Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Beware of the Revisionists

April 11, 2013
By Ari Lieberman



Following the clash, heated Arab rhetoric and false Soviet intelligence reports of Israeli military deployments led to a series of aggressive actions by Egypt and her Arab allies that ultimately culminated in the Six-Day War. On May 15 and with much fanfare and publicity, President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt deployed two Egyptian divisions in Sinai. On May 16, he ordered U.N. peacekeeping forces, who had hitherto served as a buffer between Israeli and Egyptian forces, out of Sinai. On May 19, Egyptian troop strength swelled to six divisions, with a seventh added soon after. On May 22, Nasser ordered the closure of the Straits of Tiran at the entrance to the Gulf of Eilat, to Israeli shipping. The closure was a gross violation of international maritime law and constituted a casus belli. On May 30th Jordan and Egypt established a joint military command and Jordan placed its armed forces under Egyptian control. Soon after, Egyptian paratroop battalions landed in Jordan and on June 3, they were joined by Iraqi contingents. On June 2, an Egyptian mortar attack set Israeli wheat fields on fire and Egyptian aerial incursions into Israeli territory were occurring with alarming frequency.

Israel was surrounded with countries bent on its annihilation. The Arab street, fed by blood-curdling, anti-Semitic government propaganda, was whipped into frenzy and an orgy of hate and depravity swept through the Arab world. It was clear that the Arabs had foreclosed any possibility of peaceful coexistence with Israel. If there were any doubts about Arab intentions, Radio Cairo dispelled them on May 22 when it declared, “The Arab people is firmly resolved to wipe Israel off the map.” Israel for its part attempted to quell Arab aggression through diplomatic means but to no avail. The Soviets were actively stoking the flames of war while France, wishing to curry favor with the Arabs, turned its back. The British and Americans offered sympathy and little else.

Thus Israel, with its back to the wall and faced with overt threats of annihilation, acted decisively. On June 5, 1967 the outnumbered and out gunned Israeli Defense Forces launched a preemptive strike and within six days, destroyed the armies of those sworn to her destruction. Two and a half million Israelis faced off against one-hundred and ten million Arabs and won decidedly.


We must therefore never forget who the aggressor was in the Six-Day War, that the ramifications of an Israeli loss would have been calamitous on par with the Holocaust and that the Arabs have only themselves to blame for their sorry predicament.

Beware of the Revisionists | FrontPage Magazine

Israel at 65

April 16, 2013
By Joseph Puder

Few countries have accomplished as much as the Jewish State of Israel has in 65 years of existence. To avoid any misunderstanding, the 65 years refer only to its modern existence, not to the Two Israelite Jewish Commonwealths that included Kings David and Solomon, as well as Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Hashmonaim dynasty. In between modern Israel and the two Commonwealths, the Jewish nation lived in exile, suffering persecution and ultimate genocide known as the Nazi Holocaust. Next week, the resurrected Jewish nation will celebrate its 65th birthday.


The doomsayers could perhaps justifiably warn of increasing existential threats to Israel. One mustn’t, however, ignore Israel’s growing strength in relation to its regional enemies. Israel’s sophisticated military, its vibrant society, political system and flourishing economy provides Israel with an unmistakable edge. As Israel celebrates its 65th birthday, I wish it to go from strength to strength.

Israel at 65 | FrontPage Magazine
Escalation: Iranian Drones Over Israel

April 30, 2013 By P. David Hornik


On Thursday an Israeli warplane shot a drone into the Mediterranean just west of the Haifa shoreline. The drone came from Lebanon, and Israeli media immediately reported that it was sent by Hizballah—even though the prime minister and the IDF spokesman, in their public statements on the incident, made no such claim.

Amos Harel, military analyst for Haaretz, reports that the reason for that omission is probably that it wasn’t Hizballah that sent the plane but, rather, Iran—specifically its Revolutionary Guards contingent in Lebanon.

