Get ready to kiss you a** goodbye

No, you dumb burger flipper, we did not survive 4 interglacials, The homo sapiens is only about 200,000 years old. And, thus far, it is not a survival issue, but one of maintaining our present civilization in the face of a rapid climate change.
It's not about saving the planet.

The planet has taken care of itself.

It's about saving our own sorry asses.

An impossible task 'cause the planet always wins.

Ask any dinosaur.
No, really. The "Arctic is 50F warmer than usual" never actually happened. The chart is a fraud


Barrow -26F
Kotelnly -4F
Golomjannayj 9F
Alert -4F

Very cool
LOL Not going to post your link this time, Comrade Frankie boi? Because there are other places in the arctic that are way above what they should be in mid-January.

Arctic Weather Map

Show us one (1)
Tostuya 0
Cape Cheluskin 5
Golomjannyj 14
Vize Island 12

Arctic Weather Map

And there are at least seven more on that map that are very warm for this time of year.

December 2016 compared to previous years

Figure 3. Monthly December ice extent for 1979 to 2016 shows a decline of 3.4 percent per decade.

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center

Global sea ice tracking far below average

Figure 6a. This time series of daily global sea ice extent (Arctic plus Antarctic) shows global extent tracking below the 1981 to 2010 average. The X axis shows the month of the year, aligned with the first day of the month. Sea Ice Index data.

Credit: NSIDC
High-resolution image

Figure 6b. This graph shows daily global sea ice difference from average, relative to the 1981 to 2010 reference period in square kilometers for the satellite record from 1979 through 2016

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
High-resolution image

Figure 6c. This graph shows daily sea ice difference from average in units of the standard deviation (based on 1981-2010 variation from the average) for this period.

Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center
High-resolution image

Image 2 of 4 (play slideshow) Download


Got to remind you here OldieRocks, everyone likes to PRETEND there was no satellite tally of Arctic Sea Ice before 1979.. But that's not true at all. Might have been more done by hand from fewer pictures, but it was there. The 1979 date was only the introduction of better satellites. But it's just photos. Maybe multi-band stuff that can estimate "age" of the ice.

Where does this pic below come from - you ask? (Like you've never seen this before. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:)
It comes from the 1990 IPCC report of course... We don't forget a lot. Unlike the warmers who conveniently forget shit that contradicts their confirmation biases..


It's kinda WILLFULLY dishonest to start data from relative PEAKS, when you have this in your back pocket. Isn't it???? Need an answer to that question bud..
Barrow -26F
Kotelnly -4F
Golomjannayj 9F
Alert -4F

Very cool
LOL Not going to post your link this time, Comrade Frankie boi? Because there are other places in the arctic that are way above what they should be in mid-January.

Arctic Weather Map

Show us one (1)

Not just temperature guys. Ice doesn't build at the poles at it's HIGHEST rates without precipt. Antarctica is virtual desert and that factor varies WILDLY from year to year based on MINUTE amounts of precipt. The Arctic weather storm patterns will make a huge difference in sea ice build rates.

I'm just combating the "Arctic is 50F higher than normal" hysteria with actual Arctic temperature readings
You dumb lying fuck, that was not a claim for the whole of the winter, but one day during the winter. However, it has been unusually warm in the Arctic this winter, and the sea ice in the Arctic clearly shows that.
One day, from one station is not climate, right?
No, you dumb burger flipper, we did not survive 4 interglacials, The homo sapiens is only about 200,000 years old. And, thus far, it is not a survival issue, but one of maintaining our present civilization in the face of a rapid climate change.
You really are a moron...

Why is it you ignore the point that we have been ice free many times before man was even on the planet but now for some reason it is going to be catastrophic. Ignoring the planets history for your agenda will make you look like a fool every time..

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

Holecene 2.JPG

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

View attachment 107567

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

I don't know enough to get into the science of things, but why is there such and opposition from the party who supports people like the Koch brothers to blow all of their chemicals into the air and water?

We have a cancer epidemic in America , so our bodies are warning us of what we are doing to our world.

