples.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
That applies well to public entities such as public institutions and such but, private business are a different thing all together. The Government should not force a private business to act in any manner that is contrary to the owners personal beliefs that does not take away life or liberty.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, regulating local markets and all other interrelated markets, where to allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the markets (see Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US).

Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' the personal or religious beliefs of business owners:

“We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs [p879] excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate. On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith

The states are clearly free to regulate markets, to ensure their integrity, and to prevent their disruption.

Last, businesses are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies, from providing a minimum wage, maintaining safe working conditions for employees, and protecting the health and well-being of consumers – public accommodations laws are no different.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
That applies well to public entities such as public institutions and such but, private business are a different thing all together. The Government should not force a private business to act in any manner that is contrary to the owners personal beliefs that does not take away life or liberty.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, regulating local markets and all other interrelated markets, where to allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the markets (see Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US).

Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' the personal or religious beliefs of business owners:

“We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs [p879] excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate. On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith

The states are clearly free to regulate markets, to ensure their integrity, and to prevent their disruption.

Last, businesses are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies, from providing a minimum wage, maintaining safe working conditions for employees, and protecting the health and well-being of consumers – public accommodations laws are no different.
"Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' the personal or religious beliefs of business owners:"
Forced to bake a cake
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
That applies well to public entities such as public institutions and such but, private business are a different thing all together. The Government should not force a private business to act in any manner that is contrary to the owners personal beliefs that does not take away life or liberty.

Public accommodations laws are necessary, proper, and Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause, regulating local markets and all other interrelated markets, where to allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the markets (see Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US).

Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' the personal or religious beliefs of business owners:

“We have never held that an individual's religious beliefs [p879] excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate. On the contrary, the record of more than a century of our free exercise jurisprudence contradicts that proposition.”

Employment Division v. Smith

The states are clearly free to regulate markets, to ensure their integrity, and to prevent their disruption.

Last, businesses are subject to all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies, from providing a minimum wage, maintaining safe working conditions for employees, and protecting the health and well-being of consumers – public accommodations laws are no different.
"Public accommodations laws in no way 'violate' the personal or religious beliefs of business owners:"
Forced to bake a cake
But their business was baking cakes.They werent asked to give out blow jobs.
See this is what it's come to in America.
We used to be able to simply debate Gay marriage and still respect one another.
Now if you dare to be pro-traditional marriage, you're a "bigot" a "nazi", you're "Hitler", etc.

This is exactly why the rise of a candidate like Trump has occurred.
I'm not racist or religious at all but the Government can not legislate away racism or bigotry without taking the rights away from others. If you have a problem with the way a person does business DON"T BUY THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES. Expecting the Government to punish those you disagree with is tyranny. Let the market decide, not your sociopolitical bias.

I don't think that always works. Look at desegregation for example. Sometimes government needs to step in and start the process or protect the minority. Some groups being discriminated against might not be large enough or powerful enough to create a market change.
Desegregation didn't work. That's why blacks have resegregated themselves. Not only did desegregation not work. But at times when black people are forced into integration, they demand safe spaces where they don't have to associate with those that aren't like them.

Desegregation did work. The first students to be involved were incredibly brave. It allowed choice, and that is what is really important. "Seperate but equal" was anything but equal.
And that desegregation is long gone. It's been replaced by black studies, black student groups, black lounges, and racial exclusions. It would not be surprising to find drinking fountains reserved for blacks only.
See this is what it's come to in America.
We used to be able to simply debate Gay marriage and still respect one another.
Now if you dare to be pro-traditional marriage, you're a "bigot" a "nazi", you're "Hitler", etc.

This is exactly why the rise of a candidate like Trump has occurred.
It is exactly how people say fuck you, I don't want to listen anymore. I don't want to talk to you any more.

Trump doesn't care about gay marriage. He doesn't care about abortion. The left made it up so they can have their preprinted complaints.

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