German girl raped for 2.5 hours

This "universal solution" is exactly the reason why no one in the world is really able to love the brutal country USA. Why not to folllow modern stone age laws with more humanity as for example the famous law "an eye for an eye"?

This gang rape had happened by the way more than a year ago. And it happen about 250 gang rapes every year in Germany (source: report of the police in 2017). And it is indeed true: often are envolved migrants from other countries. But this means not that every German is respectful in case of of women - what every men in the world should be.
Your "250" number needs to be more than doubled to be current; per the article linked in the OP, and excerpted in my post #14 here on this thread.
Actual is from 600-700+ now in years since 2017.
Umm, have no desire to appear impatient with those who say it is only Muslims who move to punish or diminish non-believers.

Christianity is rife with massacres and slaughters of people who resisted their 'Christianizing'......the Crusades, the American Natives, the Jewish pogroms, the Holocaust, the American KKK. Hell, even the Christians kill other Christians for their 'Christian beliefs', witness the Catholics vs Hugenot with reports of 70,000 massacred on St. Bartholomew's Day.

And the Christians ain't alone in bloody work....witness the Hindu pogroms against Muslims in India.

So spare me, the self-righteous caterwauling that Muslims = Bad; while us non-Muslims = Good.
Except I didn't say it was "ONLY" Muslims whom do such. I merely pointed out some of the historical and dogma context for the Muslim criminals here.

Along with your lack of honesty, integrity, or ethics in misquoting and slandering me, you drag out this out canard of the loonie Left and "what-about-ism" confusing political agendas by persons of specific religious belief. And of course it's heavy on the Chrisitian examples and very light on all other religions of the planet and it's history.

Where in the Old Testament are the Jews commanded by JHWH to convert the rest of humanity to Judism, by the sword if necessary?

Where in the New Testament do we find Jesus Christ carrying a sword and leading armies to force others to convert to his ideology~'religion'?

During it's first three centuries, Christianity was briefly tolerated within the Rome empire, then mostly persecuted. Early in the fourth century AD it finally is made legal, and later on it becomes the "Official" religion of the Roman Empire. Contrast that with Muhammad, the example he set and the early history of Islam (unique among history's religions);
The early Muslim conquests (Arabic: الفتوحات الإسلامية‎, al-Futūḥāt al-Islāmiyya), also referred to as the Arab conquests[4] and the early Islamic conquests[5] began with the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. He established a new unified polity in the Arabian Peninsula which under the subsequent Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates saw a century of rapid expansion.

The resulting empire stretched from parts of Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent, across the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and parts of Southwest Europe (Sicily and the Iberian Peninsula to the Pyrenees). Edward Gibbon writes in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

Under the last of the Umayyads, the Arabian empire extended two hundred days journey from east to west, from the confines of Tartary and India to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean ... We should vainly seek the indissoluble union and easy obedience that pervaded the government of Augustus and the Antonines; but the progress of Islam diffused over this ample space a general resemblance of manners and opinions. The language and laws of the Quran were studied with equal devotion at Samarcand and Seville: the Moor and the Indian embraced as countrymen and brothers in the pilgrimage of Mecca; and the Arabian language was adopted as the popular idiom in all the provinces to the westward of the Tigris.

The Muslim conquests brought about the collapse of the Sassanid Empire and a great territorial loss for the Byzantine Empire. The reasons for the Muslim success are hard to reconstruct in hindsight, primarily because only fragmentary sources from the period have survived. Fred McGraw Donner suggests that formation of a state in the Arabian peninsula and ideological (i.e., religious) coherence and mobilization was a primary reason why the Muslim armies in the space of a hundred years were able to establish one of the largest pre-modern empires until that time. Estimates of the total area of the combined territory held by the Islamic Caliphate at its peak have been as high as thirteen million square kilometers, or five million square miles.[6] Most historians agree as well that the Sassanid Persian and Byzantine Roman empires were militarily and economically exhausted from decades of fighting one another.[7]
Map of expansion of Caliphate.svg
Expansion from 622–750, with modern borders overlaid
LocationLevant, Mesopotamia, Persia, North Africa, Iberia, Gaul, Transoxania, Sindh, Kabulistan, Zamindawar, Zabulistan, Khorasan, Tukharistan, Sistan and Caucasus
Islamic expansion:
under Muhammad, 622–632
under Rashidun caliphs, 632–661
under Umayyad caliphs, 661–750
She can recover, with professional assistance. At 15 her life cannot be allowed to be finished.
The German govt must pay for anything she needs.


Germans were warned, but they knew better,

What a nonsense.

They kept electing madame whatshername.

Chancellor Angela Merkel? She did not candidate any longer and so she is only managing chancellor of Germany any longer intil thewinners of the last elections feel ready to overtake the government.

Very sad that this girl was one to pay the price.

Everyone pays always all prices.

Britons were warned too,


but they wouldn't listen either. Kept electing leftist govts.

Angela Merkel and her government had been conservative. Same with Boris Johnson.

Much the same things happen there also.

In which Islamic hell hole did you live before deciding to infest Germany with those knuckle-dragging Islamic attitudes towards women of yours?

