Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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"i prefer cold blood and consideration."

So do I. And that is exactly what Kondor is referring to. He's not spouting off with 'If I were in charge' fantasies like some egotistical idiot.

well apparently you comopletely skipped over his fantasy about nuking some muslim area.

"...fantasy about nuking..." ?


My words were...

"...If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary..."

I did not say "we should"...or "if it it was up to me", rather, I said "...we may witness..."

...which is both conjured nightmare scenario and warning klaxon; speculating on our growing reluctance to invest blood and treasure into large-scale punitive raids (invasions) and the likelihood that a second large scale attack upon our shores by Muslim terrorists would awaken a blood lust in the collective American psyche not seen during the lifetimes of most of the folks who frequent these boards.

The blood lust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Tokyo and Dresden and Hamburg and the like.

You confuse cold, calculating speculation about conjured nightmare scenarios - as public warning - with some kind of war-mongering fantasy statement.

Your understandable abhorrence for war tainted your judgment sufficiently for you to make a mistake in your diagnosis of the nature and purpose of the remarks.

"...i am saying is america is tired pf war and is being financially drained by it."

Which is why Drones and Bombs look more (dangerously) attractive now than ever.

Oh, and, as an aside, let's face it, America has grown tired of war (Iraq, Afghanistan) because of the way in which these were planned and executed; without reasonable and finite manageable and affordable goals and timelines.

Much like the way Sammy screwed over his Green Suits during 'Nam Times by letting the goddamned thing drag on and on with no clear-cut goals and no exit timeline or strategy.

And, although Afghanistan was a Righteous Shoot, Iraq was anything but - we should never have gone in there - just like 'Nam.

Powell and Schwarzkopf knew that "Poor Planning and Execution and No Goals or Timelines" was the wrong way to fight a war and that's why they played the Gulf War (1991) the way they did - brilliant strategy and tactics coupled with high-caliber political footwork and intelligent and realistic goals and timelines and such.

The folks who took over Management after Powell and Schwarzkopf (both political and military) lost sight of WHY we were so successful in the Gulf War and half-repeated a lot of the management and execution mistakes we made in 'Nam - in sand and in the high country this time, rather than the jungles, and with much the same results in the long run, and resulting in a similar - if somewhat lesser at present - Public Exhaustion outcome.

Aggressive and unprovoked war-making is not the answer.

But neither is abandoning our global posture and pulling in our horns and playing the shrinking violet.

Nor is it in our best interests to allow a re-awakening, resurgent, hostile, vicious, dangerous, intolerant and militant Islam to take the field unchallenged, within or outside the context of Israel.
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"i prefer cold blood and consideration."

So do I. And that is exactly what Kondor is referring to. He's not spouting off with 'If I were in charge' fantasies like some egotistical idiot.

well apparently you comopletely skipped over his fantasy about nuking some muslim area.

"...fantasy about nuking..." ?


My words were...

"...If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary..."

I did not say "we should"...or "if it it was up to me", rather, I said "...we may witness..."

...which is both conjured nightmare scenario and warning klaxon; speculating on our growing reluctance to invest blood and treasure into large-scale punitive raids (invasions) and the likelihood that a second large scale attack upon our shores by Muslim terrorists would awaken a blood lust in the collective American psyche not seen during the lifetimes of most of the folks who frequent these boards.

The blood lust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Tokyo and Dresden and Hamburg and the like.

You confuse cold, calculating speculation about conjured nightmare scenarios - as public warning - with some kind of war-mongering fantasy statement.

Your understandable abhorrence for war tainted your judgment sufficiently for you to make a mistake in your diagnosis of the nature and purpose of the remarks.

"...i am saying is america is tired pf war and is being financially drained by it."

Which is why Drones and Bombs look more (dangerously) attractive now than ever.

Oh, and, as an aside, let's face it, America has grown tired of war (Iraq, Afghanistan) because of the way in which these were planned and executed; without reasonable and finite manageable and affordable goals and timelines.

Much like the way Sammy screwed over his Green Suits during 'Nam Times by letting the goddamned thing drag on and on with no clear-cut goals and no exit timeline or strategy.

