Germany. Death of an eight-year-old child pushed under a train in motion

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

We don't believe you. You are a satanic globalist.


You are from Germany?

Sure. I'm a German living in Germany.

The globalists twice screwed you over. They screwed over Russia in 1917. Once America is gone, we will see how high and mighty everyone talks.


The American males has been emasculated.


The German male has been put on a death bed.


This can not go on forever. And when getting full power, keeping it is a mutha.

? ... keeping power is a "must"?

The urge for freedom sparsk after giving to the elitists the freedom they once had.

You are "elite"? Sorry - but do you suffer a schizophrenic phase? Sounds unbelievable irreal what you say here.

Why don't you just fuck off?No one here needs to mouth breathing opinion of some fascist German wanna be Nazi.You behave EXACTLY like the entitled elite,he spoke of...the "know it all" while in reality,you know have never lived anywhere else and belief everything.,your government tells one needs an NPC drone like you and quite honest: the outcome of that kinda thing has been very unfavorable for Europe.

Grow up and get back to us,once you've learned something,worth knowing,you waste of oxygene
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...

Police give out reports containing the names of the arrested and the crime that he or she is accused of committing. You are trying to push an agenda.
Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and your answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortunatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen.

In general is natural gas a bridge technology - but no one knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I think your president has not any plan about anything what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's only a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. The Russians and the Urkrainians are indeed nearly the same people. They should help each other and not fight against each other. Weapons help no one anything in the current conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. The solution fro thsi 'conflict' is perhaps still to easy to go this little step.

Last edited:
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...

Police give out reports containing the names of the arrested and the crime that he or she is accused of committing. You are trying to push an agenda.

not in the USA-----cops DO NOT GIVE OUT anything that they do not
want to give out relating to crime-----including murders. Sheeeesh---
I lost track----who came up with this idiotic lie?
No,it was posted because it is now COMMON for such things to happen in Europe..same with acid attacks in the UK....throwing people in front of trains didn't just happen this one time,but has been happening ma ny times before...same with rape btw...last year,a 16 year old girl was gang raped by 15 asylum seekers from Iraq and Syria...but German msm was eager to point out that one of them was a GERMAN...not really though..he only had a German citizenship (after 2 years as ASYLUM SEEKER!) and was still an Iraqi citizen as well....these so called refugees are now known in German as RAPEFUGEES,it has gotten so bad.
All the government AND all but one opposition parties are doing,is making up excuses,burrying evidence (a murder is no longer aired on federal TV but burried in local news) and lie about the's the third Reich/GDR all over again...except,those dictatorships were at least not actively aiding the enemies of Germany

So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...

Police give out reports containing the names of the arrested and the crime that he or she is accused of committing. You are trying to push an agenda.
Oh fuck off! where do you live? Turkmenistan?

I gave you quite solid PROOF that that is not the case and all you do is ennoying....the left is a mess
The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how? because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....
oh LYSIE---no Lysie-----police records are not PUBLIC---and the police themselves do not publish them. Some are not available even to journalists
So you are saying that without refugees, there would be no crime in Europe? There always has been. My Spanish and French are faulty, so I get my reporting from the BBC, which reports from countries that predominantly speak languages other than English as well as incidents in the UK. Crime, including insane crimes like rape, incest, pushing people under buses, happen all over the world. You clearly are pushing a racist agenda.
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...

Police give out reports containing the names of the arrested and the crime that he or she is accused of committing. You are trying to push an agenda.

not in the USA-----cops DO NOT GIVE OUT anything that they do not
want to give out relating to crime-----including murders. Sheeeesh---
I lost track----who came up with this idiotic lie?
strange than,that I have a detailed crime report from Williston,ND...wanna see it? it comprises of data from 2017 to 2018 and a number indicating a 5 year trend....strange,eh? so,why do you lie?
You are clearly pushing a stupid moron agenda.

Crime is everywhere...but how much and of what kind? you think that acid attacks are something,we should allow in our society?
You leftt loons are such tools....
Look at these numbers for Germany:
German crime statistics reveal steep rise in violent and political crimes | DW | 24.04.2017
violent and political motivated crime went up by 66% from 2015 to one fucking year! guess what happend in 2015....ah right! 2 million rapefugees marched into Germany

THIS is reality in Germany and Europe:

Although the rape took place in June, police kept silent about it for nearly three months, until local media published a story about the crime. According to an editorial comment in the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration.

Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic

to call the sky blue is not racism..btw: thanks to the looney left,the word has lost any meaning anyways

How are these crimes kept silent? Acid attacks in the UK? Rapes in Germany? The police in these countries do publish the facts about the crimes that they investigate and who is prosecuted.
can you do anything else,than make up strawmen?

Did you even read the link? of course clearly states,that the police tried to hide the crime...and that is not an isolated case either...
another tactic is,to give dual citizenship to asylum seekers after very short times of residency in Germany.

As for crime reports: it is very difficult to obtain a crime report in the UK...I don't know where you live,but here,you just can't approach a police station and ask for a report...I could get one from Williston,ND but not from where I actually live

another big thing,kept hidden are hate preacher.

How gullible are you? do you belief in Santa Claus too? well,I have some bad news for you than...

Police give out reports containing the names of the arrested and the crime that he or she is accused of committing. You are trying to push an agenda.

not in the USA-----cops DO NOT GIVE OUT anything that they do not
want to give out relating to crime-----including murders. Sheeeesh---
I lost track----who came up with this idiotic lie?
strange than,that I have a detailed crime report from Williston,ND...wanna see it? it comprises of data from 2017 to 2018 and a number indicating a 5 year trend....strange,eh? so,why do you lie?

you have what the cops were willing to release to you

I have data reports too------redacted
heating fuel

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.
Your president takes by the way care for a very aggressive and poisoned atmosphere in the politics worldwide, which makes it for all püoelel woith psychological problems for sure not more easy. And the USA attacks continously Germany with nonsense. The last nonsense was, that you like to make sanctions against companies of Germany and Europe (and also Switzerland) because we make a pipeline directly from Russia to Germany (nord stream 2), which is parallel to the pipelines Jamal and Transgas, which bring natural gas via Poland and via Ukraine to Germany and the rest of Europe. This attack of the USA against the energy safety of Europe makes not any sense. But as well the democrats and the republicans of the USA are political idiots, who are able to agree that Germany has to be under all circumstanes an enemy of the USA, because the USA never had a better enemy. :lol:

The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

See? you have clearly no clue what world politics is about.The President is rightfully concerned about a greedy little idiot counytry like Germany,which buys cheap natural gas from in order to sell it to it's people at horrendous costs and which puts itself at the mercy of Russia.

Your hate and stupidity are well on par with your Nazi ancestors,but tell me: YOU are the one who tells us constantly how great Germany is..[Q7uote]

It's for me totally unimportnat whether Germany is "great" or not. That's a totally empty phrase.

yet,there is no Germany anymore..only the EU which sure enough is a German construct (one can see the fascism oozing out of every pore),yet you display the arrogance to point to your shithole at every turn....what exactly is so great about it? the 8.5 million unemployed or underemployed people in it? the economic growth os what? 0.5%...your education system failure?

It did not work out that way. German 15-year-olds performed well below the average of OECD countries, ranking 27th out of 30 countries in reading, 28th in mathematics, and 25th in science. Moreover, the results were highly inequitable; the gap between the highest performers and the lowest performers was higher than in any other industrialized country.

NCEE | After the Shock: The German Education System in 2017

what exactly is so great about it? Cause I sure can't see it....

Congrats. Seems to me our teachers slowly start to accept, what I say since a very long time now: All this tests are bullshit.

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.,you're,antifa thug,you're all out of arguments now and resort to the typical move...despicable and predictable....who should take scum like you seriously?

just go and beat up some opposition antifa thugs seem to enjoy that
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
Crime rates in Europe have soared in direct correlation with the addition of so many Muslim men. This was a murder, but crimes against women by Muslim men have gone off the charts as well

Instead of showing sympathy for the victims or supporting liberal Western culture over utter barbarism, all you do is indulge in that patented p.c. knee jerk defense of the element that is seeking to destroy Western liberalism and replace it with Islam.
The Europeans push for conflict with Russia, while putting themselves at Russia's mercy for fuel.

heating fuel

THat is not the act of a grown up.

no comment

Why not?

