Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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The Letter Netanyahu Should Send to the EU

July 19, 2013 By Steven Plaut

Editor’s note: The letter below was formulated on behalf of the Israeli Prime Minister by Steven Plaut:

Dear Leaders and Commissioners of the European Union:

As Prime Minister of Israel I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world about how Israel should solve the Middle East conflict, namely by agreeing to “return” the “occupied Palestinian” lands to the “Palestinians.”

Always willing to be of public service, I have composed a small list of minor preconditions that must be met in order for Israel to agree to return to the “Palestinians” of the “occupied territories” what is “theirs.” These are really just minor corrections in your own plan. After all, why should Israel be the first and the only country to “return” lands to the original inhabitants from which they “seized” these lands in “occupation”?

So here goes:

It goes without saying that the Americans and Canadians must lead the way and show Israel the light by returning all lands that they seized from the Indians and the Mexicans to their original owners. The Anglo-Saxons, meaning the English, will be invited to return the British isles to their rightful original Celtic and Druid owners, while they return to their own ancestral Saxon homeland in northern Germany and Denmark. The Danes of course will be asked to move aside. In fact, they will be asked to move back to their Norwegian and Swedish homeland, to make room for the returning Anglo-Saxons.

But that is just a beginning. The Spanish will be called upon to leave the Iberian peninsula that they wrongfully occupy and return it to the indigenous Celtiberians. Similarly, the Portuguese occupiers will leave their lands and return them to the Lusitanians. The Magyars will go back where they came from and leave Hungary to its true owners. The Australians and New Zealanders obviously will have to end their occupations of lands that do not belong to them. The Thais will leave Thailand. The Bulgarians will return to their Volga homeland and abandon occupied Bulgaria. Anyone speaking Spanish will be expected to end his or her forced occupation of Latin America. It goes without saying that the French will surrender all their lands, starting with Corsica, to their rightful owners. The Turks will go back to Mongolia and leave Anatolia altogether. The Germans will go back to Gotland. The Italians will return the boot to the Etruscans and Greeks.


So, I say, end these illegal occupations once and for all and return these lands to their rightful owners!

And right after all this, Israel will be happy to implement your proposals in full.

Thanks you for hearing me out.

Sincerely yours,

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel

The Letter Netanyahu Should Send to the EU | FrontPage Magazine
Israel’s Renewed Warning to Rogue Regimes

July 23, 2013 By Ari Lieberman


A mysterious explosion that rocked Syria’s embattled port city of Lakatia on July 5 has generated a storm of reports pointing the finger at Israel. If true, it would mark the fourth such strike of its kind this year. In January, Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian chemical and biological weapons research facility as well as a Syrian military convoy transporting sophisticated SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles bound for Hezbollah. And in May, the Israelis launched two additional strikes that resulted in the destruction of long-range, Iranian-made surface-to-surface Fateh-110 missiles (or possibly the Syrian variant, the M-600), which were slated to be delivered to Hezbollah.

According to reports, The Israelis targeted a facility that stored some fifty advanced Russian Yakhont P-800 anti-ship cruise missiles. In addition to posing a threat to Israeli shipping lanes, the missiles could have also been deployed against Israeli offshore gas drilling platforms. The recently discovered Tamar, Leviathan and Tanin gas fields off Israel’s coastline has instantly transformed the once energy-starved Jewish State into a major energy player. Lebanon, at Hezbollah’s instigation, has challenged Israel’s superior maritime claims, and the possibility of the Yakhont falling into the hands of Hezbollah represents a nightmare scenario for regional stability. The missiles also pose a threat to Western ships seeking to resupply Syrian rebels or trying to enforce arms interdiction.


Realpolitik notwithstanding, Israel, by its daring raid, has sent a clear message to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah and, to a lesser extent, Hamas, that it will not sit idly by while its interests are threatened. The four known raids that Israel has carried out this year against Syria as well as the 2007 strike near Deir el-Zor and multiple strikes executed against Sudan, the latest of which occurred in October 2012, should serve as an ominous warning to Iran that its WMD facilities are potentially on Israel’s “to do” list.

Israel?s Renewed Warning to Rogue Regimes | FrontPage Magazine
A Call to Arms – Boycott the Boycotters!

July 26, 2013 By Steven Plaut


While members of the Israeli Non-Left have long been at wit’s end about what sort of appropriate response there should be to these boycott campaigns by the radical Israeli Left, there is in fact a perfect response to them, one that has been staring us all in the face for years. The very best response by Jewish patriots and friends of Israel to the boycott campaign by the radical Left is to boycott the boycotters. Sure, most of the boycotters do not themselves have any commercial interests that can be boycotted in any serious “Boycott the Boycotters” campaign. But there are exceptions. And the most effective, most promising, and most morally-unambiguous response to the Leftist boycott of “settlements” must be the call for an international boycott of the Arledan company.

Why the Arledan company? Because it is largely owned by the founder of Peace Now, Tzali Reshef. He is a leading proponent of boycotting Israeli settlers and settlements. Moreover, the company does business not only in Israel but also in the US and Europe and so would be particularly vulnerable to a Boycott the Boycotters campaign that carried over into these continents.

Tzali Reshef is one of the most radical, most anti-democratic, and most vocal promoters of international efforts to boycott settlers and settlements. Most delicious of all is the fact that his own company can be harmed simply by letting the Bash-Israel lobby know that it is involved in construction outside Israel’s “Green Line” pre-1967 borders in Jerusalem suburbs. [Ironically, Arledan has already been targeted by anti-Israel activist groups for participating in this construction.] Reshef’s own malevolent political activities would then bite him in his own pocketbook! Reshef can be made to pay a price for his Boycott-Settlers initiatives simply by passing on information to the Anti-Israel lobby that his own company deserves to be boycotted by them. What irony it would be should Reshef be penalized by sanctions against his own company coming from BOTH the Zionist-patriot camp and from the Destroy-Israel movement!!


