Germany Now At Civil War


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.

"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.

"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

Many don't understand she came from behind the wall. East German. Be careful and under no circumstance fall into the trap of believing she is of USSR elite. She hates the east and the west equally it appears.

And she is wildly insane right now. No more walls but the complete destruction of Europe is her desire and to remake it into "one world".

It sounds so insane but she is destroying Europe with a passion I'm barely able to conceive of.
My husband's family is from Gummersbach. I am saddened for them and I fear for Germany.
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The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.

"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

Many don't understand she came from behind the wall. East German. Be careful and under no circumstance fall into the trap of believing she is of USSR elite. She hates the east and the west equally it appears.

And she is wildly insane right now. No more walls but the complete destruction of Europe is her desire and to remake it into "one world".

It sounds so insane but she is destroying Europe with a passion I'm barely able to conceive of.

Germany has fallen under the leadership of an insanely cruel woman.
The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.

"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

Many don't understand she came from behind the wall. East German. Be careful and under no circumstance fall into the trap of believing she is of USSR elite. She hates the east and the west equally it appears.

And she is wildly insane right now. No more walls but the complete destruction of Europe is her desire and to remake it into "one world".

It sounds so insane but she is destroying Europe with a passion I'm barely able to conceive of.

Germany has fallen under the leadership of an insanely cruel woman.

To open the door and welcome any and all without vetting a damn soul and not care one iota for her fellow countryman is the mark of a maniac.

A young teenager almost got raped at a swimming pool by "economic refugees".

All hell is about to break loose.
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The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.

"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

Many don't understand she came from behind the wall. East German. Be careful and under no circumstance fall into the trap of believing she is of USSR elite. She hates the east and the west equally it appears.

And she is wildly insane right now. No more walls but the complete destruction of Europe is her desire and to remake it into "one world".

It sounds so insane but she is destroying Europe with a passion I'm barely able to conceive of.

Germany has fallen under the leadership of an insanely cruel woman.

To open the door and welcome any and all without vetting a damn soul and not care one iota for her fellow countryman is the mark of a maniac.

A young teenager almost got raped at a swimming pool by "economic refugees".

All hell is about to break loose.

IF America was smart we would start taking in German refugees NOT Syrian.
That is the consequences of liberalism and rights of perverts. To be a freak means to be weak. So, Germany is weak now and loses to arabs.
According to the Russian president, the main flaw of Western foreign policy is the imposition of their own standards worldwide without taking into account the historical, religious, national and cultural characteristics of particular regions.

The only way to reverse the refugee flow streaming into Europe is to help people resolve problems at home. And the first step should be by creating a common and united front against jihadist groups such as Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and fighting them at their core.

The issue of rebuilding local economies and social spheres to convince terrified people to move back would only arise after terrorism is rooted out, Russian President said. But international support for rebuilding the statehood of the countries which have suffered at the hand of ISIS should only occur with full respect for history, culture and local traditions.

“But if we act unilaterally and argue about the quasi-democratic principles and procedures for certain areas, that will lead us to an even greater impasse,” Putin concluded.
EU refugee crisis ‘absolutely expected’ – Putin

We in Russia said a few years ago that we are in for large-scale problems if our so-called western partners continue with their misguided foreign policy, as I always referred to it, especially in Muslin regions, in the Middle East, North Africa – the policy they are actually still conducting.

What is this policy? That of imposing their standards without taking into consideration the history, religion, culture or national characteristics of these regions. This is, primarily, the policy conducted by our American partners; Europe blindly follows the lead, complying with its so-called allied commitments, and then it bears the brunt.

I am surprised to see certain American media outlets criticising Europe for its excessively tough, as they say, attitude to migrants. However, the United States does not have to deal with such a flow of migrants, while Europe, after it blindly followed instructions from America is now bearing the brunt of the crisis.

I am not saying this to say how smart we are and how shortsighted our partners turned out to be, or to bait anyone; we simply need to see what to do next. What is it? The answer is very simple.

First, together, and I would like to stress this word, together we need to combat terrorism and extremism of all sorts, primarily in the problem countries, to resolve this issue – without that any further progress is impossible. How can we make any progress in regions controlled by the Islamic State? It is impossible, people are fleeing those regions, they kill hundreds of thousands, blow up cultural monuments, burn people alive or drown them, cut the heads off living people. How can one live there? Of course, people are fleeing.

Second, we need to restore the economy of those countries and their social sphere. Only this way, by showing respect for the history, traditions and religion of these peoples and countries, we can restore their statehood and provide large-scale economic and political support.

If we join our efforts in all these areas, we will have positive results. If we act separately and keep arguing among ourselves over some quasi-democratic principles and procedures on certain territories, this will get us into a greater deadlock. However, I pin my hopes on a positive development and on joining efforts with all our partners.

