Germany. Death of an eight-year-old child pushed under a train in motion

He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you, he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn. You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you, he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn. You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.
What you have to understand is the fact, that he has no empathy for any human being...that's how Nazis think...killing 6 million innocent people, women and children included is, what his ilk has done and in his disgusting display of contempt for the victim, he shows you why it happened...human life is cheap for these bastard...ideology and party come first...human scum they were and always will be
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you,

What about to start to visit a kindergarten? How long do you like to continue with your nonsense?

he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn.

You are an impertinent, ignorant, arrogant and agressive asshole. It needs 10 seconds to learn this. What did you learn the rest of your life?

You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.

106 nations in the world don't have death penalty. In 8 nations exists death penalty only under very resticted laws (law of war for example), 29 have death penalty but do not execute. In only 55 nations exists death penalty. I'm sure Donald Trump would call this 55 nations - excluding the USA - "shit hole countries", while he supports executions on his own. He was by the way a long time before he was president of the USA responsibe, that some colored peoplr were arrested a very long time. He liked even to execute them. Some long years later they found out this people were innocent. I would says Donald Trump learns nothing out of his own mistakes.
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Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you, he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn. You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.
What you have to understand is the fact, that he has no empathy for any human being...that's how Nazis think...killing 6 million innocent people, women and children included is, what his ilk has done and in his disgusting display of contempt for the victim, he shows you why it happened...human life is cheap for these bastard...ideology and party come first...human scum they were and always will be

Yeah, so end that motherfucker! He needs to hang or be shot in the head.
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you, he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn. You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.
What you have to understand is the fact, that he has no empathy for any human being...that's how Nazis think...killing 6 million innocent people, women and children included is, what his ilk has done and in his disgusting display of contempt for the victim, he shows you why it happened...human life is cheap for these bastard...ideology and party come first...human scum they were and always will be

U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e ... Lacks every US-citizen every form of self-control and honesty? ... What you say here could be written in a teaching book for Nazi propagda. You have only to replace the word "German" with "Jew" and the word "American" with "German". Some years ago I found sometimes someone, who was such a structural Nazi in the USA. Mostly people from the left political spectrum. Now the USA seems to be full of such structural Nazis and they are mostly in the right political spectrum. Prost-Mahlzeit - das kann ja hiter werden, wenn das so weiter geht.
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He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

Fuck you, he killed an 8 year old, hang his ass and let the train hit his body as it goes by, you fucking buttnugget.
I've already forgotten more than you'll ever learn. You are constrained by your communist indoctrination, I am not and never was. You lose.
What you have to understand is the fact, that he has no empathy for any human being...that's how Nazis think...killing 6 million innocent people, women and children included is, what his ilk has done and in his disgusting display of contempt for the victim, he shows you why it happened...human life is cheap for these bastard...ideology and party come first...human scum they were and always will be

U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e ... Lacks every US-citizen every form of self-control and honesty? ... What you say here could be written in a teaching book for Nazi propagda. You have only to replace the word "German" with "Jew" and the word "American" with "German". Some years ago I pound sometimes someone, who was such a structural Nazi in the USA. Mostly people from the left political spectrum. Now the USA seems to be full of such structural Nazis and they are mostly in the right political spectrum. Prost-Mahlzeit - das kann ja hiter werden, wenn das so weiter geht.

he, captain retard buttnugget: be very quite about the Jews...since it seems that you left loons are really hating them...just like you Nazi know, the National SOCIALIST workers party of Germany....

so,when are you and your cronies going to invade Russia? I'd love to see another Victoria parade of the Russian army in Berlin HAHAHAHAHA...

It's OK, you don't have to pretend that you care for humans, cause we know that you don't....just let your inner Nazi rum little disgusting waste of skin
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.

August der Schäfer hat Wölfe gehört,
Wölfe mitten im Mai, zwar nur zwei,
doch der Schäfer der schwört,
die hätten zusammen das Fraßlied geheult,
das aus früherer Zeit, und er schreit.
und sein Hut ist verbeult.
Schreit: "Rasch, holt die Sensen sonst ist es zu spät.
Schlagt sie tot, noch eher der Hahn dreimal kräht."
Doch wer hört schon auf einen alten Hut
und ist auf der Hut? Und ist auf der Hut?

August der Schäfer ward niemehr geseh'n,
nur sein alter Hut, voller Blut,
schwamm im Bach. Circa zehn
hat dann später das Dorfhexenkind
nachts im Steinbruch entdeckt, blutbefleckt
und die Schnauzen im Wind.
Dem Kind hat die Mutter den Mund zugehext,
hat geflüstert: "Bi still oder du verreckst!
Wer den bösen Wolf nicht vergißt, mein Kind,
bleibt immer ein Kind. Bleibt immer ein Kind."

