Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Israel. But the question is, why George???
My reply would start with 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many Arabs in 1948; although, I suspect we'll never find any common ground there.

I’m sure you were hoping that “inflicting” added some melodrama to your comment.

What a shame that you have no issue with islamist ideology being inflicted across the Middle East such that competing religions are all but purged from that part of the world.

I mean, any fool who pays the slightest bit of attention to geopolitics in the islamist Middle East can understand that the plight of the “Palestinian” beggars and squatters has nothing to do with Arab intransigence, an utter inability to compromise and make peace with the out-group, or with muhammud’s (swish) dogma of hatred for Jews.
What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin to European migrants in 1948? Intransigence is a label best applied to western imperialists coercing the UN into inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil. Any attempt to justify such a foolish decision relies more on bigotry than brains.
georgephillip, et al,

What nonsense!

What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin to European migrants in 1948? Intransigence is a label best applied to western imperialists coercing the UN into inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil. Any attempt to justify such a foolish decision relies more on bigotry than brains.
  • What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin?
None! There was no "Filastin." The Arabs were not asked to cede any territory under their sovereignty.​
  • inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil?
Israel is anywhere but in the "Heart of Arab Oil" (especially in 1947).​
Come on, what are you trying to imply here? That Israel was created to gain oil concessions! Nonsense, oil in that part of the Mediterranean wasn't even envisioned then. Even today, the Levant Basin findings are relatively new and undeveloped. Tamar Gas Field was not discovered until 2009; with the Karish discovery early this year. These were not discoveries even dreamed of in 1947; and totally outside the US licenses and exploration zones of the Gulf State Oil tracks of the 1930's.

Most Respectfully,
georgephillip, et al,

What nonsense!

What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin to European migrants in 1948? Intransigence is a label best applied to western imperialists coercing the UN into inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil. Any attempt to justify such a foolish decision relies more on bigotry than brains.
  • What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin?
None! There was no "Filastin." The Arabs were not asked to cede any territory under their sovereignty.​
  • inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil?
Israel is anywhere but in the "Heart of Arab Oil" (especially in 1947).​
Come on, what are you trying to imply here? That Israel was created to gain oil concessions! Nonsense, oil in that part of the Mediterranean wasn't even envisioned then. Even today, the Levant Basin findings are relatively new and undeveloped. Tamar Gas Field was not discovered until 2009; with the Karish discovery early this year. These were not discoveries even dreamed of in 1947; and totally outside the US licenses and exploration zones of the Gulf State Oil tracks of the 1930's.

Most Respectfully,

Thanks, Rocco. You responded to the fallacious claims made by george before I could.

Aside from the silly “It’s about the oil” nonsense is george’s lack of knowledge and weird notions of “Filastin”. Of historical (and anthropological note), is that the Philistines (the "Sea Peoples") never settled Judea, they settled only the southwestern coast; nor were they of the Semetic tribes from which the Jews, Arabs, Hittites etc. descend. They were from Crete and Macednonia and the Aegean.

Furthermore, they never were a "nation." Like their Aegean relatives, they formed "city-states"--the key centers being what is now Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Gaza.

Thus, the modern Palestinians are not descended from the Philistines--but are brethren to the Jews.

Philistia never existed as a nation, nor did the ancient city-states contain more than a small coastal margin of what is now modern day Israel and the Gaza strip.
George, did you bother to read the comments below the crappy article you just posted???

Most of the comments say the same thing, calling the article stupid, biased, poorly written and anti - Israel

This one is my favorite:

This article, however, is the most biased piece of trash on earth. So lets say a guy comes near you with a knife, in a stance of aggression, are you going to stand and wait, or are you going to pull out your handgun and put a round through him?
I suppose it would depend on whether or not the gunman had recently tried to steal the Suez Canal, would it not?

"Tensions had been simmering for years between Israel and its neighbors. There was a dispute about how to share the waters of the Jordan River. Palestinian guerrillas had been attacking Israel from bases in Jordan and Syria, attracting powerful Israeli reprisal raids. Controversially, Israel was constructing a nuclear power plant.

"While there were many points of contention, it was a single skirmish that presaged war. On April 7, 1967, the IAF shot down six Syrian MiGs after Syrian artillery had shelled two Israeli tractors that had entered a demilitarized zone.