And, although Afghanistan was a Righteous Shoot, Iraq was anything but - we should never have gone in there - just like 'Nam.

Powell and Schwarzkopf knew that "Poor Planning and Execution and No Goals or Timelines" was the wrong way to fight a war and that's why they played the Gulf War (1991) the way they did - brilliant strategy and tactics coupled with high-caliber political footwork and intelligent and realistic goals and timelines and such.

The folks who took over Management after Powell and Schwarzkopf (both political and military) lost sight of WHY we were so successful in the Gulf War and half-repeated a lot of the management and execution mistakes we made in 'Nam - in sand and in the high country this time, rather than the jungles, and with much the same results in the long run, and resulting in a similar - if somewhat lesser at present - Public Exhaustion outcome.

Don't mind Seal, he's just distorting words like he always does to further his bullshit agenda
"i prefer cold blood and consideration."

So do I. And that is exactly what Kondor is referring to. He's not spouting off with 'If I were in charge' fantasies like some egotistical idiot.

well apparently you comopletely skipped over his fantasy about nuking some muslim area.

"...fantasy about nuking..." ?


My words were...

"...If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary..."

I did not say "we should"...or "if it it was up to me", rather, I said "...we may witness..."

...which is both conjured nightmare scenario and warning klaxon; speculating on our growing reluctance to invest blood and treasure into large-scale punitive raids (invasions) and the likelihood that a second large scale attack upon our shores by Muslim terrorists would awaken a blood lust in the collective American psyche not seen during the lifetimes of most of the folks who frequent these boards.

The blood lust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Tokyo and Dresden and Hamburg and the like.

You confuse cold, calculating speculation about conjured nightmare scenarios - as public warning - with some kind of war-mongering fantasy statement.

Your understandable abhorrence for war tainted your judgment sufficiently for you to make a mistake in your diagnosis of the nature and purpose of the remarks.

"...i am saying is america is tired pf war and is being financially drained by it."

Which is why Drones and Bombs look more (dangerously) attractive now than ever.

Oh, and, as an aside, let's face it, America has grown tired of war (Iraq, Afghanistan) because of the way in which these were planned and executed; without reasonable and finite manageable and affordable goals and timelines.

Much like the way Sammy screwed over his Green Suits during 'Nam Times by letting the goddamned thing drag on and on with no clear-cut goals and no exit timeline or strategy.

And, although Afghanistan was a Righteous Shoot, Iraq was anything but - we should never have gone in there - just like 'Nam.

Powell and Schwarzkopf knew that "Poor Planning and Execution and No Goals or Timelines" was the wrong way to fight a war and that's why they played the Gulf War (1991) the way they did - brilliant strategy and tactics coupled with high-caliber political footwork and intelligent and realistic goals and timelines and such.

The folks who took over Management after Powell and Schwarzkopf (both political and military) lost sight of WHY we were so successful in the Gulf War and half-repeated a lot of the management and execution mistakes we made in 'Nam - in sand and in the high country this time, rather than the jungles, and with much the same results in the long run, and resulting in a similar - if somewhat lesser at present - Public Exhaustion outcome.

Aggressive and unprovoked war-making is not the answer.

But neither is abandoning our global posture and pulling in our horns and playing the shrinking violet.

Nor is it in our best interests to allow a re-awakening, resurgent, hostile, vicious, dangerous, intolerant and militant Islam to take the field unchallenged, within or outside the context of Israel.

"...If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary..." sounds like a fantasy scenario to me.
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"...If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary..." sounds like a fantasy scenario to me.

You are entitled to your opinion - previous or current; I've gone out of my way to shed some light on that, but that's as far as I intend to take it.
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Nor is Rocco a poster who is 'erratic': he's been very much consistent in his posts AND based on fact and logic.