My avatar shows one of my ancestors. Better to say: the man or woman who made this avatar is one of my ancestors. It shows the lionman and is about 32,000 years old. When it was made lions lived here in Germany.
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Europe fucked themselves by allowing all the third world scum to come in.

Unfortunately the US is only one step behind.

... one step ahead, because you see in all people all over the world always only scum - also in Africans, Asians, Red Indians and Europeans. Only Americans are noble and good as long as they are US-Americans - except they are scum who live unfortunatelly in the United States.
My avatar shows one of my ancestors. Better to say: the man or woman who made this avatar is one of my ancestors. It shows the lionman and is about 32,000 years old. When it was made lions lived here in Germany.
Ah, so severe mental illness it is, then.

Severe inbreeding often leads to that, which is the problem with importing all these third world Islamic inbreds into civilized societies to begin with.
Germany shall f... off from Russia, enemies have go away from it.

Do you really think the most Russian politicans and oligarchs will leave Russia so we do not have to save your country and your people?

Islamism "founder", the 'Great Prophet' Muhammad is recorded (in the Hadith) as saying he was commanded by Allah to fight all humankind until all humans have embraced Islam and become Muslims. Hence the religion of Islam has a mandate from it's origins to covert the whole planet (humanity), by violence if necessary ~ a.k.a. Jihad= Holy War.

Furthermore, if one looks into the tenants of Islam, it's concept of Paradise/Heaven is one of many levels/layers where the higher ones are attained only by those whom are Holy Warriors(mujaheddin) and have engaged in Holy War (Jihad) against the Infidels (non-believers/followers of Islam).

We have in Islam a Plan for perpetual warfare until all humanity has converted to Islam, so blame Allah and Muhammad for starting this mess of a "forever war" humanity has been engaged in for the past 1400 years. And likely will for several more years~decades~centuries until something fundamental is done to change the agenda of Islam.
Muslims see rape of infidels as their gods will and command. Lovely religion where rape is encouraged.
Muslims see rape of infidels as their gods will and command. Lovely religion where rape is encouraged.

In 2010 had happened in the USA 85,000 rapes (source: FBI) and/or 1.3 million rapes (source: CDC). This is a difference between plausible dark numbers and registrated cases of about 1500%. It is said in case of sexually motivated violence the difference between registrated violence and real violence is perhaps even 7000%. The 1 or 2 Muslims who live in your country have really a lot to do to let you believe in every lie which makes you happy and forces you to ignore every fact which makes no one happy - except stupid violent criminals.
It is lower now.

Where from comes this number?
"OP" is standard shorthand for Opening Post, as in the #1 post of this thread.
It contained a link to the article about this rape incident. Within that article is the following quote~excerpt which I presented back in post #14;
A report from August of this year revealed that gang rapes have become so common in Germany, that the country sees an average of one to two of them per day and that foreigners make up at least half of the suspects involved.

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) statistics showed that gang rape cases had increased from 649 in 2018 to 710 in 2019, with a very small decrease to 704 in 2020.

You might consider improving your internet and reading skills.
"OP" is standard shorthand for Opening Post, as in the #1 post of this thread.
It contained a link to the article about this rape incident. Within that article is the following quote~excerpt which I presented back in post #14;

I do not read what criminal extremists like "Breitbart" say.

A report from August of this year revealed that gang rapes have become so common in Germany, that the country sees an average of one to two of them per day

Again: And where from comes this number? What is the German source for - or whoelse said so on whatever plausible or not plausible reason?

and that foreigners make up at least half of the suspects involved.

That's a problem everywhere in the world. "Foreigners" are unknown - that's why the police has more to do - for example to organize an interpreter or translator. "Suspect" is a relativelly inaccurate word in this context. Sometimes they like only to know what someone saw or heard. But the statistics of the BKA speaks indeed about 50% suspected who are not Germans.

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) statistics showed that gang rape cases had increased from 649 in 2018 to 710 in 2019,

Really? ... That's a wrong interpretation of this statistsics. The correct expression is "preliminary investigation on suspicion of gang rape". Whether this suspicion was correct is another thing. In general this means the people call more often the police in case of a gang rape - what's first of all a good sign if this is not an indicator for a growing number of gang rapes but an indidicator which minimizes the dark numbers. So in 2017 the police reported about 250 cases, same number in the years before - in 2018 they reported 659 cases, in 2019 719 cases and in 2020 704 cases. So I guess in 2018 they changed the law and or parameters how to interpret the laws.

with a very small decrease to 704 in 2020.

So we use here the same data base.


You might consider improving your internet and reading skills.

Again: "Breitbart" is for me not any source at all. For nothing.
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What a nonsense.

Chancellor Angela Merkel? She did not candidate any longer and so she is only managing chancellor of Germany any longer intil thewinners of the last elections feel ready to overtake the government.

Everyone pays always all prices.


Angela Merkel and her government had been conservative. Same with Boris Johnson.


The German govt should be paying for the girl's ongoing professional counselling.
Germans were warned, Sweden, France etc were also warned...took no notice of the warnings...France almost tossed Madame Bardot into prison for her efforts.
So now Europe is what it is. No-go zones, riots, terror attacks, murders in churches and in the streets.