So, comrades, we need your help! Spread the world! Let everyone you know hear about the need to Boycott the Boycotters. Drop an email to Tzali at [email protected] and let him know why you are boycotting his company. Email addresses of other company officers are here. Spread the word in the US, Israel and everywhere. Get a Boycott Arledan bumper sticker.

The moral response to the Boycott Settlements movement must be to boycott the boycotters! Make them pay a price! Sauce for the lemming is now sauce for the gander!

A Call to Arms ? Boycott the Boycotters! | FrontPage Magazine

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

thats fine that it stays just as long as some of the citizens of that country get their wish and their corrupt government is reformed like they want it to be.

their prime ministerr just like our evil dictater,Obama and Bush before him,is evil and corrupt.Just like the CIA needs to be abolished here in the states,so does the mossad there and their corrupt government as well. as long as that happens hopefully in the future,its fine that israel stays.

I would like the united states to stay as well.just get rid of all these evil instituitons like the CIA,FBI,DOD,NSA and other corrupt instituions and get the majority of people in congress out of office since they only serve wall street and the government of israel instead of their own citizens.
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A Rallying Cry from Christians United for Israel

July 29, 2013 By Joseph Puder


In a world in which the Jewish State has very few friends it can rely on, the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) organization looms large as an invaluable friend. Founded in 2006, CUFI has 1.3 million members spanning all fifty states of the U.S. On Tuesday, July 23, 2013, CUFI held its 8th national Night to Honor Israel at the Washington, DC Convention Center, packing 4,500 enthusiastic members and supporters from throughout America and beyond, waving American and Israeli flags, and cheering loudly at all references to Israel by an impressive array of speakers.


A Rallying Cry from Christians United for Israel | FrontPage Magazine


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Bumberclyde, et al,

Of course!

Title said:
Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

So is Jihad. Thanks for that.

Yes, we understand this well!

Article 13 said:
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

It is rare that a people build a foundation on which to lay a nationalistic goal that is rooted in WAR.

What do you do with a people or culture that have no higher aspiration than "Jihad?"

Most Respectfully,
Bumberclyde, et al,

Of course!

Title said:
Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

So is Jihad. Thanks for that.

Yes, we understand this well!

Article 13 said:
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

It is rare that a people build a foundation on which to lay a nationalistic goal that is rooted in WAR.

What do you do with a people or culture that have no higher aspiration than "Jihad?"

Most Respectfully,
Nuke them out of existence if all they want to do is fight.
Bumberclyde, et al,

Of course!

So is Jihad. Thanks for that.

Yes, we understand this well!

Article 13 said:
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

It is rare that a people build a foundation on which to lay a nationalistic goal that is rooted in WAR.

What do you do with a people or culture that have no higher aspiration than "Jihad?"

Most Respectfully,
Nuke them out of existence if all they want to do is fight.
Not necessary.

Not necessary.

Completing the process of squeezing them off their last few scraps of land in Gaza and the West Bank - and paying them off in the process - should suffice.

I'm sure they'll be happier in Lebanon and Jordan and Syria and Egypt, anyway, amongst their own kind.

Assuming that their own kind are willing to take them in, of course.

Which, based on past Palestinian behaviors and history, is not exactly what one could call a 'certainty'.
Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

Kinda like herpes?

More like a dose of Penicillin in the middle of a cat-house...

Isn't penicillin supposed to make things BETTER?

Oh, but it does.

The Penicillin in this case, took a dust-bowl shit-hole that nobody was doing any with, anyway, after several hundred years, and turned it into a comparative garden and productive and industrious region which doubles as an early-warning tripwire for The West against a resurgent and militant Islam.

The Penicillin, in this case, made things much better.
José;7616762 said:
"...If Israel is here to stay I'm probably next on the hit list!!..."

If such a thing happens again we may witness the release of nuclear weapons over one of the Centers most prized by The Adversary.

They knocked over two of our buildings and we knocked over two of their countries.

But it seems unlikely we'll keep it conventional if we are hit like that again.

Frankly, I doubt they'll want to tangle with us on that level again anytime soon.
José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Don't worry, Yousef (AKA José) as long as you behave yourself here, nobody will be after you. However, if you start planning something, then Homeland Security will be following you very closely.
José, et al,

If something were to happen to the Empire State Building, and they trace it back to a Palestinian or HAMAS connection, the last thing they will have to worry about is an Israeli Occupation.

José;7616762 said:
If Israel is here to stay
I'm probably next on the hit list!!

Congressional Research Service RS22967 said:
From FY2008 to the present, annual regular-year U.S. bilateral assistance to the West Bank and Gaza Strip has averaged around $500 million (see Table 3 below), including annual averages of approximately $200 million in direct budgetary assistance and approximately $100 million in non-lethal security assistance for the PA in the West Bank.


We may pay the bills for the poor, downtrodden Palestinians, and we may look like we are weak and powerless; vulnerable and ripe to threats of terrorism. But make no mistake, we will get everyone involved, and a few more besides. (And I'm the peace advocate.) We will bury every HAMAS member we catch in a pigskin body-bag. If you think living under Israeli Occupation is bad now, you'll beg for them to come back as we turn that territory upside down and sift it through a 1/100" steel mesh. And you guys won't have anything left to negotiate for in peace talks.

My advice to all you Article Thirteen Jihadist, don't poke the bear. We ARE!

Persuasive in Peace ---- Invincible in War

Most Respectfully,
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