Get ready for a one world government if Trump fails to come back.

Blah….blah….blah..l.I stopped reading at Bonzo. You have been completely brainwashed by the lying leftist media, and as a result we went from having a very good president to one who is demented, weak, and influenced by the Radical Left. Buh-bye.
I guess that means you don't want the hat?
This last election was sloppy, uncontrolled, and full of anomalies. Only way ensure to election integrity is to limit mail ballots to those with the previous reasons - military, elderly, disabled.
No! The way to ensure elections is to return to popular vote only so that crazy traitors can't screw around with the Electoral College Electors.
You can’t see it coming can you? Trump aside, this globalist view is being adopted by the left wing and you supported it.
Ole Mac1958 luves hispanics and and the open border that biden provides

so he has to hate trump
It's bs
People really get offended when you just come out and tell the truth in plain language.
It's bs. Did we let Saddam Hussein take Kuwait? Kuwait was once a province of Iraq and they all speak Arabic.
The border
Fine the employers who hire illegals and you can solve the problem in six months.
That is what bothers me about the Republicans on this issue. If all the employers got rid of all their illegal employees the would go home, Why would they want to be here? But they act like it is ALL the Democrat's fault.
That is what bothers me about the Republicans on this issue. If all the employers got rid of all their illegal employees the would go home, Why would they want to be here? But they act like it is ALL the Democrat's fault.
Saudi Arabia solved their problem with illegals and visa overstayers in a year.
Fine the employers who hire illegals and you can solve the problem in six months.
As I keep telling libs as long as you keep the border wide open employers cannot do the governments job for it

and libs do want to keep the border open
As I keep telling libs as long as you keep the border wide open employers cannot do the governments job for it

and libs do want to keep the border open
The. Saudis solved their problem with illegals and visa overstayers in six months.
Do you live the good life? Tell us how all will get the same. We are suffering for your beliefs now. Do you notice? The stores selling products are now having shortages in different ones. And only certain brands in others. And this has not stopped though the products change. We are being programmed to accept his.

This last election was sloppy, uncontrolled, and full of anomalies. Only way ensure to election integrity is to limit mail ballots to those with the previous reasons - military, elderly, disabled.
The only way right wingers will ever be sure the election wasn't rigged is if they win. Other wise the whining excuses start.
The only way right wingers will ever be sure the election wasn't rigged is if they win. Other wise the whining excuses start.
Yeah, and when left wingers lose, they spy on the winner, make up accusations of treason, and launch a multi-year, multi-million dollar witchhunt.
Do you live the good life? Tell us how all will get the same. We are suffering for your beliefs now. Do you notice? The stores selling products are now having shortages in different ones. And only certain brands in others. And this has not stopped though the products change. We are being programmed to accept his.
Nobody wants this. And nobody wanted Trump to lie about Covid and it's dangers either. The economy is directly connected to productivity and Covid has made that nearly impossible. And you Trump sheep thought it's a good idea to support killing Dem bills to try to jump start the economy and create new and high paying jobs and to provide things like childcare so that folks can get back to work. It's always so fuckin' moronically simple with you sheep. Read a book or do something else to educate yourself. The US economy is not tied to any one person. Trump didn't make his "best economy in history"any more than Biden created what's happening now. He has tried to do things, real things to help it recover to no avail because of political opposition from the right. Try to open your mind and see the real world and stop watching Tucker and idiots like that.
Yeah, and when left wingers lose, they spy on the winner, make up accusations of treason, and launch a multi-year, multi-million dollar witchhunt.
Oh PA LEEEZE! Just look at the love fest between Trump and Putin as his lover Vlad goes about invading a sovereign country. Are you okay with that? Was there truly no There There? Wake the fuck up!
This last election was sloppy, uncontrolled, and full of anomalies. Only way ensure to election integrity is to limit mail ballots to those with the previous reasons - military, elderly, disabled.
Trump and most of his cronies voted by mail you silly goose!

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