Vladimir Putin answered Russian journalists’ questions
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The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.
"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

.........the zombies really are coming.....
The following video is NOT allowed to be posted in Germany. White Germans are being attack in mass. You WILL see women beat down in the streets. You WILL see Syrian refugees DEMANDING money.
"Video Blocked in Germany (the home of free speech but only if you say what they want to hear).
Mass immigration to Europe is white Genocide. It only eliminates white children

Your second amendment RIGHTS are the ONLY thing standing between YOU and this carnage. Native German citizens ARE being raped, robbed and killed by the Syrian savages. One section early on shows you just how much danger an open border REALLY is as you will see islamic hordes cross it like roaches.

And behind this stands a FORMER East German Communist who could well wind up making Stalin and Pol Pot proud. This IS what democrats have planned for YOU the white person YOU the Christian and YOU the woman. The LAST thing this country needs is Hillary "Merkle" Clinton.

.........the zombies really are coming.....

The "Zombies" are running world governments. Like parasites they need us to bleed.
Kinda glad you said that, cause I can't afford to move across the street much less out of the country. And to what country could I go anyway that doesn't have the same problems
Another shocking rape by Arabs in Germany: 13 year old German/Russian girl was kidnapped on her way to school by three Muslim “refugees”, and raped for 30 hours. No word in the Merkel-media, of course. But these horrors are daily now in the daily social fabric of Germanlife. German police says there was no rape. Of course. Just like New Year’s Eve was a “normal, uneventful night.”

The German-Russian community is appalled by a crime, be silent about the German police and the media. Because of the spiral of silence is raging in the social media dispute whether the message truth or “right propaganda” was – the victims described the perpetrators as “Arab men.” Epoch Times called the Berlin police and received from a spokeswoman for the following official statement:
“After the police investigation, there was neither abduction nor rape. Further details are not disclosed to protect the personality. “
When asked, the spokeswoman said, adding that the investigation had not yet been completed, but that this is the result of the previous investigation was.

On January 11, the 13-year-old disappeared in the morning on the way to school and the police published an APB. Tuesday noon of the following day she reappeared. According to the company they had been abducted by “Arab men” who had her blindfolded, they kidnapped in an apartment and they were detained for 30 hours against their will and repeatedly raped. The crime scene is suspected near Falkenberg.
After she was released in Hellersdorf middle, the girl had rung with strangers, to seek help.
The German-Russian community reacted in horror. In Berlin-Marzahn German-Russians went to demonstrate in the street, like a television report of the transmitter “Perwij Kanal Berlin” shows.

Beginning had the family been afraid to come to the press because it feared a possible revenge of the perpetrators – then you have but nevertheless decided to go public because they hope to be able to protect other children from a similar fate so the aunt of the girl against the TV station.
The parents and the victim were under a severe shock, which is why they informative, so the aunt.One of the kidnappers had initially placed the girl under a pretext to get into his car. They then realized quickly that she was not alone with him. They also testified that, just a bed and a mattress was in the room in which she was abducted – nothing else. She was immediately thrown and raped by the three offenders on the bed. She was also beaten.
The Russian TV channels was referring in his report also a video one that posted the hacker group Anonymous.Kollektiv on 14 January. A several-year-old video,
which describes in detail with an immigrant background, an unknown German, as he together with six other people an underage girl raped, the “virgin” was. Critics imputed Anonymous, so propaganda to drive.

The current family concerned, however, raises serious allegations against the police.
The NPD Berlin Marzahn-Hellersdorf took the story to demonstrate on January 16 in Marzahn against “Sexual Violence” and the failure of the rule of law. At the rally, said the audibly agitated cousin of the victim, which raised serious allegations against the police.

The cousin explained that the police filed no charges against the perpetrators. Officials had the 13-year-old during a three-hour interrogation, which took place isolated and without an accompanying person, laughed at, mocked and falsehood accused – until she had collapsed and the presentation of the police had agreed – namely that the rape had not taken place, that it is only should look like and that they which have willed it so 13-year-old. The girl was therefore forced by law enforcement officers to a false statement on their tormentors.
The family now comes with a lawyer against these measures. There is a medical document confirming the rape.
German wave published now a long report in Russian, who called the message a lie.
Should correspond to the allegations made by the family of the truth, they are strongly reminiscent of the abuse scandal of Rotherham,
where for decades white girls were raped organized by a Pakistani-britsch clique and the police deliberately turned a blind eye.
13 Year-Old School Girl Kidnapped by 3 Muslim Migrants, Raped for 30 Hours | Opinion - Conservative

Meanwhile hundreds of men in skirts have taken to the streets of Amsterdam to express their solidarity with the victims of sex attacks that hit the German city of Cologne and other places in Europe on New Year’s Eve.

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