Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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You should worry about yo-own hood beatch...:eek:

hispanic gangs in los angeles county - Google Search
"The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles], set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s."

The Gipper's legacy lives on in my hood, Loser.

MS-13 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Off Topic story for Georgie:

As you know I am a Christian. Some years ago I bought a new cellphone. Unbeknownst to me the number belonged formerly to a Gang Leader who dealt drugs. I get a text message from one of his members about hitting him up for some slang term for drugs ( won't say here ) and I text him back, Don't have drugs, I've got Jesus and there ain't no high like the most high. Do you know him? He said yes and who are you?

I said I am not a cop. I don't care what you do. Your boss has a new phone and I must have received his old number ( not exact text conversation but you'll get the jist here in a minute )

So I want to keep this young man texting because I want to lead him to Christ. But I know it isn't going to happen right then so instead I text him back and say, God is not a cop either. He only wants the best for your life. I'm deleting your number now out of my phone but FIRST will you do something for me too?

He said what is it? I said, Can I pray for you each day? He texted me back, about what? I said, I will pray two things only. First that God will send angels to protect you day and night and second that God will fulfill the plan he has for your life which is ALL GOOD. He said, Okay. I'll let you do that. I said fine. I'm erasing you now. And I did.

4 days later I get a text message. Have you been praying for me? It's the gang banger. He's back. I texted back Yes. He said what did you pray? I said every day throughout the day I say, Lord, send your angels to encamp about Texter and protect him. Put a hedge of protection around him that nothing can touch him. I plead the blood of Jesus over Him - Satan cannot have his life. Then I pray Gods will be done in your life.

He texted back. I have to tell you something. My car got totalled late last night. ( New Years Eve ) It rolled 3 times and I didn't have a scratch on me. They had to cut me out of the car. The cop said good thing you had your seatbelt on. You'd be dead right now. It's a miracle you are alive anyhow. The young man told me, I didn't have my seatbelt on. I know I didn't have it on and something kept me in my seat. I'm trippin' here. Your prayers saved my life.

I said, good. Can I keep praying for you? He said, yes. Please do. Then he said, Thank you for praying for me! Oh! I wanted to come through that cell phone and hug him the precious little thing! I replied, I'll be praying for you, Texter. Goodbye.

Then we parted ways and kept each others numbers. For years whenever the Lord lays this guy on my heart I text him. He will text me back my mother was just asking about you today! I can't believe it! I haven't heard from you in 8 months! You text same day she asked about you. I said God didn't put you on my heart to contact you until now. Is God cool or what????? THAT GOT HIM THINKING! OH YEAH! :eusa_angel:

So last time I actually called him because after almost 3 years it was time. We had never spoken to each other before. I said to him, Are you alright? He replies, I am in school and going to church. I'm doing great. My mother thanks God for you. That was all I needed to hear. Mission accomplished. I can let him go now but I will always keep that young man in my prayers. I love him like he was my own son.

That is my story about the gangster and the cell phone.


Very "stand up" and nice to read this!!!
In 20 years the few remaining scattered and ghostly fragments of so-called Palestine will have been annexed and absorbed into the State of Israel and the present occupants (Arab-Palestinians) will be scattered to the winds - with many of them emmigrating to Jordan, Lebannon, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. The historical map of 'Shrinking Palestine' tells that story and feeds that projection well enough. Afterwards, Israel will firm-up its borders, look to its defenses, and begin to enjoy life a bit more.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

I do not believe the statement in your title thread to be true. Nations rise and nations fall.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

Keep sending money you stupid goyim we just keep on laughing and mocking your yeshu!


Either Polkow is an Muslim posing as a Jew or else he is one of those crazy Leftist Russians. Poor Polkow, he wants the readers to believe that everyone in Israel and American is mocking Jesus because he has spoken to every Jew and has gotten their opinion of Jesus. Most Jews, Polkow, don't even think about Jesus so who do you think you are kidding? While, Polkow is busy with his videos, doesn't anyone think he would ever show videos of the cartoons in which the Muslims kids are taught to hate and murder Jews? By the way, Polkow, do you really think that the International Christian Embassy based in Jerusalem would keep on helping the Jews in Israel if they were mocking Jesus as you want us all to believe? For all we know, you might be posting from some Middle East country and are not even in israel. I guess Polkow has a certain routine. When he appears here, it is always the same old thing. Can we get him a part on Saturday Night Live as a Mad Russian?
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Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

Keep sending money you stupid goyim we just keep on laughing and mocking your yeshu!


