Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Don't worry, Yousef (AKA José) as long as you behave yourself here, nobody will be after you. However, if you start planning something, then Homeland Security will be following you very closely.

Hoss...he is not talking about himself as being next on the list. He is talking about the Empire State Building being next on the list. Could be construed as a threat.
José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Don't worry, Yousef (AKA José) as long as you behave yourself here, nobody will be after you. However, if you start planning something, then Homeland Security will be following you very closely.

Hoss...he is not talking about himself as being next on the list. He is talking about the Empire State Building being next on the list. Could be construed as a threat.
Oh, we're not saying Hosay is suspicious. Why, he's almost a Zionist.
José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Don't worry, Yousef (AKA José) as long as you behave yourself here, nobody will be after you. However, if you start planning something, then Homeland Security will be following you very closely.

Hoss...he is not talking about himself as being next on the list. He is talking about the Empire State Building being next on the list. Could be construed as a threat.
You're right. I misunderstood him and didn't think that he actually had the mind set of those who committed 9/11. Do you remember the poster of years ago, PKMB? He once mentioned that an FBI friend told him that all these forums were being monitored and that everyone posting had a folder with them. I would imagine the retired FBI personnel volunteer to do this so perhaps Yousef (AKA José) knows something that is going to happen and they will check him out.
Don't worry, Yousef (AKA José) as long as you behave yourself here, nobody will be after you. However, if you start planning something, then Homeland Security will be following you very closely.

Hoss...he is not talking about himself as being next on the list. He is talking about the Empire State Building being next on the list. Could be construed as a threat.
You're right. I misunderstood him and didn't think that he actually had the mind set of those who committed 9/11. Do you remember the poster of years ago, PKMB? He once mentioned that an FBI friend told him that all these forums were being monitored and that everyone posting had a folder with them. I would imagine the retired FBI personnel volunteer to do this so perhaps Yousef (AKA José) knows something that is going to happen and they will check him out.

Well with some of these posters you can feel the pent up rage. I wouldn't put anything past them. You know my son is going to the FBI when he finishes his Masters.
A huge Mazal Tov to your son :)

Thanks! He's had his heart set on the FBI since he was a kid. The CIA tried to recruit him. They have a program where you intern for them during the summer and commit to 5 years with them and they paid for your college but he turned them down. I had to hold my tongue because I thought it was a great deal.
Bibi and the True Believers

August 2, 2013 By Caroline Glick


The Jerusalem Post.

Standing next to US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday morning, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni gushed that through his indefatigable efforts to bring Israeli and Palestinian officials to Washington, Kerry proved that “nothing can stop true believers.”

As usual, the cognitively challenged Livni told us something she hadn’t intended to say. The term “true believer” was coined by Eric Hoffer in his classic work The True Believer from 1951, which Livni has obviously not read. Hoffer’s epic study of the psychological roots of fanaticism described a true believer as a person so fanatically committed to a cause that no amount of reality can make him abandon it.

And that just about sums up Kerry, and the man he works for, US President Barack Obama.

Kerry visited Israel six times in the four months leading up to the meetings in Washington this week, during which Americans, Palestinians and Israelis discussed the size of the table they will be sitting around in the coming discussions.


Netanyahu knows that Obama is hostile to Israel and that he will not lift a finger to block Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

So why is he going along with their insanity? In bowing to US pressure and approving the release of 104 terrorist murderers from prison, Netanyahu behaved like a coward. In bowing to US pressure not to bomb Iran’s nuclear installations, Netanyahu is being a coward.

The most important question for Israel today then is whether our leader is capable of being anything else.

Bibi and the True Believers | FrontPage Magazine
I can't believe anyone refers to anyone as "israelis" in the modern age when everyone has access to Bibles and the fact that the Bible has no correlation with anything true.
José, et al,

If something were to happen to the Empire State Building, and they trace it back to a Palestinian or HAMAS connection, the last thing they will have to worry about is an Israeli Occupation.

José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Congressional Research Service RS22967 said:
From FY2008 to the present, annual regular-year U.S. bilateral assistance to the West Bank and Gaza Strip has averaged around $500 million (see Table 3 below), including annual averages of approximately $200 million in direct budgetary assistance and approximately $100 million in non-lethal security assistance for the PA in the West Bank.


