Germany. Death of an eight-year-old child pushed under a train in motion

The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

This guy was held up publicly as a model citizen and the success of an integration program .
Well........ until he pushed and innocent woman and her child in front of a train

Celebrate diversity YOU racist xenophobes and white nationalist !

Both is easily able to be true. He was very well integrated, what had started in 2006. 2019 - 13 year later - a friend of him reported that he gave more and more paranoic statements and started to live in fear. Specially also in fear of Nazis. He reported also when he looked calm he was always full of stress inside, because of his own imaginations and thoughts. He sent him to a doctor. He was still under medical treatement when this had happened. The police in Switzerland looked for him - but not with a high priority, because no one thought he is dangerous. The Swiss are by the way excellent in medicine - and they are also very good integrators. He had a good job. Children in the age of 1, 3 and 4 years. A wonderful wife. Friends ... Then he travelled hundreds of miles and murdered an unknown 8 years old boy and tried to murder his mother and an old Lady too. Totally unknown people.
I honestly hate people like are one pure example of a German Nazi and you don't even know it.

You Fascist leftists will bend everything to fit your agenda and in that respect,you would be very well fitting in either the GDR's Stasi apparatus or the Nazi's SS.

Btw: You want to be sooooo intellectually good looking,but you even fail to do a quick google search: in English,"Totschlag" is manslaughter

PS: how high were the murder numbers in Germany BEFORE the invasion of the horde? AH! far lower..and for your other non argument: most murders in the US are comitted in urban areas of leftwing controlled citys...Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates...Chicago has the strictest gun control laws,yet is in the top five murder cities as well...and of course democrat governed.

How high is the suicide rate in germany? last time I've checked,it more than 10 000 people a year,who can't stand your socialist schit hole're soon be at GDR level congrats!
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

This guy was held up publicly as a model citizen and the success of an integration program .
Well........ until he pushed and innocent woman and her child in front of a train

Celebrate diversity YOU racist xenophobes and white nationalist !

Both is easily able to be true. He was very well integrated, what had started in 2006. 2019 - 13 year later - a friend of him reported that he gave more and more paranoic statements and started to live in fear. Specially also in fear of Nazis. He reported also when he looked calm he was always full of stress inside, because of his own imaginations and thoughts. He sent him to a doctor. He was still under medical treatement when this had happened. The police in Switzerland looked for him - but not with a high priority, because no one thought he is dangerous. The Swiss are by the way excellent in medicine - and they are also very good integrators. He had a good job. Children in the age of 1, 3 and 4 years. A wonderful wife. Friends ... Then he travelled hundreds of miles and murdered an unknown 8 years old boy and tried to murder his mother and an old Lady too. Totally unknown people.
I honestly hate people like you...

Aha - you know nothing about me, but you hate me because of your political indoctrination.

you are one pure example of a German Nazi and you don't even know it.

A good one. Do you know the joke where a Catholic monk, a Protestant priest and a Jewish rabbi made a picnic at a lake shore? Perhaps you should first asks someone where are the stones before you try to go over water. Don't ask the monk.

You Fascist leftists

:lol: I'm what?

will bend everything to fit your agenda and in that respect,you would be very well fitting in either the GDR's Stasi apparatus or the Nazi's SS.

To make this clear. What you say here to me is a crime in Germany. Character assassination on reason of groundless suspicion.

Btw: You want to be sooooo intellectually good looking,but you even fail to do a quick google search: in English,"Totschlag" is manslaughter

Okay - then calculate only 50% of the numbers for murder, which I said in context "murder andf manslaughter". It's about 50%:50% in Germany.

PS: how high were the murder numbers in Germany BEFORE the invasion of the horde?

We were not invaded. We tried to help lots of refugees in 2015 within a very short time, what caused some problems. This refugees were caused by the way also from US-American military inventions.

And indeed we have about 100 murders more satistically in Germany in the last years - but this is an indirect effect. The sensibility in cases of murder and violence grew. We accuse for example now also people because of murder, who make an illegal street race, when someone dies who is not part of this race. We say now it's the intention of an illegal street race to murder innocent people by ignoring intentionally the risks of such a race.

AH! far lower..and for your other non argument: most murders in the US are comitted in urban areas of leftwing controlled citys...Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates...Chicago has the strictest gun control laws,yet is in the top five murder cities as well...and of course democrat governed.