So I very much do NOT see whatever 'point' seal imagines he's making: in fact, I daresay that 'point' simply doesn't really exist.

i consider anyone who runs around rattling sabers an erratic and dangerous individual.

rocco drags in obscure facts and then leaps to a conclusion without logic.

i love my country enough not watch while we waste our children's blood just so old blowhards can thump their chests about how tough they are.

if you would care to recall, many of those who had an opinion as we began these military crusades were vets and opposed to such military action despite the cheers of the armchair patriots, fearing the mideast would turn into another vietnam and here we are now, ten years down the road with no real end in sight and people like rocco and crew are ready to shake, rattle and roll becaise somebody puts up a pic on a message board.

i have a kid serving now. lord protect him from erratic zealotry of americans who are willing to sacrifice him and his fellow soldiers and sailors of the altar of their own failed manhood.

those men and women want to come home now and i want them here. i want to help them come home.
The bottom line here is that Seal himself is erratic, and he doesn't like the fact that Rocco is an intelligent man and knows much more than the average poster or viewer does about what is going on. If Rocco exhibited his liking and admiration for the pro Palestinians as Seal does, Seal would love Rocco. The crux of the matter is that Rocco doesn't, and Seal can't stand that. By the way, I think we all have learned a lot from Rocco, facts that we would never have learned if he wasn't here posting. It's a shame that there are some who don't appreciate a poster like Rocco.
Nor is Rocco a poster who is 'erratic': he's been very much consistent in his posts AND based on fact and logic.

So I very much do NOT see whatever 'point' seal imagines he's making: in fact, I daresay that 'point' simply doesn't really exist.

i consider anyone who runs around rattling sabers an erratic and dangerous individual.

rocco drags in obscure facts and then leaps to a conclusion without logic.

i love my country enough not watch while we waste our children's blood just so old blowhards can thump their chests about how tough they are.

if you would care to recall, many of those who had an opinion as we began these military crusades were vets and opposed to such military action despite the cheers of the armchair patriots, fearing the mideast would turn into another vietnam and here we are now, ten years down the road with no real end in sight and people like rocco and crew are ready to shake, rattle and roll becaise somebody puts up a pic on a message board.

i have a kid serving now. lord protect him from erratic zealotry of americans who are willing to sacrifice him and his fellow soldiers and sailors of the altar of their own failed manhood.

those men and women want to come home now and i want them here. i want to help them come home.
The bottom line here is that Seal himself is erratic, and he doesn't like the fact that Rocco is an intelligent man and knows much more than the average poster or viewer does about what is going on. If Rocco exhibited his liking and admiration for the pro Palestinians as Seal does, Seal would love Rocco. The crux of the matter is that Rocco doesn't, and Seal can't stand that. By the way, I think we all have learned a lot from Rocco, facts that we would never have learned if he wasn't here posting. It's a shame that there are some who don't appreciate a poster like Rocco.

I don't think there is a single pro - Israeli here that Seal hasn't called a bigot or racist. His bias is unbelievably high , and this was exposed the way he responded to Rocco, who has never insulted or offended anyone here and was merely giving his opinion. Seal just couldn't handle it
Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We’ll Keep Building

August 9, 2013 By P. David Hornik


This week the Israeli cabinet approved a new national-priorities map by 15 votes and four abstentions.

Each year the map extends special benefits to a list of communities. This year, out of 600 that were chosen, 90 are in the West Bank, and 9 of those are small settlements outside the large settlement blocs.


Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We?ll Keep Building | FrontPage Magazine
Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We’ll Keep Building

August 9, 2013 By P. David Hornik


This week the Israeli cabinet approved a new national-priorities map by 15 votes and four abstentions.

Each year the map extends special benefits to a list of communities. This year, out of 600 that were chosen, 90 are in the West Bank, and 9 of those are small settlements outside the large settlement blocs.


Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We?ll Keep Building | FrontPage Magazine

Israel has no need to say sorry. Israel has nothing whatsoever to apologize for. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where she can and if she can build. As I have posted before, there is a severe housing shortage in Israel and as the land in the WB is vacant, then of course it should be built on.
Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We’ll Keep Building

August 9, 2013 By P. David Hornik

This week the Israeli cabinet approved a new national-priorities map by 15 votes and four abstentions.

Each year the map extends special benefits to a list of communities. This year, out of 600 that were chosen, 90 are in the West Bank, and 9 of those are small settlements outside the large settlement blocs.


Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We?ll Keep Building | FrontPage Magazine

Israel has no need to say sorry. Israel has nothing whatsoever to apologize for. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where she can and if she can build. As I have posted before, there is a severe housing shortage in Israel and as the land in the WB is vacant, then of course it should be built on.

^^^^^^^^ It's this kind of mindset that puts Israel squarely in front of a future arab nuke, and why they're working so hard to build some. :clap2:

How fun it must be to be an internet tough guy who doesn't mind other people fighting it out for your own hatred of arabs.The quintessential anti-semite, you hate arabs AND you don't care much for Israelis either, since you encourage them to put themselves in harm's way. :cool:
Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We’ll Keep Building

August 9, 2013 By P. David Hornik

This week the Israeli cabinet approved a new national-priorities map by 15 votes and four abstentions.

Each year the map extends special benefits to a list of communities. This year, out of 600 that were chosen, 90 are in the West Bank, and 9 of those are small settlements outside the large settlement blocs.


Israel to Palestinians: Sorry, We?ll Keep Building | FrontPage Magazine

Israel has no need to say sorry. Israel has nothing whatsoever to apologize for. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where she can and if she can build. As I have posted before, there is a severe housing shortage in Israel and as the land in the WB is vacant, then of course it should be built on.

^^^^^^^^ It's this kind of mindset that puts Israel squarely in front of a future arab nuke, and why they're working so hard to build some. :clap2:

How fun it must be to be an internet tough guy who doesn't mind other people fighting it out for your own hatred of arabs.The quintessential anti-semite, you hate arabs AND you don't care much for Israelis either, since you encourage them to put themselves in harm's way. :cool:

It is true. Israel is fully entitled to the land. I showed you so soon after you joined. The Jews were given the land of Israel for their own state and the arabs, after having been consulted, agreed to have surrounding countries. No law exists stopping Israel building houses and house-building is not illegal. Why should you think Israel should be nuked because of that? The arabs even rejected 95% of land offered to them by Israel a few years ago in talks brokered with Bill Clinton.

I don't hate arabs, and you are having a go at me simply because you don't like to hear the truth. It doesn't bother me in the slightest you are getting agitated. I have spoken to worse types than you before on the internet.

I do care for Israel and pray for it and its leaders and military every single day. Israel will survive and thrive long after haters of it are dust.
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Israel has no need to say sorry. Israel has nothing whatsoever to apologize for. Nobody has the right to tell Israel where she can and if she can build. As I have posted before, there is a severe housing shortage in Israel and as the land in the WB is vacant, then of course it should be built on.

^^^^^^^^ It's this kind of mindset that puts Israel squarely in front of a future arab nuke, and why they're working so hard to build some. :clap2:

How fun it must be to be an internet tough guy who doesn't mind other people fighting it out for your own hatred of arabs.The quintessential anti-semite, you hate arabs AND you don't care much for Israelis either, since you encourage them to put themselves in harm's way. :cool:

It is true. Israel is fully entitled to the land. I showed you so soon after you joined. The Jews were given the land of Israel for their own state and the arabs, after having been consulted, agreed to have surrounding countries. No law exists stopping Israel building houses and house-building is not illegal. Why should you think Israel should be nuked because of that? The arabs even rejected 95% of land offered to them by Israel a few years ago in talks brokered with Bill Clinton.

I don't hate arabs, and you are having a go at me simply because you don't like to hear the truth. It doesn't bother me in the slightest you are getting agitated. I have spoken to worse types than you before on the internet.

I do care for Israel and pray for it and its leaders and military every single day. Israel will survive and thrive long after haters of it are dust.
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.
^^^^^^^^ It's this kind of mindset that puts Israel squarely in front of a future arab nuke, and why they're working so hard to build some. :clap2:

How fun it must be to be an internet tough guy who doesn't mind other people fighting it out for your own hatred of arabs.The quintessential anti-semite, you hate arabs AND you don't care much for Israelis either, since you encourage them to put themselves in harm's way. :cool:

It is true. Israel is fully entitled to the land. I showed you so soon after you joined. The Jews were given the land of Israel for their own state and the arabs, after having been consulted, agreed to have surrounding countries. No law exists stopping Israel building houses and house-building is not illegal. Why should you think Israel should be nuked because of that? The arabs even rejected 95% of land offered to them by Israel a few years ago in talks brokered with Bill Clinton.

