Germany: Hanukkah canceled, relocated in fear of Antisemitism

Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:
The similarities are astonishing!

Chosen people, vs Aryan masterrace

Land grabbing:
Lebensraum for the people

Separation and oppression

Utter bullshit!

I don't appreciate us being talked about as if we were specimens in a laboratory. After all, it was you people who decided we were 'different'. And implemented separation.

When German Jews were the most assimilated into German life and culture, compared to anywhere else in the world, At that time in history.
The Jews turned against their German Fatherland when they sold out our great country for the Brits´ filthy promise that they did not even keep by the way.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

when was that and in WHAT WAY did jews "sell out" Germany?
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.
You urgently need to see your doc.
I'm not the one who recognizes his owns worthlessness and so ends up channeling it into a hatred of Jews, instead.

That would be you.

The day you learn to recognize the reason for your antisemitism is the day you take the first step towards becoming more human.
Bruahaha! Your antisemitism-paranoia reaches critical levels. I hope you are well insured because your doc is gonna be busy.

what is "anti-Semitism-paranoia"-------how would this putative condition
which does not even appear in the comprehensive DSM-5 keep a doctor
busy? how did they MISS this new diagnosis?
We all know how you feel about Jews. You haven’t kept it bottled up.
I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
No, he is a total moron. If Jew is equal to Zionist, then German is equal to Nazi.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Angry protests in Berlin next to the Hanukkah celebrations caused panic among Jews in Germany. The Central Council of Jews in Germany warned Jews to not to celebrate outside in the moment. The celebrations in Mülheim at the synagogue site are canceled and relocated to a synagogue in Duisburg.
"It is unbelievable, that I have to witness that a Jewish gathering cannot take place due to security concerns after 1933 - 45.", Mühlheim´s mayor Scholten (SPD) told Bild. But the SPD is also responsible for the situation, they have indiscriminately imported millions from everywhere, preferably lower-class Muslims.

Chanukka-Fest in Mülheim wegen Sicherheitsbedenken abgesagt - WELT

Poor Jews!No Chanukka in Mulhem!

I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
No, he is a total moron. If Jew is equal to Zionist, then German is equal to Nazi.
Even most self hating Jews support Israel when Gaza attacks Tel Aviv.
Can you explain that post for understanding?
Look back at the last Gaza/Israel conflict and see who suddenly became Zionists.
That's right, every assimilated and self-hating Jew on earth suddenly became a Zionist.

it is a cultural thing-------capt blei along with the rest of his cadre are desperate---
so they exploit the fact that jews do not kill each other for CURSING THE
CHIEF-----or his children or the shoe-maker, or the rabbi or his wife
You see, it's easy to be anti-Zionist when your fellow Jews aren't being attacked.
Deep down inside, even the most embarrassed self hating Jew knows the Arabs hate them, not because oi Israel, but because they're Jews.
Clear enough?
Henry Ford antisemitism.

German anti-Semitism goes back centuries before Ford was even born. The practice of referring to Jews as 'Semites" (the origin of the term anti-Semitism) predates Henry Ford and was coined by William Marr from Madgeburg.

The Arabs are also Semites, all these filthy Kebabs squatting are Semitic peoples.

Yes... yes... yes ... no one is disputing that.

But the origin of the term 'Antisemitism' and the common usage for 150 years is synonymous with hatred of Jews.

When the term was first coined in the 19th Century, it was meant to point out that no matter how assimilated Jews had become in European culture, they could NEVER be Europeans because of their Semitic ancestry.

The Antisemitic movement founded by William Marr called for Jews to be expelled from Europe as outsiders and would never be acceptable in European society.

Ironically, 150 years later, the same term 'Semite' is being used to to claim Jews are TOO much European to be allowed to live in the Middle East.

For the record, I don't even like kebabs.
Two sides of the same coin did you say? :confused-84:

The creature is too stupid to even know what it is prattling about.

As far as Germany is concerned, I would say the time is right now for Jewish people to relocate. There was such a time in the late twenties and early thirties when it was possible, too, but the window of opportunity closed when the Bleipriesters solidified control.

Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany. I don't like what I see. Gentiles sucking up to Jews, almost a morbid fascination. Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles. A false paradise.

America or Israel seem to me to be the only options.

"Over the years, more and more of them have moved into Germany."