How high is the suicide rate in germany?

13 per 100,000 inhabitants a year.

last time I've checked,it more than 10 000 people a year,who can't stand your socialist schit hole're soon be at GDR level congrats!

You have absolutelly not any concrete idea what you try to speak about, when you use the words "Germany" or "German", isn't it? By the way: It exists nothing what is "honestly hate". Hate is always honorless. And your president is by the way the same idiot as you are. When he uses the word "Germany" you may bet it will follow totally stupid nonsense about Germany. He has absolutlely not any idea what he speaks about.

Ridgerunner : Lies are not informative - lies are desinformative. So let it be to give such brainwashing comments.

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The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

......and the Germans project more of their hate, rage and anger about this on....

Donald Trump and Americans.

Not on the proper avenue. Not on the migrants or themselves for letting them in. Nope. On us. And our president.

Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

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He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

The reason our murder rates are so much higher than Germany is because we have far more “minorites” than Germany, and we all know their violence and crime rates are much higher than whites.
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

The reason our murder rates are so much higher than Germany is because we have far more “minorites” than Germany, and we all know their violence and crime rates are much higher than whites.

I don't know this. I see destructed families and communities and ghettos (also ghettos for rich people or ghettos for old people or ghettos for people of the same color and so on) as a main reason for crimes. Another main reason are alcohol and drugs and for sure also a lack of money and/or quality of life. And in general it needs also a "philosophy" a "life style" a religion which gives examples and values for what's a good life and a bad life - in all situations of everything what's able to happen. Specially from the Christian messages of Blacks in the USA I was often very impressed, while I was often perplexed about "white" humpty-dumpty TV-shows in context religion.

And the totally crazy weapon fetishism of the USA grows slowly to one of the greatest threats for all US-Americans. Don't discuss with someone, who has a weapon, isn't it?

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The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
Oh by the way:

Amnesty International issued a travel warning for the U.S. over “high levels of gun violence” following two mass shootings over the weekend that left 31 people dead in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. The human rights organization’s advisory urges travelers in the U.S. to “exercise caution and have an emergency contingency plan when traveling throughout the USA.”
Source: Amnesty International issues travel warning for U.S. over ‘high levels of gun violence’

So, we'll be seeing a drop off in foreigners moving here? Maybe even a reversal?


I'm not able to translate this into my own languages. What do you like to say?

You point out that a warning about not going to America.

But we both know that millions of people will still come to America, many of them against our will and laws.

The USA has 2 neighbors and lives in fear of foreign infiltration. Strange.

So, it seems that the people of the world, think that America, is a great place to go to.

I never thought so.

So, your point is wrong.

Which point? In El Paso died a German for example. Wrong place and time to make holidays.

1. We have literally tens of millions of foreigners living here,

Compared with the descendents of the people who lived in 1818 here in Bavaria I guess today are living 75% of "foreigners" here, who came in our country 200 years ago or later. On the other side live people here, who are relatives of people who had lived and died here more than 20,000 years ago. And often our newcomers and our prehistoric rocks are friends.

against our wishes and laws.

Homo proponit sed deus disponit.

So, it is not strange that we are concerned about it. Save your spin for someone that cares.

2. Vast numbers of foreigners come think that America is a great place to go, either to visit or stay forever.

Your parents or your grandparents for example?

3. Sorry about the decline of our culture.

The USA is a child of the enlightenment. I don't see anything what makes the heart of the enlightenment wrong. It was always a very succesful way - it will stay to be a succesful way. Don't try to betray yourself or others and don't try to betray god, that's all. Is this really something what needs the power of a giant?

We are full of people like you,

Bad luck. But I am not even sure whether I am like I.

that we can't see to fight against and win.

As long as god wins everything is okay.

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......and the Germans project more of their hate, rage and anger about this on....

Donald Trump and Americans.

Not on the proper avenue. Not on the migrants or themselves for letting them in. Nope. On us. And our president.

Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

This guy was held up publicly as a model citizen and the success of an integration program .
Well........ until he pushed and innocent woman and her child in front of a train

Celebrate diversity YOU racist xenophobes and white nationalist !

