Germany turning into a 3rd world country

… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

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You do struggle quite a bit with sanity, don't you?

I'm a German. And I smell the next world war. Who is not smelling this war is an idiot in my eyes who likes to let it happen, without trying to resist in the cold dark nights of the "Irrsinn" - you call it insanity - of the species "homo sapiens sapiens" on the third planet of the solar system. No. The situation is clear. It's comparable to lots of other situations in history of mankind. Mankind - specially the USA - is on the way to the next world war - perhaps on the way to the last war at all, which ever will happend on this planet, because afterwards everything will be finally dead here. So I never expect that anyone will say to me "You was right to say so".

And if anyone should think I will go to god in the end of time then he is wrong. I will not go to god and tell him "Sorry - we destroyed your living creation." I will send you to tell him this.

My hope are the women. Men are incompetent and stupid. I ask, I beg all women to overtake the power on this planet. Men are not able to rule the world.

I am sorry, that we, the USA, rebuit Germany after the second World War. I do not say that lightly.

We never should have done it. We never, ever, ever should have given them their nation back and--as I said to my husband within just the last week--we might not live to regret it, but I fear our children will.

They have not healed well from the Holocaust. They have not reconciled from it at all. They have taken whatever it is and projected all that fat whatever right onto us. Now, they have a boiling cauldron of repressed rage and a stewpot of justified anger at the invasion in their own nation.

And now, they are DESPERATE not to reenact their past. They cannot do it. They won't. So they are madly projecting on us. Trump makes a nice foil for all that rage. Believe that.

This won't end well and I regret all of it. We should have scattered Germany to the four corners of the globe. Americans will live to regret that we did not.

There's a discussion in some circles, in the light of the EU demanding payment of over a billion euros from Britain as part of the "divorce" bill.[

Some people who remember such times, say Britain owes nothing, given that it borrowed 150 million dollars from the Americans during WW2. And have paid it back, via tax payers.

Via German tax payer, I guess.

And then the tragic loss of life, Britain and its American allies liberating Europe. Surely that was payment enough?

Regarding dismantling Germany after the War, I believe at one time that option was seriously considered.

If I remember well then it was a French idea to destroy the industry in Germany and to make all Germans to farmers without any electricity and to castrate all German men.

Why do you keep trying to blame others and make your nation look like victims?

I am not talking about anything like the Holocaust in reverse, like what your nation did to others. I am just talking about breaking up Germany, which absolutely would have been within the rights of the victors, after German just about decimated Europe. Or if not that, at the very least not aiding the Germans in rebuilding.

Your posts here, some 70 years later, is what I'm finding is the thanks we get. And no, I do not expect genuflection. How about you just not call us and our president Nazis. (!!!!!)

What point are you trying to make ?

Are you saying that todays Germans should bare responsibility for the actions of their grandparents ?

Or that we should not have helped them rebuild after the war.

The first is a bizarre claim. How far back do you want to go ?

The second point is nonsense. Germany was punished after the first world war and that led directly to the second world war.

Modern Germany is a beacon in this world. Germans are honest and industrious and why single them out for something they had no part in.

The Austrians were also complicit in the Holocaust and Hitler was Austrian. Unlike the Germans thay have not moved on and in fact seem to hanker back to those days. They might be a better target for you.
… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

He appears to try and bring anger versus the Germans. Very unlikely he represents many of them. The people there are turning on Merkle.

… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

3rd world logic of an US-American. Ask Boris Johnson why he is a 1000% Brit who fights for a helpless Britain. Ask yourself why Donald Trump is playsident of the USA.

… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

He appears to try and bring anger versus the Germans. Very unlikely he represents many of them. The people there are turning on Merkle.

… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

3rd world logic of an US-American. Ask Boris Johnson why he is a 1000% Brit who fights for a helpless Britain. Ask yourself why Donald Trump is playsident of the USA.

I don't want to ask any if those questions, thanks all the same.
I'm a German. And I smell the next world war. Who is not smelling this war is an idiot in my eyes who likes to let it happen, without trying to resist in the cold dark nights of the "Irrsinn" - you call it insanity - of the species "homo sapiens sapiens" on the third planet of the solar system. No. The situation is clear. It's comparable to lots of other situations in history of mankind. Mankind - specially the USA - is on the way to the next world war - perhaps on the way to the last war at all, which ever will happend on this planet, because afterwards everything will be finally dead here. So I never expect that anyone will say to me "You was right to say so".