Schon schnappten die Hunde den Wind, und im Hag
rochen Rosen nach Aas. Kein Schwein fraß.
Eulen jagten am Tag.
Hühner verscharrten die Eier im Sand.
Speck im Fang wurde weich. Aus dem Teich
krochen Karpfen an Land.
Da haben die Greise zahnlos gelacht
und gezischelt: "Wir haben's gleich gesagt.
Düngt die Felder wieder mit altem Mist,
sonst ist alles Mist. Sonst ist alles Mist

Dann zu Johannis beim Feuertanzfest
- keiner weiß heut' mehr wie - waren sie
plötzlich da. Aus Geäst
sprangen sie in den Tanzkreis. Zu schnell
bissen Bräute ins Gras, und zu blaß
schien der Mond. Aber hell,
hell brannte Feuer aus trockenem Moos,
brannte der Wald bis hinunter zum Fluß.
"Kinder spielt vorm Rauch, dort wissen wir nichts,
und riechen auch nichts. Und riechen auch nichts."

Jetzt kommen Zeiten, da heißt es, heraus
mit dem Gold aus dem Mund. Seid klug und
wühlt euch Gräben ums Haus.
Gebt eure Töchter dem rohesten Knecht,
jenem, der noch zur Not nicht nur Brot,
mit den Zähnen aufbricht."
So sang der verschmuddelte Bauchladenmann
und pries Amulette aus Wolfszähnen an.
"Wickelt Stroh und Stacheldraht um den Hals
und haltet den Hals. Und haltet den Hals."

Was ist dann doch in den Häusern passiert?
Bisse in Balken und Bett. Welches Fett
hat den Rauchfang verschmiert?
Wer gab den Wölfen die Kreide, das Mehl,
stäubte die Pfoten weiß? Welcher Greiß
glich das Ziegengebell?
Und hat sich ein siebentes Geißlein versteckt?
Wurden Wackersteine im Brunnen entdeckt?
Viele Fragen, die nur einer hören will,
der stören will. Der stören will.

Nur jener Knecht mit dem Wildschweingebrech
- heute ein Touristenziel - weiß, wieviel
da geschah. Aber frech
hockt er im Käfig, frißt Blutwurst und lacht
wenn man ihn fragt. Und nur Schlag Null Uhr
zur Johannisnacht,
wenn von den Bergen das Feuerrad springt,
die Touristenschar fröhlich das Fraßlied singt,
beißt er wild ins Gitter, schreit: "Schluß mit dem Lied!
s'ist ein garstig Lied. 's'ist ein garstig Lied."

August der Schäfer hat Wölfe gehört,
Wölfe mitten im Mai, mehr als zwei.
Und der Schäfer, der schwört,
die hätten zusammen das Fraßlied geheult,
das aus früherer Zeit, und er schreit.
Und sein Hut ist verbeult.
Schreit: "Rasch, holt die Sensen sonst ist es zu spät.
Schlagt sie tot, noch ehe der Hahn dreimal kräht."
Doch wer hört schon auf einen alten Hut
und ist auf der Hut? Und ist auf der Hut?

Franz Josef Degenhardt
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Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.,you're a fucking Russian German racist Nazi...that's all you lying piece of Nazi shit...fuck off as I've told you several times now.

I wish you a happy end of your world day, when your fourth Reich collapses
They're black Muslims, that's what they do.

I'll tell you right now: Black Americans are 500% better than those pieces of shit.

Double if they're from FL.

That does not include Somalians Obama imported and distributed around the country. Those are not Americans.
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He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.,you're a fucking Russian German racist Nazi...that's all you lying piece of Nazi shit...fuck off as I've told you several times now.

I wish you a happy end of your world day, when your fourth Reich collapses

And you think really you are not an abnormal psychopath, who should be arrested on reason to make the life of all other people more save?
They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.,you're a fucking Russian German racist Nazi...that's all you lying piece of Nazi shit...fuck off as I've told you several times now.

I wish you a happy end of your world day, when your fourth Reich collapses

And you think really you are not an abnormal psychopath, who should be arrested on reason to make the life of all other people more save?

Sorry, but I am not the soul less inhumane Nazi who doesn't care if little boys are being thrown under trains.....that would be you...and I am not the one, who makes up excuses for the purpotrator either..that agian, is you my little Nazi thug...don't you have a Jew to beat up? or to get people locked up for "wrongthink"

too bad that you've never read 1984 would be astonished just how much you and your ilk are like big brother...disgusting
He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

They should hang him tomorrow.

What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.,you're a fucking Russian German racist Nazi...that's all you lying piece of Nazi shit...fuck off as I've told you several times now.

I wish you a happy end of your world day, when your fourth Reich collapses

No comment
What a nonsense. Death penalty is irreversible and inhuman and helps no one. And it is totally antiquated since secure prisons exist. We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things. When someone will have a new theory in some years, then he will perhaps be very happy to be able to get informations from this man. What we are able to find out will perhaps help others never to be killed, so they are able to cry out "hang everyone, because I don't like to learn something".

"We will have to find out why people suddenly are doing such things"

Well,Nazi, but you don't...for leftists reality has to bend to fit their fuck off, buttnugget

Btw: Ja,meine ich du dreckiges stuck scheiss

To give you something to think: I am a Germans who has also Jewish family members. Lots of members of my Jewish family died in the Holocaust. Now go to a priest of the Holy Catholic Church. Ask him, whether he is ready to hear your confession, if you like to start to save your soul. Don't speak with me any longer.,you're a fucking Russian German racist Nazi...that's all you lying piece of Nazi shit...fuck off as I've told you several times now.