"Adding insult to injury, the elated Israeli pilots flew victory circless over the skies of Damascus, the Syrian capital.

"The Soviets told the Egyptians in May 1967 that Israel was massing troops on the Syrian frontier. Although United Nations observers discovered no buildup, the Syrians—fatally, it turned out—asked the Egyptians to make some demonstration to relieve the pressure on them.

"Seizing this chance to play the 'protector' of the Arabs, Nasser mobilized his army, placed it into defensive deployment in the Sinai, and asked the peacekeeping UN Emergency Force to withdraw.

"But what came next ensured war: After Field Marshal Amer sent troops to take control of Sharm el-Sheikh, Nasser closed the Tiran Straits on the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping on May 21."

The Six Day War Sparked Forty Years of Strife
The assorted memebrs of the Arab League cabal had already been at war with Israel even before '48, as they had already made their plans to beggar and eject their Jewish citizenry *before* any 'Palestinians' were purportedly pushed out by the Israelis.

The nonsense in Georgie's posts is completely ridiculous.

Most particularly, his oh-so-FAKE 'outrage' over the 'deliberate murder' of US military personnel is heinously hypocritical, coming as it does after endless invective directed against the selfsame US military personnel.

L'il Georgieboy's concern for those men is only in USING their deaths as a TOOL to advance his bigoted agenda..... His love and concern for the 'poor oppressed Palestinians' is only another TOOL : nothing matters to Georgieboy but his agenda of promoting the has-been ideology of communism.
georgephillip, et al,

What nonsense!

What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin to European migrants in 1948? Intransigence is a label best applied to western imperialists coercing the UN into inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil. Any attempt to justify such a foolish decision relies more on bigotry than brains.
  • What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin?
None! There was no "Filastin." The Arabs were not asked to cede any territory under their sovereignty.​
  • inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil?
Israel is anywhere but in the "Heart of Arab Oil" (especially in 1947).​
Come on, what are you trying to imply here? That Israel was created to gain oil concessions! Nonsense, oil in that part of the Mediterranean wasn't even envisioned then. Even today, the Levant Basin findings are relatively new and undeveloped. Tamar Gas Field was not discovered until 2009; with the Karish discovery early this year. These were not discoveries even dreamed of in 1947; and totally outside the US licenses and exploration zones of the Gulf State Oil tracks of the 1930's.

Most Respectfully,
Almost exactly a century before the discovery of the Tamar Gas Field the Royal Navy made the decision to switch from coal to oil to power its imperial fleets. Less than a decade after that decision, some of the most blatant anti-Semites in Europe decided, out of the pure goodness of their natural gas loving hearts, I'm sure, to promote a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Filastin to the majority of its inhabitants at that time)

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your settler colonialist soul-mate, Sir Ronald Storrs, had no doubts about what that meant in terms of controlling the flows of Arab oil:

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Winston Churchill, another racist, wrote of the material gain England would receive from inflicting 2-3 million Jews on Palestine under the protection of the Crown. I'm pretty sure Winnie mentioned something about the Suez Canal.

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules - FPIF

By what stretch of the term "sovereignty" are you imagining the Arabs were not being forced to cede land and water resources in Filastin to belligerent, racist migrants from Europe, many of whom made no attempt to conceal their nonsensical intention to rule over all the land between the River and the sea?

Possibly the same racist interpretation that produced the invasions and occupations of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq over the last sixty five years, resulting in the murder, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians for exactly the same PROFIT MOTIVE that inspired the Jews of Europe to "return" to their Promised Land?
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Oh, Georgie - why won't you admit the truth? Which is that you don't particularly care about how wretched the Palestinian plight: you just USE it as an excuse to spew Jew-hatred, and hatred of 'capitalism' and hatred of whatever.......

Because of all the snide and vile 'asides' about 'kosher bullshit' and other offensive language which you never bother to remove from your verbiage, it's very very obvious.

Ultimately your 'complaint' is not what you claim Israel may do or 'want' - but simply the fact that an Israel of any size exists. Your hate speech of calling my people 'belligerent racist migrants from Europe' is just one more example of your penchant for placing rhetoric before accuracy. Ashkenazi Jews are not totally unrelated to other Jews or to people from the Levant as you pretend. And -in case you hadn't noticed - over 50% of Jewish Israelis are NOT Ashkenazi.
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Spin-doctor away, Georgie... it's bullshit and everyone knows it. Vae victus (a.k.a. ESAD).
Only those who swallow the Jew-first load believe Israel is anything but a proxy for western arms and oil interests, Kondie. How else to explain the heroic Jews' service to their colonial masters in 1956?

