Germany to withdraw aggression troops from Turkey


Nov 14, 2012
Germany will probably no longer extend its participation in the Nato´s aggression mission "Active Fence" that is supposed to protect Turkey from Syrian attacks. After now it became clear that Turkey is not a potential victim but a brutal terrorist aggressor, Germany finds the threat does not exist anymore. Syria would own just a few missiles, the secret services say. However, few scuds were used by Syria in the war and thousands may remain in reality. Another thing is that Turkey´s declared hostility towards Syria provides a real reason for Syria to take action against Turkey for the first time. The German Luftwaffe has insisted on that since 2014. The US is also about to quit this year and the Netherlands already withdrew their AA-troops and equipment.


German Patriot AA system deployed in Turkey

Patriot -Raketenabwehr Bundeswehr-Mission in der T rkei endet - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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Germany will probably no longer extend it participation in the Nato´s aggression mission "Active Fence" that is supposed to protect Turkey from Syrian attacks. After now it became clear that Turkey is not a potential victim but a brutal terrorist aggressor, Germany finds the threat does not exist anymore. Syria would own just a few missiles, the secret services say. However, few scuds were used by Syria in the war and thousands may remain in reality. Another thing is that Turkey´s declared hostility towards Syria provides a real reason for Syria to take action against Turkey for the first time. The German Luftwaffe has insisted on that since 2014. The US is also about to quit this year and the Netherlands already withdrew their AA-troops and equipment.

Patriot -Raketenabwehr Bundeswehr-Mission in der T rkei endet - SPIEGEL ONLINE

So you're saying there will no longer be NATO troops keeping Turkey from spanking Syria? Woo. That could get ugly.
Hey ... maybe that's why the foreign troops are leaving!
Germany will probably no longer extend it participation in the Nato´s aggression mission "Active Fence" that is supposed to protect Turkey from Syrian attacks. After now it became clear that Turkey is not a potential victim but a brutal terrorist aggressor, Germany finds the threat does not exist anymore. Syria would own just a few missiles, the secret services say. However, few scuds were used by Syria in the war and thousands may remain in reality. Another thing is that Turkey´s declared hostility towards Syria provides a real reason for Syria to take action against Turkey for the first time. The German Luftwaffe has insisted on that since 2014. The US is also about to quit this year and the Netherlands already withdrew their AA-troops and equipment.

Patriot -Raketenabwehr Bundeswehr-Mission in der T rkei endet - SPIEGEL ONLINE

So you're saying there will no longer be NATO troops keeping Turkey from spanking Syria? Woo. That could get ugly.
Hey ... maybe that's why the foreign troops are leaving!
I think that Erdogan would not feel to be hindered by those few AA troops.

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