We may pay the bills for the poor, downtrodden Palestinians, and we may look like we are weak and powerless; vulnerable and ripe to threats of terrorism. But make no mistake, we will get everyone involved, and a few more besides. (And I'm the peace advocate.) We will bury every HAMAS member we catch in a pigskin body-bag. If you think living under Israeli Occupation is bad now, you'll beg for them to come back as we turn that territory upside down and sift it through a 1/100" steel mesh. And you guys won't have anything left to negotiate for in peace talks.

My advice to all you Article Thirteen Jihadist, don't poke the bear. We ARE!

Persuasive in Peace ---- Invincible in War

Most Respectfully,

i fear erratic americans like you as much, if not more, than i fear our "enemies" and your imagined "enemies". your fear filled attacks on our constitutionally protected rights practically hands them their victory.

i don't recall any palestinians attacking us and they are not our enemy. i think, actually, that more americans have been killed by israelis than by palestinians. your rage is absolitely laughable as well as inflammatory. pig skin body bags indeed. you've been watchung too much TV, rambo.

"don't poke the bear"? LOL...our national symbol is the bald eagle, isn't the bear russian? are you like a commie, dude? you kind of talk like a shoe bangin' khrushchev.

man, if there ever is any fightin' to be done, please stay as far away from me as you can. i've fought beside hot blooded killers like you and all they really end up doing is getting themselves and their (or my) buddies killed. i prefer cold blood and consideration.
José;7616762 said:
"...If Israel is here to stay I'm probably next on the hit list!!..."

If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary.

They knocked over two of our buildings and we knocked over two of their countries.

But it seems unlikely we'll keep it conventional if we are hit like that again.

Frankly, I doubt they'll want to tangle with us on that level again anytime soon.

they, whoever they are, live in hovels but understand wars of economic attrition.

they (islamic militant organisations worldwide) have, i would make a very generous guess, an active troop strength of 250,000. they are though, chairman mao's "fish in the sea".

dropping a nuke over mecca or wherever, well, i don't know if they would actually pray for that to happen but such an act would be a boon to their organisations in that it would completely alienate the arab and perhaps the muslim world against us, and if you think things are bad now...

i doubt very much if those of you who are rattling their sabers actually know what american troop strength is or where we are deployed but i am entirely confident that if we suffer a terrorist attack from germany or japan, we will be will eqi=uped to provice a quick and harsh response.

i like an america that feels with her heart and thinks with her head and acts when those two are aligned with each other. war is not about killing. war is about winning.
"...dropping a nuke over mecca or whereveralienate the arab and perhaps the muslim world against us..."

Much of that 'world' is already 'against us'.

"...and if you think things are bad now..."

God forbid - if it comes to open Crusade-Jihad, the West will win this time, at a cost; mostly to the other side, with loss-ratios of 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 or worse.

Not even the most aggressive-but-sane types want that.

But we are likely to see some-such scenario unfold, should the United States be attacked again on the scale of 9-11.

We will not initiate the conflict, but we will be the odds-on favorite to finish it.

"...i doubt very much if those of you who are rattling their sabers actually know what american troop strength is or where we are deployed..."

With our global reach and technology-driven fast reaction times, it doesn't really matter any more, unless we actually intend to invade and require some redeployment and staging time as preparation, and I think we're done with conventional invasions as punitive raids for a while.

"...i like an america that feels with her heart and thinks with her head and acts when those two are aligned with each other..."


But there is an advantage to acquiring a reputation to over-killing and racking-up 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill ratios and for reacting collectively like a bloody red-eyed Neanderthal when attacked without provocation...

There is an advantage to being feared as savages who are relatively gentle and easy-going until their Inner Caveman is foolishly provoked...

Balancing heart and intellect and goodwill and savagery-on-demand... that's a challenge.

"...war is not about killing. war is about winning."

Yep... although one must oftentimes undertake a great deal of the latter in order to achieve the former.
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"...dropping a nuke over mecca or whereveralienate the arab and perhaps the muslim world against us..."

Much of that 'world' is already 'against us'.

"...and if you think things are bad now..."

God forbid - if it comes to open Crusade-Jihad, the West will win this time, at a cost; mostly to the other side, with loss-ratios of 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 or worse.

Not even the most aggressive-but-sane types want that.

But we are likely to see some-such scenario unfold, should the United States be attacked again on the scale of 9-11.

We will not initiate the conflict, but we will be the odds-on favorite to finish it.

