Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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How do you like the current demographics in Palestine, Toast?
Nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, yet only Jews alone, among all nations living under Israeli laws, are allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

Tell me the current population of Jews and non-Jews in Israel please and also are you saying that non-Jewish citizens are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections? If so I would like proof of that and tell me why there are Arab Members of the Israeli parliament.
Here are figures from seven years ago:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[62] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe,the former Soviet republics, Russia, and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[63]
Of Israel's 7 million citizens, 516,569 Jewish ones live in enclaves referred to as Israeli settlements and outposts in various lands adjacent to the state of Israel occupied by Israel during the Six Day War..."

I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Tell me the current population of Jews and non-Jews in Israel please and also are you saying that non-Jewish citizens are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections? If so I would like proof of that and tell me why there are Arab Members of the Israeli parliament.
Here are figures from seven years ago:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[62] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe,the former Soviet republics, Russia, and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[63]
Of Israel's 7 million citizens, 516,569 Jewish ones live in enclaves referred to as Israeli settlements and outposts in various lands adjacent to the state of Israel occupied by Israel during the Six Day War..."

I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.
Here are figures from seven years ago:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[62] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe,the former Soviet republics, Russia, and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[63]
Of Israel's 7 million citizens, 516,569 Jewish ones live in enclaves referred to as Israeli settlements and outposts in various lands adjacent to the state of Israel occupied by Israel during the Six Day War..."

I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.


An Israeli citizen, whatever religion, is allowed to vote. If the citizen is not Israeli then of course he or she is not allowed to vote. It is the same in any country.
Because they declared independence before the Palestinians did (40 years before, to be exact)

Plus, they won every war of aggression that the Arab states, including the Palestinians , waged against the state of Israel . In other word, superiority on the battlefield .

Don't like it ? Too bad
How do you like the current demographics in Palestine, Toast?
Nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, yet only Jews alone, among all nations living under Israeli laws, are allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

"Among all Nations living under Israeli laws"

What nation other than Israel lives under Israeli laws??

And where did you read that only Jews are allowed to vote in Israeli elections ?
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Here are figures from seven years ago:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[62] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe,the former Soviet republics, Russia, and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[63]
Of Israel's 7 million citizens, 516,569 Jewish ones live in enclaves referred to as Israeli settlements and outposts in various lands adjacent to the state of Israel occupied by Israel during the Six Day War..."

I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.

What are you complaining about ??? That Israeli citizens are now allowed to vote ??

Is there something wrong with that ?
In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.


An Israeli citizen, whatever religion, is allowed to vote. If the citizen is not Israeli then of course he or she is not allowed to vote. It is the same in any country.
Israeli law applies to millions of non-citizens living between the River and the sea yet none of those non-citizens have any way of influencing those who write the laws they live under. Therefore, Israel denies millions of Arabs their fundamental human right of self-determination. Maybe that's why the world has condemned Israeli human rights violations more than any other country on the planet?
In other words you lied. Perhaps research before you make assertions of what you perceive as facts.
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.

What are you complaining about ??? That Israeli citizens are now allowed to vote ??

Is there something wrong with that ?
There's something wrong with the fact there is no Israeli nationality in Israel.
That's what I'm complaining about; why aren't you?
All of those non-citizens (or their parents or grandparents) in the West Bank and in Gaza chose to side with the invading Arab armies of 1948, to destroy Israel, and wanted nothing to do with living under Israeli law... either in 1948 or the two decades prior to 1967.

After 1967 the idea of Israeli citizenship for Muslim-Arab Palestinians was off the table, as a realistic possibility on the Israeli end, and has been off the table ever since.

The Palestinians chose poorly.

They are now dealing with the consequences of that poor choice.

And they do not get a do-over.

They may end-up preserving a Rump Palestine with the shreds of land they still have left.

But Israeli citizenship is no longer possible for them.

Consequently, they have never had, nor ever will have, a vote.

Only citizens are allowed to vote.

The Muslim-Arab Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza made it very clear, repeatedly, decades ago, while they still had the chance and a choice, that they did not wish to be Israeli citizens.

Their wish was granted.

Too much blood has been spilled since those days, and too many events and policies have been set into motion, to ever re-open such a window of citizenship opportunity.

Too late for them to change their minds now.

Decades too late.

The answer is "No".

And, just for clarification's sake... "No" means "No".
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For your admission that Greater Israel is officially an apartheid state.
Feel proud?
The separation was chosen by the Palestinians, not the Israelis.

It is their poor choices which brought about this separation.

This is not Apartheid.