Yes they did that so they could on the ground assist with the Brainwashing into full Guilt Complex so the Germans who they have always historically hated would have another generation full of self hate to the point they would just agree to full Cultural Suicide.

"Gentiles sucking up to Jews"

That is only because in public if they don't they will get called Nazi.

"Even Jews sucking up to Gentiles."

Who they historically hate, all Jews hate Gentiles some might attempt to like us but essentially you all hate us.

That's a tad harsh, Lucy. I know quite a few Jewish people so would just comment; it has always been a mystery to me why so many American Jews vote Democrat. It seems like they are voting AGAINST their own interests. Now I accept that there are always going to be more positive senses of belonging in ones own community whether Jewish, Moslem or Christian etc, and there is an element of distrust between all groups based on different ideas and world views. But "hate"? yeah; at times, but usually when the tension is at its peak. The "full Guilt Complex" has a a simple solution: don't fall for it. In the US there is the White Guilt Complex and they're pushing a similar one here. I simply don't get suckered into it.

That doesn't mean that one doesn't note what went on or goes on; of course you do. One can only do so much to undo the injustices of the past. If I could I would be undoing the injustices of the Ottomans in the Balkans...or to the Armenians, but why should modern day Turks feel guilt about it? They didn't do anything. One must be aware and yes, very aware of the Guilt Peddlers. But the past INFORMS us and it is important to take what we can from it; we have our own present to live.


"That's a tad harsh, Lucy."

So? Why should I be nice when we have the fncceo types who comment that when something not good happens in Germany it's poetic justice.

That type want Germans to kiss their feet, time for Germans to get some testicles again and tell them to fuck off. Why should peoples be nice to they who historically hate Germanic peoples? Being nice to them means nothing to them given the opportunity they will still want your Cultural Destruction.

"One can only do so much to undo the injustices of the past."

With this type there is only one thing that is going to suffice and that is the Cultural Death of Germanic peoples, this is why that type were the strongest supporters of Merkel's allowing MILLIONS of Kebabs to walk into Germany, they can do the mathematics, they know on the Kebabs breeding rates that within 60 years Germans will be a minority in the nation and they are cheering it on. Germany Must Perish!

For most of the past few centuries, but particularly beginning it the 1920's, it became very fashionable and widely-accepted to blame Jews for everything that went wrong with Germany (and the rest of Europe).

The were blamed for a bad economy that was a direct result of Germany's own decision to go to war.

They were blamed for crime and bad weather. Whatever the problem, Jews were the cause.

Now, again, Germany finds itself in the middle of a self-inflicted crisis. This time, with rising crime rate and the deterioration of Germany cities due to a high rate of unemployed immigrants.

Once again, certain Germans look at that problem and start to scream, 'Why have the Jews done this to us?!'

So, once again, I have to point out, 'Jews don't run your country.' We don't decide your immigration laws. We don't tell local city councils to create segregated cloisters of immigrant housing that encourages lack of integration. We don't tell German businesses to not hire immigrants so they can have massive unemployment and become a drain on the social systems of Germany.

Jews don't have secret meetings at the temple to decide the fate of other nations. We mostly just go there to eat, pray, and gossip about the neighbours.

The irony is ... and from where the poetry derives ... that every single time Germany faces a crisis of their own design, they can't help but blame the Jews for it. So, while I mourn the deterioration of Germany once again due to their own policies, I can't help but see it as just Germany doing what it does best. Getting itself into a huge mess and going to their number one scapegoat for answers.
Hi guys.

Had a great time with the Gentiles. Ended up in the pub.

Two Germans, two Spanish, one American, God knows who the rest were.

Brit Jews don't take anything seriously,
Zionist is a very useful term ... I consider it the ultimate compliment. Anyone who uses Zionist as a pejorative has immediately revealed their total lack of humanity.
Zionism and Nazism are two sides of the same coin. To me you are a nuclear strikes loving, peoples-hating hardcore Nazi.

We all know how you feel about Jews. You haven’t kept it bottled up.
I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?









Our Mission | Torah Jews
People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Cripes! Your arguments are so repetitive and have nothing to do with what anyone is saying.

Yes, I'm sure you can find some Jews like Neturei Karta you pictured above who object to a Jewish state on misguided religious grounds -- and represent about .0005% of the Jewish population. A group who also, were favourites of the former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Yassir Arafat.

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

For the past few centuries, it should have come clear to even the most fervent Jew-hater that Europe (and particularly Germany) could never be safe as a homeland for Jews.

