Get ready for a one world government if Trump fails to come back.

Trump will golf his way to our freedom! Or maybe he can Marolago our asses free!

Trump’s an imbecile that has convinced imbeciles that shouting at brown people fixes the world. The world has no time for you yahoos.

Right, because securing our Southern border where the vast majority of illegal drugs and child trafficking originate, not to mention the security risks from terrorism, the health risk due to COVID(Democats don't seem to care in this case) and the economic drag on our health care system and our economy is due to racism...there is absolutely nothing prudent at all about attempting to protect our sovereignty. ;)

Either our resident Democrats are plants from our adversaries or our education system in the US has completely failed us. I personally believe the Russians were playing the long game to create anti-US sentiment in the US among a large portion of our population. If you even act as if you are proud of the US in some circles you will be vilified. Couple this with infiltrating our intelligence agencies and our executive branch and Russia can bring us down from within.


Democrats are the least informed people I have ever seen. Of course Biden is a globalist. I mean seriously, do you follow any news other than what is spoon fed to you? Trump is the exact opposite of a globalist. You can't call him a nationalist and a globalist at the same time. That is seriously boneheaded.

Even the name Biden's Build Back Better was stolen from the Great Reset.

I fear for our country if they are all as blind as you.
Democrats are the least informed people I have ever seen. Of course Biden is a globalist. I mean seriously, do you follow any news other than what is spoon fed to you? Trump is the exact opposite of a globalist. You can't call him a nationalist and a globalist at the same time. That is seriously boneheaded.

Even the name Biden's Build Back Better was stolen from the Great Reset.

I fear for our country if they are all as blind as you.

Yes, America is lost.
They are blind...and our side is chronically, impossibly weak. Perfect storm for collapse and failure. Look around.

Our nation is so incredibly weak (or is it just stupid?) we STILL are allowing the Chinese to ship their pregnant "Tourists" here in droves in the 9th month so they can drop a CCP loyal "US citizen" on our soil...who later becomes an entrenched and fully accepted 'Citizen" infiltrating all our institutions including academia and the military for the CCP. So smart.

Meanwhile, Mexico is doing the exact same ting from South of the border. America is no more. We're living on borrowed time and resources.
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There is a connection between Putin’s unclear invasion plans of Ukraine and Canada’s prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Both are making moves to show that elite power is not going to bend to the will of common people. In a fascist world, leadership is king and any challenge to that leadership must be met with stringent measures to keep power in the hands of government. Oddly both fascist events are the result of a corrupted stolen election in the United States on the heels of a biological attack on the world by the world’s most fascist regime in history, the People’s Republic of China.

Both Putin and Trudeau realize that to keep power they must attack their own people. Trudeau is far worse than Putin in that he is attacking citizens in his own cities while Putin is threatening a sovereign country that was at one time part of the former Soviet Union. Trudeau is going to war against working people exercising their right to peacefully protest government policies, Putin has been cornered by the corruption of a US presidential administration that is trying to foist Nato on an authoritarian state. No one in Ukraine cares a lick about becoming part of Nato which was in place to counter the now defunct USSR. But because Ukraine is a thoroughly corrupt country with ties to the drug-addled son of a US president, shadow deals have been made to keep Ukraine’s authoritarian leader in place to antagonize Russia which is a fascist competitor of the fascist Biden administration.

American and international media ceased asking questions long ago when they became propaganda shills for fascist governments. So, people get a distorted picture of what is really happening. Russia’s forced aggressions are obviously a planned distraction to deal with a lack of confidence in America in the Biden administration. If the Biden administration can manipulate a war in eastern Europe, it can get the people to take their eye off the ball. The problem with cornering Russia is that it is a nuclear armed enemy, and the ineptitude of the Biden administration could bring about World War Three and a planet wide nuclear holocaust.