Anyway, I do not want to hi-jack the thread, I find it interesting.

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

View attachment 107567

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

I don't know enough to get into the science of things, but why is there such and opposition from the party who supports people like the Koch brothers to blow all of their chemicals into the air and water?

We have a cancer epidemic in America , so our bodies are warning us of what we are doing to our world.

Anyway, I do not want to hi-jack the thread, I find it interesting.
WE do not blow chemicals into the air etc... we want reasonable regulations based on science, not left wing fear mongering and hype. Another left wing lie that needs to die as well..

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

View attachment 107567

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

I don't know enough to get into the science of things, but why is there such and opposition from the party who supports people like the Koch brothers to blow all of their chemicals into the air and water?

We have a cancer epidemic in America , so our bodies are warning us of what we are doing to our world.

Anyway, I do not want to hi-jack the thread, I find it interesting.

Koch brothers actually funded the Berkeley Earth Temperature study. They're not pretending to be opposition and neither am I. I'm completely on board with the Earth having warmed a bit in the past 100 years. But -- I DO NOT believe the whackier and more scarier parts of GW theory and predictions. It's not a SINGLE question issue. And never was. And it's definitely not "settled science" either.

Simple things, like the hiding of the pre 1979 Arctic Ice satellite data are DEAD GIVEAWAYS to people who study GW and try to separate "propaganda" and rhetoric from fact and science. The more you study -- the more "stink" comes off the pile...
Got to remind you here OldieRocks, everyone likes to PRETEND there was no satellite tally of Arctic Sea Ice before 1979..

No, only deniers pretend that, because it allows them to lie and claim ice was lower before the satellite era. For example, I've posted this here before.

TC - Abstract - A simple approach to providing a more consistent Arctic sea ice extent time series from the 1950s to present


All the deniers have seen that before, yet they pretend it doesn't exist, because it contradicts their confirmation bias. Instead of showing all the data, they deliberately cherrypick a much shorter piece that confirms their confirmation bias, as Flac just did. Essentially, that old graph that they love just grabs the bit from the shaded box.

It's kinda WILLFULLY dishonest to start data from relative PEAKS, when you have this in your back pocket. Isn't it???? Need an answer to that question bud..

It's obviously willfully dishonest to cherrypick data to avoid showing the higher ice levels prior to 1979, as Flac did. By his own standards, he needs to answer the question of why he tried to deceive us. But if past patterns hold, he won't offer an explanation. Instead, he'll snarl out some insults to cover his panicked retreat. And then, some months later, he'll post the same debunked nonsense again, even though he knows how deceptive it is.

The data goes back even farther. If we look at this study, we see how Arctic sea ice was definitely _increasing_ from 1935 - 1970. That destroys Flac's claim that long term Arctic sea ice levels were decreasing before the global warming era. Nope, it was the exact opposite, which is what you usually discover when you examine any of Flac's claims.

A new time series of September Arctic sea ice extent: 1935-2014

Got to remind you here OldieRocks, everyone likes to PRETEND there was no satellite tally of Arctic Sea Ice before 1979..

No, only deniers pretend that, because it allows them to lie and claim ice was lower before the satellite era. For example, I've posted this here before.

TC - Abstract - A simple approach to providing a more consistent Arctic sea ice extent time series from the 1950s to present


All the deniers have seen that before, yet they pretend it doesn't exist, because it contradicts their confirmation bias. Instead of showing all the data, they deliberately cherrypick a much shorter piece that confirms their confirmation bias, as Flac just did. Essentially, that old graph that they love just grabs the bit from the shaded box.

It's kinda WILLFULLY dishonest to start data from relative PEAKS, when you have this in your back pocket. Isn't it???? Need an answer to that question bud..

It's obviously willfully dishonest to cherrypick data to avoid showing the higher ice levels prior to 1979, as Flac did. By his own standards, he needs to answer the question of why he tried to deceive us. But if past patterns hold, he won't offer an explanation. Instead, he'll snarl out some insults to cover his panicked retreat. And then, some months later, he'll post the same debunked nonsense again, even though he knows how deceptive it is.