No matter how fully Jews became integrated into European society, even if they became xtians, there was always someone blaming them for their problems and the population went along with whatever expulsion / extermination program which was on at the time.

It's ironic that a German should be so vehemently against a safe haven for Jews given that Germany (and the rest of Europe) have spent the last thousand years or so proving exactly why it was essential for the survival of Jews.

You're not fooling anyone (except yourselves) by claiming ... 'I don't hate Jews ... I hate Zionists' because hatred of a safe state for Jews is equivalent to seeking destruction of the Jews (even if you're not the one driving the train or throwing the switch).
People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews

Cripes! Your arguments are so repetitive and have nothing to do with what anyone is saying.

Yes, I'm sure you can find some Jews like Neturei Karta you pictured above who object to a Jewish state on misguided religious grounds -- and represent about .0005% of the Jewish population. A group who also, were favourites of the former Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Yassir Arafat.

Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe.

For the past few centuries, it should have come clear to even the most fervent Jew-hater that Europe (and particularly Germany) could never be safe as a homeland for Jews.

No matter how fully Jews became integrated into European society, even if they became xtians, there was always someone blaming them for their problems and the population went along with whatever expulsion / extermination program which was on at the time.

It's ironic that a German should be so vehemently against a safe haven for Jews given that Germany (and the rest of Europe) have spent the last thousand years or so proving exactly why it was essential for the survival of Jews.

You're not fooling anyone (except yourselves) by claiming ... 'I don't hate Jews ... I hate Zionists' because hatred of a safe state for Jews is equivalent to seeking destruction of the Jews (even if you're not the one driving the train or throwing the switch).

"Cripes! Your arguments are so repetitive and have nothing to do with what anyone is saying."

Your types non-arguments are repetitive, essentially they are if you don't agree or if you dare criticise you are anti-Semitic and but but but what about HITLER and shit that ended 72 years ago.

"Being anti-Zionist means you are against the establishment of a secular, culturally-Jewish state that can provide a safe haven for Jews being persecuted around the world. Let that sink in ... you are against Jews being safe."

^^^^ No that's the Propaganda that insists that, nobody is against anyone being safe, and considering you are so paranoid all the time about this persecution you are being subjected to all the time in every nation on the planet, then why aren't you ALL in Israel already?

"For the past few centuries, it should have come clear to even the most fervent Jew-hater that Europe (and particularly Germany) could never be safe as a homeland for Jews."

See response of mine above, so if that is the situation why are not ALL Jews in Israel, considering this hysterical paranoia in your DNA mean you 24/7 think someone is going to persecute you why are you in any European nation on a Continent that according to your paranoia at any moment is going to begin a pogrom?

"It's ironic that a German should be so vehemently against a safe haven for Jews given that Germany (and the rest of Europe) have spent the last thousand years or so proving exactly why it was essential for the survival of Jews."

See what I mean here you are again bringing up shit from not only 72 years ago but a thousand years ago, what is it with your crowd do you never live in today?
HITLER and shit that ended 72 years ago

Apparently, it hasn't.

In your types brains it hasn't, everyone else has moved on it's what emotionally mature and the non-hysterical do, they live in the today.

As a Roman Catholic my peoples also have been persecuted across Centuries but you don't hear of Catholics using that 24/7 with which to smear and ruin people or shut people up or use it as Emotional Blackmail. In America the Native Americans could comment the same things and their Ancestors were Genocided but they don't use that as a Political and Emotional Weapon which to trash everyone else with if they don't kiss their buttocks.
We all know how you feel about Jews. You haven’t kept it bottled up.
I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?