The UK’s Telegraph reports that “according to Syrian rebels and Israeli intelligence, Tehran has poured Revolutionary Guard soldiers into Syria and Lebanon to support its Shiite allies.” The Revolutionary Guards are also believed to have been behind another drone sent from Lebanon in October. That one entered Israeli airspace and was shot down not far from Israel’s nuclear plant in the Negev.

The Telegraph quotes a “Western diplomat” saying: “The Israeli military command doesn’t treat drones launched from Lebanon lightly, since their goal may be not only taking pictures, but also an assassination of senior officials, military or political.” In fact, at the time Thursday’s drone was spotted, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was flying across northern Israel, and his helicopter had to be grounded until the drone was downed.


Escalation: Iranian Drones Over Israel | FrontPage Magazine
what did they think the drone was about to do ? Surveillance or----shoot something?

The Telegraph quotes a “Western diplomat” saying: “The Israeli military command doesn’t treat drones launched from Lebanon lightly, since their goal may be not only taking pictures, but also an assassination of senior officials, military or political.” In fact, at the time Thursday’s drone was spotted, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was flying across northern Israel, and his helicopter had to be grounded until the drone was downed.
Israeli strike on Syria targeted weapons shipment

By By Lolita C. Baldor And Ryan LucasMay
04, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Israeli airstrike against Syria was targeting a shipment of advanced missiles believed to be bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Israeli officials confirmed Saturday.

It was the second Israeli strike this year against Syria and the latest salvo in its long-running effort to disrupt Hezbollah's quest to build an arsenal capable of defending against Israel's air force and spreading destruction inside the Jewish state.

The strike comes as the U.S. considers how to respond to indications that the Syrian regime may have used chemical weapons in its bloody civil war. President Barack Obama has described the use of such weapons as a "red line," and the administration is weighing its options — including possible military action.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned in recent weeks that Israel would be prepared to take military action if chemical weapons or other arms that would upset the balance of power with Hezbollah were to reach the Islamic militant group.


Israeli officials believe that Hezbollah's arsenal has markedly improved since 2006, and now boasts tens of thousands of rockets and missiles and the ability to hit trike almost anywhere inside Israel.

Israeli strike on Syria targeted weapons shipment - Businessweek
Israel at 65

April 16, 2013
By Joseph Puder

Few countries have accomplished as much as the Jewish State of Israel has in 65 years of existence. To avoid any misunderstanding, the 65 years refer only to its modern existence, not to the Two Israelite Jewish Commonwealths that included Kings David and Solomon, as well as Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Hashmonaim dynasty. In between modern Israel and the two Commonwealths, the Jewish nation lived in exile, suffering persecution and ultimate genocide known as the Nazi Holocaust. Next week, the resurrected Jewish nation will celebrate its 65th birthday.


The doomsayers could perhaps justifiably warn of increasing existential threats to Israel. One mustn’t, however, ignore Israel’s growing strength in relation to its regional enemies. Israel’s sophisticated military, its vibrant society, political system and flourishing economy provides Israel with an unmistakable edge. As Israel celebrates its 65th birthday, I wish it to go from strength to strength.

Israel at 65 | FrontPage Magazine

You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.

You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.

The fact that Abbas' term of office expired in 2009 means nothing. When has there ever been a democracy in the Arab world?
NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel

May 13, 2013 By Caroline Glick


In 2010, Cpl. Eleanor Joseph became the first female Arab combat soldier in the IDF. Joseph, a Christian Arab told Ma’ariv that her good luck charm is a drawing of the Star of David with the caption: “I have no other land, even when my ground is burning.” Her commander drew it for her.

Joseph explained, “It is a phrase that strengthens me. Every time I experience hardship, I read it. Because I was born here. The people I love live here: My parents, my friends. This is a Jewish state? Yes, it is. But it’s also my country. I can’t imagine living in any other place. I think every person should serve in the army. You live here? You make your home here? Then go defend your country. What does it matter that I’m an Arab?”

