Germany: 80 men brawl with MACHETES


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Erob: Where the Sun Sets West of Phoenecia
Well I guess it was only a matter of time, what with all the rival factions they keep importing.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
A HORRIFYING street battle between 60 men armed with machetes and metal pipes forcing a state of emergency to be declared in Duisburg.
PUBLISHED: 12:41, Thu, Mar 29, 2018 | UPDATED: 13:04, Thu, Mar 29, 2018


Duisburg riot: Around 80 people were involved in the clashes

Police were called to the Altmarkt area of the city over reports of the mass bawl. Officers used CS gas to control the brawling men.

The scores of men were also using telescopic batons in the fight in Druisburg, which is on the west of Germany.

Police said they were spat at and had objects hurled at them.

Around 50 people were arrested and onlookers captured the brutality in shocking photos.

Those arrested refused to explain what sparked the fight and 30 people were later released.

A police official told the newspaper Der Westen: "There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.

"Unlike with a demonstration of that size, we do not have a contact person, nobody wants to talk to the police.”

He added: "The officers got the situation under control before it escalated.


Machetes were recovered from the scene of the fight

Betwwen 20 to 30 people were on each side of the fight in Monday night's incident and police said the majority of those arrested were from a Lebanese background.

The police spokesman said similar incidents had taken place the previous night and the week before. Police are looking into whether there is a connection.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
I wonder what "LEBANESE" backgrounds means? Lots of people were jumping over the hills from Syria to get into Lebanon. As far as I know-----there is no KURDISTAN in Lebanon------As far as I know-----prancing around with MACHETES
is not customary in Lebanon ????? There is HEZBOLLAH in Lebanon now-----
no doubt given a machete-----a Hezbollian would be delighted to slice people with it
Well obviously they need machete control, register them, no machetes longer than six inches, you can't own a machete if you have a history of violence and no altering the machete.

Sensible machete laws will halt this insane violence
Well I guess it was only a matter of time, what with all the rival factions they keep importing.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
A HORRIFYING street battle between 60 men armed with machetes and metal pipes forcing a state of emergency to be declared in Duisburg.
PUBLISHED: 12:41, Thu, Mar 29, 2018 | UPDATED: 13:04, Thu, Mar 29, 2018


Duisburg riot: Around 80 people were involved in the clashes

Police were called to the Altmarkt area of the city over reports of the mass bawl. Officers used CS gas to control the brawling men.

The scores of men were also using telescopic batons in the fight in Druisburg, which is on the west of Germany.

Police said they were spat at and had objects hurled at them.

Around 50 people were arrested and onlookers captured the brutality in shocking photos.

Those arrested refused to explain what sparked the fight and 30 people were later released.

A police official told the newspaper Der Westen: "There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.

"Unlike with a demonstration of that size, we do not have a contact person, nobody wants to talk to the police.”

He added: "The officers got the situation under control before it escalated.


Machetes were recovered from the scene of the fight

Betwwen 20 to 30 people were on each side of the fight in Monday night's incident and police said the majority of those arrested were from a Lebanese background.

The police spokesman said similar incidents had taken place the previous night and the week before. Police are looking into whether there is a connection.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
Diversity is our strength!
Well obviously they need machete control, register them, no machetes longer than six inches, you can't own a machete if you have a history of violence and no altering the machete.

Sensible machete laws will halt this insane violence
Here is the AM - 15. Assault Machete version 15 with flash suppressor, stock and 30 round hacking magazine.

Well obviously they need machete control, register them, no machetes longer than six inches, you can't own a machete if you have a history of violence and no altering the machete.

Sensible machete laws will halt this insane violence

I cannot imagine a use for a MACHETE in Lebanon-------My guess is that
all those machetes were IMPORTED
Well I guess it was only a matter of time, what with all the rival factions they keep importing.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
A HORRIFYING street battle between 60 men armed with machetes and metal pipes forcing a state of emergency to be declared in Duisburg.
PUBLISHED: 12:41, Thu, Mar 29, 2018 | UPDATED: 13:04, Thu, Mar 29, 2018


Duisburg riot: Around 80 people were involved in the clashes

Police were called to the Altmarkt area of the city over reports of the mass bawl. Officers used CS gas to control the brawling men.