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Our Mission | Torah Jews

Lucy try to learn something before you post your Nazi shit. For the real humans in cyberspace---lucy is very ignorant. There is a very tiny fringe group
of jews who claim to be "anti-Zionist" IN FACT what they are is ANTI SECULAR
ISRAEL. They seek an Israel controlled by THEM and THEIR form of Judaism. and that is all there is to it. I know them well-----I have lived with them. Lucy never met a real live SATMAR (which is one of the sects that seeks a SATMAR
Israel) in her polluted life. Nazi shit is nothing new-----I read their propaganda as
a VERY SECULAR jew kid in a very Nazi area of the US------lots of descendants of
german farmers in the USA Most were Protestants----As far as I recall---even the people called LUTHERANS were not particularly into BLUTWURST. But the hardcore Christians did sing O' TANNENBAUM around Christmas. On of my neighbors was rescued from adolf about 1935---her relatively wealthy jewish parents in Germany had SHIPPED her to England about 1935. She was horrified
by the lady next door---------VERY PROTESTANT-----blond tannenbaum type---
I doubt that she even knew she had german background but the german jew----a
VERY POLITE lady would avoid her, she knew--------she called her BRUNHILDA.
When I was a kid-------I was also naïve-----I thought women never drink beer----
except for the Christian mothers in my neighborhood. We all develop misconceptions. For the record-----BRUNHILDA believed all kinds of silly
anti-jew libels too. -----but she was nice enough to take me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL -----where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding, NOT A FISH----but a lamb. We also had catholics in that town----Italians and Irish----mostly Irish. I did learn that Irish catholic ladies drink "GOD" ONLY know what---
but they stumble and slur their words. Italian ladies do not drink-----and THEIR HUSBANDS do the gardening. Italians are the only men who know how to grow
fig trees. As far as I could discern-----they were not drinkers either----but did drink
beer----obviously MODERATELY

Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany? Extolling the virtues of Hitler. (The bus drivers were polite in 'those days') These days, they are not even German.
I did not even mention Jews. I said Zionism.
I do not have a view on Jews. I don´t care. Why should I care?

Is that an oxymoron?
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?

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Our Mission | Torah Jews

Lucy try to learn something before you post your Nazi shit. For the real humans in cyberspace---lucy is very ignorant. There is a very tiny fringe group
of jews who claim to be "anti-Zionist" IN FACT what they are is ANTI SECULAR
ISRAEL. They seek an Israel controlled by THEM and THEIR form of Judaism. and that is all there is to it. I know them well-----I have lived with them. Lucy never met a real live SATMAR (which is one of the sects that seeks a SATMAR
Israel) in her polluted life. Nazi shit is nothing new-----I read their propaganda as
a VERY SECULAR jew kid in a very Nazi area of the US------lots of descendants of
german farmers in the USA Most were Protestants----As far as I recall---even the people called LUTHERANS were not particularly into BLUTWURST. But the hardcore Christians did sing O' TANNENBAUM around Christmas. On of my neighbors was rescued from adolf about 1935---her relatively wealthy jewish parents in Germany had SHIPPED her to England about 1935. She was horrified
by the lady next door---------VERY PROTESTANT-----blond tannenbaum type---
I doubt that she even knew she had german background but the german jew----a
VERY POLITE lady would avoid her, she knew--------she called her BRUNHILDA.
When I was a kid-------I was also naïve-----I thought women never drink beer----
except for the Christian mothers in my neighborhood. We all develop misconceptions. For the record-----BRUNHILDA believed all kinds of silly
anti-jew libels too. -----but she was nice enough to take me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL -----where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding, NOT A FISH----but a lamb. We also had catholics in that town----Italians and Irish----mostly Irish. I did learn that Irish catholic ladies drink "GOD" ONLY know what---
but they stumble and slur their words. Italian ladies do not drink-----and THEIR HUSBANDS do the gardening. Italians are the only men who know how to grow
fig trees. As far as I could discern-----they were not drinkers either----but did drink
beer----obviously MODERATELY

Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany? Extolling the virtues of Hitler. (The bus drivers were polite in 'those days') These days, they are not even German.

"Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany?"

Shocking they have not been hunted down and put on trial at the age of 96 years of age I'm sure one of them could have been a telephonist or a cooker of foods and you know as such are responsible for something that ended 72 years ago.

How many old Commies are still alive and kicking who repressed more than 100 MILLION Europeans from 1946-1989, it's a shame the WJC cannot hunt them and drag them into court at the age of 96 years of age....oh sorry I forgot :eusa_doh:
Is that an oxymoron?
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?