This is a state under seige with a hostile population in its midst which has been making war against its citizens and their ancestors for the past century.

This is walling-off the barbarians and crazies in order to minimize civilian casualties amongst its citizens.

This is common sense and taking care of one's own people.

This is restraint of the highest order, when it would have been so much simpler to go in there and slaughter anything that moved and to take no prisoners, then move into the vacuum.

And that is, indeed, a reason for pride.
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Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.

What are you complaining about ??? That Israeli citizens are now allowed to vote ??

Is there something wrong with that ?
There's something wrong with the fact there is no Israeli nationality in Israel.
That's what I'm complaining about; why aren't you?

Sure there is. Citizens of Israel are 'Israelis' . What's so hard to understand ?
Millions of non-Jews who are not citizens of Israel live under Israeli military law between the River and the sea.
These millions of non-Jews are not allowed to vote for the Jews or Arabs who write the laws they live under.
It's not a lie to point out the fact that Israel prefers to be a Jewish state and not a Democratic one.


An Israeli citizen, whatever religion, is allowed to vote. If the citizen is not Israeli then of course he or she is not allowed to vote. It is the same in any country.

Israeli law applies to millions of non-citizens living between the River and the sea yet none of those non-citizens have any way of influencing those who write the laws they live under. Therefore, Israel denies millions of Arabs their fundamental human right of self-determination. Maybe that's why the world has condemned Israeli human rights violations more than any other country on the planet?

If they are not a citizen then what the hell does it matter about whether the laws affect them or not. If someone has a vote, they have a say, and they are registered citizens. What is so difficult to understand. The Muslims and Christians who are citizens have a vote and have Members of the Knesset to represent them.
All of those non-citizens (or their parents or grandparents) in the West Bank and in Gaza chose to side with the invading Arab armies of 1948, to destroy Israel, and wanted nothing to do with living under Israeli law... either in 1948 or the two decades prior to 1967.
Those arab army's went in to protect the civil rights of the indigenous arab population, that was being systematically stripped from them as more zionists migrated into the area. They were basically trying to do, what the British should have done, which was restore order.

There was no major violence in that area prior to the zionist migration.

And who wants to live under Israeli apartheid laws? In East Jerusalem, if a Palestinian starts a conversation with an Israeli settler (I call them Israeli insurgents), he could get arrested. In contrast, an Israeli settler can walk around with a machine gun, blow bunch of Palestinian's away and serve maybe a couple hours in a local jail, then released. Who the fuck in their right mind would want to live under such repression?
All of those non-citizens (or their parents or grandparents) in the West Bank and in Gaza chose to side with the invading Arab armies of 1948, to destroy Israel, and wanted nothing to do with living under Israeli law... either in 1948 or the two decades prior to 1967.
Those arab army's went in to protect the civil rights of the indigenous arab population, that was being systematically stripped from them as more zionists migrated into the area. They were basically trying to do, what the British should have done, which was restore order.

There was no major violence in that area prior to the zionist migration.

And who wants to live under Israeli apartheid laws? In East Jerusalem, if a Palestinian starts a conversation with an Israeli settler (I call them Israeli insurgents), he could get arrested. In contrast, an Israeli settler can walk around with a machine gun, blow bunch of Palestinian's away and serve maybe a couple hours in a local jail, then released. Who the fuck in their right mind would want to live under such repression?

Why would a Palestinian be arrested if he or she starts a conversation with a Jew? What law was broken?
Why would a Palestinian be arrested if he or she starts a conversation with a Jew? What law was broken?
I don't know. I don't have the answer to that. I don't live there. This is in a city called Sheikh Jarrah (if you're arab); Shimon HaTzadik, if you're an Israeli settler.

Here's the article that it came from...

according to the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din, less than 9 percent of investigations into settler violence conducted by the Israeli police in the West Bank result in indictments. Meanwhile, in both the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli security forces frequently carry out unannounced night raids, ransacking Palestinian homes and arresting family members without cause.

The Israeli government has a $19.2 million budget (70 million shekels) for settler security in East Jerusalem alone. If Palestinians engage settlers in conversation, they risk arrest, but settlers—who freely walk the street with machine guns— almost always avoid prosecution if they open fire on Palestinians. This extreme legal impunity has been standard since the occupation began. “In Silwan, we call the settlers the militia,” Qara’een tells me.
I still need a law that explains why a Palestinian would be arrested for speaking to a settler. I doubt whether there is a law. For instance if a settler goes to a Palestinian store is the cashier there not allowed to speak to the settler (the customer) for fear of arrest.
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