Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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"...History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back..."


Which is why they took-back their old ancestral and spiritual homeland.

And developed the skills and technologies required to put an end to all of that.

"...I think this is just the start of the next lap!"

Given the Israeli military and weapons edge, and in light of the 6,000,000 they lost within living memory, the Muslims will be obliged to accept 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill ratios in order to take it away, this time.

And there's no way the Arabs are up for that.

It seems likely that neither you nor I will live to see the beginning of the 'next lap'... nor our children... nor grandchildren... nor great-grandchildren... nor...

There is no 'next lap'... the Jews are back home, and they're there to stay... no more more Tituses... no more Masadas... it's theirs again now... and they'll keep it this time.

In the words of the old Cajun chef, Justin Wilson... "Gaaarrrr---rrrroonnnnn---teeeeed!"
Excellent. There is absolutely no way Israel will be going anywhere, voluntarily or compulsory. The Jews have their land back and nobody has any right or might to take it away.
Sweet_Caroline, et al,

Yes, let's stipulate --- for the moment that "nobody has any right or might to take it away."

Excellent. There is absolutely no way Israel will be going anywhere, voluntarily or compulsory. The Jews have their land back and nobody has any right or might to take it away.

Clearly, we all understand that what Israel holds now (sovereign + occupation) is more than what was apportioned by the General Assembly back in 1947.

Can not the Israel also bend a little, and make the sacrifice for the greater good of peace and cooperation? Is there no room for compromise?

I have been, on many occasion, considered an outspoken opponent of the Palestinian. I guess because I oppose their basic philosophies. I do not think they are a nation of peaceful people; an have done nothing to change my mind. But having said that, I also see a need for the Israeli to examine the soul of their demands and aspirations. They do need to reexamine their core position on what is acceptable and what is essential.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco... rightly or wrongly, it's my impression that history provides us with multiple examples within living memory of the Israelis agreeing to Trade Land for Peace, and, of course, we see how well that is working out for them. The rulers of Rump-Palestine have proven themselves bloodthirsty and untrustworthy time and again and they have the weak hand in this poker game, so, I find it difficult to conjure-up circumstances under which the Israelis could be persuaded to repeat their past Land-for-Peace Mistakes for a third or fourth time, in order to appease some of the most vicious and untrustworthy Folk on the face of the planet. But that's just me.
We all know what happened when Israel gave away Gaza. Israel will not make that sort of mistake again, particularly given the danger of having an enemy west of the Jordan River in its midst. For those who do not understand, this will explain.

[ame=]Israel's Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace - YouTube[/ame]

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Kondor3, et al,

I can feel the frustration.

Rocco... rightly or wrongly, it's my impression that history provides us with multiple examples within living memory of the Israelis agreeing to Trade Land for Peace, and, of course, we see how well that is working out for them. The rulers of Rump-Palestine have proven themselves bloodthirsty and untrustworthy time and again and they have the weak hand in this poker game, so, I find it difficult to conjure-up circumstances under which the Israelis could be persuaded to repeat their past Land-for-Peace Mistakes for a third or fourth time, in order to appease some of the most vicious and untrustworthy Folk on the face of the planet. But that's just me.

I agree, ---- I guess the most prominent of the offers was made by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert (November 2008) ---- who was apparently willing to withdraw to a modified pre-1967 line, a settlement bloc south of Jerusalem, the settlement holding to the east, and a small piece of territory covering the settlement of Ariel; in exchange for some of its own land to the new Palestinian State.

I'm not sure what happened there, but it did show a willingness, on the part of Israel, to compromise. I would be a good starting point for negotiations.

And Yes! I agree that Palestine is a threat state. But, if there is to be a settlement, then Israel and Palestine must mend fences.

Most Respectfully,
Kondor3, et al,

I can feel the frustration.