Either Polkow is an Muslim posing as a Jew or else he is one of those crazy Leftist Russians. Poor Polkow, he wants the readers to believe that everyone in Israel and American is mocking Jesus because he has spoken to every Jew and has gotten their opinion of Jesus. Most Jews, Polkow, don't even think about Jesus so who do you think you are kidding? While, Polkow is busy with his videos, doesn't anyone think he would ever show videos of the cartoons in which the Muslims kids are taught to hate and murder Jews? By the way, Polkow, do you really think that the International Christian Embassy based in Jerusalem would keep on helping the Jews in Israel if they were mocking Jesus as you want us all to believe? For all we know, you might be posting from some Middle East country and are not even in israel. I guess Polkow has a certain routine. When he appears here, it is always the same old thing. Can we get him a part on Saturday Night Live as a Mad Russian?

I thought the videos were entertaining and are simply more evidence that nations, like Israel, are controlled by Satan. That such nations rise and that they shall fall is very predictable and very expected. Now, I am going to go watch the videos again and be entertained once again.
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Keep sending money you stupid goyim we just keep on laughing and mocking your yeshu!

Either Polkow is an Muslim posing as a Jew or else he is one of those crazy Leftist Russians. Poor Polkow, he wants the readers to believe that everyone in Israel and American is mocking Jesus because he has spoken to every Jew and has gotten their opinion of Jesus. Most Jews, Polkow, don't even think about Jesus so who do you think you are kidding? While, Polkow is busy with his videos, doesn't anyone think he would ever show videos of the cartoons in which the Muslims kids are taught to hate and murder Jews? By the way, Polkow, do you really think that the International Christian Embassy based in Jerusalem would keep on helping the Jews in Israel if they were mocking Jesus as you want us all to believe? For all we know, you might be posting from some Middle East country and are not even in israel. I guess Polkow has a certain routine. When he appears here, it is always the same old thing. Can we get him a part on Saturday Night Live as a Mad Russian?

I thought the videos were entertaining and are simply more evidence that nations, like Israel, are controlled by Satan. That such nations rise and that they shall fall is very predictable and very expected. Now, I am going to go watch the videos again and be entertained once again.
Of course a Jew hater like you would find the video entertaining. You probably find those cartoons teaching the Arab kids to hate and kill the Jews also entertaining. And you no doubt gush every time you hear of a suicide or homicide bombings by your friends. Since you are always bringing up the Devil, I think he is controlling you. Didn't those set of horns he had made especially for you fit? If not, send them back to him for alterations. By the way, doesn't your better half ever take you out to see real movies and buy your popcorn instead of you just stuck with watching video clips on the Internet?
Just browsing this thread.

I believe Israel is our TRUE ALLY IN THE REGION, and they are surrounded by a Sea of people who don't even believe they have the right to exist.

They have been attacked so many times since the country formed that it's difficult to count, yet they continue on in the face of regular attacks by those who wish them destroyed.

I watched the Greatest Tank Battles in History on Netflix a while back. To those interested, you should watch how a handfull of Israeli Tanks held off a massive suprise attack by the Syrians and Egypt.
Just browsing this thread.

I believe Israel is our TRUE ALLY IN THE REGION, and they are surrounded by a Sea of people who don't even believe they have the right to exist.

They have been attacked so many times since the country formed that it's difficult to count, yet they continue on in the face of regular attacks by those who wish them destroyed.

I watched the Greatest Tank Battles in History on Netflix a while back. To those interested, you should watch how a handfull of Israeli Tanks held off a massive suprise attack by the Syrians and Egypt.
The Military Channel shows those tank battles fairly often. Against Syria, the IDF kicked ass and took names.
Just browsing this thread.

I believe Israel is our TRUE ALLY IN THE REGION, and they are surrounded by a Sea of people who don't even believe they have the right to exist.