Joseph’s story represents an incipient trend of integration among Israel’s Arab community.


NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel | FrontPage Magazine
Target practice for heroic Jews:

"Sami, 12, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Abdul, 9, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral. Ala, 14, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone. Omar, 11, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

"Diya, 3 months, was killed, along with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back. Bara, 10, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head while near his home. Ayman, 15, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while farming. Khalil, 11, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend. Rami, 13, was killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house. Yaser, 11, died of head wounds from an IDF rubber-coated bullet fired at close range during a demonstration?/1/"

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
georgephillip, et al,

Yes, OK, --- what accusation is being made here?

Target practice for heroic Jews:

"Sami, 12, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration. Abdul, 9, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a funeral. Ala, 14, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone. Omar, 11, died of head wounds from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

"Diya, 3 months, was killed, along with her older brother, by Israeli settler gunfire to her head and back. Bara, 10, was killed by IDF gunfire to his head while near his home. Ayman, 15, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while farming. Khalil, 11, was killed by IDF tank fire to his head while playing with a friend. Rami, 13, was killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while playing in front of his house. Yaser, 11, died of head wounds from an IDF rubber-coated bullet fired at close range during a demonstration?/1/"

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Actually, this is a very poor analytical piece.

I understand that this is part of the overall "victimization" campaign. The older (18 month old) "Counterpunch" article made a connection between Gabrielle Giffords (shooting two years ago), Tom Hurndall (the student volunteer to International Solidarity Movement (ISM) killed on 2004) and Palestinian Children (a collection over the past decade). This is a continuation of the pleading for sympathy we so often see.

It is always sad when children die as a consequence of parental driven actions. The Palestinian create the conditions for war and then complain when incidents like this occur. Sad! But it fits the barbaric martyr-type style of the culture.


What is the overall ratio of the dead, with head wounds?

Most Respectfully,
Here's the closest I could come to an answer to your question concerning the overall ratio of dead children with head wounds from this particular article:(Would you happen to know how many Jewish children have died from Arab gunshot wounds to their head during the same time frame?)

"Several years ago, I was researching the cause of death of Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces during the first months of the Second Intifadah, the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. As I counted up the numbers, I was chilled to discover that the single most frequent cause of death in those beginning months was 'gunfire to the head.'

"In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the lethal trauma is unlisted. In addition, this statistic does not include the many more Palestinian youngsters shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who survived, in one form or another."

I'm a little confused about what actions Akbar's uncle took to inspire the heroic sniper to murder his niece. Frankly it sounds a little barbaric to me, but I suppose it's to be expected when so many Jews are indoctrinated with a firm belief in their racial supremacy to all Arabs from the day of their birth.

"Giffords, of course, wasn’t the only victim of the Tucson shooting; 14 were injured and six were killed. It is deeply saddening to read about the dead and to imagine the unending grief for their survivors. /19/ It is particularly difficult to view the sweet, smiling picture of nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green, knowing that her bright life is no longer before her.

"It is equally tragic to read of nine-year-old Akaber, killed by Israeli gunfire to her head while riding in her uncle’s car to get medical stitches removed, and of the 29 other nine-year-olds killed by Israeli forces in the past decade, eight of them by Israeli gunfire to the head."

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel

May 13, 2013 By Caroline Glick


In 2010, Cpl. Eleanor Joseph became the first female Arab combat soldier in the IDF. Joseph, a Christian Arab told Ma’ariv that her good luck charm is a drawing of the Star of David with the caption: “I have no other land, even when my ground is burning.” Her commander drew it for her.

Joseph explained, “It is a phrase that strengthens me. Every time I experience hardship, I read it. Because I was born here. The people I love live here: My parents, my friends. This is a Jewish state? Yes, it is. But it’s also my country. I can’t imagine living in any other place. I think every person should serve in the army. You live here? You make your home here? Then go defend your country. What does it matter that I’m an Arab?”