Rocco... rightly or wrongly, it's my impression that history provides us with multiple examples within living memory of the Israelis agreeing to Trade Land for Peace, and, of course, we see how well that is working out for them. The rulers of Rump-Palestine have proven themselves bloodthirsty and untrustworthy time and again and they have the weak hand in this poker game, so, I find it difficult to conjure-up circumstances under which the Israelis could be persuaded to repeat their past Land-for-Peace Mistakes for a third or fourth time, in order to appease some of the most vicious and untrustworthy Folk on the face of the planet. But that's just me.

I agree, ---- I guess the most prominent of the offers was made by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert (November 2008) ---- who was apparently willing to withdraw to a modified pre-1967 line, a settlement bloc south of Jerusalem, the settlement holding to the east, and a small piece of territory covering the settlement of Ariel; in exchange for some of its own land to the new Palestinian State.

I'm not sure what happened there, but it did show a willingness, on the part of Israel, to compromise. I would be a good starting point for negotiations.

And Yes! I agree that Palestine is a threat state. But, if there is to be a settlement, then Israel and Palestine must mend fences.

Most Respectfully,

That's like saying: I ripped you off for $100, but I'll be a nice guy and give you back $20 if you promise not to complain anymore.
Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem

September 3, 2013 By P. David Hornik

As Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) approaches on Thursday this week, the mood here in Israel has been oddly “schizoid.” On one hand, the usual rush on apples, honey, pomegranates and the like for the holiday; on the other, a rush on gas masks as Syria and Iran threaten “retaliation” against Israel for a possible U.S. strike on Syria.

This week there was more news on the grim side of the ledger. It turned out Israel’s Shin Bet (internal security service) had arrested five Hamas operatives who were planning a terror attack on a Jerusalem mall—timed for, and exploiting, the holiday season (reports here and here).

The leader of the cell was 22-year-old Hamdi Romana of Ramallah in the West Bank. He recruited two other West Bankers to make the explosives—and two East Jerusalem residents with Israeli ID cards, who worked as maintenance men in the mall, to plant the bomb.


Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem

September 3, 2013 By P. David Hornik

As Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) approaches on Thursday this week, the mood here in Israel has been oddly “schizoid.” On one hand, the usual rush on apples, honey, pomegranates and the like for the holiday; on the other, a rush on gas masks as Syria and Iran threaten “retaliation” against Israel for a possible U.S. strike on Syria.

This week there was more news on the grim side of the ledger. It turned out Israel’s Shin Bet (internal security service) had arrested five Hamas operatives who were planning a terror attack on a Jerusalem mall—timed for, and exploiting, the holiday season (reports here and here).

The leader of the cell was 22-year-old Hamdi Romana of Ramallah in the West Bank. He recruited two other West Bankers to make the explosives—and two East Jerusalem residents with Israeli ID cards, who worked as maintenance men in the mall, to plant the bomb.


Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
Better hurry up and get these dudes processed into the prison system so they can be released with the other Freedom Fighters.
Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem

September 3, 2013 By P. David Hornik

As Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) approaches on Thursday this week, the mood here in Israel has been oddly “schizoid.” On one hand, the usual rush on apples, honey, pomegranates and the like for the holiday; on the other, a rush on gas masks as Syria and Iran threaten “retaliation” against Israel for a possible U.S. strike on Syria.

This week there was more news on the grim side of the ledger. It turned out Israel’s Shin Bet (internal security service) had arrested five Hamas operatives who were planning a terror attack on a Jerusalem mall—timed for, and exploiting, the holiday season (reports here and here).

The leader of the cell was 22-year-old Hamdi Romana of Ramallah in the West Bank. He recruited two other West Bankers to make the explosives—and two East Jerusalem residents with Israeli ID cards, who worked as maintenance men in the mall, to plant the bomb.


Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
Better hurry up and get these dudes processed into the prison system so they can be released with the other Freedom Fighters.
Better yet, find that roadmap for the New Middle East:

"This announcement was a confirmation of an Anglo-American-Israeli 'military roadmap' in the Middle East. This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, consists in creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan.

"The 'New Middle East' project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of 'constructive chaos.'

"This 'constructive chaos' –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives.