They have been attacked so many times since the country formed that it's difficult to count, yet they continue on in the face of regular attacks by those who wish them destroyed.

I watched the Greatest Tank Battles in History on Netflix a while back. To those interested, you should watch how a handfull of Israeli Tanks held off a massive suprise attack by the Syrians and Egypt.
You might want to consider why Israel was created as a Jewish homeland in its latest incarnation:

"Following the absorption of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, the British set about shoring up their rule by the tried and true strategy of pitting ethnic group against ethnic group, tribe against tribe, and religion against religion.

"When British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour issued his famous 1917 Declaration guaranteeing a 'homeland' for the Jewish people in Palestine, he was less concerned with righting a two thousand year old wrong than creating divisions that would serve growing British interests in the Middle East.

"Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Governor of Jerusalem, certainly had no illusions about what a 'Jewish homeland' in Palestine meant for the British Empire: 'It will form for England,' he said, 'a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.'”

Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules | FPIF

It isn't coincidental that the superpower of its day created "a little, loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism" at the same time the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil to power its imperial fleets.
Sound a little Conspiracy Theory -ish to me... ;-) ...and, in the long run, it doesn't matter a damn. Israel is here to stay. They will complete the process of pushing their borders outward until they have all of the West Bank and Gaza. They don't need more than that, but it's a good bet that they won't settle for less, behind the scenes, and they're 65 years into that multi-generational project, and quite close now to accomplishing their goal.
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Sound a little Conspiracy Theory -ish to me... ;-) ...and, in the long run, it doesn't matter a damn. Israel is here to stay. They will complete the process of pushing their borders outward until they have all of the West Bank and Gaza. They don't need more than that, but it's a good bet that they won't settle for less, behind the scenes, and they're 65 years into that multi-generational project, and quite close now to accomplishing their goal.
How close are they to annexing Area C?

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

Keep sending money you stupid goyim we just keep on laughing and mocking your yeshu!


Either Polkow is an Muslim posing as a Jew or else he is one of those crazy Leftist Russians. Poor Polkow, he wants the readers to believe that everyone in Israel and American is mocking Jesus because he has spoken to every Jew and has gotten their opinion of Jesus. Most Jews, Polkow, don't even think about Jesus so who do you think you are kidding? While, Polkow is busy with his videos, doesn't anyone think he would ever show videos of the cartoons in which the Muslims kids are taught to hate and murder Jews? By the way, Polkow, do you really think that the International Christian Embassy based in Jerusalem would keep on helping the Jews in Israel if they were mocking Jesus as you want us all to believe? For all we know, you might be posting from some Middle East country and are not even in israel. I guess Polkow has a certain routine. When he appears here, it is always the same old thing. Can we get him a part on Saturday Night Live as a Mad Russian?

Polkow reminds me of a certain writer on the ME boards from long ago ( one at least ) named Maxx. The difference of course is he does have a certain Russian leaning while Maxx did not. I miss Maxx alot. He really kept people on their toes. Polkow? Um... Not so much.

Of course, you make an outstanding point here, Hossfly. The ICEJ has never once mentioned any such animosity from the Jews in Israel. It is a very strong relationship and appears to be flourishing. I think we need to continue to respect that Judaism is the faith of Israel, respect that fact and their right to make their own decisions about their own land ( staying out of their decision making process ) but let them know they have our full support and that we care about them. Not because of some prophecy in the bible but because they are our closest ally and that is how close friends should treat each other. IMO.

- Jeri
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Keep sending money you stupid goyim we just keep on laughing and mocking your yeshu!

Either Polkow is an Muslim posing as a Jew or else he is one of those crazy Leftist Russians. Poor Polkow, he wants the readers to believe that everyone in Israel and American is mocking Jesus because he has spoken to every Jew and has gotten their opinion of Jesus. Most Jews, Polkow, don't even think about Jesus so who do you think you are kidding? While, Polkow is busy with his videos, doesn't anyone think he would ever show videos of the cartoons in which the Muslims kids are taught to hate and murder Jews? By the way, Polkow, do you really think that the International Christian Embassy based in Jerusalem would keep on helping the Jews in Israel if they were mocking Jesus as you want us all to believe? For all we know, you might be posting from some Middle East country and are not even in israel. I guess Polkow has a certain routine. When he appears here, it is always the same old thing. Can we get him a part on Saturday Night Live as a Mad Russian?