And if anyone should think I will go to god in the end of time then he is wrong. I will not go to god and tell him "Sorry - we destroyed your living creation." I will send you to tell him this.

My hope are the women. Men are incompetent and stupid. I ask, I beg all women to overtake the power on this planet. Men are not able to rule the world.

I am sorry, that we, the USA, rebuit Germany after the second World War. I do not say that lightly.

We never should have done it. We never, ever, ever should have given them their nation back and--as I said to my husband within just the last week--we might not live to regret it, but I fear our children will.

They have not healed well from the Holocaust. They have not reconciled from it at all. They have taken whatever it is and projected all that fat whatever right onto us. Now, they have a boiling cauldron of repressed rage and a stewpot of justified anger at the invasion in their own nation.

And now, they are DESPERATE not to reenact their past. They cannot do it. They won't. So they are madly projecting on us. Trump makes a nice foil for all that rage. Believe that.

This won't end well and I regret all of it. We should have scattered Germany to the four corners of the globe. Americans will live to regret that we did not.

There's a discussion in some circles, in the light of the EU demanding payment of over a billion euros from Britain as part of the "divorce" bill.[

Some people who remember such times, say Britain owes nothing, given that it borrowed 150 million dollars from the Americans during WW2. And have paid it back, via tax payers.

Via German tax payer, I guess.

And then the tragic loss of life, Britain and its American allies liberating Europe. Surely that was payment enough?

Regarding dismantling Germany after the War, I believe at one time that option was seriously considered.

If I remember well then it was a French idea to destroy the industry in Germany and to make all Germans to farmers without any electricity and to castrate all German men.

Why do you keep trying to blame others and make your nation look like victims?

I am not talking about anything like the Holocaust in reverse, like what your nation did to others. I am just talking about breaking up Germany, which absolutely would have been within the rights of the victors, after German just about decimated Europe. Or if not that, at the very least not aiding the Germans in rebuilding.

Your posts here, some 70 years later, is what I'm finding is the thanks we get. And no, I do not expect genuflection. How about you just not call us and our president Nazis. (!!!!!)

What point are you trying to make ?

Are you saying that todays Germans should bare responsibility for the actions of their grandparents ?

Or that we should not have helped them rebuild after the war.

The first is a bizarre claim. How far back do you want to go ?

The second point is nonsense. Germany was punished after the first world war and that led directly to the second world war.

Modern Germany is a beacon in this world. Germans are honest and industrious and why single them out for something they had no part in.

The Austrians were also complicit in the Holocaust and Hitler was Austrian. Unlike the Germans thay have not moved on and in fact seem to hanker back to those days. They might be a better target for you.

Typical Tommy. Jumping staight onto a newbie, who's not familiar with your thrills and spills; like the rest of us are. :19:
… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

He appears to try and bring anger versus the Germans. Very unlikely he represents many of them. The people there are turning on Merkle.

… Is this the psycho analysis thread?

A good question by the way: Why made the USA Donald Trump to their problem? On reason of obfuscation of all real problems of the world and the USA?

Are you a paid troll?

One of the Russians?

3rd world logic of an US-American. Ask Boris Johnson why he is a 1000% Brit who fights for a helpless Britain. Ask yourself why Donald Trump is playsident of the USA.

I don't want to ask any if those questions, thanks all the same.

A 3rd world is by the way not existing. Same with a 2nd world. There's only one world. "World first!"

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I'm a German. And I smell the next world war. Who is not smelling this war is an idiot in my eyes who likes to let it happen, without trying to resist in the cold dark nights of the "Irrsinn" - you call it insanity - of the species "homo sapiens sapiens" on the third planet of the solar system. No. The situation is clear. It's comparable to lots of other situations in history of mankind. Mankind - specially the USA - is on the way to the next world war - perhaps on the way to the last war at all, which ever will happend on this planet, because afterwards everything will be finally dead here. So I never expect that anyone will say to me "You was right to say so".