"New Middle East Map

"Secretary Condoleezza Rice stated during a press conference that '[w]hat we’re seeing here [in regards to the destruction of Lebanon and the Israeli attacks on Lebanon], in a sense, is the growing—the ‘birth pangs’...'"

Birth pangs of the New World Order, Hero.
Are you saluting?
Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem

September 3, 2013 By P. David Hornik

As Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) approaches on Thursday this week, the mood here in Israel has been oddly “schizoid.” On one hand, the usual rush on apples, honey, pomegranates and the like for the holiday; on the other, a rush on gas masks as Syria and Iran threaten “retaliation” against Israel for a possible U.S. strike on Syria.

This week there was more news on the grim side of the ledger. It turned out Israel’s Shin Bet (internal security service) had arrested five Hamas operatives who were planning a terror attack on a Jerusalem mall—timed for, and exploiting, the holiday season (reports here and here).

The leader of the cell was 22-year-old Hamdi Romana of Ramallah in the West Bank. He recruited two other West Bankers to make the explosives—and two East Jerusalem residents with Israeli ID cards, who worked as maintenance men in the mall, to plant the bomb.


Mass Attack Thwarted in Jerusalem | FrontPage Magazine
Better hurry up and get these dudes processed into the prison system so they can be released with the other Freedom Fighters.
Better yet, find that roadmap for the New Middle East:

"This announcement was a confirmation of an Anglo-American-Israeli 'military roadmap' in the Middle East. This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, consists in creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan.

"The 'New Middle East' project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of 'constructive chaos.'

"This 'constructive chaos' –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives.

"New Middle East Map

"Secretary Condoleezza Rice stated during a press conference that '[w]hat we’re seeing here [in regards to the destruction of Lebanon and the Israeli attacks on Lebanon], in a sense, is the growing—the ‘birth pangs’...'"

Birth pangs of the New World Order, Hero.
Are you saluting?
Georgie Boy is anxiously awaiting the new world Caliphate so he can prove his is the best Dhimmi around. He will salute his new masters whenever they pass by. Meanwhile, since he hates the United States, he wants to have the viewers believe there is some new "world order."
The new world order includes Jews. That's Georges issue.

He doesn't care about any Caliphate or real world order and peace. All he wants is the Jews. He's got no other platform than that. Every issue sooner or later ties to the Jews according to George.

He says not a word, not a post and not a thread condemning the tens of thousands of children murdered in Syria.
No Substitute for Victory: The Right Path to Peace for Israel

September 13, 2013 By Andrew Harrod


“Wars end when one side wins,” Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes trenchantly observed at a September 10, 2013, panel at Washington, DC’s National Press Club. Pipes addressed the topic “Twenty Years after Oslo: Where Next for U.S. Policy?” at an event hosted by the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights (ARC). Amidst concurring and opposing panelists, Pipes demonstrated that peace for Israel or any other state can only come not through compromise, but rather through completion of one conflict party’s strategic objective.

“No dispute,” as Pipes stated, existed among the panelists that the Oslo Arab-Israeli process begun 20 years ago on September 13, 1993 “was a failure.” Both Commentary editor Jonathan S. Tobin and Elan Journo from ARC called the Oslo Accords a “disaster,” with Tobin noting that the Israeli leftist parties supporting the accords had subsequently collapsed. Among various procedural aspects hindering in his view an Arab-Israeli settlement such as lack of a good mediator, Wilson Center scholar Aaron David Miller called the current gaps between Israeli and Palestinian positions “wide and perhaps unbridgeable.”

Pipes discerned the main obstacle to Palestinian peace with in the fact that “neither side is defeated in this conflict…so the war goes on.” Pipes cited the saying commonly heard during the Arab-Israeli conflict among others that “you make peace with your enemy.” Yet he qualified that in reality “one makes peace with one’s former enemy,” the “enemy who has given up.” The indecisive outcome of World War I, for example, led an embittered Germany to resume hostilities 20 years. Pipes contrasted the unconditional surrender obtained by Germany’s enemies in World War II, in part precisely with the prior conflict’s result in mind.