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Our Mission | Torah Jews

Lucy try to learn something before you post your Nazi shit. For the real humans in cyberspace---lucy is very ignorant. There is a very tiny fringe group
of jews who claim to be "anti-Zionist" IN FACT what they are is ANTI SECULAR
ISRAEL. They seek an Israel controlled by THEM and THEIR form of Judaism. and that is all there is to it. I know them well-----I have lived with them. Lucy never met a real live SATMAR (which is one of the sects that seeks a SATMAR
Israel) in her polluted life. Nazi shit is nothing new-----I read their propaganda as
a VERY SECULAR jew kid in a very Nazi area of the US------lots of descendants of
german farmers in the USA Most were Protestants----As far as I recall---even the people called LUTHERANS were not particularly into BLUTWURST. But the hardcore Christians did sing O' TANNENBAUM around Christmas. On of my neighbors was rescued from adolf about 1935---her relatively wealthy jewish parents in Germany had SHIPPED her to England about 1935. She was horrified
by the lady next door---------VERY PROTESTANT-----blond tannenbaum type---
I doubt that she even knew she had german background but the german jew----a
VERY POLITE lady would avoid her, she knew--------she called her BRUNHILDA.
When I was a kid-------I was also naïve-----I thought women never drink beer----
except for the Christian mothers in my neighborhood. We all develop misconceptions. For the record-----BRUNHILDA believed all kinds of silly
anti-jew libels too. -----but she was nice enough to take me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL -----where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding, NOT A FISH----but a lamb. We also had catholics in that town----Italians and Irish----mostly Irish. I did learn that Irish catholic ladies drink "GOD" ONLY know what---
but they stumble and slur their words. Italian ladies do not drink-----and THEIR HUSBANDS do the gardening. Italians are the only men who know how to grow
fig trees. As far as I could discern-----they were not drinkers either----but did drink
beer----obviously MODERATELY

Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany? Extolling the virtues of Hitler. (The bus drivers were polite in 'those days') These days, they are not even German.

"Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany?"

Shocking they have not been hunted down and put on trial at the age of 96 years of age I'm sure one of them could have been a telephonist or a cooker of foods and you know as such are responsible for something that ended 72 years ago.

How many old Commies are still alive and kicking who repressed more than 100 MILLION Europeans from 1946-1989, it's a shame the WJC cannot hunt them and drag them into court at the age of 96 years of age....oh sorry I forgot :eusa_doh:

It's nice to see you dumping your purse out in public like this, Lucy. When you get angry, you forget to hide your feelings.

I like it much better when you let your hate flow. I like my anti-Semites out and proud. Makes them so easy to find.
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?

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View attachment 166109

Our Mission | Torah Jews

Lucy try to learn something before you post your Nazi shit. For the real humans in cyberspace---lucy is very ignorant. There is a very tiny fringe group
of jews who claim to be "anti-Zionist" IN FACT what they are is ANTI SECULAR
ISRAEL. They seek an Israel controlled by THEM and THEIR form of Judaism. and that is all there is to it. I know them well-----I have lived with them. Lucy never met a real live SATMAR (which is one of the sects that seeks a SATMAR
Israel) in her polluted life. Nazi shit is nothing new-----I read their propaganda as
a VERY SECULAR jew kid in a very Nazi area of the US------lots of descendants of
german farmers in the USA Most were Protestants----As far as I recall---even the people called LUTHERANS were not particularly into BLUTWURST. But the hardcore Christians did sing O' TANNENBAUM around Christmas. On of my neighbors was rescued from adolf about 1935---her relatively wealthy jewish parents in Germany had SHIPPED her to England about 1935. She was horrified
by the lady next door---------VERY PROTESTANT-----blond tannenbaum type---
I doubt that she even knew she had german background but the german jew----a
VERY POLITE lady would avoid her, she knew--------she called her BRUNHILDA.
When I was a kid-------I was also naïve-----I thought women never drink beer----
except for the Christian mothers in my neighborhood. We all develop misconceptions. For the record-----BRUNHILDA believed all kinds of silly
anti-jew libels too. -----but she was nice enough to take me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL -----where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding, NOT A FISH----but a lamb. We also had catholics in that town----Italians and Irish----mostly Irish. I did learn that Irish catholic ladies drink "GOD" ONLY know what---
but they stumble and slur their words. Italian ladies do not drink-----and THEIR HUSBANDS do the gardening. Italians are the only men who know how to grow
fig trees. As far as I could discern-----they were not drinkers either----but did drink
beer----obviously MODERATELY

Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany? Extolling the virtues of Hitler. (The bus drivers were polite in 'those days') These days, they are not even German.

"Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany?"

Shocking they have not been hunted down and put on trial at the age of 96 years of age I'm sure one of them could have been a telephonist or a cooker of foods and you know as such are responsible for something that ended 72 years ago.