It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.

See? you have clearly no clue what world politics is about.The President is rightfully concerned about a greedy little idiot counytry like Germany,which buys cheap natural gas from in order to sell it to it's people at horrendous costs and which puts itself at the mercy of Russia.

Your hate and stupidity are well on par with your Nazi ancestors,but tell me: YOU are the one who tells us constantly how great Germany is..[Q7uote]

It's for me totally unimportnat whether Germany is "great" or not. That's a totally empty phrase.

yet,there is no Germany anymore..only the EU which sure enough is a German construct (one can see the fascism oozing out of every pore),yet you display the arrogance to point to your shithole at every turn....what exactly is so great about it? the 8.5 million unemployed or underemployed people in it? the economic growth os what? 0.5%...your education system failure?

It did not work out that way. German 15-year-olds performed well below the average of OECD countries, ranking 27th out of 30 countries in reading, 28th in mathematics, and 25th in science. Moreover, the results were highly inequitable; the gap between the highest performers and the lowest performers was higher than in any other industrialized country.

NCEE | After the Shock: The German Education System in 2017

what exactly is so great about it? Cause I sure can't see it....

Congrats. Seems to me our teachers slowly start to accept, what I say since a very long time now: All this tests are bullshit.

not the tests are bullshit,idiot! your education system is broken! schools falling apart because of a lack of funding,classes with 80% non-German speaking students...THAT is the problem...but €35 billion for illegal migrants is ok (2018 figure)
It's completely idiotic what US-Americans say - and also seem to think - in this context. As well democrats and republicans are the same idiots. Why a parallel pipeline between Germany and Russia, which goes additionally parallel to the pipelines through Poland and through the Ukraine, causes such a heavy hate reaction on Germany of the politicians of the USA is a mystery to me.

Best will be your kindergarten president will take his toy soldiers with him out of Germany and will bring them to his fantasia land, where all his dreams will come true. No one is able to defend what he hates. Oh by the way: We never had any big problems with your soldiers. When they have to go then I hope we'll make a last big Volksfest together and we will have a lot of fun and some melancholy together. It was a good time, once, where it had helped a lot, when wishes still became true.


Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.,you're,antifa thug,you're all out of arguments now and resort to the typical move...despicable and predictable....who should take scum like you seriously?

just go and beat up some opposition antifa thugs seem to enjoy that

Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain? We sell for example in the USA 7% less than last year. Reason: In the eyes of Trump Germany is one of the worst enemies of the USA, because we are your allies. We sell also 12% less in China, because China sees in us a friend of the USA. And our exports from the USA to China breaks down too. But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history.

And if I interpret your aggressive words in the right way, then you beg us to scalp your soldiers and send them back to the USA, so your wigmakers may do a great job?
Last edited:
Because it is not rational to make yourself dependent on a regime that you are seeking conflict with.

That is why. Like I said above. Already.

Asking a question I just gave the answer to, is not the act of a rational person.

You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.,you're,antifa thug,you're all out of arguments now and resort to the typical move...despicable and predictable....who should take scum like you seriously?

just go and beat up some opposition antifa thugs seem to enjoy that

Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain? We sell for example in the USA 7% less than last year. Reason: In the eyes of Trump Germany is one of the worst enemies of the USA, because we are your allies. We sell also 12% less in China, because China sees in us a friend of the USA. And our exports from the USA to China breaks down too. But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history.

And if I interpret your aggressive words in the right way, then you beg us to scalp your soldiers and send them back to the USA, so your wigmakers may do a great job?
"Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain?"
Are you looking into the mirror right now,you little moron?

In the eyes of President Trump,Germany is exactly what it is: a piggy back rider which protects it's market via EU regulations yet exports the hell out of their privileged status to the US.
Germany needs to be humbled,because people like you show clearly,just how insane and arrogant the Germans are (again) and you know what? no one wants your fourth Reich,so go and shove it up your ass.
What was the name of the SPD minister,who had to resign because she ran her mouth so badly at the than president elect? was a horrible bitch as far as I remember...and you all thought that ugly fat bitch you call chancelo would tell bad orange man off....HAHAHAHAHA...looks now,that Merkel has the Hitler shakes,eh?

