German self loathing takes another step

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This is why our people support Donald Trump, we can't vote for him but he has our moral support and he's our friend, he has the same values that we have, we share a Common Enemy who is the Common Enemy of all Humanity and as such is God-Hating.

America will be strong and a moral force with Donald Trump in the WH and he'll join with us and the great Russian Patriot Vladimir Putin who is also fighting this Devil and together we will win and this time it must be a final victory, the Serpent must never be allowed to rise again it must be squashed.

Obama has been bad enough for not only the European Continent but also for the Middle East, Hillary will be even worse, she'll be even more of a vengeful Demon for the European Continent than FDR and Harry Truman combined, two American Communists who allowed Communist Traitors to serve in the Government and give secrets to Stalin, here's two Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, of course the Leftist MSM at the time went to bat for both of these Traitors, the MSM has always been part of the Fifth Column, just like they are now.

They hate Donald Trump because they know what'll happen with him in the WH.

Alger Hiss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Priceless. Could you give us an idea of the body count ?
If you go without a fight, we will take you to whatever nation in the Levant you desire, since you love Muslims so much. Sound good? Bullets that don't need to be fired shouldn't be fired.
Many thanks.I am quite happy here with my multi cultural friends.

Multiculturalism has been a failure. There is a reason some places in the world are preferred destinations an some are not.... Those places didn't become the preferred destinations by giving in to any culture that invades.
Multiculturalism has always worked in the US.
Nope. The melting pot worked, assimilation worked.... Multiculturalism has brought the west back 50 years as far as race relations go. You're just uninformed and don't know the difference, kid.

Bollocks. Have a look at a great Austrian hero.

What's your point? That black people live in Austria? Or are you just randomly posting your usual nonsense?
I am pointing out that Austria is evolving from the Reich that Lucy pines for. And is all the better for it.
Are you taking a shit in that picture? Looks like you are taking a shit.

Bollocks. Have a look at a great Austrian hero.

What's your point? That black people live in Austria? Or are you just randomly posting your usual nonsense?
I am pointing out that Austria is evolving from the Reich that Lucy pines for. And is all the better for it.
I haven't heard her call for getting rid of all blacks in Austria. When did she say that, fat boy?
She wants to chemically castrate all Black folk. That would probably include those in Austria.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
Americans have nothing to do with weak minded Germans. They sat complacently by while Hitler murdered six million people. Every damn thing is not America's fault.

America's Communist friend Josef Stalin murdered much more, yet America didn't sit complacently, they enabled him and propped him up and then gave him half of the European Continent to put bnehind The Iron Curtain to continue repressing and disappearing people.

Or are you saying that ONLY certain lives matter, that certain people are worth more than others? If they were millions of Chinese you wouldn't care would you? Or millions of Roman Catholics?

It's America's fault that the German nation is NEVER allowed to move on, that all that shit must be brought up day after day after day and that Hollyweird in America each year must produce yet another set of films from another third rate novel and no matter how bad the film is it MUST great reviews and then forced onto people who for most part yawn and think "not this stuff again?
The German nation should have flipped the bird to this shit at least 10 years ago and also said no more money welfare handouts to certain people who have been operating the biggest Extortion Racket for a very long time.

If you don't like my answer, then I'm sorry.

Maybe America and Hollyweird instead should concentrate on the Communist murderers of Stalin and Beria, maybe they should start making Hollyweird films each year about the Gulags for a change, or would that upset the same certain people I refer to above?
Priceless. Could you give us an idea of the body count ?
If you go without a fight, we will take you to whatever nation in the Levant you desire, since you love Muslims so much. Sound good? Bullets that don't need to be fired shouldn't be fired.
Many thanks.I am quite happy here with my multi cultural friends.