Both is easily able to be true. He was very well integrated, what had started in 2006. 2019 - 13 year later - a friend of him reported that he gave more and more paranoic statements and started to live in fear. Specially also in fear of Nazis. He reported also when he looked calm he was always full of stress inside, because of his own imaginations and thoughts. He sent him to a doctor. He was still under medical treatement when this had happened. The police in Switzerland looked for him - but not with a high priority, because no one thought he is dangerous. The Swiss are by the way excellent in medicine - and they are also very good integrators. He had a good job. Children in the age of 1, 3 and 4 years. A wonderful wife. Friends ... Then he travelled hundreds of miles and murdered an unknown 8 years old boy and tried to murder his mother and an old Lady too. Totally unknown people.
scared of "nazis"?
where was he getting nazis are everywhere from ?

Their seems to be a steady stream of it coming from the left and mainstream press

ANd medical treatment ?
20 bucks ssris were involved !

3rd world savages need to be ejected from the west ...we already have enough of our own homegrown
So, we'll be seeing a drop off in foreigners moving here? Maybe even a reversal?


I'm not able to translate this into my own languages. What do you like to say?

You point out that a warning about not going to America.

But we both know that millions of people will still come to America, many of them against our will and laws.

The USA has 2 neighbors and lives in fear of foreign infiltration. Strange.

So, it seems that the people of the world, think that America, is a great place to go to.

I never thought so.

So, your point is wrong.

Which point? In El Paso died a German for example. Wrong place and time to make holidays.

1. We have literally tens of millions of foreigners living here,

Compared with the descendents of the people who lived in 1818 here in Bavaria I guess today are living 75% of "foreigners" here, who came in our country 200 years ago or later. On the other side live people here, who are relatives of people who had lived and died here more than 20,000 years ago. And often our newcomers and our prehistoric rocks are friends.

against our wishes and laws.

Homo proponit sed deus disponit.

So, it is not strange that we are concerned about it. Save your spin for someone that cares.

2. Vast numbers of foreigners come think that America is a great place to go, either to visit or stay forever.

Your parents or your grandparents for example?

3. Sorry about the decline of our culture.

The USA is a child of the enlightenment. I don't see anything what makes the heart of the enlightenment wrong. It was always a very succesful way - it will stay to be a succesful way. Don't try to betray yourself or others and don't try to betray god, that's all. Is this really something what needs the power of a giant?

We are full of people like you,

Bad luck. But I am not even sure whether I am like I.

that we can't see to fight against and win.

As long as god wins everything is okay.

1. My point about millions of foreigners living here stands. YOur point that the US, is not a good place to go, is refuted.

2. Save your snark about my ancestors being settlers. NO white guilt here, so you are wasting your time.

3. We were the "child of the enlightenment". We are moving away from that as people like you gain power. So, I regret the results of that. And no, I don't know that "god" will win this fight. And everything in not "ok".
He isn't just of African descent,he is 100% African economic migrant/rapefugee...he pushed a 78 year old lady as well,but she managed to catch her balance and didn't fall
Merkel seems pretty insensitive to the fact that the German people are sometimes under the violence of migrants it's her fault she opened the door to more than 1,000,000 migrants.

He came from Switzerland and not from Germany. He lived in Switzerland since 2006. He is married and has three children on his own. In the moment he is in a psychiatric hospital for forensic patients. As far as I heard he started to get some months ago psychological problems. He had an aggressive dispute with a female neighbor. He locked the female neighbor in her home - so the Swiss police was looking for him because of deprivation of liberty - without international arrest warrant. Between Switzerland and Germany exists no border control. The behavior he had shown was absolutelly not typical for him. A year ago he seemed to be another man. Somehow a mystery. Whatever changed his personality - it will be interesting to find out what was really going on in his brain. Nevertheless I guess there will be no other way than to arrest this man for the rest of his life.

If you are interested in facts: In 2017 were murdered and killed 731 people in Germany. (As far as I know what we call "Mord und Totschlag" you call call only "murder" in your culture.) Within this number of murdered persons were 83 dead persons, where one or more of the suspects was not a German.

In the USA were murdered in 2015 about 16,000 people - what is only 50% of the number of murders in the 90ies. A great success. Congrats. But compared with Germany this is still high. Relativelly die in the USA 5.5 times (5500%) more people on reason of murder than in Germany (when I take this numbers here for a calculation).