"Angery British and French politicians joined forces with Israel, a long time enemy of Egypt, in an attack against Nasser. The Israeli army marched toward the canal on October 29, 1956. Britain and France reinforced the Israelis, and the joint effort defeated the Egyptian army quickly. Within ten days, British and French forces had completely occupied the Suez region.

"Egypt responded by sinking 40 ships in the canal, blocking all passage.

"The United Nations sought to resolve the conflict and pressured the two European powers to back down. The rest of the world shunned Britain and France for their actions in the crisis..."

Backing down...the terminal fate of all racist, colonial pimps and their scary kosher war-whores.

The Suez Crisis of 1956
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Um, since the move to a more modern and efficient fuel (even Civ 4 players know this!) was inevitable and a century BEFORE the Tamar field was discovered, it's apodictic that such events bear no connection to that discovery.

Unless, of course, one believes like Georgie that the Brits really had discovered time travel......
I see that when I call you on your racist spew, Georgie - you just add more of the same. Thanks for demonstrating that my assessment of you was accurate.
georgephillip, et al,

What nonsense!

What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin to European migrants in 1948? Intransigence is a label best applied to western imperialists coercing the UN into inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil. Any attempt to justify such a foolish decision relies more on bigotry than brains.
  • What level of "compromise" is required for Arabs to cede 55% of Filastin?
None! There was no "Filastin." The Arabs were not asked to cede any territory under their sovereignty.​
  • inflicting a Jewish state in the heart of Arab oil?
Israel is anywhere but in the "Heart of Arab Oil" (especially in 1947).​
Come on, what are you trying to imply here? That Israel was created to gain oil concessions! Nonsense, oil in that part of the Mediterranean wasn't even envisioned then. Even today, the Levant Basin findings are relatively new and undeveloped. Tamar Gas Field was not discovered until 2009; with the Karish discovery early this year. These were not discoveries even dreamed of in 1947; and totally outside the US licenses and exploration zones of the Gulf State Oil tracks of the 1930's.

Most Respectfully,

Thanks, Rocco. You responded to the fallacious claims made by george before I could.

Aside from the silly “It’s about the oil” nonsense is george’s lack of knowledge and weird notions of “Filastin”. Of historical (and anthropological note), is that the Philistines (the "Sea Peoples") never settled Judea, they settled only the southwestern coast; nor were they of the Semetic tribes from which the Jews, Arabs, Hittites etc. descend. They were from Crete and Macednonia and the Aegean.

Furthermore, they never were a "nation." Like their Aegean relatives, they formed "city-states"--the key centers being what is now Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Gaza.

Thus, the modern Palestinians are not descended from the Philistines--but are brethren to the Jews.

Philistia never existed as a nation, nor did the ancient city-states contain more than a small coastal margin of what is now modern day Israel and the Gaza strip.
"Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين* Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River..."

"Moshe Sharon writes that when the Arabs took over Greater Syria in the 7th century, place names that were in use by the Byzantine administration before them, generally continued to be used.

"Hence, he traces the emergence of the Arabic form Filastin to this adoption, with Arabic inflection, of Roman and Hebrew (Semitic) names.[6] Jacob Lassner and Selwyn Ilan Troen offer a different view, writing that Jund Filastin, the full name for the administrative province under the rule of the Arab caliphates, was traced by Muslim geographers back to the Philistines of the Bible.[26]

"The use of the name 'Palestine' in English became more common after the European renaissance.[27] It was officially revived by the British after the fall of the Ottoman Empire and applied to the territory that was placed under The Palestine Mandate."

I'm not sure how you are using the word "nation." If you mean a community of people sharing a common language, culture, ethnicity, or descent, maybe you can explain why Jews alone, among all nations of this world, are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because they declared independence before the Palestinians did (40 years before, to be exact)

Plus, they won every war of aggression that the Arab states, including the Palestinians , waged against the state of Israel . In other word, superiority on the battlefield .