Multiculturalism has been a failure. There is a reason some places in the world are preferred destinations an some are not.... Those places didn't become the preferred destinations by giving in to any culture that invades.
Multiculturalism has always worked in the US.
Nope. The melting pot worked, assimilation worked.... Multiculturalism has brought the west back 50 years as far as race relations go. You're just uninformed and don't know the difference, kid.
Well, most years the immigrants that came here from their socialist cesspools were eager to assimilate into AMERICAN CULTURE. Eager to learn the common language etc etc.

Not anymore. All American culture is ridiculed by the American hating American left. They spit on anything and everything American. They hate the country that they view as illegitimate from its founding.

They won't stop until the constitution is burned and Marxism rules. They will not stop.

Especially morons like the tommy asshole.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
Americans have nothing to do with weak minded Germans. They sat complacently by while Hitler murdered six million people. Every damn thing is not America's fault.

America's Communist friend Josef Stalin murdered much more, yet America didn't sit complacently, they enabled him and propped him up and then gave him half of the European Continent to put bnehind The Iron Curtain to continue repressing and disappearing people.

Or are you saying that ONLY certain lives matter, that certain people are worth more than others? If they were millions of Chinese you wouldn't care would you? Or millions of Roman Catholics?

It's America's fault that the German nation is NEVER allowed to move on, that all that shit must be brought up day after day after day and that Hollyweird in America each year must produce yet another set of films from another third rate novel and no matter how bad the film is it MUST great reviews and then forced onto people who for most part yawn and think "not this stuff again?
The German nation should have flipped the bird to this shit at least 10 years ago and also said no more money welfare handouts to certain people who have been operating the biggest Extortion Racket for a very long time.

If you don't like my answer, then I'm sorry.

Maybe America and Hollyweird instead should concentrate on the Communist murderers of Stalin and Beria, maybe they should start making Hollyweird films each year about the Gulags for a change, or would that upset the same certain people I refer to above?
Germany moved on a long time ago.Its just nazi trash that clings to the past.
You know....Tommy, you overweight human weasel...maybe, just maybe...what she wants is a decent, moral society where degeneracy isn't promoted as good for society? Maybe race is only an issue because of you leftists pandering to minorities to get their vote and inciting hatred against straight, white, christian indigenous people of the west? You fat slob, you wanted this...if you didn' should've expected it...if you didn't expect it, you're a stupid fat fuck.

Bollocks. Have a look at a great Austrian hero.

What's your point? That black people live in Austria? Or are you just randomly posting your usual nonsense?
I am pointing out that Austria is evolving from the Reich that Lucy pines for. And is all the better for it.
I haven't heard her call for getting rid of all blacks in Austria. When did she say that, fat boy?

There are no black Austrians and it's just a Troll, we have no history of blacks, which is why the Leftists hate us, they want us all fucking blacks and producing hybrids, it's the quickest way to destroy Ethnic Austrians.

Certain types attempted this after the Second War, it didn't effect us, but our German cousins a number of self-hating German girls opened their legs for Black GI's and produced hybrids, many of the non self-hating German girls the Americans stood and allowed the Soviet Devil troops to gang-rape every female they found from 8 to 80 was gang-raped by Soviet Devil troops.

Many British troops attempted to prevent this, but were told to mind their own business by the Americans. I know this because a British General and a Major told about this at a dinner that members of my family attended in the early 1960s and they said sorry. Nowadays they'd be character assassinated by certain groups for saying sorry.

The lowly Tommy soldier knew nothing about nothing.

This crime has yet to be avenged, but it will be avenged.

That English and Welsh girls don't care about their DNA and are known throughout Europa as basically sluts who will open their drunken legs for anything and everything is not our problem.

That person, it's Mother is from the Phillipines and it's Father is from Ghana, by 2018 it'll be told to chose which passport it wants, Phillipines or Ghana.

I add that the Turks have said that if we guarantee them their work pension options they'll peacefully leave and go to Turkey, so this is reasonable to us.

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Yep. Socialists, Marxists, Jews, Liberals, Libertarians, feminists, black people, the differently abled, in other words anyone that didn't agree with their totalitarian policies. Interesting to note that Hitler coddled Muslims that also hated Jews.
We will keep the Libertarians of any race or ethnic group, but I'm all the way down with physically removing the leftists, so to speak.