The reason our murder rates are so much higher than Germany is because we have far more “minorites” than Germany, and we all know their violence and crime rates are much higher than whites.

I don't know this. I see destructed families and communities and ghettos (also ghettos for rich people or ghettos for old people or ghettos for people of the same color and so on) as a main reason for crimes. Another main reason are alcohol and drugs and for sure also a lack of money and/or quality of life. And in general it needs also a "philosophy" a "life style" a religion which gives examples and values for what's a good life and a bad life - in all situations of everything what's able to happen. Specially from the Christian messages of Blacks in the USA I was often very impressed, while I was often perplexed about "white" humpty-dumpty TV-shows in context religion.

And the totally crazy weapon fetishism of the USA grows slowly to one of the greatest threats for all US-Americans. Don't discuss with someone, who has a weapon, isn't it?

Do you have even the slightest clue,what you're talking about? how old are you?12?

So...what do you know about black communities? obviously not much...and "Elvis" is certainly not the right source either,LOL.

Did you know,that single parent families among blacks are at ~75%? I could link you a very informative video from PragerU but I guess with your limited English language ability,you won't be able to follow it...

So,how come so many black single mothers are left to raise children (often from several different men)? left wing politics...simple as...young black man are running after white women,while using their own women as little as "target practise"....among racikst blacks,there is great discontent about this btw,arguing that this will lead to the eradication of blacks in the US...just to let you know.

It didn't used to be like that the sixties,life really started to look up for blacks,with more than 80% of intact family units,which provide the very base for a successful start for kids.

but he,you little racist..."white humpty dumpty shows" eh?....has to be "white shows" impressed are you with the huge problem of single parenthood among blacks? is that the white man's fault as well?

So,and since you're such a tool in regards to immigration:

NO ONE has a problem with legal migration of useful people who come and integrate...what we have though,is a situation of mass immigration of undesirable people.Europe,Australia or the's everywhere the same...religious fanatics of patriarchal societies with destinctive medieval flavor are flooding Europe,bringing with them no skills,no benefits but only costs,murder,terror and rape.

learn something

besides: you're dismissive attitude to a 8 year old boy,killed needlessy and viciously by a third world thug which YOU fucker elaborate to some are a disgusting piece of typical inhumane German manure,aren't you
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online

This guy was held up publicly as a model citizen and the success of an integration program .
Well........ until he pushed and innocent woman and her child in front of a train

Celebrate diversity YOU racist xenophobes and white nationalist !

Both is easily able to be true. He was very well integrated, what had started in 2006. 2019 - 13 year later - a friend of him reported that he gave more and more paranoic statements and started to live in fear. Specially also in fear of Nazis. He reported also when he looked calm he was always full of stress inside, because of his own imaginations and thoughts. He sent him to a doctor. He was still under medical treatement when this had happened. The police in Switzerland looked for him - but not with a high priority, because no one thought he is dangerous. The Swiss are by the way excellent in medicine - and they are also very good integrators. He had a good job. Children in the age of 1, 3 and 4 years. A wonderful wife. Friends ... Then he travelled hundreds of miles and murdered an unknown 8 years old boy and tried to murder his mother and an old Lady too. Totally unknown people.
I honestly hate people like you...

Aha - you know nothing about me, but you hate me because of your political indoctrination.

you are one pure example of a German Nazi and you don't even know it.

A good one. Do you know the joke where a Catholic monk, a Protestant priest and a Jewish rabbi made a picnic at a lake shore? Perhaps you should first asks someone where are the stones before you try to go over water. Don't ask the monk.

You Fascist leftists

:lol: I'm what?

will bend everything to fit your agenda and in that respect,you would be very well fitting in either the GDR's Stasi apparatus or the Nazi's SS.

To make this clear. What you say here to me is a crime in Germany. Character assassination on reason of groundless suspicion.

Btw: You want to be sooooo intellectually good looking,but you even fail to do a quick google search: in English,"Totschlag" is manslaughter

Okay - then calculate only 50% of the numbers for murder, which I said in context "murder andf manslaughter". It's about 50%:50% in Germany.

PS: how high were the murder numbers in Germany BEFORE the invasion of the horde?

We were not invaded. We tried to help lots of refugees in 2015 within a very short time, what caused some problems. This refugees were caused by the way also from US-American military inventions.

