Get ready for a one world government if Trump fails to come back.

No one is coming to save you ....
They rigged the election what makes ya think they won't do it again

View attachment 604885
We’ve got to make sure they don’t allow mail-in balloting (except in the cases always allowed - military stationed overseas; elderly; disabled). The massive mail-in ballot was the tool by which they stole the election, under the excuse about COVID, and that’s why they’re fighting so hard for the cheating mechanism again.
We’ve got to make sure they don’t allow mail-in balloting (except in the cases always allowed - military stationed overseas; elderly; disabled). The massive mail-in ballot was the tool by which they stole the election, under the excuse about COVID, and that’s why they’re fighting so hard for the cheating mechanism again.
Why can't you guys every "prove" it. Everyone knows really aint proof. I have listened to this same sillyiness since the 80's, every time the Repubs lost an election, it was "them" people voting illegally.
What a load of bullshit.

After all he put in his post that's you're only response?

Explain why it's bullshit. Break down your points and help us understand. And provide some links supporting your thoughts.

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Why can't you guys every "prove" it. Everyone knows really aint proof. I have listened to this same sillyiness since the 80's, every time the Repubs lost an election, it was "them" people voting illegally.

Democrats do the exact same thing.

Biden swore 2020 elections were bulletproof when he won. Nothing has changed since then, but now he says 2024 will be illegitimate (meaning if they lose) and wants new voting laws despite nothing changing since he said there was no election fraud. So if the laws were fine why change them now?

And democrats go beyond saying elections are wrong when they lose. In Virginia they had a white Democrat governor and they were happy, soon as a white Republican governor wins Democrats start saying it was a racist election.

You can't blame Republicans for anything without being a hypocrite because democrats have done it also, and in a lot cases taken it further.

So if we can't even prove the election was false then why doesn't Biden need to prove it was rigged? Oh that's right because if he did prove it to validate his desire for new voting laws he would prove he cheated in the last election.
After all he put in his post that's you're only response?

Explain why it's bullshit. Break down your points and help us understand. And provide some links supporting your thoughts.

Take part on the conversation.
One world government wouldn't last 15 minutes. Every country has different national interests. This is just more of that old illuminati garbage.. it's a take off on the international Jew.
Democrats do the exact same thing.

Biden swore 2020 elections were bulletproof when he won. Nothing has changed since then, but now he says 2024 will be illegitimate (meaning if they lose) and wants new voting laws despite nothing changing since he said there was no election fraud. So if the laws were fine why change them now?

And democrats go beyond saying elections are wrong when they lose. In Virginia they had a white Democrat governor and they were happy, soon as a white Republican governor wins Democrats start saying it was a racist election.

You can't blame Republicans for anything without being a hypocrite because democrats have done it also, and in a lot cases taken it further.
OK. Great. Anyway, every election the Repubs have lost all I have heard is them people stole the election. IF the demos want to make it harder for legitimate American voters to vote they should have to prove it too. Wasnt it about kindergarten our Mothers told us it did not matter what our little friends did, what we did matters?
Democrats do the exact same thing.

Biden swore 2020 elections were bulletproof when he won. Nothing has changed since then, but now he says 2024 will be illegitimate (meaning if they lose) and wants new voting laws despite nothing changing since he said there was no election fraud. So if the laws were fine why change them now?

And democrats go beyond saying elections are wrong when they lose. In Virginia they had a white Democrat governor and they were happy, soon as a white Republican governor wins Democrats start saying it was a racist election.

You can't blame Republicans for anything without being a hypocrite because democrats have done it also, and in a lot cases taken it further.

So if we can't even prove the election was false then why doesn't Biden need to prove it was rigged? Oh that's right because if he did prove it to validate his desire for new voting laws he would prove he cheated in the last election.
There has never been any proof of election fraud... Just Trump's lies and weakness. Why would you cave to that kind of juvenile behavior?
There has never been any proof of election fraud... Just Trump's lies and weakness. Why would you cave to that kind of juvenile behavior?
Remember after Trump's win he formed a committee to find the illegal voters because he lost the popular vote. I dont think he found any. What is up with that? Did the mean old democrats just not let the Trump committee report it?
Remember after Trump's win he formed a committee to find the illegal voters because he lost the popular vote. I dont think he found any. What is up with that? Did the mean old democrats just not let the Trump committee report it?
It’s not so much illegal votes as ill-gotten votes. The only way the Dems had to drag Biden across the finish line was to pay activists to
go house-to-house, or more likely apartment-to-apartment and “help” people so clueless or incompetent that they couldn’t vote unless they had an adult show them where to check and where to sign.

People who are so far removed from being able to to vote without another adult “guiding” them have no business weighing in on such an important decision or, well… see the result.

We also need to get away from “curing” the vote. That’s when the election workers guess as to what a voter intended when a ballot isn’t clearly marked. That’s why the Dems kept the Republican observers behind a rope line - they didn’t want them to see how they were “curing” votes in favor of Biden,

Dem 1 at the table: “this ballot isn’t marked at all for president.”
Dem 2 at the table: “you don’t see that little smudge? I’m sure he meant Biden. Let’s give it a Biden vote:”
Rep 1 not allowed to sit at the table: “hey, i cant see what you’re doing!”