The data goes back even farther. If we look at this study, we see how Arctic sea ice was definitely _increasing_ from 1935 - 1970. That destroys Flac's claim that long term Arctic sea ice levels were decreasing before the global warming era. Nope, it was the exact opposite, which is what you usually discover when you examine any of Flac's claims.

A new time series of September Arctic sea ice extent: 1935-2014

And yet not one single shred of empirical evidence that man has caused any of it...
I GTG work. But a couple other things to consider.

1) It's not SEA ice that is gonna drown your ass. Not from EITHER pole.. It's LAND ice. From Greenland and Antarctica primarily. And to LOSE MASSIVE amounts from a continent like Antarctica is only gonna happen at the END of any extraordinary warming period in a place where it's below -15degF most of the year. Sublimation and drought being the ONLY factors that you would see now until the next century. And sublimation can happen with a run-up in Total Solar Irradiance. Like the one we've seen since the 1700s.

2) An "ice free Arctic Ocean" is a neglected NEGATIVE feedback restraining the "runaway warming" theories. Because an ice barren very cold sea is a WONDERFUL "new" CO2 sink. .The equivalent of planting a new virgin forest the size of Australia..
I'm not worried (at this point) about sea level rise. Actually, I never have to worry about it personally since I live at 4900 ft. My main concern is the positive feedback from absorption of solar radiation in a dark arctic sea. As for the negative feedback, are you expecting CO2 levels to drop significantly?
Got to remind you here OldieRocks, everyone likes to PRETEND there was no satellite tally of Arctic Sea Ice before 1979..

No, only deniers pretend that, because it allows them to lie and claim ice was lower before the satellite era. For example, I've posted this here before.

TC - Abstract - A simple approach to providing a more consistent Arctic sea ice extent time series from the 1950s to present


All the deniers have seen that before, yet they pretend it doesn't exist, because it contradicts their confirmation bias. Instead of showing all the data, they deliberately cherrypick a much shorter piece that confirms their confirmation bias, as Flac just did. Essentially, that old graph that they love just grabs the bit from the shaded box.

It's kinda WILLFULLY dishonest to start data from relative PEAKS, when you have this in your back pocket. Isn't it???? Need an answer to that question bud..

It's obviously willfully dishonest to cherrypick data to avoid showing the higher ice levels prior to 1979, as Flac did. By his own standards, he needs to answer the question of why he tried to deceive us. But if past patterns hold, he won't offer an explanation. Instead, he'll snarl out some insults to cover his panicked retreat. And then, some months later, he'll post the same debunked nonsense again, even though he knows how deceptive it is.

The data goes back even farther. If we look at this study, we see how Arctic sea ice was definitely _increasing_ from 1935 - 1970. That destroys Flac's claim that long term Arctic sea ice levels were decreasing before the global warming era. Nope, it was the exact opposite, which is what you usually discover when you examine any of Flac's claims.

A new time series of September Arctic sea ice extent: 1935-2014


The fact that their "consistent time series" doesn't SHOW the dip and build in the Early 70s just verifies that ACTUAL DATA is always better than models or reconstructions from nearly NO actual data..

You just jerking off avoiding the real evidence... Tell me Mammy, How many sample points are in the sketchy "ground" data that makes up their "data" and by what MEANS were they obtained?
Last edited:

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

View attachment 107567

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

I don't know enough to get into the science of things, but why is there such and opposition from the party who supports people like the Koch brothers to blow all of their chemicals into the air and water?

We have a cancer epidemic in America , so our bodies are warning us of what we are doing to our world.

Anyway, I do not want to hi-jack the thread, I find it interesting.
WE do not blow chemicals into the air etc... we want reasonable regulations based on science, not left wing fear mongering and hype. Another left wing lie that needs to die as well..

Take it easy on EagleWings. Poster is probably still under the impression that CO2 is a pollutant and a chemical. Not their fault they've been propagandized.
I GTG work. But a couple other things to consider.