And if anyone should think I will go to god in the end of time then he is wrong. I will not go to god and tell him "Sorry - we destroyed your living creation." I will send you to tell him this.

My hope are the women. Men are incompetent and stupid. I ask, I beg all women to overtake the power on this planet. Men are not able to rule the world.

I am sorry, that we, the USA, rebuit Germany after the second World War. I do not say that lightly.

We never should have done it. We never, ever, ever should have given them their nation back and--as I said to my husband within just the last week--we might not live to regret it, but I fear our children will.

They have not healed well from the Holocaust. They have not reconciled from it at all. They have taken whatever it is and projected all that fat whatever right onto us. Now, they have a boiling cauldron of repressed rage and a stewpot of justified anger at the invasion in their own nation.

And now, they are DESPERATE not to reenact their past. They cannot do it. They won't. So they are madly projecting on us. Trump makes a nice foil for all that rage. Believe that.

This won't end well and I regret all of it. We should have scattered Germany to the four corners of the globe. Americans will live to regret that we did not.

There's a discussion in some circles, in the light of the EU demanding payment of over a billion euros from Britain as part of the "divorce" bill.[

Some people who remember such times, say Britain owes nothing, given that it borrowed 150 million dollars from the Americans during WW2. And have paid it back, via tax payers.

Via German tax payer, I guess.

And then the tragic loss of life, Britain and its American allies liberating Europe. Surely that was payment enough?

Regarding dismantling Germany after the War, I believe at one time that option was seriously considered.

If I remember well then it was a French idea to destroy the industry in Germany and to make all Germans to farmers without any electricity and to castrate all German men.

Why do you keep trying to blame others and make your nation look like victims?

I am not talking about anything like the Holocaust in reverse, like what your nation did to others. I am just talking about breaking up Germany, which absolutely would have been within the rights of the victors, after German just about decimated Europe. Or if not that, at the very least not aiding the Germans in rebuilding.

Your posts here, some 70 years later, is what I'm finding is the thanks we get. And no, I do not expect genuflection. How about you just not call us and our president Nazis. (!!!!!)

What point are you trying to make ?

Are you saying that todays Germans should bare responsibility for the actions of their grandparents ?

Or that we should not have helped them rebuild after the war.

The first is a bizarre claim. How far back do you want to go ?

The second point is nonsense. Germany was punished after the first world war and that led directly to the second world war.

Modern Germany is a beacon in this world. Germans are honest and industrious and why single them out for something they had no part in.

The Austrians were also complicit in the Holocaust and Hitler was Austrian. Unlike the Germans thay have not moved on and in fact seem to hanker back to those days. They might be a better target for you.

The game is, first: Modern Germans are responsible for nothing but Modern Americans are responsible for all the slavery and colonization for all of the world's history, going back to forever.

I know how this game is played. If you can move past this, we'll see if we can continue. But somehow I doubt it.
I am sorry, that we, the USA, rebuit Germany after the second World War. I do not say that lightly.

We never should have done it. We never, ever, ever should have given them their nation back and--as I said to my husband within just the last week--we might not live to regret it, but I fear our children will.

They have not healed well from the Holocaust. They have not reconciled from it at all. They have taken whatever it is and projected all that fat whatever right onto us. Now, they have a boiling cauldron of repressed rage and a stewpot of justified anger at the invasion in their own nation.

And now, they are DESPERATE not to reenact their past. They cannot do it. They won't. So they are madly projecting on us. Trump makes a nice foil for all that rage. Believe that.

This won't end well and I regret all of it. We should have scattered Germany to the four corners of the globe. Americans will live to regret that we did not.

There's a discussion in some circles, in the light of the EU demanding payment of over a billion euros from Britain as part of the "divorce" bill.[

Some people who remember such times, say Britain owes nothing, given that it borrowed 150 million dollars from the Americans during WW2. And have paid it back, via tax payers.

Via German tax payer, I guess.

And then the tragic loss of life, Britain and its American allies liberating Europe. Surely that was payment enough?

Regarding dismantling Germany after the War, I believe at one time that option was seriously considered.