The real war going on in the world is elite leadership against average people. The Biden administration along with permanent Washington is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the People’s Republic of China which is the actual controlling influence. The US must be brought down in the eyes of the world so another Donald Trump can never again emerge as a voice for common people. If the Biden administration can distract the people long enough, it can use concocted legal corruption to make it impossible for Trump to run again. A war is Eastern Europe is just the ticket to buy that time.

Meanwhile the people are being conditioned by Canada to accept the notion that government is superior to the collective wisdom of average citizens. So, charging on horseback into crowds of disabled people is necessary to maintain order. The world is a mess, and leadership internationally is moving to fascism to protect itself from the people. This is the major goal of one world government. It is not going to work. Trump will be back. News Forum - Ottawa Mounted Police Charge Horses Into <br/>Crowd, Disabled Elderly Woman Using Walker <br/>Trampled Reported Killed, Police Claim <br/>Her Walker Was Bicycle

Police descend on Ottawa protest with horses, riot gear as at least 100 are arrested - Canada News -

NATO doesn't want peace – Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

No one was killed in Ottawa.

No one was killed in Ottawa.

Yeah, because the truckers were peaceful. Contrast that with the "peaceful" protests in the US by the left-wingers. Maybe we should have just frozen their bank accounts?
Right, because securing our Southern border where the vast majority of illegal drugs and child trafficking originate, not to mention the security risks from terrorism, the health risk due to COVID(Democats don't seem to care in this case) and the economic drag on our health care system and our economy is due to racism...there is absolutely nothing prudent at all about attempting to protect our sovereignty. ;)

Either our resident Democrats are plants from our adversaries or our education system in the US has completely failed us. I personally believe the Russians were playing the long game to create anti-US sentiment in the US among a large portion of our population. If you even act as if you are proud of the US in some circles you will be vilified. Couple this with infiltrating our intelligence agencies and our executive branch and Russia can bring us down from within.
Democrats are not against a secure border.
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There is a connection between Putin’s unclear invasion plans of Ukraine and Canada’s prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Both are making moves to show that elite power is not going to bend to the will of common people. In a fascist world, leadership is king and any challenge to that leadership must be met with stringent measures to keep power in the hands of government. Oddly both fascist events are the result of a corrupted stolen election in the United States on the heels of a biological attack on the world by the world’s most fascist regime in history, the People’s Republic of China.

Both Putin and Trudeau realize that to keep power they must attack their own people. Trudeau is far worse than Putin in that he is attacking citizens in his own cities while Putin is threatening a sovereign country that was at one time part of the former Soviet Union. Trudeau is going to war against working people exercising their right to peacefully protest government policies, Putin has been cornered by the corruption of a US presidential administration that is trying to foist Nato on an authoritarian state. No one in Ukraine cares a lick about becoming part of Nato which was in place to counter the now defunct USSR. But because Ukraine is a thoroughly corrupt country with ties to the drug-addled son of a US president, shadow deals have been made to keep Ukraine’s authoritarian leader in place to antagonize Russia which is a fascist competitor of the fascist Biden administration.

American and international media ceased asking questions long ago when they became propaganda shills for fascist governments. So, people get a distorted picture of what is really happening. Russia’s forced aggressions are obviously a planned distraction to deal with a lack of confidence in America in the Biden administration. If the Biden administration can manipulate a war in eastern Europe, it can get the people to take their eye off the ball. The problem with cornering Russia is that it is a nuclear armed enemy, and the ineptitude of the Biden administration could bring about World War Three and a planet wide nuclear holocaust.

The real war going on in the world is elite leadership against average people. The Biden administration along with permanent Washington is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the People’s Republic of China which is the actual controlling influence. The US must be brought down in the eyes of the world so another Donald Trump can never again emerge as a voice for common people. If the Biden administration can distract the people long enough, it can use concocted legal corruption to make it impossible for Trump to run again. A war is Eastern Europe is just the ticket to buy that time.

