Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. 25 to 50% are naturally aborted. What is harm to public under US Constitution?


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Does Government have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to pass laws that restrict the liberty of a gestating individual if the action taken under the liberty of the individual causes no harm to the public outside of her private circle of family and friends?

Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?

Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. It is considered to be somewhere in a range of 25 to 50% conceptions that are naturally aborted.

What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?
Does Government have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to pass laws that restrict the liberty of a gestating individual if the action taken under the liberty of the individual causes no harm to the public outside of her private circle of family and friends?

Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?

Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. It is considered to be somewhere in a range of 25 to 50% conceptions that are naturally aborted.

What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?
just looking at this board, mother nature ain't doing a good enough job naturally aborting them....jest sayin
Does Government have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to pass laws that restrict the liberty of a gestating individual if the action taken under the liberty of the individual causes no harm to the public outside of her private circle of family and friends?

Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?

Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. It is considered to be somewhere in a range of 25 to 50% conceptions that are naturally aborted.

What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?

What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if a 2-month-old is killed?
What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if a 2-month-old is killed?
Miscarriage does not kill infants that have met the live birth requirement of natural law rights to the individual and therefore the unborn are not under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution for the same protections as you and I have. But a two year old infant does have the same protections as a 252 month old young adult.

Gestational life is not independent life.

The two month old has been born and it’s right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness is protected under jurisdiction of the Constitution of the United States of America.

See nf.23.08.07 #10,146
See nf.23.08.02 #10,068
See nf.23.08.01 #10,067

A state is comprised of citizens on whose behalf interests of a state lay .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated concurrently through live birth .

Us constitution stipulates , " When does a state interest begin ? " and not " When does life begin ? " .

Miscarriage does not kill infants that have met the live birth requirement of natural law rights to the individual and therefore the unborn are not under the jurisdiction of the US Constitution for the same protections as you and I have. But a two year old infant does have the same protections as a 252 month old young adult.

Gestational life is not independent life.

The two month old has been born and it’s right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness is protected under jurisdiction of the Constitution of the United States of America.

See nf.23.08.07 #10,146
See nf.23.08.02 #10,068
See nf.23.08.01 #10,067



You're claiming that killing an innocent 2-month-old baby does harm society?
You're claiming that killing an innocent 2-month-old baby does harm society?
Yes. If murder of a living breathing human being of any age was not investigated, and the murderer of a two year old child was not charged, tried and convicted, then yes society will be harmed. If there is no deterrent against humans killing living breathing human we have chaos. Chaos is harm.

Gestation that ends in miscarriage does not create any chaos in society. There is no harm.

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Yes. If murder of a living breathing human being of any age was not investigated, and the murderer of a two year old child was not charged, tried and convicted, then yes society will be harmed. If there is no deterrent against humans killing living breathing human we have chaos. Chaos is harm.

Gestation that ends in miscarriage does not create any chaos in society. There is no harm.


2 months after birth is awful, 2 months before birth is fine?

Yes. If murder of a living breathing human being of any age was not investigated, and the murderer of a two year old child was not charged, tried and convicted, then yes society will be harmed. If there is no deterrent against humans killing living breathing human we have chaos. Chaos is harm.

Gestation that ends in miscarriage does not create any chaos in society. There is no harm.

According to abortion rights advocates and their willing dupes, if you have a penis, you don't have a say in the abortion debate. Am I wrong or does this baby killing advocate not have a penis?
According to abortion rights advocates and their willing dupes, if you have a penis, you don't have a say in the abortion debate. Am I wrong or does this baby killing advocate not have a penis?
There is no debate. A woman’s right to reproductive choices is a natural right that is not to be settled by the tyranny of a white male Christian majority of prayer warriors who want to take it away.
According to abortion rights advocates and their willing dupes, if you have a penis, you don't have a say in the abortion debate.

The debate is not over abortion rights. That has been settled by democratic simple process in Kansas, Wisconsin and we can expect in Ohio.