This is why our people support Donald Trump, we can't vote for him but he has our moral support and he's our friend, he has the same values that we have, we share a Common Enemy who is the Common Enemy of all Humanity and as such is God-Hating.

America will be strong and a moral force with Donald Trump in the WH and he'll join with us and the great Russian Patriot Vladimir Putin who is also fighting this Devil and together we will win and this time it must be a final victory, the Serpent must never be allowed to rise again it must be squashed.

Obama has been bad enough for not only the European Continent but also for the Middle East, Hillary will be even worse, she'll be even more of a vengeful Demon for the European Continent than FDR and Harry Truman combined, two American Communists who allowed Communist Traitors to serve in the Government and give secrets to Stalin, here's two Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, of course the Leftist MSM at the time went to bat for both of these Traitors, the MSM has always been part of the Fifth Column, just like they are now.

They hate Donald Trump because they know what'll happen with him in the WH.

Alger Hiss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's funny you peeps want to blow dictators. Well, funny in an ironic sense.

Yes, trump loves Putin and hitler, but in the long run it won't work in America.
The left are the dictators. Sometimes you have to physically remove the degenerates who threaten liberty. And that may require a military junta, free helicopter rides and parachute-free skydiving lessons for leftist cockroaches. Get your economy back on track, free up the market and let your people make their own decisions, no Marxist communism should be tolerated if you ever want a free, prosperous, and peaceful society. We don't have to remove them all, just enough to get the street agitators scared enough to shut up, get jobs, and forget this all happened.

We know that it's either them or us, the Leftists Extremists want to dismantle everything, we want to save what they want to dismantle, as such we cannot co-exist within the same society.

We didn't start this, they started this by attempting for force through things like Political Correctness and Diversity all of these problems came with what they started, now it's Transgenders, next it'll be Paedophilia is considered normal etc until Western Civilisation and our values system has no values, no morals, no cohesion and our societies just begin to collapse under the weight of combined degeneracy.

This is something that we're not going to allow to happen.

Legalizing pedophilia will soon be on the agenda for those who want to tear down the morals and traditions that western civilization has built over hundreds of years. This will take awhile. They're working on the kids now to feel ashamed of being heteros.
OOM is have an alt right temper tantrum. The personal attack in lieu of good argumentation characterizes them. All people, including white indigenous peoples of the West, have a place in the world, yes.

Bollocks. Have a look at a great Austrian hero.

What's your point? That black people live in Austria? Or are you just randomly posting your usual nonsense?
I am pointing out that Austria is evolving from the Reich that Lucy pines for. And is all the better for it.
I haven't heard her call for getting rid of all blacks in Austria. When did she say that, fat boy?

There are no black Austrians and it's just a Troll, we have no history of blacks, which is why the Leftists hate us, they want us all fucking blacks and producing hybrids, it's the quickest way to destroy Ethnic Austrians.

That English and Welsh girls don't care about their DNA and are known throughout Europa as basically sluts who will open their drunken legs for anything and everything is not our problem.

That person, it's Mother is from the Phillipines and it's Father is from Ghana, by 2018 it'll be told to chose which passport it wants, Phillipines or Ghana.

I add that the Turks have said that if we guarantee them their work pension options they'll peacefully leave and go to Turkey, so this is reasonable to us.

A great Austrian.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
Americans have nothing to do with weak minded Germans. They sat complacently by while Hitler murdered six million people. Every damn thing is not America's fault.

America's Communist friend Josef Stalin murdered much more, yet America didn't sit complacently, they enabled him and propped him up and then gave him half of the European Continent to put bnehind The Iron Curtain to continue repressing and disappearing people.

Or are you saying that ONLY certain lives matter, that certain people are worth more than others? If they were millions of Chinese you wouldn't care would you? Or millions of Roman Catholics?