Meanwhile the people are being conditioned by Canada to accept the notion that government is superior to the collective wisdom of average citizens. So, charging on horseback into crowds of disabled people is necessary to maintain order. The world is a mess, and leadership internationally is moving to fascism to protect itself from the people. This is the major goal of one world government. It is not going to work. Trump will be back. News Forum - Ottawa Mounted Police Charge Horses Into <br/>Crowd, Disabled Elderly Woman Using Walker <br/>Trampled Reported Killed, Police Claim <br/>Her Walker Was Bicycle

Police descend on Ottawa protest with horses, riot gear as at least 100 are arrested - Canada News -

NATO doesn't want peace – Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
I personally think Trump could have greater impact behind the scenes…
Democrats are the least informed people I have ever seen. Of course Biden is a globalist. I mean seriously, do you follow any news other than what is spoon fed to you? Trump is the exact opposite of a globalist. You can't call him a nationalist and a globalist at the same time. That is seriously boneheaded.

Even the name Biden's Build Back Better was stolen from the Great Reset.

I fear for our country if they are all as blind as you.
The US is the globalist power in the world you fool.
Paying off a politician is corrupt for both parties involved. Don't kid yourself.
Dont be so high and mighty considering that so many democrat politicians come from NY

schumer and AOC for instance
Granted democrats are drifting towards surrendering America's status as the world's Superpower and turning the U.S. into a Banana Republic but it doesn't have to be Trump. If republicans win the majority this year and that incompetent fool of a Speaker retires, we will be on the road to recovery.
Granted democrats are drifting towards surrendering America's status as the world's Superpower and turning the U.S. into a Banana Republic but it doesn't have to be Trump. If republicans win the majority this year and that incompetent fool of a Speaker retires, we will be on the road to recovery.
They’re not merely “drifting towards surrendering” America’s status as the world’s Superpower - they are INTENTIONALLY weakening it to bring it in line with lesser countries.

What we see is the leftists misguided and false belief that the root of all problems is “inequity” - and that if you can bring down more successful people to the level of failures, all will be fine. Now extend that to a macro-level, and this is why they hate America and want to “equalize” it with, say, Central American countries. Then all will be fine.

Democrats resent success, whether on an individual or world level.
Granted democrats are drifting towards surrendering America's status as the world's Superpower and turning the U.S. into a Banana Republic but it doesn't have to be Trump. If republicans win the majority this year and that incompetent fool of a Speaker retires, we will be on the road to recovery.

Check with your buddies. Biden and the Democrats are awful for standing up for Ukraine.
There will never be one world government. Are you stuck in that old illuminati garbage?

Yeah, there will be and soon. The world governments are already pushing it ie agenda 2030, great reset, great narrative. They just need someone who seems strong, transcends all race, ethnicity, and neutral to come along and fully implement it.
Yeah, there will be and soon. The world governments are already pushing it ie agenda 2030, great reset, great narrative. They just need someone who seems strong, transcends all race, ethnicity, and neutral to come along and fully implement it.
You're making me laugh.
Trump had enough money to put himself out there and tell the truth. For this, the national security agencies of the country were mobilized and corrupted to take him down. But of course, you did not see this. You saw what you were told to see. You are a good boy. a very good boy.
This is one of the things I don't understand. if he has billions of dollars to use to fight for what ever , Why doesn't he use it instead of selling overpriced hats teddy bears, coins to the people who support him? He has gathered millions and millions of dollars this way?
And only Trump can. He said so himself when he first ran for president.
I'm really trying to understand this, but I suspect I'll only get so far.

I've never seen anything remotely like it. At least not in this country.
The US is the globalist power in the world you fool.
Canada tested out a globalist goal. Stopping the survival of individuals who do not follow government dictums. The threat to stop any banking transactions. At the same time the American Federal Reserve is starting to push digital banking and is contemplating to get rid of paper money. There are other nations who have fiat currencies more advanced in this goal. Buy and Sell.

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