And indeed we have about 100 murders more satistically in Germany in the last years - but this is an indirect effect. The sensibility in cases of murder and violence grew. We accuse for example now also people because of murder, who make an illegal street race, when someone dies who is not part of this race. We say now it's the intention of an illegal street race to murder innocent people by ignoring intentionally the risks of such a race.

AH! far lower..and for your other non argument: most murders in the US are comitted in urban areas of leftwing controlled citys...Baltimore has one of the highest murder rates...Chicago has the strictest gun control laws,yet is in the top five murder cities as well...and of course democrat governed.

How high is the suicide rate in germany?

13 per 100,000 inhabitants a year.

last time I've checked,it more than 10 000 people a year,who can't stand your socialist schit hole're soon be at GDR level congrats!

You have absolutelly not any concrete idea what you try to speak about, when you use the words "Germany" or "German", isn't it? By the way: It exists nothing what is "honestly hate". Hate is always honorless. And your president is by the way the same idiot as you are. When he uses the word "Germany" you may bet it will follow totally stupid nonsense about Germany. He has absolutlely not any idea what he speaks about.

Ridgerunner : Lies are not informative - lies are desinformative. So let it be to give such brainwashing comments.

Lies are not informative - lies are desinformative. So let it be to give such brainwashing comments.
so,how come you leftist Nazis lie so much than?

And your president is by the way the same idiot as you are. When he uses the word "Germany" you may bet it will follow totally stupid nonsense about Germany. He has absolutlely not any idea what he speaks about.
Isn't that the "chgaracter assasination you bable about? one rule for thee but nor for me?

I hate you,bacuse of your stupid babble and lies....what war is wages in South Africa?Yet you have lots of economic migrants from theer too,you lying piece of Nazi trash

And to make that clear: your own Chancelor doesn't give a shit about your laws,violating them openly...shut up,tool
......and the Germans project more of their hate, rage and anger about this on....

Donald Trump and Americans.

Not on the proper avenue. Not on the migrants or themselves for letting them in. Nope. On us. And our president.

Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

We don't believe you. You are a satanic globalist. You are from Germany? The globalists twice screwed you over. They screwed over Russia in 1917. Once America is gone, we will see how high and mighty everyone talks. The American males has been emasculated. The German male has been put on a death bed. This can not go on forever. And when getting full power, keeping it is a mutha. The urge for freedom sparsk after giving to the elitists the freedom they once had.
......and the Germans project more of their hate, rage and anger about this on....

Donald Trump and Americans.

Not on the proper avenue. Not on the migrants or themselves for letting them in. Nope. On us. And our president.

Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

See? you have clearly no clue what world politics is about.The President is rightfully concerned about a greedy little idiot counytry like Germany,which buys cheap natural gas from in order to sell it to it's people at horrendous costs and which puts itself at the mercy of Russia.

Your hate and stupidity are well on par with your Nazi ancestors,but tell me: YOU are the one who tells us constantly how great Germany is..yet,there is no Germany anymore..only the EU which sure enough is a German construct (one can see the fascism oozing out of every pore),yet you display the arrogance to point to your shithole at every turn....what exactly is so great about it? the 8.5 million unemployed or underemployed people in it? the economic growth os what? 0.5%...your education system failure?

It did not work out that way. German 15-year-olds performed well below the average of OECD countries, ranking 27th out of 30 countries in reading, 28th in mathematics, and 25th in science. Moreover, the results were highly inequitable; the gap between the highest performers and the lowest performers was higher than in any other industrialized country.

NCEE | After the Shock: The German Education System in 2017

what exactly is so great about it? Cause I sure can't see it....
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...
Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

We don't believe you. You are a satanic globalist.


You are from Germany?

Sure. I'm a German living in Germany.

The globalists twice screwed you over. They screwed over Russia in 1917. Once America is gone, we will see how high and mighty everyone talks.


The American males has been emasculated.


The German male has been put on a death bed.


This can not go on forever. And when getting full power, keeping it is a mutha.

? ... keeping power is a "must"?

The urge for freedom sparsk after giving to the elitists the freedom they once had.

You are "elite"? Sorry - but do you suffer a schizophrenic phase? Sounds unbelievable irreal what you say here.

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