It's America's fault that the German nation is NEVER allowed to move on, that all that shit must be brought up day after day after day and that Hollyweird in America each year must produce yet another set of films from another third rate novel and no matter how bad the film is it MUST great reviews and then forced onto people who for most part yawn and think "not this stuff again?
The German nation should have flipped the bird to this shit at least 10 years ago and also said no more money welfare handouts to certain people who have been operating the biggest Extortion Racket for a very long time.

If you don't like my answer, then I'm sorry.

Maybe America and Hollyweird instead should concentrate on the Communist murderers of Stalin and Beria, maybe they should start making Hollyweird films each year about the Gulags for a change, or would that upset the same certain people I refer to above?
We have thousands of dead Americans rotting in European graves. Stuff it.
We will keep the Libertarians of any race or ethnic group, but I'm all the way down with physically removing the leftists, so to speak.

This is why our people support Donald Trump, we can't vote for him but he has our moral support and he's our friend, he has the same values that we have, we share a Common Enemy who is the Common Enemy of all Humanity and as such is God-Hating.

America will be strong and a moral force with Donald Trump in the WH and he'll join with us and the great Russian Patriot Vladimir Putin who is also fighting this Devil and together we will win and this time it must be a final victory, the Serpent must never be allowed to rise again it must be squashed.

Obama has been bad enough for not only the European Continent but also for the Middle East, Hillary will be even worse, she'll be even more of a vengeful Demon for the European Continent than FDR and Harry Truman combined, two American Communists who allowed Communist Traitors to serve in the Government and give secrets to Stalin, here's two Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White, of course the Leftist MSM at the time went to bat for both of these Traitors, the MSM has always been part of the Fifth Column, just like they are now.

They hate Donald Trump because they know what'll happen with him in the WH.

Alger Hiss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's funny you peeps want to blow dictators. Well, funny in an ironic sense.

Yes, trump loves Putin and hitler, but in the long run it won't work in America.
The left are the dictators. Sometimes you have to physically remove the degenerates who threaten liberty. And that may require a military junta, free helicopter rides and parachute-free skydiving lessons for leftist cockroaches. Get your economy back on track, free up the market and let your people make their own decisions, no Marxist communism should be tolerated if you ever want a free, prosperous, and peaceful society. We don't have to remove them all, just enough to get the street agitators scared enough to shut up, get jobs, and forget this all happened.

We know that it's either them or us, the Leftists Extremists want to dismantle everything, we want to save what they want to dismantle, as such we cannot co-exist within the same society.

We didn't start this, they started this by attempting for force through things like Political Correctness and Diversity all of these problems came with what they started, now it's Transgenders, next it'll be Paedophilia is considered normal etc until Western Civilisation and our values system has no values, no morals, no cohesion and our societies just begin to collapse under the weight of combined degeneracy.

This is something that we're not going to allow to happen.

Legalizing pedophilia will soon be on the agenda for those who want to tear down the morals and traditions that western civilization has built over hundreds of years. This will take awhile. They're working on the kids now to feel ashamed of being heteros.
We have to nip it in the bud now. Its been time.
OOM is have an alt right temper tantrum. The personal attack in lieu of good argumentation characterizes them. All people, including white indigenous peoples of the West, have a place in the world, yes.
Jake, you are an Alt-Righter....remember? So is Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Black Lives Matter. You said so yourself just this morning.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
Americans have nothing to do with weak minded Germans. They sat complacently by while Hitler murdered six million people. Every damn thing is not America's fault.

America's Communist friend Josef Stalin murdered much more, yet America didn't sit complacently, they enabled him and propped him up and then gave him half of the European Continent to put bnehind The Iron Curtain to continue repressing and disappearing people.

Or are you saying that ONLY certain lives matter, that certain people are worth more than others? If they were millions of Chinese you wouldn't care would you? Or millions of Roman Catholics?

