Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

You must have missed where I said armed security was fine by me, so, pay up.

They already have campus police departments, next.
Yes, but I'm okay with them in every school, public or private, at all levels, and that costs money eh?

We have that too, all the major school systems in TX have their own police departments, which I disagree with, there is no reason to have so many layers of police administration, the officers could easily be part of the local departments. The smaller systems use local police.
I'm talking every school, with armed security walking up and down the halls, paid for by the taxpayers. Got an issue with that, El Cheapo?

Already got that where it's needed, fool.
It's needed everywhere, obviously. Stop trying to get away on the cheap and pay up. Don't you want to protect children? So, do so.
If you are willing to pay up for uniformed, and armed, security to wander the halls, you have my blessing. But, a school should not be a prison which means we have a serious problem on our hands.

Qualified armed teachers is not a prison, plus you don't need to pay for any security if they are armed.
Always trying to get away on the cheap aren't you? Instead of doing it the right way you ******-rig it, as they say in these parts. Typical American. There's a real solution but that cost money so you reject it.

It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?
Nothing stupid about it. It's absolutely true. Most women are raped by men they would never shoot. Sorry.

Women shouldn't go out alone, especially at night. Women are most likely to be raped outside, by strangers in dark alleyways, and this is the best way for a woman to protect herself.

Fact Women are often advised to avoid sexual violence by never walking alone at night. But in fact, only around 10% of rapes are committed by 'strangers'. Around 90% of rapes are committed by known men; someone who the survivor has previously known, trusted, often even loved. People are raped in their homes, their workplaces and other settings where they have previously felt safe. Sometimes, the myth that rape is most commonly perpetrated by strangers can make the majority of survivors, who have been raped or sexually assaulted by someone they know, even less likely to report to the police or even confide in someone close about their experiences, for fear of not being believed, out of a sense of shame or self-blame, and/or because they have mixed feelings about getting the perpetrator 'into trouble'. This myth can also control women's movements and restrict their rights and freedom."

Common misconceptions about rape

Last time I checked, a 9mm Winchester SIlvertip works just as well on a pervy neighbor as it does on a random dude in an alley. (And yeah, my wife carries.)
Ask her is she is willing to shoot you when you're in a drunken rage wanting sex, or her brother, or your brother, or her father? If she hesitates in answering, then the gun is essentially useless, she won't use it when she needs to.

The chance of me being in a drunken rage is-exactly-zero. (I don't drink.) She has no siblings and could stop my brother or her father in about thirty seconds.

One reason she has it: the last round is for her.
Qualified armed teachers is not a prison, plus you don't need to pay for any security if they are armed.
Always trying to get away on the cheap aren't you? Instead of doing it the right way you ******-rig it, as they say in these parts. Typical American. There's a real solution but that cost money so you reject it.

It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

How often are schools the target compared to the many out in the public?
How much more jobs have been added to the cops?
I bet you have no problem with all of their extra jobs that have been added for cops to do.
I wonder if this will happen before the Earth spins off its axis due to global warming?
Wow, so the "let's rip 'em from the womb and send them down the sink" crowd is now worried about the safety of children?

That's rich.
Well, that's no fun...
That your sock got burned up in the dryer?
Pretty desperate that you have to make up make-believe friends to agree with you
He wasn't mine little friend. If he's bored, he'll be back, assuming they didn't block his IP and he doesn't use proxies.

Maybe next time he will be HottieSir...

Funny response !!

Anyone who has read your posts and those written by Horsepaint will immediately know you are two different people. The only thing more obvious than your superior intelligence is Houseplant's lack thereof. That guy is a complete moron. Sadly, what he lacks in intelligence he also lacks in integrity.

Of course, a few rare geniuses are capable of writing in completely different styles and you might be one of them. My only lingering doubt is the fact I have never seen both of you at the same time. Of course, I have never seen either one of you, so perhaps my skepticism is a tad unreasonable. Ya think?

Thanks for all your contributions to USMB. I don't always agree with everything you say, but I like the way you say it.
I wonder if this will happen before Earth spins off its axis due to global warming?
Nothing stupid about it. It's absolutely true. Most women are raped by men they would never shoot. Sorry.

Women shouldn't go out alone, especially at night. Women are most likely to be raped outside, by strangers in dark alleyways, and this is the best way for a woman to protect herself.

Fact Women are often advised to avoid sexual violence by never walking alone at night. But in fact, only around 10% of rapes are committed by 'strangers'. Around 90% of rapes are committed by known men; someone who the survivor has previously known, trusted, often even loved. People are raped in their homes, their workplaces and other settings where they have previously felt safe. Sometimes, the myth that rape is most commonly perpetrated by strangers can make the majority of survivors, who have been raped or sexually assaulted by someone they know, even less likely to report to the police or even confide in someone close about their experiences, for fear of not being believed, out of a sense of shame or self-blame, and/or because they have mixed feelings about getting the perpetrator 'into trouble'. This myth can also control women's movements and restrict their rights and freedom."