Joseph’s story represents an incipient trend of integration among Israel’s Arab community.


NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel | FrontPage Magazine

She is gorgeous!:eek::eusa_drool:
NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel

May 13, 2013 By Caroline Glick


In 2010, Cpl. Eleanor Joseph became the first female Arab combat soldier in the IDF. Joseph, a Christian Arab told Ma’ariv that her good luck charm is a drawing of the Star of David with the caption: “I have no other land, even when my ground is burning.” Her commander drew it for her.

Joseph explained, “It is a phrase that strengthens me. Every time I experience hardship, I read it. Because I was born here. The people I love live here: My parents, my friends. This is a Jewish state? Yes, it is. But it’s also my country. I can’t imagine living in any other place. I think every person should serve in the army. You live here? You make your home here? Then go defend your country. What does it matter that I’m an Arab?”

Joseph’s story represents an incipient trend of integration among Israel’s Arab community.


NGOs vs. Those Who Serve Israel | FrontPage Magazine

She is gorgeous!:eek::eusa_drool:
I have her six, buster. Lay off.
Here's the closest I could come to an answer to your question concerning the overall ratio of dead children with head wounds from this particular article:(Would you happen to know how many Jewish children have died from Arab gunshot wounds to their head during the same time frame?)

"Several years ago, I was researching the cause of death of Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces during the first months of the Second Intifadah, the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. As I counted up the numbers, I was chilled to discover that the single most frequent cause of death in those beginning months was 'gunfire to the head.'

"In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the lethal trauma is unlisted. In addition, this statistic does not include the many more Palestinian youngsters shot in the head by Israeli soldiers who survived, in one form or another."

I'm a little confused about what actions Akbar's uncle took to inspire the heroic sniper to murder his niece. Frankly it sounds a little barbaric to me, but I suppose it's to be expected when so many Jews are indoctrinated with a firm belief in their racial supremacy to all Arabs from the day of their birth.

"Giffords, of course, wasn’t the only victim of the Tucson shooting; 14 were injured and six
were killed. It is deeply saddening to read about the dead and to imagine the unending grief for their survivors. /19/ It is particularly difficult to view the sweet, smiling picture of nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green, knowing that her bright life is no longer before her.

It is equally tragic to read of nine-year-old Akaber, killed by Israeli gunfire to her head while riding in her uncle’s car to get medical stitches removed, and of the 29 other nine-year-olds killed by Israeli forces in the past decade, eight of them by Israeli gunfire to the head."

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names[/QUOTE

Of fatal BULLET injuries ----which are incidental to war-----or even
street fighting-------what percentage are bullet injuries to the head??

the article you cited is pure nonsense. BULLET TO THE HEAD
is one of my specialties-------as is the determination of "DEATH"

I got news for whoever wrote that idiotic article-----most of the fatalities
caused by GUNFIRE IN THE STREETS of bystanders------are
bullets caught in the HEAD
Any idiot who concludes that since more kids die of bullets
to the HEAD ----that means someone was AIMING FOR HEAD----
is just that -----an idiot Chances are ----if a palestinian caught
a stray bullet in his arm------he SIMPLY DID NOT DIE.

getting back to children-----there is another---issue---
the HEAD of a child---proportionate to his body---is
a comparitively LARGER target than is the head of an
adult proportionate to body-----therefore --_STATISTICALLY---
a greater number of stray bullets will hit a childs head as opposed
to the rest of his body than the head of adult as opposed to the
rest of his body

all your idiot article says is that ----when kids die from stray bullets---
lots of those stray bullets hit their HEADS --------I knew that.
I did see ONLY ONE in which the bullet hit the chest

The fact that the heads of children are particularly big targets---
does work for your side when they use nail bombs---most
of the deaths from nail bomb injuries in children----are

I never saw a kid dead from a stray bullet to the TOE
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