I really hope you enjoy the collapse of your economy :)

As for the Chinese: you fucking idiot! of course are exports to China down,cause their production is down! China loves you alright...cause you morons sell out to China big style via your globalist lick China's boots so heavily,there won't be any polish left on it...disgusting

"But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history."
Link? oh,I don't have one cause what you are referring to is the phase BEFORE the 25% tarriffs came into effect...which indeed boosted imports from China,cause everyone was in a rush to stock up on,months after the implication of the tarriffs,exports are down and righfully so.

Admit it,little Goebles fan boy,Germany is finished and you arrogant fucks and go and watch it burn..too bad that the middle class in Germany has been collapsing over the past 20 years as well and the domestic market is down as well..but these things happen,when you tax people into much do you pay for a Kw/h of power? 37 cents? oh much does your parents pay?
You 'asked' "You are childish! Why?" ... as well this 'question*' and you answer here shows your own childish attitude.

We were by the way never depending to Russia also when the Soviets sold heating material to us during the cold war. We have always a strategic reserve for some month and we have also coal for more than 400 years. We don't like to use coal on reason of the climate change. The natural gas from Russia is much better in this context. This gas is the same - whether it comes over the Ukraine or Poland - but we have also to take care about defects in other pipelines as well as we have to take care about a war in the Ukraine ... and Poland is unfortinatelly also on the way to lose the last democratic structures. I hope this will not happen. In general is natural gas fro us a bridge technology - but no none knows how long. But even if Russia would stop the deliveries on reason of a kind of nonsense war in the Ukraine - what they would not do, because they are reliable business partners - we could help the Ukraine with heating material from our strategic reserve. I thin your prwoden thas not any paln about anytung what has to do with Russia and Germany. He's a big idiot. Perhaps he is even a criminal big idiot. the Rusians and the Urkrainians are the same people. they should help each other and not fight against each other.

First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.,you're,antifa thug,you're all out of arguments now and resort to the typical move...despicable and predictable....who should take scum like you seriously?

just go and beat up some opposition antifa thugs seem to enjoy that

Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain? We sell for example in the USA 7% less than last year. Reason: In the eyes of Trump Germany is one of the worst enemies of the USA, because we are your allies. We sell also 12% less in China, because China sees in us a friend of the USA. And our exports from the USA to China breaks down too. But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history.

And if I interpret your aggressive words in the right way, then you beg us to scalp your soldiers and send them back to the USA, so your wigmakers may do a great job?
"Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain?"
Are you looking into the mirror right now,you little moron?

In the eyes of President Trump,Germany is exactly what it is: a piggy back rider which protects it's market via EU regulations yet exports the hell out of their privileged status to the US.
Germany needs to be humbled,because people like you show clearly,just how insane and arrogant the Germans are (again) and you know what? no one wants your fourth Reich,so go and shove it up your ass.
What was the name of the SPD minister,who had to resign because she ran her mouth so badly at the than president elect? was a horrible bitch as far as I remember...and you all thought that ugly fat bitch you call chancelo would tell bad orange man off....HAHAHAHAHA...looks now,that Merkel has the Hitler shakes,eh?

I really hope you enjoy the collapse of your economy :)

As for the Chinese: you fucking idiot! of course are exports to China down,cause their production is down! China loves you alright...cause you morons sell out to China big style via your globalist lick China's boots so heavily,there won't be any polish left on it...disgusting

"But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history."
Link? oh,I don't have one cause what you are referring to is the phase BEFORE the 25% tarriffs came into effect...which indeed boosted imports from China,cause everyone was in a rush to stock up on,months after the implication of the tarriffs,exports are down and righfully so.

Admit it,little Goebles fan boy,Germany is finished and you arrogant fucks and go and watch it burn..too bad that the middle class in Germany has been collapsing over the past 20 years as well and the domestic market is down as well..but these things happen,when you tax people into much do you pay for a Kw/h of power? 37 cents? oh much does your parents pay?

We have since ever very high prices for electric power. Now they are a little higher because of some changes we made in the prodcution of eletcric power, because of the climate change. And we have since ever relativelly low prices for natural gas for heating, because everyone needs a warm house in winter.