The scores of men were also using telescopic batons in the fight in Druisburg, which is on the west of Germany.

Police said they were spat at and had objects hurled at them.

Around 50 people were arrested and onlookers captured the brutality in shocking photos.

Those arrested refused to explain what sparked the fight and 30 people were later released.

A police official told the newspaper Der Westen: "There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.

"Unlike with a demonstration of that size, we do not have a contact person, nobody wants to talk to the police.”

He added: "The officers got the situation under control before it escalated.


Machetes were recovered from the scene of the fight

Betwwen 20 to 30 people were on each side of the fight in Monday night's incident and police said the majority of those arrested were from a Lebanese background.

The police spokesman said similar incidents had taken place the previous night and the week before. Police are looking into whether there is a connection.

Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES
Diversity is our strength!
I love diversity.
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Cant get more diverse than those..
From der westen, it appears it was quickly shut down, all arrested, refused to talk, and then released. How comforting that must not be.

Tilly, I hope you don’t mind my adding this here, which I also found on der westen. It’s horrific. Seems in Berlin at a school a Jewish girl was threatened by Muslims, of beheading-
Google translation-
Duisburg. The fall of a school in Berlin-Tempelhof shocked many people in Germany. There, a Jewish student was threatened with death by Muslims because she does not believe in Allah.
As the "Tagesspiegel" reports, at the school in a Whatsapp group even beheading videos of the terrorist militia "Islamic state" circulated.
Duisburg Islamic scholar calls for tougher penalties

The Islamist Lamya Kaddor from Duisburg therefore demands harsher penalties for the discrimination of pupils in an interview with the "Stern": "It would be possible to have a detention, a leave of absence or a school referral. It should not make any difference whether I say to a classmate "shit Jew" or "shit Muslim."

Parents also need to be persuaded not to tolerate such behavior: "It is not possible to educate children and even some parents." Every school should be clear that there is no room for discrimination. Schools do not always make cases public One should not leave the schools alone with these problems. Even in the case of the Berlin School, the case only became public when a parent turned to the press. "A school that has had anti-Semitic incidents is being shunned by responsible parents. Especially against politically conscious parents, the school management comes in explanations. Schools want to present themselves as open and tolerant ", explains Kaddor, who worked as a teacher in Dinslaken. Anti-Semitism is not a part of Islam, but "main propaganda of Islamist ideology." "This hostile attitude has in part leaked to the base of" normal "Muslims. Jews often have to serve as a scapegoat for abuses in the lives of Muslims, "says Kaddor to the" star ".
Schüler bedrohen Mädchen, weil sie nicht an Allah glaubt: Duisburger Islamwissenschaftlerin fordert harte Strafen

At least this Islamic scholar admits it has infiltrated all Muslim community, though I beg to differ whether it is not part of Islam.. Now what to do about it.
Seems it’s been going on for a while:

Germany quells migrant mass brawl at camp in Calden
Germany quells migrant mass brawl

GERMANY CHAOS: Mass brawl between teenage migrants sparks major police operation
TEENAGE migrants left one person injured after two gangs sparked a mass brawl outside a major shopping centre.

GERMANY CHAOS: Mass brawl between teenage migrants sparks major police operation

Refugees on the rampage: Shocking moment asylum seekers start brutal brawl at German migrant centre
  • Fight broke out among asylum seekers at a centre in Dortmund, Germany
  • Chairs were smashed over heads, punches thrown and people kicked
  • Five people needed medical treatment and three youths were arrested
  • Police are so far at a loss to explain the eruption of violence on Tuesday

Read more: Asylum seekers start brutal brawl at German migrant centre in Dortmund | Daily Mail Online
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Germany migrants: Residents battle asylum seekers in Bautzen

Residents battle migrants in German town
I knew it couldn't be the Germans.

When I was in the service, I was walking down the street Frankfort and about 20 Germans on motorcycles in leather stopped less than a half block in front of me, parked their bikes and went into a bar.

The bikes were like Honda's.
They looked like this:

Their leather was so spit shined, they sparkled:


My older brother had a Harley when he was in his 20's that looked like this:


And he never wore spit shined leather.

So I was pretty sure it wasn't the Germans brawling.

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