I don't hate arabs, and you are having a go at me simply because you don't like to hear the truth. It doesn't bother me in the slightest you are getting agitated. I have spoken to worse types than you before on the internet.

I do care for Israel and pray for it and its leaders and military every single day. Israel will survive and thrive long after haters of it are dust.
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.

Of course Israel will outlast the Arab world. I love Israel and don't hate arabs at all. The arabs are the ones with all the hate. Non-Jews are happy living in Israel which treats them well. They have access to state of the art medical treatment, have the right to vote and they have arab members in the Israeli parliament etc. Why should Israel roll over and let the arabs trample over them. The Jews finally are back in their land and are not going to let go of it.

The time for the "woe is me mentality" of Jews without a homeland is long gone.
It is true. Israel is fully entitled to the land. I showed you so soon after you joined. The Jews were given the land of Israel for their own state and the arabs, after having been consulted, agreed to have surrounding countries. No law exists stopping Israel building houses and house-building is not illegal. Why should you think Israel should be nuked because of that? The arabs even rejected 95% of land offered to them by Israel a few years ago in talks brokered with Bill Clinton.

I don't hate arabs, and you are having a go at me simply because you don't like to hear the truth. It doesn't bother me in the slightest you are getting agitated. I have spoken to worse types than you before on the internet.

I do care for Israel and pray for it and its leaders and military every single day. Israel will survive and thrive long after haters of it are dust.
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.

Of course Israel will outlast the Arab world. I love Israel and don't hate arabs at all. The arabs are the ones with all the hate. Non-Jews are happy living in Israel which treats them well. They have access to state of the art medical treatment, have the right to vote and they have arab members in the Israeli parliament etc. Why should Israel roll over and let the arabs trample over them. The Jews finally are back in their land and are not going to let go of it.

The time for the "woe is me mentality" of Jews without a homeland is long gone.


History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back, I think this is just the start of the next lap! :lol:
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.

Of course Israel will outlast the Arab world. I love Israel and don't hate arabs at all. The arabs are the ones with all the hate. Non-Jews are happy living in Israel which treats them well. They have access to state of the art medical treatment, have the right to vote and they have arab members in the Israeli parliament etc. Why should Israel roll over and let the arabs trample over them. The Jews finally are back in their land and are not going to let go of it.

The time for the "woe is me mentality" of Jews without a homeland is long gone.


History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back, I think this is just the start of the next lap! :lol:

History tells us: NEVER AGAIN!!!
^^^^^^^^ It's this kind of mindset that puts Israel squarely in front of a future arab nuke, and why they're working so hard to build some. :clap2:

How fun it must be to be an internet tough guy who doesn't mind other people fighting it out for your own hatred of arabs.The quintessential anti-semite, you hate arabs AND you don't care much for Israelis either, since you encourage them to put themselves in harm's way. :cool:

It is true. Israel is fully entitled to the land. I showed you so soon after you joined. The Jews were given the land of Israel for their own state and the arabs, after having been consulted, agreed to have surrounding countries. No law exists stopping Israel building houses and house-building is not illegal. Why should you think Israel should be nuked because of that? The arabs even rejected 95% of land offered to them by Israel a few years ago in talks brokered with Bill Clinton.

I don't hate arabs, and you are having a go at me simply because you don't like to hear the truth. It doesn't bother me in the slightest you are getting agitated. I have spoken to worse types than you before on the internet.

I do care for Israel and pray for it and its leaders and military every single day. Israel will survive and thrive long after haters of it are dust.
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.
It's been written, Clyde. We know what the outcome will be.
So you think that Israel will outlast the Arab world? Even AFTER they develop nukes? You don't love Israel, because your hatred of arabs overwhelms any possible love for Israel and blinds you to the truth, which is that unless Israel makes peace, they will never have peace.