Common misconceptions about rape

Last time I checked, a 9mm Winchester SIlvertip works just as well on a pervy neighbor as it does on a random dude in an alley. (And yeah, my wife carries.)
Ask her is she is willing to shoot you when you're in a drunken rage wanting sex, or her brother, or your brother, or her father? If she hesitates in answering, then the gun is essentially useless, she won't use it when she needs to.

The chance of me being in a drunken rage is-exactly-zero. (I don't drink.) She has no siblings and could stop my brother or her father in about thirty seconds.

One reason she has it: the last round is for her.
Well, you got that right. If her aim is off, she's dead.
I'm not worried about that...she's a damn good shot. I have watched her put an entire magazine on a #10 can at 50' hundreds of times.
Well, that's no fun...
That your sock got burned up in the dryer?
Pretty desperate that you have to make up make-believe friends to agree with you
He wasn't mine little friend. If he's bored, he'll be back, assuming they didn't block his IP and he doesn't use proxies.

Maybe next time he will be HottieSir...

Funny response !!

Anyone who has read your posts and those written by Horsepaint will immediately know you are two different people. The only thing more obvious than your superior intelligence is Houseplant's lack thereof. That guy is a complete moron. Sadly, what he lacks in intelligence he also lacks in integrity.

Of course, a few rare geniuses are capable of writing in completely different styles and you might be one of them. My only lingering doubt is the fact I have never seen both of you at the same time. Of course, I have never seen either one of you, so perhaps my skepticism is a tad unreasonable. Ya think?

Thanks for all your contributions to USMB. I don't always agree with everything you say, but I like the way you say it.
Well heck, that's just downright nice. I'm at a loss for words since I'm never prepared to say anything nice about anyone or any thing here. At least someone here is paying attention, Thanks Doc.
I'm not worried about that...she's a damn good shot. I have watched her put an entire magazine on a #10 can at 50' hundreds of times.
The aim is one part. The willingness to kill someone, and be wrong potentially, is quite another. As long as she knows if she has to pull the gun that also means she has to aim and shoot to kill, she's got a chance. if she can't do that she might as well lock up the gun and forget about it.
Wow, so the "let's rip 'em from the womb and send them down the sink" crowd is now worried about the safety of children?

That's rich.
That's one of the arguments for legal abortion. Women who are forced to have children very often don't care well for them. Better dead than abused.

That's also why so many support abortion in the case of rape. Very few women can get past the fact that they are raising the child of the man who raped them. it might be half theirs but that's not enough in most cases. For that you need a saint and they are few and far between.
Wow, so the "let's rip 'em from the womb and send them down the sink" crowd is now worried about the safety of children?

That's rich.
That's one of the arguments for legal abortion. Women who are forced to have children very often don't care well for them. Better dead than abused.

That's also why so many support abortion in the case of rape. Very few women can get past the fact that they are raising the child of the man who raped them. it might be half theirs but that's not enough in most cases. For that you need a saint and they are few and far between.

Nobody is forced to have children you nitwit... go take sex ed 101. It's pretty basic stuff.

They already have campus police departments, next.
Yes, but I'm okay with them in every school, public or private, at all levels, and that costs money eh?

We have that too, all the major school systems in TX have their own police departments, which I disagree with, there is no reason to have so many layers of police administration, the officers could easily be part of the local departments. The smaller systems use local police.
I'm talking every school, with armed security walking up and down the halls, paid for by the taxpayers. Got an issue with that, El Cheapo?

Already got that where it's needed, fool.
It's needed everywhere, obviously. Stop trying to get away on the cheap and pay up. Don't you want to protect children? So, do so.

Fuck you, what we have is adequate and more expensive than it needs to be.
Wow, so the "let's rip 'em from the womb and send them down the sink" crowd is now worried about the safety of children?

That's rich.
That's one of the arguments for legal abortion. Women who are forced to have children very often don't care well for them. Better dead than abused.

That's also why so many support abortion in the case of rape. Very few women can get past the fact that they are raising the child of the man who raped them. it might be half theirs but that's not enough in most cases. For that you need a saint and they are few and far between.

Nobody is forced to have children you nitwit... go take sex ed 101. It's pretty basic stuff.

There are plenty of people in this country who would force pregnant women, no matter how they got that way, to at the very least carry the pregnancy to term. You can't call yourself Pro-life if you don't hold that position. It's absolute, there is no middle way. If there is a way then the fetus doesn't matter that much. You have to even be willing to lose the woman unless you can't save the fetus either. That is the pro-life logic taken all the way to the end.

It's like the Pope on the death penalty, it's not an option, ever, no matter what.
Why do you want schools to be like prisons?
I don't, and that's a good start.

That's a lie.
Nope. A police officer walking the halls doesn't make it a prison. The doors are locked and the kids are locked inside right now. That makes it a prison.
The 8ft fence and metal detectors help too
Wouldn't have done a thing to stop Lanza. He just busted in and started shooting. At that point what you want is the armed guard, which you have to pay for...

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