It's America's fault that the German nation is NEVER allowed to move on, that all that shit must be brought up day after day after day and that Hollyweird in America each year must produce yet another set of films from another third rate novel and no matter how bad the film is it MUST great reviews and then forced onto people who for most part yawn and think "not this stuff again?
The German nation should have flipped the bird to this shit at least 10 years ago and also said no more money welfare handouts to certain people who have been operating the biggest Extortion Racket for a very long time.

If you don't like my answer, then I'm sorry.

Maybe America and Hollyweird instead should concentrate on the Communist murderers of Stalin and Beria, maybe they should start making Hollyweird films each year about the Gulags for a change, or would that upset the same certain people I refer to above?
We have thousands of dead Americans rotting in European graves. Stuff it.
Lucy, grow up.

Stalin, Beria, Molotov, Hitler, Goering, etc., are all dead.

German fascism is not coming back, honey.

Get over yourself.
Only German parents slitting the throats of their blond haired blue-eyed children would there be a better example of obsequious or sycophantic surrender to their Moslem master.

You need to read into who has caused the self-loathing, without American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations none of this would ever have happened, this is what happens when a great nation with Millenia of greatness in everything from literature to music to architecture to Fine Art is brainwashed into The Guilt Complex.

Our German cousins have nothing to be guilty about, but Foreign Organisations have paid for "educational" material to be used to brainwash at least half of a nation.

So you an American be proud of what American Propaganda has resulted in. If you're not proud of it, then condemn the American Propaganda, you know of what I mean.

We have been majority part immune to that American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations, oh the same crowd has attempted it, but it's been repelled and rejected and we remain and always will remain proud of our Culture and Heritage, the Spirit remains within our souls and our minds, we're Patriots and anyone who attempts to pull anything on us will rue the day.

I add that the whole of Eastern Europa is also immune to this American Propaganda and Foreign Organisations.

We up until about a month ago felt sympathy for our German cousins, now we feel nothing but contempt for them, if they're not willing to stand up and fight for everything that Millenia of German Culture and Heritage has given them, then they deserve to perish.

If anyone has any problem with my above comments, I don't give a shit, I'm immune to any and all bedwetting or cry-babying or attempts at "Guilt Tripping" so don't even waste your time responding to my above comments, my response is:


People like me are long tired of hearing the shit from the Propagandists.
Americans have nothing to do with weak minded Germans. They sat complacently by while Hitler murdered six million people. Every damn thing is not America's fault.

America's Communist friend Josef Stalin murdered much more, yet America didn't sit complacently, they enabled him and propped him up and then gave him half of the European Continent to put bnehind The Iron Curtain to continue repressing and disappearing people.

Or are you saying that ONLY certain lives matter, that certain people are worth more than others? If they were millions of Chinese you wouldn't care would you? Or millions of Roman Catholics?

It's America's fault that the German nation is NEVER allowed to move on, that all that shit must be brought up day after day after day and that Hollyweird in America each year must produce yet another set of films from another third rate novel and no matter how bad the film is it MUST great reviews and then forced onto people who for most part yawn and think "not this stuff again?
The German nation should have flipped the bird to this shit at least 10 years ago and also said no more money welfare handouts to certain people who have been operating the biggest Extortion Racket for a very long time.

If you don't like my answer, then I'm sorry.

Maybe America and Hollyweird instead should concentrate on the Communist murderers of Stalin and Beria, maybe they should start making Hollyweird films each year about the Gulags for a change, or would that upset the same certain people I refer to above?
We have thousands of dead Americans rotting in European graves. Stuff it.

10 MILLION Russian and Germanic troops died at Stalingrad, for what? Poland? Who co-invaded Poland? Oh that's right America's friend Josef Stalin before he switched sides because he got a better money and territory offer.

Well you shouldn't have got involved then, FDR ran his 1940 campaign on keeping America out of another European war, you should have just fought the Japanese in the Pacific, of course FDR knew 24 hours before that Pearl Harbour was going to be attacked he just didn't let anyone tell the American Navy at Pearl Harbour so they could get bombed and give him an excuse to get into the war.
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