Enoch Powell warned Britain decades ago what would happen, he was run out of town as a racist.
Tommy Robinson and the EDL tried to warn Britons about massive immigration and multiculturalism...but they didn't listen, kept electing Lefist govts...Blair and co etc.
Finally they elected a Conservative govt....but the damage had been done...and Britain today is what it is.
Terror attacks, and people being hacked to death on London bridge etc.
So many people on the terror watch list that they simply cannot all be watched.

Same kinds of things happening in Britain.

White girls seen as 'easy meat' by Pakistani rapists, says Jack Straw
The German govt should be paying for the girl's ongoing professional counselling.

No idea what you speak about in this context. Which official of the German state did do something what's a crime in this context?

Germans were warned, Sweden, France etc were also warned.

Every idiot warns every day everyone about anything. Thousands of "warnings" are nonsense while only 1 warnring makes sense. If people would say less nonsense it would be much more easy.

took no notice of the warnings...France almost tossed Madame Bardot into prison for her efforts.

Madame Bardot? Prison? Do you speak about Brigitte Bardot? She said she is ready to go in prison for Paul Watson who had been arrested in Germany in 2012 because of a warrent from Costa Rica (=¿USA or not USA?) from the year 2011 which reffered to somehtign what had happened in 2002. Paul Watson did flee from Germany in Juli 22nd 2012.

So now Europe is what it is.

And was what it was and will be what it will be.

No-go zones, riots, terror attacks, murders in churches and in the streets.

An extremly selective perception with extreme perceptual errors. Did you notice for example that the German reunion had happened without any shot?

Enoch Powell warned Britain decades ago what would happen, he was run out of town as a racist.

Who is Enoch Powell? ... Got a short overview now about his life from the German Wikipedia ... Seems to me this man always tried to live in a past which never had been true and never had been really real - so his conclusions sound a little weird in my ears.

Tommy Robinson

? ... A liar, slanderer and criminal. ....

and the EDL


tried to warn Britons about massive immigration and multiculturalism...but they didn't listen, kept electing Lefist govts...Blair and co etc.
Finally they elected a Conservative govt....but the damage had been done...and Britain today is what it is.
Terror attacks, and people being hacked to death on London bridge etc.
So many people on the terror watch list that they simply cannot all be watched.

Same kinds of things happening in Britain.

White girls seen as 'easy meat' by Pakistani rapists, says Jack Straw

Girls in all colors and in every age are seen as "easy meat" from many men in all colors and ages. Did you by the way know that in the "Lex Baiuvariorum" (=The Bavarian Laws) from the 5th or 6th century men were punished twice as hard when they hurted a woman? There were reasons to do so!
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I do not read what criminal extremists like "Breitbart" say.

Again: And where from comes this number? What is the German source for - or whoelse said so on whatever plausible or not plausible reason?

That's a problem everywhere in the world. "Foreigners" are unknown - that's why the police has more to do - for example to organize an interpreter or translator. "Suspect" is a relativelly inaccurate word in this context. Sometimes they like only to know what someone saw or heard. But the statistics of the BKA speaks indeed about 50% suspected who are not Germans.

Really? ... That's a wrong interpretation of this statistsics. The correct expression is "preliminary investigation on suspicion of gang rape". Whether this suspicion was correct is another thing. In general this means the people call more often the police in case of a gang rape - what's first of all a good sign if this is not an indicator for a growing number of gang rapes but an indidicator which minimizes the dark numbers. So in 2017 the police reported about 250 cases, same number in the years before - in 2018 they reported 659 cases, in 2019 719 cases and in 2020 704 cases. So I guess in 2018 they changed the law and or parameters how to interpret the laws.

So we use here the same data base.

Again: "Breitbart" is for me not any source at all. For nothing.
You certainly fail in qualifiying for G2/S2 (Intelligence Officer) on any staff position then. While source bias can be somewhat understandable, exclusion based on source bias is faulty procedure. One can often find useful information within a questionable source;

Consider the following excerpt, 2-4th paragraphs of " criminal extremists like "Breitbart" " article;
The alleged gang rape took place in September of 2020, but more information regarding the case was reported this week by German media.

Prosecutors claim at least 12 men, ten of them from a migration background, took part in the gang-rape attack in the Stadtpark in the city of Hamburg.

All 12 are said to be aged between 16 and 23 and are still under investigation. But all are currently still at large, according to a report from the German magazine Focus, with only one suspect having been briefly detained and then released.

The blue colored text of the original article and this excerpt are click links to the source material used in the Breitbart article, provided here below;

It's been about 50 years since I last did German, back in school days, so my Deutsch is a bit rusty, maybe you can read and translate for yourself.
Point is Breitbart didn't make up the story or the data, perhaps you could provide source material to back your claims.
Source: "Breitbart". Hehehe. Tehehehe.

Of course Jewish presstitute MS 'medias' in DDR 2.0 (Lugenpresse) are more trustworthy sources of information.
F... off from American server, go and fool your German brainwashed idiots somewhere else.

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