1) It's not SEA ice that is gonna drown your ass. Not from EITHER pole.. It's LAND ice. From Greenland and Antarctica primarily. And to LOSE MASSIVE amounts from a continent like Antarctica is only gonna happen at the END of any extraordinary warming period in a place where it's below -15degF most of the year. Sublimation and drought being the ONLY factors that you would see now until the next century. And sublimation can happen with a run-up in Total Solar Irradiance. Like the one we've seen since the 1700s.

2) An "ice free Arctic Ocean" is a neglected NEGATIVE feedback restraining the "runaway warming" theories. Because an ice barren very cold sea is a WONDERFUL "new" CO2 sink. .The equivalent of planting a new virgin forest the size of Australia..
I'm not worried (at this point) about sea level rise. Actually, I never have to worry about it personally since I live at 4900 ft. My main concern is the positive feedback from absorption of solar radiation in a dark arctic sea. As for the negative feedback, are you expecting CO2 levels to drop significantly?

You're not gonna defrost calthrates below the sea floor of the Arctic Ocean with a mere 2degC rise in surface temperature. They NATURALLY seep out now today.. In fact the Gulf of Mexico and the North Coast Alaska have a VERY high natural seepage rate, but that's from geological structure, not 2degC of warming.

And YES -- like I said, the negative feedback effect of an ice barren COLD Arctic ocean is potentially immense. The Southern Ocean is the largest ocean component of CO2 absorption because of it's cold temperatures and no ice.

So "drop" ? Maybe not. But DEFINITELY impair the rate of rise. Probably MORE than a $10TRILL investment in dislocating the world economy would do...
BTW --- this is likely WHY we didn't see the catastrophic "runaway unreturnable GW" after the last FOUR transistions to interglacial periods. Because of "negative feedbacks" and the remaining bulk of the calthrates locked up in places where a few surface degrees in temperature DOES NOT MATTER...

Have you been to Denali or up the Alaskan coast, there is a lot of melting going on..

Also I grew up in northern Minnesota with deep cold winters, they haven't had a huge cold winter storm in several years.

The problem is, we humans have a very short life span as compared to the cyclical climate of our earth. Thus we do not live long enough to see the cycles start to finish. This makes us easily duped by those who would want to control us and use this as a weapon to deprive us of our freedoms and rights.

Just in the current interglacial we have seen 5 cycles of ice free and a return to partial glaciation. A fact the alarmists don't want you to see or understand.

View attachment 107567

Interglacial's last about 14,000 years on average. Were at 14,600 years at present. We are over due for our next 90,000 year glacial cycle. Pray that our current interglacial last a while longer. The death that will happen when we fall into the next glacial cycle will thin the herd massively.

I don't know enough to get into the science of things, but why is there such and opposition from the party who supports people like the Koch brothers to blow all of their chemicals into the air and water?

We have a cancer epidemic in America , so our bodies are warning us of what we are doing to our world.

Anyway, I do not want to hi-jack the thread, I find it interesting.
WE do not blow chemicals into the air etc... we want reasonable regulations based on science, not left wing fear mongering and hype. Another left wing lie that needs to die as well..

Take it easy on EagleWings. Poster is probably still under the impression that CO2 is a pollutant and a chemical. Not their fault they've been propagandized.

I have heard that the epidemic of breast cancer on the Northern California coast is from the crap coming over from China and Japan when it had a radiation problem after the earthquake they had about 5 or 6 years ago.

Wish these things were fake, but it is well known and documented that chemical plants have poisoned many in their communities with pools of cancer causing crap in their air and water.

Here are a few links

5 years later, Fukushima radiation continues to seep into the Pacific Ocean

Five years after an accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, some scientists continue to find found small amounts of radioactive material along the West Coast of North America. And some of them say we should expect to see this in the ocean for decades to come. Elevated levels found off the coast of Japan show that the situation is not yet under control, and that the facility is still leaking radiation.
West Coast watches as Fukushima leaks radiation

Fukushima Radiation Leak: 5 Things You Should Know

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