One way to “send a signal” to the Palestinians for Pipes would be a final relocation of the American embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. The United States could likewise apply traditional definitions of refugees to the Palestinian diaspora, such that generations of descendants from those who lost their homes in 1948 would no longer count as refugees. This would entail a significant cut in funding for UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).

Pipes remembered that waking up on May 1, 1975, after the Communist conquest of South Vietnam was a “miserable thing.” Yet conflict end demands unambiguous winners and losers, results that in the best case mirror objective moral standards. One conflict party, Pipes concluded, must drink the “bitter crucible of defeat.”

No Substitute for Victory: The Right Path to Peace for Israel | FrontPage Magazine
The new world order includes Jews. That's Georges issue.

He doesn't care about any Caliphate or real world order and peace. All he wants is the Jews. He's got no other platform than that. Every issue sooner or later ties to the Jews according to George.

He says not a word, not a post and not a thread condemning the tens of thousands of children murdered in Syria.
How many aircraft carriers does the Caliphate possess?
I'm guessing about the same number as its cruise missiles.
How many nuclear weapons are under the control of Mecca compared to Jerusalem?
How many millions of Christian/Jewish civilians has the Caliphate maimed, murdered, raped, and displaced in the last ten years on the opposite side of the planet from Medina?
If 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinians in 1948, all those crocodile tears you're shedding over Syrian children would not be necessary.
georgephillip, et al,

What does the crisis in Syria have to do with the crisis between Israel and the Arab?

If 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinians in 1948, all those crocodile tears you're shedding over Syrian children would not be necessary.

They are apples and oranges.

georgephillip, et al,

What does the crisis in Syria have to do with the crisis between Israel and the Arab?

If 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinians in 1948, all those crocodile tears you're shedding over Syrian children would not be necessary.

They are apples and oranges.

Jews are Oranges; Arabs are Apples.
When 650,000 Oranges inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million Apples in 1948 Palestine tens of thousands of Apples fled into Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon:

"The number of Palestine refugees varies depending on the source. For 1948-49 refugees, for example, the Israeli government suggests a number as low as 520,000 as opposed to 850,000 by their Palestinian Arab counterparts. As of January 2010, UNRWA cites 1,396,368 registered refugees in camps and 3,370,302 registered refugees not in camps.[38]
The number of UNRWA registered Palestine refugees by country or territory in January 2010 were as follows:
Gaza Strip 1,106,195[39]
West Bank 778,993[39]
Lebanon 425,640[39]
Syria 472,109[39]
Jordan 1,983,733[39]"

Why should Jews distinguish between killing and displacing Syrian apples as opposed to making cider in Gaza? Israel was created precisely to guarantee the sort of crisis we see today in Syria and Lebanon and will likely see tomorrow in Tehran.

I guess it's Colonialism 101?
georgephillip, et al,

What does the crisis in Syria have to do with the crisis between Israel and the Arab?

If 650,000 Jews hadn't inflicted their nation upon twice as many Palestinians in 1948, all those crocodile tears you're shedding over Syrian children would not be necessary.

They are apples and oranges.

Jews are Oranges; Arabs are Apples.
When 650,000 Oranges inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million Apples in 1948 Palestine tens of thousands of Apples fled into Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon:

"The number of Palestine refugees varies depending on the source. For 1948-49 refugees, for example, the Israeli government suggests a number as low as 520,000 as opposed to 850,000 by their Palestinian Arab counterparts. As of January 2010, UNRWA cites 1,396,368 registered refugees in camps and 3,370,302 registered refugees not in camps.[38]
The number of UNRWA registered Palestine refugees by country or territory in January 2010 were as follows:
Gaza Strip 1,106,195[39]
West Bank 778,993[39]
Lebanon 425,640[39]
Syria 472,109[39]
Jordan 1,983,733[39]"

Why should Jews distinguish between killing and displacing Syrian apples as opposed to making cider in Gaza? Israel was created precisely to guarantee the sort of crisis we see today in Syria and Lebanon and will likely see tomorrow in Tehran.

