Get ready for a sharp rise of school shootings in Texas

Why do you want schools to be like prisons?
I don't, and that's a good start.

That's a lie.
Nope. A police officer walking the halls doesn't make it a prison. The doors are locked and the kids are locked inside right now. That makes it a prison.
The 8ft fence and metal detectors help too
Wouldn't have done a thing to stop Lanza. He just busted in and started shooting. At that point what you want is the armed guard, which you have to pay for...
I just meant that those things help with the prison imagery
Qualified armed teachers is not a prison, plus you don't need to pay for any security if they are armed.
Always trying to get away on the cheap aren't you? Instead of doing it the right way you ******-rig it, as they say in these parts. Typical American. There's a real solution but that cost money so you reject it.

It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
I don't, and that's a good start.

That's a lie.
Nope. A police officer walking the halls doesn't make it a prison. The doors are locked and the kids are locked inside right now. That makes it a prison.
The 8ft fence and metal detectors help too
Wouldn't have done a thing to stop Lanza. He just busted in and started shooting. At that point what you want is the armed guard, which you have to pay for...
I just meant that those things help with the prison imagery
I see, well, you're right. In my version you can mostly drop those, unless your kids have a bad habit of bringing guns with them.
Always trying to get away on the cheap aren't you? Instead of doing it the right way you ******-rig it, as they say in these parts. Typical American. There's a real solution but that cost money so you reject it.

It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
He's a socialist-fascist.
Always trying to get away on the cheap aren't you? Instead of doing it the right way you ******-rig it, as they say in these parts. Typical American. There's a real solution but that cost money so you reject it.

It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.
It means you hate it when it isn't government doing the job, that costs taxpayers up the ying yang.
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

Where did it read "regardless of crime record, state of inebriation, or age?" I do not see that....
Nope, it means I use the right tool for the right job. The teachers and administrators already have jobs now don't they?

Using your logic we'd have no cops, everyone would just carry a gun, cops cost money.

You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
So they can kill the bad guy, who also has a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a bomb, or a box of tampons if it comes to that, I don't really care at that point. It's not like the security guy is going to hold the gun in front of his chest for protection now is he? That's a "bullet-proof" meaning "gun-proof", vest. That's protection not the gun, and he's going to shoot and kill the bad guy, hopefully, with the gun, which is why we invented the bloody things in the first place.
Texas lawmakers reach deal allowing guns on campus - Houston Chronicle

The far right legislature passed a law allowing any student, regardless of criminal record, state of inebriation, or age, to carry a handgun onto Texas school campuses

Nothing could go wrong. Right? Right?

Riddle me this, NRA nutjobs. Adam Lanza killed students whit a gun. Cho Seung Hui killed students with a gun. Charles Whitman killed students with a gun

Why the fuck do you want MORE guns on school grounds?

Where did it read "regardless of crime record, state of inebriation, or age?" I do not see that....
He lied.
You are not using logic.
We will always need cops and not everyone should have a gun.
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
So they can kill the bad guy, who also has a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a bomb, or a box of tampons if it comes to that, I don't really care at that point. It's not like the security guy is going to hold the gun in front of his chest for protection now is he? That's a "bullet-proof" meaning "gun-proof", vest. That's protection not the gun, and he's going to shoot and kill the bad guy, hopefully, with the gun, which is why we invented the bloody things in the first place.

So guns are for protection?
I would prefer no guns too. But since your system doesn't work, and criminals are armed whether I am or not, then I'm going to be armed.

I realize you leftist live in a fantasy world, where if you are helpless and defenseless, then criminals will just hold hands and sing songs.

But I have a friend who was raped in her own home, and she was unable to do anything. Completely helpless. Why? Because she bought the leftist crap you spew. She's not helpless anymore. She has hired full time security Smith, and his friend Wesson.

She's dumped the leftardian crap you spew. Sad that she had to be harmed to learn the leftist fantasy world isn't true.
1. I own guns.
2. Who was she raped by?

She would not tell me because I told her I planned to go beat him within an inch of life. She still won't tell me to this day.
Which means she knew him, like most women who are raped, and wouldn't have shot him then, or now, so the gun helped her not a fucking damn, as expected.

Does it HURT to be this fuckin' stupid, boy?
Nothing stupid about it. It's absolutely true. Most women are raped by men they would never shoot. Sorry.

Women shouldn't go out alone, especially at night. Women are most likely to be raped outside, by strangers in dark alleyways, and this is the best way for a woman to protect herself.

Fact Women are often advised to avoid sexual violence by never walking alone at night. But in fact, only around 10% of rapes are committed by 'strangers'. Around 90% of rapes are committed by known men; someone who the survivor has previously known, trusted, often even loved. People are raped in their homes, their workplaces and other settings where they have previously felt safe. Sometimes, the myth that rape is most commonly perpetrated by strangers can make the majority of survivors, who have been raped or sexually assaulted by someone they know, even less likely to report to the police or even confide in someone close about their experiences, for fear of not being believed, out of a sense of shame or self-blame, and/or because they have mixed feelings about getting the perpetrator 'into trouble'. This myth can also control women's movements and restrict their rights and freedom."