Don't like it ? Too bad
Oh, Georgie - why won't you admit the truth? Which is that you don't particularly care about how wretched the Palestinian plight: you just USE it as an excuse to spew Jew-hatred, and hatred of 'capitalism' and hatred of whatever.......

Because of all the snide and vile 'asides' about 'kosher bullshit' and other offensive language which you never bother to remove from your verbiage, it's very very obvious.

Ultimately your 'complaint' is not what you claim Israel may do or 'want' - but simply the fact that an Israel of any size exists. Your hate speech of calling my people 'belligerent racist migrants from Europe' is just one more example of your penchant for placing rhetoric before accuracy. Ashkenazi Jews are not totally unrelated to other Jews or to people from the Levant as you pretend. And -in case you hadn't noticed - over 50% of Jewish Israelis are NOT Ashkenazi.
Maybe you've missed the simple fact that "your people" are approximately half of all human beings currently living between the River and the sea, yet refuse to allow any semblance of democracy for most non-Jews living under laws written and enforced by Jews and for Jews at the expense of Arabs whose families have lived in Filastin for uninterrupted generations. Ultimately, Marg, my "complaint" is simply your people are not that fucking special; in spite of your vile and snide apologetics.
Because they declared independence before the Palestinians did (40 years before, to be exact)

Plus, they won every war of aggression that the Arab states, including the Palestinians , waged against the state of Israel . In other word, superiority on the battlefield .

Don't like it ? Too bad
How do you like the current demographics in Palestine, Toast?
Nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, yet only Jews alone, among all nations living under Israeli laws, are allowed to vote in Israeli elections?
Only those who swallow the Jew-first load believe Israel is anything but a proxy for western arms and oil interests, Kondie. How else to explain the heroic Jews' service to their colonial masters in 1956?
"Two years later, in 1832, Palestine was conquered by Muhammad Ali's Egypt, but in 1840, Britain intervened and returned control of the Levant to the Ottomans in return for further capitulations.

"The end of the 19th century saw the beginning of Zionist immigration and the Revival of the Hebrew language.

"The movement was publicly supported by Great Britain during World War I with the Balfour Declaration of 1917."

Tell us why you "think" British anti-Semites returned Filistan to the Turks a generation before Zionism began its holy mission?

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Only those who swallow the Jew-first load believe Israel is anything but a proxy for western arms and oil interests, Kondie. How else to explain the heroic Jews' service to their colonial masters in 1956?
"Two years later, in 1832, Palestine was conquered by Muhammad Ali's Egypt, but in 1840, Britain intervened and returned control of the Levant to the Ottomans in return for further capitulations. ... Tell us why you "think" British anti-Semites returned Filistan to the Turks a generation before Zionism began its holy mission?
Because they declared independence before the Palestinians did (40 years before, to be exact)

Plus, they won every war of aggression that the Arab states, including the Palestinians , waged against the state of Israel . In other word, superiority on the battlefield .

Don't like it ? Too bad
How do you like the current demographics in Palestine, Toast?
Nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, yet only Jews alone, among all nations living under Israeli laws, are allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

Tell me the current population of Jews and non-Jews in Israel please and also are you saying that non-Jewish citizens are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections? If so I would like proof of that and tell me why there are Arab Members of the Israeli parliament.
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Because they declared independence before the Palestinians did (40 years before, to be exact)

Plus, they won every war of aggression that the Arab states, including the Palestinians , waged against the state of Israel . In other word, superiority on the battlefield .

Don't like it ? Too bad
How do you like the current demographics in Palestine, Toast?
Nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living there, yet only Jews alone, among all nations living under Israeli laws, are allowed to vote in Israeli elections?

Tell me the current population of Jews and non-Jews in Israel please and also are you saying that non-Jewish citizens are not allowed to vote in Israeli elections? If so I would like proof of that and tell me why there are Arab Members of the Israeli parliament.
Here are figures from seven years ago:

"According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7 million people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others".[62] Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim — 22% from Europe,the former Soviet republics, Russia, and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.[63]
Of Israel's 7 million citizens, 516,569 Jewish ones live in enclaves referred to as Israeli settlements and outposts in various lands adjacent to the state of Israel occupied by Israel during the Six Day War..."

I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.

Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm saying millions of non-Jews who are subject to Israeli military laws have no voice in selecting those Jews or non-Jews who write the laws.
It's the will of allah. They have their own palistan and it's laws with it and Abu Masen too, of course.
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