And good luck for your war against Germany - man without ears and brain. I'm sure you will win your war. You are the USA. We are only Germany. We never wan any war in history, as far as I know. But tell your president you are the same asshole as he is on his own. He will be proud on you, greatest of all great US-Americans.

Last edited:
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
Crime rates in Europe have soared in direct correlation with the addition of so many Muslim men. This was a murder, but crimes against women by Muslim men have gone off the charts as well

Never in Germany were the crime rates so low as it was in 2018.

Instead of showing sympathy for the victims

No one here showed sympathy for the victims. You don't do so too.

or supporting liberal Western culture over utter barbarism, all you do is indulge in that patented p.c. knee jerk defense of the element that is seeking to destroy Western liberalism and replace it with Islam.

Perhaps you should nuke the Islamo-Russian-Chinese republic of Germany. This could solve your not existing problems and let you forget the real problems of the planet Earth. Don't forget to bring your soldiers home before you do so. They need wigs.

Last edited:
The child died on Monday, July 29 after being pushed with his mother in front of a train running at the Frankfurt train station. An investigation is opened for murder.
The boy and his mother were pushed on the rails by a man of African descent. The woman escaped, said a police spokeswoman who opened an investigation for murder.

View attachment 272139

Pictured: Eritrean man accused of killing a young boy in Germany | Daily Mail Online
A horrific crime for sure, but was this thread only posted because the perp is someone with a darker skin color who is from a country in Africa? Why else? The shooters in El Paso and Dayton were not people of darker skin who came from other countries.
Crime rates in Europe have soared in direct correlation with the addition of so many Muslim men. This was a murder, but crimes against women by Muslim men have gone off the charts as well

Never in Germany were the crime rates so low as it was in 2018.

Instead of showing sympathy for the victims

No one here showed sympathy for the victims. You don't do so too.

or supporting liberal Western culture over utter barbarism, all you do is indulge in that patented p.c. knee jerk defense of the element that is seeking to destroy Western liberalism and replace it with Islam.

Perhaps you should nuke the Islamo-Russian-Chinese republic of Germany. This could solve your not existing problems and let you forget the real problems of the planet Earth. Don't forget to bring your soldiers home before you do so. They need wigs.

"Never in Germany were the crime rates so low as it was in 2018."

this is what happened right after the invasion of 2015 and it has not stopped...2 million marched in and God knows how many more have now come from other European countries

"No one here showed sympathy for the victims. You don't do so too."

the very notion,that you don't understand the concept,that empathy is best expressed in a desire to solve the problem,is give a shit about victims of your illegal migrant wave,and you show that openly by making up excuses for the PERPETRATOR you scumbag...that is pissing on the victims.

"Perhaps you should nuke the Islamo-Russian-Chinese republic of Germany."
Perhaps all we need is to get rid of antifa thugs like you? maybe we have to pull the rug from under your arrogant feet and have you and your basement cronies eaten alive by the than destitute Germans?

Once Germany crashes,people will rise up in revolte...the peaceful protests of last year (600 000 in Berlin) had no effect whatsoever...
I find it rather amusing,how left loons like you try to pound on President Trumps approval ratings,yet your fat big cow has what? an approval rating of 15%?
your state controlled media reports of course a good fascist regime works,LOL

You fascist cucks need to be taken out,that's for sure

interesting,how you haven't addressed any of my points,you slimey little intellectula light weight...go,run away to mummy's basement and grap your blanky and soother
First of all: try at least to write English...your babble is incoherent.

Second: Russia is natutrally a threat to western democracy by the very nature of it's own political structure.Doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work with them,but it certainly means you DON'T make yourself dependable on their good will.
If you don't understand that,than it clearly shows how little political understanding you have.

Climate change? really? yep,of are that gullible too....what is CO2? well it's PLANT FOOD!
here,let NASA tell you,how earth is getting GREENER....specially of course in China and India,the biggest polluter on the planet...but that is of course OK with tools like you..
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

The only idiot so far,is you,certainly not President Trump.