You don’t want debate or thr democratic process that needs it when you support Jan6’s instigators as the only means to a satisfying end for penis guided white Christians to impose their morality on a nation turning less white snd less paternalistic and less tolerant of white domination what our liberty and pursuit of happiness can be. You want a strongman whi will make you fetal safe and good about having a white penis, since you brought it up, You are not God’s gift to America no matter how much you pray we go back to the fifties and pretend the sixties liberal individualism never happened,

“Schlafly and her supporters argue that 1960s liberalism celebrates the individual and promotes the rights of the individual at the expense of the family and at the expense of a kind of moral order,” the Harvard historian Jill Lepore told On the Media.

nf.23.09.28 #11
my objection to abortion has never been a religious one as it is for many people,,
If not for some religious belief that incomplete gestation is a violation of the law of a supreme bring, what law is broken when a woman has an episode of incomplete gestation in her life?

Does Government have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to pass laws that restrict the liberty of a gestating individual if the action taken under the liberty of the individual causes no harm to the public outside of her private circle of family and friends?

Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?

Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. It is considered to be somewhere in a range of 25 to 50% conceptions that are naturally aborted.

What is the harm to non-involved individuals or to society if gestation is aborted?
Natural abortion is God's will. A woman seeking an abortion is an usurper.
What is the harm to non-involved citizens if the government rounds up and aborts Jews and blacks?

That would not be a natural abortion if the government rounded up and aborts Jews and blacks. The government cannot gestate any inseminated eggs.

This is the question;

Can anyone make the case that natural abortion inflicts one iota of a harm to the general public or any individual physically mentally or morally?

There is no debate. A woman’s right to reproductive choices is a natural right that is not to be settled by the tyranny of a white male Christian majority of prayer warriors who want to take it away.

No such thing as a "natural right", all rights come from humans, we make them, we enforce them, or not.
There is no debate. A woman’s right to reproductive choices is a natural right that is not to be settled by the tyranny of a white male Christian majority of prayer warriors who want to take it away.
It's more than just abortion. It's about enforcing traditional hierarchies and gender roles. The American Jesus sow has their eye on no fault divorce for our next adventure
No such thing as a "natural right", all rights come from humans, we make them, we enforce them, or not.

Natural rights come from nature or Natures God, the latter not to be confused with a revealed religion’s God; as follows:

In the first two paragraphs of that fateful document adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, Jefferson revealed his idea of natural rights in the often-quoted phrases, “all men are created equal,” “inalienable rights,” and “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”​
Educated during the Age of Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, Jefferson adopted the beliefs of philosophers who used reason and science to explain human behavior. Like those thinkers, Jefferson believed universal adherence to the “laws of nature” to be the key to advancing humanity.​
Many historians agree that Jefferson drew most of his beliefs in the importance of natural rights he expressed in the Declaration of Independence from the Second Treatise of Government, written by renowned English philosopher John Locke in 1689, as England’s own Glorious Revolution was overthrowing the reign of King James II.​
The assertion is hard to deny because, in his paper, Locke wrote that all people are born with certain, God-given “inalienable” natural rights that governments can neither grant nor revoke, including “life, liberty, and property.”​
Locke also argued that along with land and belongings, “property” included the individual’s “self,” which included well being or happiness.​
Locke also believed that it was the single most important duty of governments to protect the God-given natural rights of their citizens. In return, Locke expected those citizens to follow the legal laws enacted by the government. Should the government break this “contract” with its citizens by enacting “a long train of abuses,” the citizens had the right to abolish and replace that government.​

"Liberty and justice", the same people stopping women having abortions,

znglw.23 04.06
#6 to #3
If you are a totally helpless human being in danger to be killed by an abortion - how would you say this sentence in this case?
If you Saint Zaangalwena believe in one of the revealed religion gods and that a human being is created by that god at conception; could you explain why that God kills up to half the human beings he creates before existing 20 weeks in a gestational stage of development by abortion in the aftermath of a miscarriage?


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