I wish you a happy end of your world day, when your fourth Reich collapses

And you think really you are not an abnormal psychopath, who should be arrested on reason to make the life of all other people more save?

Sorry, but I am not the soul less inhumane Nazi who doesn't care if little boys are being thrown under trains.....that would be you...and I am not the one, who makes up excuses for the purpotrator either..that agian, is you my little Nazi thug...don't you have a Jew to beat up? or to get people locked up for "wrongthink"

too bad that you've never read 1984 would be astonished just how much you and your ilk are like big brother...disgusting

no comment
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

Muslims are such an asset to Western Civilization... :eusa_whistle:
Who knew? I suppose I need to get out more...

Eritrea, officially the State of Eritrea, is a country in the Horn of Africa.

Eritrea - Wikipedia

Oh by the way:

Amnesty International issued a travel warning for the U.S. over “high levels of gun violence” following two mass shootings over the weekend that left 31 people dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. The human rights organization’s advisory urges travelers in the U.S. to “exercise caution and have an emergency contingency plan when traveling throughout the USA.”
Source: Amnesty International issues travel warning for U.S. over ‘high levels of gun violence’

Hence the American civil war becomes a World War. democrats, China, and Russia against the patriotic Americans.
Who knew? I suppose I need to get out more...

Eritrea, officially the State of Eritrea, is a country in the Horn of Africa.

Eritrea - Wikipedia

Oh by the way:

Amnesty International issued a travel warning for the U.S. over “high levels of gun violence” following two mass shootings over the weekend that left 31 people dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. The human rights organization’s advisory urges travelers in the U.S. to “exercise caution and have an emergency contingency plan when traveling throughout the USA.”
Source: Amnesty International issues travel warning for U.S. over ‘high levels of gun violence’

Hence the American civil war becomes a World War. democrats, China, and Russia against the patriotic Americans.

And what do you like to tell me with this words? That Alexander Hoffmann, a German who had lived for 40 in El Paso, was murdered from an US-American terrorist there on reason of civil war cliches?

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Who knew? I suppose I need to get out more...

Eritrea, officially the State of Eritrea, is a country in the Horn of Africa.

Eritrea - Wikipedia

Oh by the way:

Amnesty International issued a travel warning for the U.S. over “high levels of gun violence” following two mass shootings over the weekend that left 31 people dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. The human rights organization’s advisory urges travelers in the U.S. to “exercise caution and have an emergency contingency plan when traveling throughout the USA.”
Source: Amnesty International issues travel warning for U.S. over ‘high levels of gun violence’

Hence the American civil war becomes a World War. democrats, China, and Russia against the patriotic Americans.

And what do you like to tell me with this words? That Alexander Hoffmann, a German who lived since 40 in El Paso, was murdered from an US-American terrorist on reason of civil war cliches?

Whoever he was, he was most likely murdered by a petty criminal.

My point was that Amnesty International decided to take sides in the Civil War. We already know that China is the major power behind AOC, Pelosi, Chinese Spy Feinstein, et al. The civil war the democrats wage against America is actually a war of conquest that they fight on behalf of China.
Who knew? I suppose I need to get out more...

Eritrea, officially the State of Eritrea, is a country in the Horn of Africa.

Eritrea - Wikipedia

Oh by the way:

Amnesty International issued a travel warning for the U.S. over “high levels of gun violence” following two mass shootings over the weekend that left 31 people dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. The human rights organization’s advisory urges travelers in the U.S. to “exercise caution and have an emergency contingency plan when traveling throughout the USA.”
Source: Amnesty International issues travel warning for U.S. over ‘high levels of gun violence’

Hence the American civil war becomes a World War. democrats, China, and Russia against the patriotic Americans.

And what do you like to tell me with this words? That Alexander Hoffmann, a German who lived since 40 in El Paso, was murdered from an US-American terrorist on reason of civil war cliches?

Whoever he was, he was most likely murdered by a petty criminal.

He was murdered from the US-American terrorist, who drove hundreds of miles to El Paso and had murdered there 22 people.

My point was that Amnesty International decided to take sides in the Civil War.

No idea what this means.

We already know that China is the major power behind AOC, Pelosi, Chinese Spy Feinstein, et al.

And l have also not any idea what this means. I'm not an US-Amercian. I'm a stranger - a German.

The civil war the democrats wage against America is actually a war of conquest that they fight on behalf of China.

Now I get it. You are a supporter of Donald Trump, who thinks the supporters of the poltical party "democrats" are a kind of evil conspirative might.

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He was murdered from the US-American terrorist, who drove hundreds of miles to El Paso and had murdered there 22 people.

Odd, the radical left media keeps saying that only Mexicans died. If Crusius was the "white supremacist" that the fascists of NBC claim then he sure wasn't very good at it, what with shooting white Germans and all.

No idea what this means.

You need better translation software.

Now I get it. You are a supporter of Donald Trump, who thinks the supporters of the poltical party "democrats" are a kind of evil conspirative might.

Are you really so ignorant that you don't grasp that America is embroiled in civil war?

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