Poland is loosing it's democracy? how?

because they reject the globalist EU fascist idea of mass immigration of undesirable economic migrants? how high is the crime rate in poland?
I found a nice chart,comparing the UK to Poland and it's quite revealing
Poland vs United Kingdom: Crime Facts and Stats

having low crime rates is of course nothing,you aspire in all of your virtue signalling,eh? isn't the term "Gutmensch" used for people like you?
The scum who has no problem with people being killed,raped or beaten long as it only hits the neighbor that is....

Okay - this is not a normal political text. This is Nazi propaganda.,you're,antifa thug,you're all out of arguments now and resort to the typical move...despicable and predictable....who should take scum like you seriously?

just go and beat up some opposition antifa thugs seem to enjoy that

Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain? We sell for example in the USA 7% less than last year. Reason: In the eyes of Trump Germany is one of the worst enemies of the USA, because we are your allies. We sell also 12% less in China, because China sees in us a friend of the USA. And our exports from the USA to China breaks down too. But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history.

And if I interpret your aggressive words in the right way, then you beg us to scalp your soldiers and send them back to the USA, so your wigmakers may do a great job?
"Exists something else than empty cliches in your brain?"
Are you looking into the mirror right now,you little moron?

In the eyes of President Trump,Germany is exactly what it is: a piggy back rider which protects it's market via EU regulations yet exports the hell out of their privileged status to the US.
Germany needs to be humbled,because people like you show clearly,just how insane and arrogant the Germans are (again) and you know what? no one wants your fourth Reich,so go and shove it up your ass.
What was the name of the SPD minister,who had to resign because she ran her mouth so badly at the than president elect? was a horrible bitch as far as I remember...and you all thought that ugly fat bitch you call chancelo would tell bad orange man off....HAHAHAHAHA...looks now,that Merkel has the Hitler shakes,eh?

I really hope you enjoy the collapse of your economy :)

As for the Chinese: you fucking idiot! of course are exports to China down,cause their production is down! China loves you alright...cause you morons sell out to China big style via your globalist lick China's boots so heavily,there won't be any polish left on it...disgusting

"But China exports now much more and sells much more in the USA then it ever did before in history."
Link? oh,I don't have one cause what you are referring to is the phase BEFORE the 25% tarriffs came into effect...which indeed boosted imports from China,cause everyone was in a rush to stock up on,months after the implication of the tarriffs,exports are down and righfully so.

Admit it,little Goebles fan boy,Germany is finished and you arrogant fucks and go and watch it burn..too bad that the middle class in Germany has been collapsing over the past 20 years as well and the domestic market is down as well..but these things happen,when you tax people into much do you pay for a Kw/h of power? 37 cents? oh much does your parents pay?

We have since ever very high prices for electric power. Now they are a little higher because of some changes we made in the prodcution of eletcric power, because of the climate change. And we have since ever relativelly low prices for natural gas for heating, because everyone needs a warm house in winter.

And good luck for your war against Germany - man without ears and brain. I'm sure you will win your war. You are the USA. We are only Germany. We never wan any war in history, as far as I know. But tell your president you are the same asshole as he is on his own. He will be proud on you, greatest of all great US-Americans.

"We have since ever very high prices for electric power. Now they are a little higher because of some changes we made in the prodcution of eletcric power, because of the climate change. And we have since ever relativelly low prices for natural gas for heating, because everyone needs a warm house in winter."
and here it is again,from the man without brains,,how the UK has only half the energy prices Germany has? no,thanks to Morons like you,they could sell you the big lie about "climate change" is the German forrest? I remember there being a BIG debate going on in the eighties cause apparently,"sour rain" due to POLLUTION caused it to die....what a fucking hoax that was....cause since the nineties,polution has quadrippled in Europe...but no one talks about the "poor German forst" anymore...of course not! it served it's purpose to make people feel guilty about their energy consumption...and that's all that was to haven't even looked at my link,haven't you?
NASA telling us that earth is getting GREENER due to CO2 production....mostly in China and India of course....tunrs out,that CO2 is plant FOOD....who would have thought? you put out fertilizer and plants start to grow...

the level of stupidity,displayed by ignorant,gullible idiots like you is stagering

here,my stupid NPC friend: extra for you
Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth

But I guess NASA are now Nazis,right? cause they disprove your climate change hoax...

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