German girl raped for 2.5 hours

You certainly fail in qualifiying for G2/S2 (Intelligence Officer) on any staff position then.

What for heavens sake could be an "intelligence officer"? A spy?

While source bias can be somewhat understandable, exclusion based on source bias is faulty procedure. One can often find useful information within a questionable source;

Consider the following excerpt, 2-4th paragraphs of " criminal extremists like "Breitbart" " article;
The alleged gang rape took place in September of 2020, but more information regarding the case was reported this week by German media.

Prosecutors claim at least 12 men, ten of them from a migration background, took part in the gang-rape attack in the Stadtpark in the city of Hamburg.

All 12 are said to be aged between 16 and 23

Between 16 and 20. In Germany this means this people are under juvenile criminal law.

and are still under investigation. But all are currently still at large,

They are what?

according to a report from the German magazine Focus, with only one suspect having been briefly detained and then released.

The blue colored text of the original article and this excerpt are click links to the source material used in the Breitbart article, provided here below;

It's been about 50 years since I last did German, back in school days, so my Deutsch is a bit rusty, maybe you can read and translate for yourself.

50 years ago had been 1971. Now Germany becomes interesting for you again because of a mass-rape?

Point is Breitbart didn't make up the story or the data, perhaps you could provide source material to back your claims.

"Breitbart" is not any source for me. For nothing. And I know what German newspapers wrote.
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What for heavens sake could be an "intelligence officer"? A spy?

Between 16 and 20. In Germany this means this people are under juvenile criminal law.

They are what?

50 years ago had been 1971. Now Germany becomes interesting for you again because of a mass-rape?

"Breitbart" is not any source for me. For nothing. And I know what German newspapers wrote.
Thank you for the display of your depth of ignorance.
Select excerpts;
A military staff or general staff (also referred to as army staff, navy staff, or air staff within the individual services) is a group of officers, enlisted and civilian staff who serve the commander of a division or other large military unit in his command and control role through planning, analysis, and information gathering, as well as by relaying, coordinating, and supervising the execution of his plans and orders, especially in case of multiple simultaneous and rapidly changing complex operations. They are organised into functional groups such as administration, logistics, operations, intelligence, training, etc. They provide multi-directional flow of information between a commanding officer, subordinate military units and other stakeholders.[1][2] A centralised general staff results in tighter top-down control but requires larger staff at HQ and reduces accuracy of orientation[disambiguation needed] of field operations, whereas a decentralised general staff results in enhanced situational focus, personal initiative, speed of localised action, OODA loop, and improved accuracy of orientation.
The "Continental Staff System" (ContStaff), also known as the "General Staff System" (GSS), is used by most NATO countries in structuring their militaries' staff functions. In this system, which is based on one originally employed by the French Army in the 19th century, each staff position in a headquarters or unit is assigned a letter-prefix corresponding to the formation's element and one or more numbers specifying a role.

The staff numbers are assigned according to custom, not hierarchy, traceable back to French practice; i.e., 1 is not "higher ranking" than 2. This list reflects the SHAPE structure:[12]

Since the original continental staff system only covered branches 1 through 6, it is not uncommon to see 7 through 9 omitted or having various meanings.[14] Common variation include merging of 3 and 5 to 3, Operations and Plans; omitting the training branch and utilizing 7 for engineering (as seen in US Military Sealift Command[15] and Multinational Forces-Iraq (MNF-I)[16]) and replacing 9 with a legal branch (making CIMIC a part of another branch, i.e. 2 or 4) as seen with the UK Permanent Joint Headquarters.

Intelligence, security, and information operations​

The intelligence section is responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence information about the enemy to determine what the enemy is doing or might do, to prevent the accomplishment of the enemy's mission. This office may also control maps and geographical information systems and data. At the unit level, the S-2 is the unit's security officer, and the S-2 section manages all security clearance issues for the unit's personnel. Other duties of the S-2 often include intelligence oversight and physical security.

Hence the slot on Staff of G2/S2 = "Intelligence and/or Security".

As I pointed out, you fail to qualify for G2/S2 = Intelligence.
Thank you for the display of your depth of ignorance.
Select excerpts;
A military staff or general staff (also referred to as army staff, navy staff, or air staff within the individual services) is a group of officers, enlisted and civilian staff who serve the commander of a division or other large military unit ...

So what?

... The intelligence section is responsible for collecting and analyzing intelligence information about the enemy ...

Aha. So you ask yourselve something about the people which you murder in wars.

As I pointed out, you fail to qualify for G2/S2 = Intelligence.

Be happy. Otherwise my SBRs (spy-bee-robots) could kill you with the intelligence of a mosquito.
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^^ LOL. When you can’t refute what animals Muslims are, start blathering about “the Crusades!”

There is nothing “self-righteous” about pointing out how ass backwards Muslims are. It’s merely pointing out the facts. If you think Muslims are so great, go move to an Islamic country. Wear a rainbow yamaka while you’re at it. You’ll get to experience the civility of Muslims real quick.
The Crusades can be seen as a response to Muslim aggression. All the areas claimed by the Muslims of the day had been Christian not that long before. The Eastern Roman Empire was Christian and it encompassed most of the Middle East.

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