I guess it's Colonialism 101?
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, Georgie Boy? We realize that you hate the Jews, so of course that would include the Jews in Israel, but please think for a moment -- the Muslims are killing people in places where there are no Jews involved. Do you really think the Jews are working hand in hand with the Sunnis in blowing up the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. Are the Jews involved with the Muslim Brotherhood in going after the Christian Copts in Egypt? Georgie Boy has his own ideas why Israel was created so maybe he can give us some more nonsense as to why Pakistan was created. And since Georgie Boy fakes us out that he really cares about refugees which he actually uses as pawns, he should consider the millions and millions of refugees from Europe who had to move thousands of miles from their original homes after World War II and somehow they got on with their lives no matter their religion or ethnic background, many more successfully than Georgie Boy got on with his. By the way, I think Georgie Boy, throughout the day, keeps on pinching himself to remember to post his 650,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs shtick over and over and over and over on the forums that he is probably up to thousands of times by now. Can you imagine if Georgie Boy actually had any friends and kept repeating the same thing over and over how they would roll their eyes once he got started? Poor Rocco, he tries so hard but Georgie Boy resists what Rocco is saying.
georgephillip, et al,

What does the crisis in Syria have to do with the crisis between Israel and the Arab?


They are apples and oranges.

Jews are Oranges; Arabs are Apples.
When 650,000 Oranges inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million Apples in 1948 Palestine tens of thousands of Apples fled into Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon:

"The number of Palestine refugees varies depending on the source. For 1948-49 refugees, for example, the Israeli government suggests a number as low as 520,000 as opposed to 850,000 by their Palestinian Arab counterparts. As of January 2010, UNRWA cites 1,396,368 registered refugees in camps and 3,370,302 registered refugees not in camps.[38]
The number of UNRWA registered Palestine refugees by country or territory in January 2010 were as follows:
Gaza Strip 1,106,195[39]
West Bank 778,993[39]
Lebanon 425,640[39]
Syria 472,109[39]
Jordan 1,983,733[39]"

Why should Jews distinguish between killing and displacing Syrian apples as opposed to making cider in Gaza? Israel was created precisely to guarantee the sort of crisis we see today in Syria and Lebanon and will likely see tomorrow in Tehran.

I guess it's Colonialism 101?
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, Georgie Boy? We realize that you hate the Jews, so of course that would include the Jews in Israel, but please think for a moment -- the Muslims are killing people in places where there are no Jews involved. Do you really think the Jews are working hand in hand with the Sunnis in blowing up the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. Are the Jews involved with the Muslim Brotherhood in going after the Christian Copts in Egypt? Georgie Boy has his own ideas why Israel was created so maybe he can give us some more nonsense as to why Pakistan was created. And since Georgie Boy fakes us out that he really cares about refugees which he actually uses as pawns, he should consider the millions and millions of refugees from Europe who had to move thousands of miles from their original homes after World War II and somehow they got on with their lives no matter their religion or ethnic background, many more successfully than Georgie Boy got on with his. By the way, I think Georgie Boy, throughout the day, keeps on pinching himself to remember to post his 650,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs shtick over and over and over and over on the forums that he is probably up to thousands of times by now. Can you imagine if Georgie Boy actually had any friends and kept repeating the same thing over and over how they would roll their eyes once he got started? Poor Rocco, he tries so hard but Georgie Boy resists what Rocco is saying.
Muslim crimes in Sudan and Pakistan don't give Jews a pass in Palestine, Aristotle.
My government isn't paying for and providing diplomatic cover for ethnic cleansing in Africa while that is exactly what its doing for the Jews. Once again, the same imperial power that created the mess in Pakistan played the same role in birthing a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil six years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets. You pretend to object to Muslim terrorists taking innocent lives in the Middle East and Africa yet you donated much of your adult life to the same endeavors in Vietnam. Don't you ever feel a little bit hypocritical?
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