If I remember well then it was a French idea to destroy the industry in Germany and to make all Germans to farmers without any electricity and to castrate all German men.

Why do you keep trying to blame others and make your nation look like victims?

I am not talking about anything like the Holocaust in reverse, like what your nation did to others. I am just talking about breaking up Germany, which absolutely would have been within the rights of the victors, after German just about decimated Europe. Or if not that, at the very least not aiding the Germans in rebuilding.

Your posts here, some 70 years later, is what I'm finding is the thanks we get. And no, I do not expect genuflection. How about you just not call us and our president Nazis. (!!!!!)

What point are you trying to make ?

Are you saying that todays Germans should bare responsibility for the actions of their grandparents ?

Or that we should not have helped them rebuild after the war.

The first is a bizarre claim. How far back do you want to go ?

The second point is nonsense. Germany was punished after the first world war and that led directly to the second world war.

Modern Germany is a beacon in this world. Germans are honest and industrious and why single them out for something they had no part in.

The Austrians were also complicit in the Holocaust and Hitler was Austrian. Unlike the Germans thay have not moved on and in fact seem to hanker back to those days. They might be a better target for you.

The game is, first: Modern Germans are responsible for nothing but Modern Americans are responsible for all the slavery and colonization for all of the world's history, going back to forever.

I know how this game is played. If you can move past this, we'll see if we can continue. But somehow I doubt it.
I dont really recognise that game. Perhaps you could provide me with an example ?
This OP/thread is a total loser.
I am now in Germany and i can tell everyone that the OP knows little about Germany.
Germany is much cleaner & orderly than USA, by far, and even more so than Russia, which i also visited.
Of course you can pick out one bad spot in an otherwise clean room, but to generalize from that without overall view is STUPID, or in the case of paid Putin trolls, propaganda.
Actually you're the loser.
I am German, and I live here. Admittedly, Denmark is worse. Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Bochum, Frankfurt, Ulm, Nuernberg, Augsburg are bad in vast areas,
but what i saw in Aarhus ans Aalborg is topping everything.
Ok,, not Blackburn in the UK,
Even the smallest village here is flooded with, let's call them Africans to stay politically correct. Not to mention all this diaperheads.
This will lead to disaster. No way out.
Apparently, you see what you want to see (the negative side from your nationalistic view).
In the past year, I’ve been to Berlin & Augsburg, and now I’m in the Frankfurt area (esp Marburg & towns nearby). To say “flooded” w/ “diaperheads” is an extremist view, to say the least, especially in the less urban cities/towns. Denmark is not “worse”, but that is your biased opinion.
I see NO PROBLEM, day to day. Crime is not my concern, unlike when I visit USA cities.

Actually, you are the loser if you focus on the negatives. I feel sorry for the muslim women who are compelled to cover up, but it does not bother me, like it does you!

To remove the negatives, you have to focus on them.
I see what I see, maybe you should open your eyes more frequently.
And flooded is not an extremist view. I grew up in this country in the 60s and 70s, and the difference is nothing that can be denied. Not even from people for whom crime is not a concern. Or see NO PROBLEM. The meanwhile countless victims think different. If they can, more than 10.000 were killed since 1990.
Recently we had official police warnings especially for elderly women to visit the graves of their deceased on cemeteries alone. This is the doom of civilisation.

GERMANY turning into a 3rd world country looks alot like california hows those migrants working out

OMG it looks like a total s...t hole Third world nations live like that with trash all over the place they dump it where they step doesn't matter to them......

I guess if you do not like clean water,good schools, best economy in europe, low crime rates and all of this after having to soak up east germany, then it is third world!

We in Germany live on the cost of our heritage. The economy is presently still driving the whole thing, but the downslope is in sight. The schools are compared to 3 or 4 decades ago nothing more than ideological mindfuck centres, universities even in MINT studies fall more and more for this SJW gender shit instead of real qualification.
In 10 to 15 years the majority of the still educated and skilled workforce will be retired, and we will not have the funds anymore to nourish and pamper all this imported and already multiplying parasites.
Then the really interesting times will start.
This is simple math, not ideology.