I thought the videos were entertaining and are simply more evidence that nations, like Israel, are controlled by Satan. That such nations rise and that they shall fall is very predictable and very expected. Now, I am going to go watch the videos again and be entertained once again.

Sherri? I find it incredible to believe you have read the same book I have read. ( The Bible) I have no clue where you come up with such ideas. Israel is not controlled by Satan.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

I do not believe the statement in your title thread to be true. Nations rise and nations fall.

There is a link at the bottom where you can get in touch with the author of the article...:eusa_angel:
Israel Cultivates Unlikely Ally in West African Nation of Senegal

Muslim Francophone Country Reaps Benefits of Aid and Trade

Published May 18, 2013.


“It registers very strongly with locals that Israelis give them sheep for a Muslim holiday while most Arab embassies do nothing,” said Eli Ben-Tura, the Israeli ambassador.

The animals are just part of the millions that Israel has spent over the years in Senegal, a French-speaking Western African nation of 12 million where the average monthly salary is $158. In return, Senegal has supported Israel’s erection of a barrier to protect itself from Palestinian terrorism and, last December, signed over oil prospecting rights in its territorial waters to an Israeli-owned mining company.

Over the past decade, Israel’s trade has more than tripled with Senegal, a country about the size of South Dakota. Among its neighbors is Mali, where French troops have been fighting Islamic militants for months.

“Like Israel, Senegal is an island of stability in an unstable region,” Ben-Tura told JTA in an interview last week at the Israeli Embassy overlooking Independence Plaza in Dakar, Senegal’s capital city.

The importance Israel places on its partnership with Senegal was evident in Ben-Tura’s speech on April 30 at Israel’s 65th Independence Day celebration at the Grand Theatre National, a magnificent structure built with Chinese funding in 2011 near Dakar’s main port.

Speaking to an audience of 1,000, Ben-Tura listed Israel’s latest gifts to the country: training for hundreds of farmers; preparations to train thousands more by Israeli experts stationed in the country; and the establishment of a permanent depot for agricultural equipment and disease control.


Read more: Israel Cultivates Unlikely Ally in West African Nation of Senegal ?
‘Apartheid’ Amusement Park?

June 5, 2013 By Steven Plaut


The Left and its satellites in the media found a horrid case of “Israeli apartheid” in recent days. It is in “Superland.”

Superland is Israel’s closest thing to Knott’s Berry Farm or similar amusement parks with digestion-challenging roller coasters to be found on other continents. You can read about it here.

The park suddenly found itself on the hit list of the Caring Left when it turned out that occasionally it was holding “closed group days” in the park, where the park would not be open to the general public. And some of these “closed group days” would be for Arabs only, for Jews only, or for other specific groups, such as Ultra-Orthodox chareidim.

The caring Left blew its gasket. Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, ran several editorials and Op-Eds screaming about this display of “apartheid” in Israel. RACISTLAND! was the title of an article printed in the other leftist Israeli daily, Yediot Ahronot. The foreign anti-Semites quickly picked up on all the leftist Israeli chatter about “Superland apartheid” to prove once again how racist Israel is.


?Apartheid? Amusement Park? | FrontPage Magazine
Despite the fact that the Park is open to the general public much of the time and allows for mixed Jewish-Arab customer mixing on the premises...

Despite the fact that the Park caters to a mixed Jewish-Arab audience that is as likely to pull knives on each other as to buy popcorn...

Despite the fact that the Park has had numerous incidents of disturbance or fighting between Jews and Arabs over time?

We have Loony Lefties objecting to the Park setting aside a few days here-and-there as Jews-Only Day or Arabs-Only Day, just to give it a rest, and let each group relax a bit more amongst their own, without fear of brawling?

Let 'em howl and bay at the moon all night long... nobody else (folks who understand the even-handedness and goodwill at-work here) is paying attention in this context.
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