With our global reach and technology-driven fast reaction times, it doesn't really matter any more, unless we actually intend to invade and require some redeployment and staging time as preparation, and I think we're done with conventional invasions as punitive raids for a while.

"...i like an america that feels with her heart and thinks with her head and acts when those two are aligned with each other..."


But there is an advantage to acquiring a reputation to over-killing and racking-up 100-to-1 or 1000-to-1 kill ratios and for reacting collectively like a bloody red-eyed Neanderthal when attacked without provocation...

There is an advantage to being feared as savages who are relatively gentle and easy-going until their Inner Caveman is foolishly provoked...

Balancing heart and intellect and goodwill and savagery-on-demand... that's a challenge.

"...war is not about killing. war is about winning."

Yep... although one must oftentimes undertake a great deal of the latter in order to achieve the former.

i remember hunkerin' down in some tall grass on a slight ridgeline overlooking a rice paddy. i looked around and my buddy was counting some unhatched chickens. i went back to my work which consisted of alert boredom when i heard just the oddest noise i had ever heard, sort of like a scream and explosion and a throaty crying sound followed by a silence. spookiest thing i ever heard. i still remember it.

maybe we were striking fear into the hearts of the wrong people. those paddy peeps sure scattered though.

we eventually found his dog tags. the top said later "good body count yesterday." i went back to my arty unit and said i never wanted to hang with the bushmen again, no matter how much arty support they might need.

as for your last sentence...well..."former-latter"...maybe you are mixing up your priorities, although with the talk in this board it seems unlikely.
José, et al,

If something were to happen to the Empire State Building, and they trace it back to a Palestinian or HAMAS connection, the last thing they will have to worry about is an Israeli Occupation.

José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Congressional Research Service RS22967 said:
From FY2008 to the present, annual regular-year U.S. bilateral assistance to the West Bank and Gaza Strip has averaged around $500 million (see Table 3 below), including annual averages of approximately $200 million in direct budgetary assistance and approximately $100 million in non-lethal security assistance for the PA in the West Bank.


We may pay the bills for the poor, downtrodden Palestinians, and we may look like we are weak and powerless; vulnerable and ripe to threats of terrorism. But make no mistake, we will get everyone involved, and a few more besides. (And I'm the peace advocate.) We will bury every HAMAS member we catch in a pigskin body-bag. If you think living under Israeli Occupation is bad now, you'll beg for them to come back as we turn that territory upside down and sift it through a 1/100" steel mesh. And you guys won't have anything left to negotiate for in peace talks.

My advice to all you Article Thirteen Jihadist, don't poke the bear. We ARE!

Persuasive in Peace ---- Invincible in War

Most Respectfully,

i fear erratic americans like you as much, if not more, than i fear our "enemies" and your imagined "enemies". your fear filled attacks on our constitutionally protected rights practically hands them their victory.

i don't recall any palestinians attacking us and they are not our enemy. i think, actually, that more americans have been killed by israelis than by palestinians. your rage is absolitely laughable as well as inflammatory. pig skin body bags indeed. you've been watchung too much TV, rambo.

"don't poke the bear"? LOL...our national symbol is the bald eagle, isn't the bear russian? are you like a commie, dude? you kind of talk like a shoe bangin' khrushchev.

man, if there ever is any fightin' to be done, please stay as far away from me as you can. i've fought beside hot blooded killers like you and all they really end up doing is getting themselves and their (or my) buddies killed. i prefer cold blood and consideration.

Blooded killers like you ?? WTF is the matter with you Seal? God damn you are one vulgar disgusting liar who cannot contain himself.

As for Americans killed by Palestinians:
Americans Killed or Injured by Palestinian Terrorists (Boker tov, Boulder!)
"i prefer cold blood and consideration."

So do I. And that is exactly what Kondor is referring to. He's not spouting off with 'If I were in charge' fantasies like some egotistical idiot.
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Nor is Rocco a poster who is 'erratic': he's been very much consistent in his posts AND based on fact and logic.

So I very much do NOT see whatever 'point' seal imagines he's making: in fact, I daresay that 'point' simply doesn't really exist.
José, et al,

If something were to happen to the Empire State Building, and they trace it back to a Palestinian or HAMAS connection, the last thing they will have to worry about is an Israeli Occupation.