You think we ar still a clean country? If you want to know how clean countries look like visit Singapore, ore meanwhile China. Cities like Shanghai, Changzhou, Jinan, Hunan make Berlin, the Ruhr area and others appear like Lagos in Nigeria.
You see, I come around a lot, this year I worked in China, Singapore, USA (Texas), India, Hungary, and surprisingly nice, Bulgaria.
Everytime I come back home I am more and mor frustrated by the downfall.
Sounds like propaganda to me. German people are being assaulted and raped more than ever by invaders.

It's no propaganda. But it's for example possible t that policemen have to much to do notice every detail about every crime. But I'm sure they will report us the most important things where we have to make changes. And although the crime rate is lower there's indeed an increase of crimes against women on reason of the bloody stupidity of the worst species the world ever had seen: male human beings. But this increase of crimes against women because they are women has to do with stronger laws in context with the movement "MeToo".

GERMANY turning into a 3rd world country looks alot like california hows those migrants working out

OMG it looks like a total s...t hole Third world nations live like that with trash all over the place they dump it where they step doesn't matter to them......

I guess if you do not like clean water,good schools, best economy in europe, low crime rates and all of this after having to soak up east germany, then it is third world!

We in Germany …

What for heavens sake do you have to do with Germany? We live in a wonderful Germany with wonderful people. Sure not a perfect world - but only on one reason: never the world is perfect. On the other side: the perfect is not perfect on its own - otherwise nothing could become better. So perhaps we live at the best platform of perfection which is possible in this world here in the moment for us. Who knows? Your gnashing and whaling of teeth is nonsense. Today for example I heard we found the oldest library in Germany. It was in Cologne in the second century. They used scrolls. What about the idea to read some good scrolls or good books? Go to your local library - costs [nearly] nothing to do so.

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GERMANY turning into a 3rd world country looks alot like california hows those migrants working out

OMG it looks like a total s...t hole Third world nations live like that with trash all over the place they dump it where they step doesn't matter to them......

I guess if you do not like clean water,good schools, best economy in europe, low crime rates and all of this after having to soak up east germany, then it is third world!

We in Germany live on the cost of our heritage. The economy is presently still driving the whole thing, but the downslope is in sight. The schools are compared to 3 or 4 decades ago nothing more than ideological mindfuck centres, universities even in MINT studies fall more and more for this SJW gender shit instead of real qualification.
In 10 to 15 years the majority of the still educated and skilled workforce will be retired, and we will not have the funds anymore to nourish and pamper all this imported and already multiplying parasites.
Then the really interesting times will start.
This is simple math, not ideology.

You think we ar still a clean country? If you want to know how clean countries look like visit Singapore, ore meanwhile China. Cities like Shanghai, Changzhou, Jinan, Hunan make Berlin, the Ruhr area and others appear like Lagos in Nigeria.
You see, I come around a lot, this year I worked in China, Singapore, USA (Texas), India, Hungary, and surprisingly nice, Bulgaria.
Everytime I come back home I am more and mor frustrated by the downfall.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

GERMANY turning into a 3rd world country looks alot like california hows those migrants working out

OMG it looks like a total s...t hole Third world nations live like that with trash all over the place they dump it where they step doesn't matter to them......

I guess if you do not like clean water,good schools, best economy in europe, low crime rates and all of this after having to soak up east germany, then it is third world!

We in Germany live on the cost of our heritage. The economy is presently still driving the whole thing, but the downslope is in sight. The schools are compared to 3 or 4 decades ago nothing more than ideological mindfuck centres, universities even in MINT studies fall more and more for this SJW gender shit instead of real qualification.
In 10 to 15 years the majority of the still educated and skilled workforce will be retired, and we will not have the funds anymore to nourish and pamper all this imported and already multiplying parasites.
Then the really interesting times will start.
This is simple math, not ideology.

You think we ar still a clean country? If you want to know how clean countries look like visit Singapore, ore meanwhile China. Cities like Shanghai, Changzhou, Jinan, Hunan make Berlin, the Ruhr area and others appear like Lagos in Nigeria.
You see, I come around a lot, this year I worked in China, Singapore, USA (Texas), India, Hungary, and surprisingly nice, Bulgaria.
Everytime I come back home I am more and mor frustrated by the downfall.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation

He is a German? Laughable. Wrong mentality - or his tribe is totally unknown to me.

is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around

The USA spies for example everywhere in Germany. This alone is continuously a declaration of war of the USA against Germany. We ignore this normally just simple - what doesn't mean we don't know what's going on.

and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

You are building concentration camps like Guantanamo and torture camps like Abu Ghraib. You send into the world execution commandos and killer machines. You make continuously war propaganda. You are damned loud. How not to speak about you?