Of course Israel will outlast the Arab world. I love Israel and don't hate arabs at all. The arabs are the ones with all the hate. Non-Jews are happy living in Israel which treats them well. They have access to state of the art medical treatment, have the right to vote and they have arab members in the Israeli parliament etc. Why should Israel roll over and let the arabs trample over them. The Jews finally are back in their land and are not going to let go of it.

The time for the "woe is me mentality" of Jews without a homeland is long gone.


History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back, I think this is just the start of the next lap! :lol:

No more next laps. The Jews aren't going nowhere.
They have their home now. Nobody is going to kick them out. Sorry about that!!!
Sweet_Caroline; et al,

Nearly a century ago, some men at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs had time to think about this very issue and make it an agenda item on the table of the powers that be of their time.

Of course Israel will outlast the Arab world. I love Israel and don't hate arabs at all. The arabs are the ones with all the hate. Non-Jews are happy living in Israel which treats them well. They have access to state of the art medical treatment, have the right to vote and they have arab members in the Israeli parliament etc. Why should Israel roll over and let the arabs trample over them. The Jews finally are back in their land and are not going to let go of it.

The time for the "woe is me mentality" of Jews without a homeland is long gone.


History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back, I think this is just the start of the next lap! :lol:

No more next laps. The Jews aren't going nowhere.
They have their home now. Nobody is going to kick them out. Sorry about that!!!

A decision was made. Not everyone agreed with it, but a decision WAS made. What the Sultan's of the Ottoman Empire started, the Allied Powers would implement. And once again, it is up before the new powers of the world.

I can just see the ghostly images of Lord Balfour and Dr Weizmann rolling over in their graves, rising up and haunting us over the dilemma: we've merely traded one diaspora (Jewish) for another diaspora (Palestinian)! (Which was not the original intention at all!)

Now, a hundred years later, we must redo the Palestinian National Home [what GA Resolution 181(II) called the Arab State] which has been recognized as having a historical connection with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that territory. We are, in effect, back to the beginning.

(Déjà Vu)

We have to take a step back an ask: Is this just a strong sensation that an experience currently being experienced - that has been experienced in the past? (Rhetorical) No! It is the exact same dilemma that has been experienced in the past!

Now the analysis says, that if, in another century, we don't want to be face with the exact same experience --- yet again, then we must somehow make the two-state solution (or some variant) work. Right now, most of use see this as a dilemma faced solely by the Israelis and Palestinians. But that could not be farther from the truth. This is a parental issue that went wrong in 1919 when basic tenants of the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement were sidetracked ("mindful of the racial kindship and ancient bonds existing between the Arabs and the Jewish people, and realizing that the surest means of working out the consummation of their national aspirations, is through the closest possible, collaboration in the development of the Arab State and Palestine, and being desirous further of confirming the good understanding which exists between them").

We, the Western Powers and the Arab League, must go back as the parental guides for the parties in dispute, and reconnect the bonds between the Jewish and the Palestinian. We must settle our differences so that we may work together and set the conditions that will finally settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Most Respectfully,

PS: My apologies. I screwed the conversational quotations. I think I repaired them. Many thanks to Sweet_Caroline for her observation. I again, make an open apology.
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"...History tells up that the Jews have been getting their arses booted all around the globe and back..."


Which is why they took-back their old ancestral and spiritual homeland.

And developed the skills and technologies required to put an end to all of that.

"...I think this is just the start of the next lap!"

Given the Israeli military and weapons edge, and in light of the 6,000,000 they lost within living memory, the Muslims will be obliged to accept 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill ratios in order to take it away, this time.

And there's no way the Arabs are up for that.

It seems likely that neither you nor I will live to see the beginning of the 'next lap'... nor our children... nor grandchildren... nor great-grandchildren... nor...

There is no 'next lap'... the Jews are back home, and they're there to stay... no more more Tituses... no more Masadas... it's theirs again now... and they'll keep it this time.

In the words of the old Cajun chef, Justin Wilson... "Gaaarrrr---rrrroonnnnn---teeeeed!"
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