How many old Commies are still alive and kicking who repressed more than 100 MILLION Europeans from 1946-1989, it's a shame the WJC cannot hunt them and drag them into court at the age of 96 years of age....oh sorry I forgot :eusa_doh:

It's nice to see you dumping your purse out in public like this, Lucy. When you get angry, you forget to hide your feelings.

I like it much better when you let your hate flow. I like my anti-Semites out and proud. Makes them so easy to find.

There is nothing anti-Semitic in any comment I have posted, have I said I hate Jews, have a problem with Jews, want Jews to die, want Israel to be wiped off the map? No.

You just do not think your shit stinks, when it often does. I am immune to all the name calling so if you want to resort to name calling it does not affect me. Period.

You have made many comments that are hateful toward Germanic peoples and have made many comments about poetic justice when something not good happen, so you have NO moral high ground on ANY level and the same is with irosie who is a hateful bigot toward so many peoples I cannot count now.


How many old Commies are still alive and kicking who repressed more than 100 MILLION Europeans from 1946-1989, it's a shame the WJC cannot hunt them and drag them into court at the age of 96 years of age....oh sorry I forgot :eusa_doh:
He is too stupid to realize that Zionism is merely a term for the self determination of the Jewish people and so they are inexorably connected. .

Like most low functioning lowlifes, he just thinks the word Zionist acts as some sort of manic word that allows him to hate Jews with impunity.

People can be anti-Zionist without hating Jews, anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, not even all Jews are Zionist Kool Aid Drinkers. What about Orthodox Jews, the Torah Jews are anti-Zionist so what category would you put them in?

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Our Mission | Torah Jews

Lucy try to learn something before you post your Nazi shit. For the real humans in cyberspace---lucy is very ignorant. There is a very tiny fringe group
of jews who claim to be "anti-Zionist" IN FACT what they are is ANTI SECULAR
ISRAEL. They seek an Israel controlled by THEM and THEIR form of Judaism. and that is all there is to it. I know them well-----I have lived with them. Lucy never met a real live SATMAR (which is one of the sects that seeks a SATMAR
Israel) in her polluted life. Nazi shit is nothing new-----I read their propaganda as
a VERY SECULAR jew kid in a very Nazi area of the US------lots of descendants of
german farmers in the USA Most were Protestants----As far as I recall---even the people called LUTHERANS were not particularly into BLUTWURST. But the hardcore Christians did sing O' TANNENBAUM around Christmas. On of my neighbors was rescued from adolf about 1935---her relatively wealthy jewish parents in Germany had SHIPPED her to England about 1935. She was horrified
by the lady next door---------VERY PROTESTANT-----blond tannenbaum type---
I doubt that she even knew she had german background but the german jew----a
VERY POLITE lady would avoid her, she knew--------she called her BRUNHILDA.
When I was a kid-------I was also naïve-----I thought women never drink beer----
except for the Christian mothers in my neighborhood. We all develop misconceptions. For the record-----BRUNHILDA believed all kinds of silly
anti-jew libels too. -----but she was nice enough to take me with her own daughter to SUNDAY SCHOOL -----where I colored cartoons of Jesus holding, NOT A FISH----but a lamb. We also had catholics in that town----Italians and Irish----mostly Irish. I did learn that Irish catholic ladies drink "GOD" ONLY know what---
but they stumble and slur their words. Italian ladies do not drink-----and THEIR HUSBANDS do the gardening. Italians are the only men who know how to grow
fig trees. As far as I could discern-----they were not drinkers either----but did drink
beer----obviously MODERATELY

Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany? Extolling the virtues of Hitler. (The bus drivers were polite in 'those days') These days, they are not even German.

"Do you know, there are still old lady Nazis still alive and kicking in Germany?"

Shocking they have not been hunted down and put on trial at the age of 96 years of age I'm sure one of them could have been a telephonist or a cooker of foods and you know as such are responsible for something that ended 72 years ago.

How many old Commies are still alive and kicking who repressed more than 100 MILLION Europeans from 1946-1989, it's a shame the WJC cannot hunt them and drag them into court at the age of 96 years of age....oh sorry I forgot :eusa_doh:

It's nice to see you dumping your purse out in public like this, Lucy. When you get angry, you forget to hide your feelings.

I like it much better when you let your hate flow. I like my anti-Semites out and proud. Makes them so easy to find.

"Makes them so easy to find."

Same here because those who want to destroy Germanic peoples are easy to find also, we like when in your term we like when your ilk dump your purse in public also.

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