We also need to get away from “curing” the vote. That’s when the election workers guess as to what a voter intended when a ballot isn’t clearly marked. That’s why the Dems kept the Republican observers behind a rope line - they didn’t want them to see how they were “curing” votes in favor of Biden,

Dem 1 at the table: “this ballot isn’t marked at all for president.”
Dem 2 at the table: “you don’t see that little smudge? I’m sure he meant Biden. Let’s give it a Biden vote:”
Rep 1 not allowed to sit at the table: “hey, i cant see what you’re doing!”
Congratulations! You are now eligible for a position in the Trump Clown Car! Your creation of the latest right wing Conspiracy Theory has been accepted as an alternative truth and with your permission will be used to justify the Big Lie. Welcome aboard and you can expect your official Trump decoder ring in the next mail.
Congratulations! You are now eligible for a position in the Trump Clown Car! Your creation of the latest right wing Conspiracy Theory has been accepted as an alternative truth and with your permission will be used to justify the Big Lie. Welcome aboard and you can expect your official Trump decoder ring in the next mail.
Congratulations! You are now eligible for the Most Arrogant and Clueless Leftist Award.

Are you so clueless that you don’t know about “curing the vote”? And so clueless that you don’t know that hundreds of Republican observers said they were kept so many feet away from the tables where the Dems were counting that they couldn’t see what was going on?

Or are you just so arrogant that you figure that if you keep saying “nu-uh, didn’t happen” that it means it really didn’t?

And look at what you clueless leftists have done to this country! You cheated to get in a demented weakling so that Putin figures now is the time to invade….inflation at a 40-year-high…..illegal aliens streaming in by the millions!

My best hope is that you are one of the “yay! Martial law!” leftists from Canada who descend on this board, and you don’t have a vote.
I believe every single qualified American should be able to vote as easily as possible. If there is a problem with people voting illegally, arrest them and prosecute them to the maximum extent of the law. So you know, if there really is a problem, prove it. If not, shut up about it.
Well, if as easy as possible is what you’re after, why don’t we just phone voters, ask whom they want, and then keep a list to turn in? That would make it super-easy for voters.
We’ve got to make sure they don’t allow mail-in balloting (except in the cases always allowed - military stationed overseas; elderly; disabled). The massive mail-in ballot was the tool by which they stole the election, under the excuse about COVID, and that’s why they’re fighting so hard for the cheating mechanism again.
if its done right and the voting rolls are up to date there should not be any problems if you request an absent tee....Apt complexes are the biggest problems....
if its done right and the voting rolls are up to date there should not be any problems if you request an absent tee....Apt complexes are the biggest problems....
Yes, that is a big problem. It was reported last time that some people received five and six ballots, and when they were asked what to do with them, they were told to toss them in the trash. Since about 20% of Americans live in apartments, well….big challenge with quality control.
Congratulations! You are now eligible for the Most Arrogant and Clueless Leftist Award.

Are you so clueless that you don’t know about “curing the vote”? And so clueless that you don’t know that hundreds of Republican observers said they were kept so many feet away from the tables where the Dems were counting that they couldn’t see what was going on?

Or are you just so arrogant that you figure that if you keep saying “nu-uh, didn’t happen” that it means it really didn’t?

And look at what you clueless leftists have done to this country! You cheated to get in a demented weakling so that Putin figures now is the time to invade….inflation at a 40-year-high…..illegal aliens streaming in by the millions!

My best hope is that you are one of the “yay! Martial law!” leftists from Canada who descend on this board, and you don’t have a vote.
I would have voted for Bonzo the Chimp to rid this country that I fought for of your traitorous, seditious madman. And you can run your mouth all you want to because it just solidifies that Trumpers are below average in intelligence and have willfully ignored what has been in your face and in your ears for years. Anyone with 2 firing neurons can see the truth of who and what he is. But indoctrination is a powerful and mentally debilitating disease. I hope you can heal eventually once you are faced with the entire picture of who and what you have supported. It will take some serious de-programming but it is possible, even for those who have severe cases of cultist behavior. Best of luck to you in your upcoming rude awakening. Of course you could choose to keep your delusions alive but that would prevent you from becoming sane and whole again. I call it SAWA Would you like a hat?
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Yes, that is a big problem. It was reported last time that some people received five and six ballots, and when they were asked what to do with them, they were told to toss them in the trash. Since about 20% of Americans live in apartments, well….big challenge with quality control.
i used to pick up lots of ballots in the 7 complexes i delivered to...many were open, others ripped in half, some just tossed to the ground....a lot of them were unknowns....
I would have voted for Bonzo the Chimp to rid this country that I fought for of your traitorous, seditious madman. And you can run your mouth all you want to because it just solidifies that Trumpers are below average in intelligence and have willfully ignored what has been in your face and in your ears for years. Anyone with 2 firing neurons can see the truth of who and what he is. But indoctrination is a powerful and mentally debilitating disease. I hope you can heal eventually once you are faced with the entire picture of who and what you have supported. It will take some serious de-programming but it is possible, even for those who have severe cases of cultist behavior. Best of luck to you in your upcoming rude awakening. Of course you could choose to keep your delusions alive but that would prevent you from becoming sane and whole again. I call it SAWA Would you like a hat?
Blah….blah….blah..l.I stopped reading at Bonzo. You have been completely brainwashed by the lying leftist media, and as a result we went from having a very good president to one who is demented, weak, and influenced by the Radical Left. Buh-bye.
i used to pick up lots of ballots in the 7 complexes i delivered to...many were open, others ripped in half, some just tossed to the ground....a lot of them were unknowns....
This last election was sloppy, uncontrolled, and full of anomalies. Only way ensure to election integrity is to limit mail ballots to those with the previous reasons - military, elderly, disabled.

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