Germany: clashes between Kurds and ISIS stopped by large number of police

How come Germany has so many ISIS 'supporters'? Where did they get them from?
This is spreading throughout Europe and will soon be here in the USA?

Already rumblings in Canada.
yeah , I watch video of some anti English protests in England , I see the same in France , Germany , and other Euro countries . Check out Sweden and Denmark . Its interesting to see and Americans should search out Europeon news to see wots headed to the USA .
Rumbling in Canada , I wasn't aware other than having heard that Canada is very liberal in its immigration policies .
Demonstrating Kurds have been attacked by ISIS sympathizers in Herford, North-Rhine Westfalia. The police used pepper spray to stop it. Passersby were attacked by the IS Islamists. Striking tools and a gun were seized by the police. Hundreds of policemen were in action, only 6 ISIS thugs were arrested, most of them Chechens.

Großeinsatz der Polizei in Herford: Ausschreitungen zwischen Islamisten und Jesiden

Spent a lot of time in that area years ago but there never noticed Turks or Kurds etc.
They need to parachute the 69th Division of the Airborne Liberals into the mix and use their slumber inducing chants of "Diversity is our Strength" to put an end to the rioting.
US is has multiple races as well but I do not see ISIS supporters here. Are you sure there is direct relation between multiple cultures and ISIS?
Not inevitably. But - due to political pressure - there is almost no control of the population development in Germany and most parts of the EU. Things escalate here. The Islamists lived here before ISIS was created. Looks like ISIS sends recruiters into the european islamist milieus.
US is has multiple races as well but I do not see ISIS supporters here. Are you sure there is direct relation between multiple cultures and ISIS?
Not inevitably. But - due to political pressure - there is almost no control of the population development in Germany and most parts of the EU. Things escalate here. The Islamists lived here before ISIS was created. Looks like ISIS sends recruiters into the european islamist milieus.

So problem, it seems like is not the multiple cultures residing in Germany but German immigration policies. Germany should learn to distinguish between normal people and terrorists. They are not on and the same. This shows that the issue of Islamic fundamentalists making into Germany has nothing to do with multiple cultures. It seems like some racist elements inside Germany want to limit immigration of people of color under the pretext of failed integration of multiple cultures.
So problem, it seems like is not the multiple cultures residing in Germany but German immigration policies.

If it seems that way to you, then you're simply wrong in your analysis and conclusion. Everywhere in the world the problem is between two cultures. The English-French divide in Canada didn't arise via immigration, it's a problem between two cultures. The same cultural issue between the Czechs and the Slovaks. The same between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Coming back to the Canada example - Canada had a massive influx of Poles, Ukrainians, Scots, Irish, Dutch, Germans and when they settled across English Canada, assumed a Canadian identity, all of the immigration related issues faded away. What remains is the divide between Quebecois culture and English culture (people with descendent of Poles, Slovaks, Dutch, etc).

Germany should learn to distinguish between normal people and terrorists. They are not on and the same. This shows that the issue of Islamic fundamentalists making into Germany has nothing to do with multiple cultures.

No, the root problem is with Muslim immigrants. German has immigrants from Japan and Vietnam and other Asian countries and they seem to get along well enough.

If Muslim immigrants to Germany converted to Catholicism or Protestantism, changed their names to German names, avoid associations with other Muslim communities and instead integrated deeply in a German social network, then they'd eventually become Germans with a darker complexion. But they don't want to be Germans, they want to be Muslims, they keep their languages and customs alive, they keep their distinctive names - they're economic migrants who really don't have an appreciation for German culture, they just want the enhanced lifestyle that comes from living in Germany.

To be a Muslim means that you believe in the foundational beliefs of Islam and the foundational beliefs of Islam ARE THE PROBLEM.

It seems like some racist elements inside Germany want to limit immigration of people of color under the pretext of failed integration of multiple cultures.

There's absolutely nothing racist about wanting to maintain one's community. No one has to offer excuses for saying "Germany for Germans only, Germany for whites only."
So problem, it seems like is not the multiple cultures residing in Germany but German immigration policies.

If it seems that way to you, then you're simply wrong in your analysis and conclusion. Everywhere in the world the problem is between two cultures. The English-French divide in Canada didn't arise via immigration, it's a problem between two cultures. The same cultural issue between the Czechs and the Slovaks. The same between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Coming back to the Canada example - Canada had a massive influx of Poles, Ukrainians, Scots, Irish, Dutch, Germans and when they settled across English Canada, assumed a Canadian identity, all of the immigration related issues faded away. What remains is the divide between Quebecois culture and English culture (people with descendent of Poles, Slovaks, Dutch, etc).

Germany should learn to distinguish between normal people and terrorists. They are not on and the same. This shows that the issue of Islamic fundamentalists making into Germany has nothing to do with multiple cultures.

No, the root problem is with Muslim immigrants. German has immigrants from Japan and Vietnam and other Asian countries and they seem to get along well enough.

If Muslim immigrants to Germany converted to Catholicism or Protestantism, changed their names to German names, avoid associations with other Muslim communities and instead integrated deeply in a German social network, then they'd eventually become Germans with a darker complexion. But they don't want to be Germans, they want to be Muslims, they keep their languages and customs alive, they keep their distinctive names - they're economic migrants who really don't have an appreciation for German culture, they just want the enhanced lifestyle that comes from living in Germany.

To be a Muslim means that you believe in the foundational beliefs of Islam and the foundational beliefs of Islam ARE THE PROBLEM.

It seems like some racist elements inside Germany want to limit immigration of people of color under the pretext of failed integration of multiple cultures.

There's absolutely nothing racist about wanting to maintain one's community. No one has to offer excuses for saying "Germany for Germans only, Germany for whites only."

First, I do not agree with you that Muslims in general are a problem group. But let us assume you are correct. Even then you cannot say that the idea of multiple cultures living together has failed. That is essentially the excuse German racist elements are pushing forward.

As far as Germany for whites only is concerned, that is a racist stance and a sad saga for Germany that never seems to end.

As far as I am concerned, I already know that your kind is racist. So if you come out and clearly say that Germany is for whites only, it will save us all time and bandwidth.
First, I do not agree with you that Muslims in general are a problem group. But let us assume you are correct. Even then you cannot say that the idea of multiple cultures living together has failed. That is essentially the excuse German racist elements are pushing forward.

Oh, I most definitely can claim that multiple cultures living together has failed. I have thousands of years of history showing this to be the case and during which there was not one example which emerged which demonstrated that this method of organizing a society actually proved SUPERIOR to unified cultures. All you have is propaganda and wishful thinking.

For you to call historically literate people racist for acknowledging what history shows us is ignorant. That makes you a moron.

As far as Germany for whites only is concerned, that is a racist stance and a sad saga for Germany that never seems to end.

Bullshit, that's not a racist stance. What you're arguing is that we can remove all the people from Sri Lanka, replace them with Canadian Inuit people, and nothing changes. The Inuit now become Sri Lankans, and Sri Lanka is just the same as it was before when it was peopled by Sri Lankans,.

Germany has nothing to answer for, especially present generations. It is considered immoral in the extreme to punish the son for the sins of his father, so why don't you stop trying to punish present-day Germans for the sins of their long dead fathers.

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