Common misconceptions about rape

I guess the woman raped 50 feet from the campus police station, and the two raped on trains here in Chicago, and the nurse raped in her own car and then drowned in it, and the woman dragged from a bus stop here in chicago.....just that unlucky 10%.........they should just quietly accept their fate.......
If you are willing to pay up for uniformed, and armed, security to wander the halls, you have my blessing. But, a school should not be a prison which means we have a serious problem on our hands.

Right, prisons are gun free zones, no reason a school should be.
You must have missed where I said armed security was fine by me, so, pay up.

They already have campus police departments, next.
They already have campus rapes and killings, next.
Yep, and the guns aren't going to change that either. Legally, most of the college girls can't even carry, they aren't old enough. That's a big help eh?

But the women and men who are 21 going to college can as can the staff, and the various other people who come onto the campus...creating a vast unknown for potential criminals who used to have a disarmed victim they will have no idea who they are attacking......
So you want the teachers to play cops instead of hiring them just because armed security costs money? See the problem here?

Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
So they can kill the bad guy, who also has a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a bomb, or a box of tampons if it comes to that, I don't really care at that point. It's not like the security guy is going to hold the gun in front of his chest for protection now is he? That's a "bullet-proof" meaning "gun-proof", vest. That's protection not the gun, and he's going to shoot and kill the bad guy, hopefully, with the gun, which is why we invented the bloody things in the first place.

So guns are for protection?
Nope. They are for killing things. Let's say I have 10 loaded guns in the house, and there are five people who live there, but only one knows how to use a gun or is willing to kill someone and they are miles away right now but a rapist is outside breaking in, do the guns mean I'm protected? Or, do they only mean I'm protected if someone who knows how to use a gun is there and is willing to kill the rapist?

Guns don't kill people right, people do, so how, in this case, is the house protected? Answer, it isn't because guns aren't for protection, they are for killing things.
Why do you have a problem with multiple lines of defense? Why do you want to deprive eligible citizens their constitutional rights? Why don't you want individuals to have the ability to protect themselves?
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
So they can kill the bad guy, who also has a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a bomb, or a box of tampons if it comes to that, I don't really care at that point. It's not like the security guy is going to hold the gun in front of his chest for protection now is he? That's a "bullet-proof" meaning "gun-proof", vest. That's protection not the gun, and he's going to shoot and kill the bad guy, hopefully, with the gun, which is why we invented the bloody things in the first place.

So guns are for protection?
Nope. They are for killing things. let's say I have 100 loaded guns in the house, and there are five people who live there, but only one knows how to use a gun or is willing to kill someone and they are miles away right now but a rapist is outside breaking in, do the guns mean I'm protected?
"Let's say" you can imagine all sorts of scenarios where a gun doesn't help. Let's also come up with matching scenarios where a gun DOES help. Have you managed to prove anything? I don't think so.
Right, prisons are gun free zones, no reason a school should be.
You must have missed where I said armed security was fine by me, so, pay up.

They already have campus police departments, next.
They already have campus rapes and killings, next.
Yep, and the guns aren't going to change that either. Legally, most of the college girls can't even carry, they aren't old enough. That's a big help eh?

But the women and men who are 21 going to college can as can the staff, and the various other people who come onto the campus...creating a vast unknown for potential criminals who used to have a disarmed victim they will have no idea who they are attacking......
That's easy. I pick a younger female student, in a place where others aren't. Even if she has a gun I'm going to account for that and she will never see me coming, until it's too late and I'm cumming. If she has a gun, I get sex and a gun. What a deal.

You guys keep thinking the rapists are going to give her a sporting chance and that won't happen. She's either going to shoot a guy who wasn't going to rape her, meaning he gave her time to get to her gun, or she's never going to see him coming and by then it's way too late.
Guns aren't for protection. They were invented to kill things, mostly people, which is why I'd like all of them in a hole in the ground. For someone who calls humanity a disease I'm very Pro-life that way.

And, if you know there is armed security walking the halls only the nuts will attack, and there ain't shit we can do besides build a school as a prison to keep those fuckers out. They were comin' in regardless.

If guns aren't for protection then why do you want armed guards?
So they can kill the bad guy, who also has a gun, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or a bomb, or a box of tampons if it comes to that, I don't really care at that point. It's not like the security guy is going to hold the gun in front of his chest for protection now is he? That's a "bullet-proof" meaning "gun-proof", vest. That's protection not the gun, and he's going to shoot and kill the bad guy, hopefully, with the gun, which is why we invented the bloody things in the first place.

So guns are for protection?
Nope. They are for killing things. let's say I have 100 loaded guns in the house, and there are five people who live there, but only one knows how to use a gun or is willing to kill someone and they are miles away right now but a rapist is outside breaking in, do the guns mean I'm protected?
"Let's say" you can imagine all sorts of scenarios where a gun doesn't help. Let's also come up with matching scenarios where a gun DOES help. Have you managed to prove anything? I don't think so.
I've proven that just having a gun doesn't mean fuck all, meaning it's not protection until you kill the threat. A gun doesn't protect you, using it to kill, the reason it was invented however can, if you are willing to fire and never pull it out unless you are. If women shot the men who raped them, they'd be going to a lot of funerals of friends, boyfriends, and family members. The strangers jumping from bushes are the least of their concerns in this case.

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