Geraldo Rivera viciously owned

Geraldo proves he’s an idiot....again

Leo Terrell busted for Coonin. Funny.

Says the “brutha” that be Coonin for Party of Slavery and Jim Crow.

As opposed to the party who has the mindset of the Sheetwearers.

The “sheetwearers” were Democrats. Your Dear Leader attended a KKK Klansman’s funeral, to talk about how great he was. Blacks started voting with the KKK back in the 1930’s.

Geraldo proves he’s an idiot....again

Geraldo was always strange. One day he slept with Beth Miller and other female celebrities. But then he wanted to have sex with Mick Jagger. He is a natural born Sodomite. That I will not ever want to meet him in a dark alley alone or that back of a gymnasium. .

Geraldo had his own ‘gay’ moments. His 1991 autobiography Exposing Myself includes page after page of sexual conquests including Mick Jagger and Rudolph Nureyev (pages 191–192). Rivera describes the experience as a “giddy” encounter in 1972 in the kitchen of his apartment as something like sandwich sex. Geraldo wrote: “If I were ever going to have a homosexual experience, it would have been that night.”



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