We may pay the bills for the poor, downtrodden Palestinians, and we may look like we are weak and powerless; vulnerable and ripe to threats of terrorism. But make no mistake, we will get everyone involved, and a few more besides. (And I'm the peace advocate.) We will bury every HAMAS member we catch in a pigskin body-bag. If you think living under Israeli Occupation is bad now, you'll beg for them to come back as we turn that territory upside down and sift it through a 1/100" steel mesh. And you guys won't have anything left to negotiate for in peace talks.

My advice to all you Article Thirteen Jihadist, don't poke the bear. We ARE!

Persuasive in Peace ---- Invincible in War

Most Respectfully,

i fear erratic americans like you as much, if not more, than i fear our "enemies" and your imagined "enemies". your fear filled attacks on our constitutionally protected rights practically hands them their victory.

i don't recall any palestinians attacking us and they are not our enemy. i think, actually, that more americans have been killed by israelis than by palestinians. your rage is absolitely laughable as well as inflammatory. pig skin body bags indeed. you've been watchung too much TV, rambo.

"don't poke the bear"? LOL...our national symbol is the bald eagle, isn't the bear russian? are you like a commie, dude? you kind of talk like a shoe bangin' khrushchev.

man, if there ever is any fightin' to be done, please stay as far away from me as you can. i've fought beside hot blooded killers like you and all they really end up doing is getting themselves and their (or my) buddies killed. i prefer cold blood and consideration.

Blooded killers like you ?? WTF is the matter with you Seal? God damn you are one vulgar disgusting liar who cannot contain himself.

As for Americans killed by Palestinians:
Americans Killed or Injured by Palestinian Terrorists (Boker tov, Boulder!)

if you expect me to apologise for serving in the U.S. Army in combat and not becoming a casuality despite your fondest wishes, you will be waiting a long time. i am sorry that some hot blooded troopies gave away positions in their eagerness when a bit of patience would have preserved the lives of american soldiers. perhaps you wish for more names on the wall.

your link provided no information at all as to how many americans have lost their lives to palestinians and how many have lost their lives to israelis. it was a jewish source anyway so i would expect the usual bias. the only thing i really noticed was a white box on an otherwise dark background with the words "send miney" in it. my internet connection then failed. i tried again and the same thing. and third time is a charm and it is back to send money and little else.
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i fear erratic americans like you as much, if not more, than i fear our "enemies" and your imagined "enemies". your fear filled attacks on our constitutionally protected rights practically hands them their victory.

i don't recall any palestinians attacking us and they are not our enemy. i think, actually, that more americans have been killed by israelis than by palestinians. your rage is absolitely laughable as well as inflammatory. pig skin body bags indeed. you've been watchung too much TV, rambo.

"don't poke the bear"? LOL...our national symbol is the bald eagle, isn't the bear russian? are you like a commie, dude? you kind of talk like a shoe bangin' khrushchev.

man, if there ever is any fightin' to be done, please stay as far away from me as you can. i've fought beside hot blooded killers like you and all they really end up doing is getting themselves and their (or my) buddies killed. i prefer cold blood and consideration.

Blooded killers like you ?? WTF is the matter with you Seal? God damn you are one vulgar disgusting liar who cannot contain himself.

As for Americans killed by Palestinians:
Americans Killed or Injured by Palestinian Terrorists (Boker tov, Boulder!)

if you expect me to apologise for serving in the U.S. Army in combat and not becoming a casuality despite your fondest wishes, you will be waiting a long time. i am sorry that some hot blooded troopies gave away positions in their eagerness when a bit of patience would have preserved the lives of american soldiers. perhaps you wish for more names on the wall.

your link provided no information at all as to how many americans have lost their lives to palestinians and how many have lost their lives to israelis. it was a jewish source anyway so i would expect the usual bias. the only thing i really noficed was a white box on an otherwise dark background with the words "send miney" in it. my internet connection then failed. i tried again and the same thing.

I have no clue what you are talking about regarding your service. Was this just another one of your deflections ?

LOL and you call my source bias?? Are you blind. Can you read? The link provides a list of Americans killed by Palestinians. What happens when you click the link ?
"i prefer cold blood and consideration."

So do I. And that is exactly what Kondor is referring to. He's not spouting off with 'If I were in charge' fantasies like some egotistical idiot.

well apparently you comopletely skipped over his fantasy about nuking some muslim area.

if you are referring to me having some egotistical fantasy, all i am saying is america is tired pf war and is being financially drained by it.
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