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse.


Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust,

We did not participate in this what you call with a wrong word "Holocaust" - we made it.

while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!).

You should slowly start to learn what the people really say to you. Indeed for example the racial laws of Hitler in 1935 were accepted from all nations in the world on a very simple reason: They all yet had racial laws too.

I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away,

Again. He is not a German. And I guess you had never contact to Germans nor do you have still contact to Germans. Your imagination of Germans is very flat.

got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here.

Who builds concentration camps like Guantanamo, torture camps like Abu Ghraib and walls between neighbors is just simple in the wrong film. We are the bad guys - you are the good guys. So you should start again to follow this stage direction. You are lousy in our role.

It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

I know Trump is Trump. The strange thing are the people who lose their own morality and personality because they serve him.

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Merkel the Ferkel at it again.

She is there HIlllary Clinton the majority of idiots just don't get it. They enjoy watching their women and children being raped boys and girls alike.

Once the US enjoys watching the same things take place we will rank right up there with EUROPE and what the US idiots think are lies well those morons will soon find out just how much of a lie it is when they witness the same bs in their own country.

They are dumb enough to bring it on, then turn around and say it's all Trumps fault we have illegal rapist lmfao. These leftist morons around the world are so fkn gone it's sickening.

And yet, from what I understand, at least half of your nation is unable or at least unwilling to see what is going on all around and so is projecting--let's just call it what it is--all the uncomfortable feelings they can't admit onto (mostly) the United States.

I have seen this online now for upwards of a decade and, with the election of Donald Trump, it's only gotten worse. Now I see a whole new generation of Germans shirking responsibility for your nation's participation in the Holocaust, while, irrationally, blaming America for slavery and colonization (!!!). I have seen this not from one or two people, mind you, but over and over. And over.

I do not expect Germany to flagellate themselves forever over the Holocaust. I was in Germany in the 80s and, though I am not German, it seems to me you had it pretty right then. I don't know what happened since. Perhaps you moved too far away, got too bold too soon, I don't know. But the rampant anti-American sentiment is not lost to us here. It it very apparent here. I often think Europeans honestly think Americans are too stupid to pick up on it. We are not. We are fully aware--or most of us are, anyway. It's too bad--but it is what it is, as we like to say.

Well, no.
I generally bring the issue of bloody US hands only when my opponent is calling me a Jew killing monster nazi. Just as leverage.
To your point of Germans accusing the US for everything: well, that happens when submissive reeducated mindslaves slowly realize that they lived in a, indisptable comfortable, big bubble of made up thruths.

If you bring up the third Reich, you should also find out why and how it evolved.
History does not start at the point in time you may find convenient.

I'll give you a brief timeline where you can start digging further, if you are relly interested.

As starting field, not point, I take the centuries between roughly 800 and
1871. It is difficult to pack that in one sentence because this fills whole libraries, but boiled down it was the start of France a a centralized kingdom, and east of the Rhine a conglomerate of countless mini kingdoms, countships, church ruled states, who were fighting amongst each other and prett regularly gor ransacked by their neighbor east and west. And north, don't forget the Swedes.
The so called Holy Roman Empire of German Nation existed from around 900 until 1806, but it was more an idea than a real empire. The Kaiser was actually the director of a flee circus without the real power of an emperor.
Well, to make the long story short, this construct was invaded on a almost regular basis by every country in Europe you can find on the map.
It was economically unimportant, and no competition to anybody.
Be aware that the Dutch, (THE DUTCH!!!) were in 4 major naval wars 1652 - 1784 with Britain. The German costal states did not even have a naval force at the time.
Just not to forget it, we were occupied and governed by Napoleon around 1800, also interesting times.

Ok, this ended 1871. Prussia with Bismarck united the German patchwork.
To the dismay of especially Britain this led to an unprcedented econimical, scientific and military gain of this before not existing european power house.
Actually, the war trumpets against the Kaiserreich were blown mainly by the Fernch (you can follow up their newspapers of that time), and all of that was triggered by the British.
If you study that, you will also see that the British were pushing and often financing almost every war on the continent since they sank the Armada of Phillipp 2nd of Spain. To make that clear, this Armada was sent to stop Britain from marauding on the oceans and the continent, yet failed.

Britain was pissed by a growing German fleet and a also constantly growing economical edge. In short, Britains main objective was to put Germany back to where it was before 1870, at any cost.
France was longing for revanche for 1871, not a single thought what they did to us the centuries before.
So, we land at 1914. Sarajewo, conducted by Serbia, used by the russian Zar, very badly handled by the Austrian government, attempts of Wilhelm II up to the last day to prevent his ally to start this failed, and the obligations of the alliance forced the German Reich to declare war on Russia and France.
You should know that they already had mobilized their miltary, Germany not.
In this times this was the point of no return, no matter what anybody may morally think about it.
Maybe you can find out how the US justifies their engagement 1917.
Besides the fake story of the Lusitania not transporting weaponry and ammunition.

1918 all responsibility for the atrocities of this war was put on the sholders of Germany. With unbearable consquences,
I think nobody can imagine especially the French looting cole and steel from the Ruhr area, commie "revolutionaries" marauding the cities, hunger all over the place, incompetent politicians, the list is endless.

Then, Hitler enters the picture. Also not a short story, but the core is not really an ideology (national socialism was no ideology, it lacked all the features the religioun like ideologies of marxism and communism carry around). The nazis simply made up the superiour nordic race and the promise to bring Germany back into the position it was meant to be, and the people were absolutely fed up with no jobs, street wars and anarchy.
But what then really worked was their admittedly brillant organisational talent. This is still fascinating today. Unbelievable. One row of success from 1933 to 1939.
Not only economically, but also in the politics of reversing the Versailles verdicts.
Nothing is more sucessful than success.

The start of the 2nd world war is again pretty much disputable. Actually Poland was used by Britain and France as a bait. Did you know that Poland was mobilizing their forces already in march 1939? Their Generals bragging officially to march to Berlin in 2 days? All because they had a carte blanche of unconditional support of Britain and France in case of war? They did not realise that their "allies" were gambling with the chance of Germany fucking up and then simply go in and take over the rest.
They also did not know that Stalin had sent the British home with their request he should attack Germany. Because the British did not comprehend his plans to do that only after Germany along with France and Britain had bleeded out in a repeated WWI atrocity at the west front.
So, he got half of Poland without firing a shot (except the massacre of Katyn), which did not lead the western allies to declare war on the Soviet Union, so much for their reliability against Poland.
But, Stalin had tripled his army forces and put them up in attack positions in 1941. A catch.22 situation for Germany. The rest is history.

And the Jews, you ask?
Well, on one hand they needed a target group they could make responsible for accumulating failures. Second, they needed the looted money, valuables and real estate, war is expensive.
It is nowhere documented that Hitler ordered this expressis verbis. No doubt, that he accused the Jews of influencing all evil on the planet, if you go into detail he addresses exlplicitly jewish bankers and think tanks, like the jewish congress.
I have the impression that this got out of hand with his paladins, most of them not quite the brightest minds on the planet, who took that as a carte blanche to live out their perverted mind officially.
Every dictator is eventually hostage of his supporters. Neither Hitler, nor Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Mugabe or whatever their names are, were or are Superman.
If they loose the support of their close followers, they are dead, and every dictator knows that.
The methods were different, but Stalin did the same in the Ukraina with the Holodomor. Millions starved, because he paid industrial and military imports with the agricultural harvests, interestingly also to the USA. You know that the bread your grandparnts in the early 1930s ate was partly at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian farmers? Feel guilty?

All of the above is not meant as excuse. But do not tread on me as Nazi, the only evil in the world. Especially you the US, to return to the beginning, were in wars with whatever country on this planet since your independence, almost without interruption. You want to justify that? You want me to count your victims?
Who do you think you are?

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