Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.

You have it backwards. lol I would be furious if they gave in to Abbas. I would be angry if they went back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, forfeited ALL Rights to E. Jerusalem and granted " Right of Return" which would eventually make the Israelis minorities in their own Country. At least you realize the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 :cuckoo:
I just wanted to let you know what could happen if peace is never achieved. You seem ok with getting nuked and are more worried about assessing blame. I'm good with that. :D

At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:
You have it backwards. lol I would be furious if they gave in to Abbas. I would be angry if they went back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, forfeited ALL Rights to E. Jerusalem and granted " Right of Return" which would eventually make the Israelis minorities in their own Country. At least you realize the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 :cuckoo:
I just wanted to let you know what could happen if peace is never achieved. You seem ok with getting nuked and are more worried about assessing blame. I'm good with that. :D

At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:

That is not what she said.
I just wanted to let you know what could happen if peace is never achieved. You seem ok with getting nuked and are more worried about assessing blame. I'm good with that. :D

At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:

That is not what she said.

He knows. He just has nothing else. :lol:
I just wanted to let you know what could happen if peace is never achieved. You seem ok with getting nuked and are more worried about assessing blame. I'm good with that. :D

At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:

That is not what she said.

she said what the isa respecters have been saying for 1700 years---
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.
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At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:

That is not what she said.

she said what the isa respecters have been saying for 1700 years---
So who's ever licked YOUR shit?
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.

In fact---memories do not go "way back" in the middle east since most of the
events WAY BACK left no surviving nations to remember. HISTORY goes back
as far as the survivors of this or that group recorded it----and other history is
that of non-extant peoples pieced together on the garbage they left behind..

Islamic memory goes back----very little ----at the VERY MOST 1400 years and
even that sketchy and unreliably. and very FANTASTICALLY-

Christian memory more like 1700 years Zoroastrian memory is virtually
a moot point. Hindu memory is a bit longer----but that is not the middle east--
Jewish memory---a bit sketchy way back there ----but reaching 4000 years.
The people of the NILE valley---the KINGDOMS of the pharoahs have a
an available history----but that culture is gone as is the culture of Mesopotamia
and no one calls it a memory. A people is not a people without a HISTORY
which is THEIRS even the greeks are no longer greeks and the people of
ITALY are certainly not of ROMA . The only people with a long and
CONTINUOUS history in the middle east are THE JEWS
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.

Yes, but a few things to understand.
Unlike thousands of years ago, Israel now has the most advanced and trained army in the Middle East (some say the world) unlike back then.
Also, we're in the 21st century dude. Countries don't just get destroyed anymore lol.
At least you acknowledge that the Arabs will initiate WW 3 because of their agression , their hate, and their failure to " negotiate". Still haven't told us what " land" Abbas is giving away or why Israel will get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get everything he demands. There will be no response. Consider the source :clap2::cuckoo:

That is not what she said.

she said what the isa respecters have been saying for 1700 years---


Seriously, You have to consider the source. This is what she posted a few days ago.

What land is he " willing" for the Israelis to keep? He has clearly said several times 67 Borders or nothing. Take a course in reading Comphrension

The above was my question Below is her answer

Meaning he'd let them keep the 67 borders.

She is so stupid she honestly believes he is " negotiating" by letting Israel " keep " them. She is too stupid to realize that the " 67 Borders" are allegedly the " International Borders" and that Abbas CAN'T ask for more ! Even if he wanted to nobody else is calling for that. Not even the Arab League or the U.N.

Ask any Pro- Palestinian what Abbas has done to " negotiate" and there will never be a response :cuckoo:
Ask any Pro- Palestinian what Abbas has done to " negotiate" and there will never be a response

Arabs are building nukes, that's their negotiation. Israel has until they finish building them to settle. Seems pretty fair to me after what Israel has done to them. Personally, I'd take the deal and end the occupation. Peace is always better than getting nuked. :D
Ask any Pro- Palestinian what Abbas has done to " negotiate" and there will never be a response

Arabs are building nukes, that's their negotiation. Israel has until they finish building them to settle. Seems pretty fair to me after what Israel has done to them. Personally, I'd take the deal and end the occupation. Peace is always better than getting nuked. :D

There we go again; The ignorant one first claiming that Abbas is giving them "land" not even realizing that the " 67 Borders" that never existed are the " recognized borders" ( even though they aren't). Abbas CAN'T ask for more; he is not " letting" Israel have that land. NOBODY in the U.N. is calling for it lol At least she admits it's the Arabs who are the Agressors and will initiate WW 111:cuckoo: .
Ask any Pro- Palestinian what Abbas has done to " negotiate" and there will never be a response

Arabs are building nukes, that's their negotiation. Israel has until they finish building them to settle. Seems pretty fair to me after what Israel has done to them. Personally, I'd take the deal and end the occupation. Peace is always better than getting nuked. :D

There we go again; The ignorant one first claiming that Abbas is giving them "land" not even realizing that the " 67 Borders" that never existed are the " recognized borders" ( even though they aren't). Abbas CAN'T ask for more; he is not " letting" Israel have that land. NOBODY in the U.N. is calling for it lol At least she admits it's the Arabs who are the Agressors and will initiate WW 111:cuckoo: .

Israel started the war, the arabs are just continuing what the Jews started. As the aggressors and occupyers, the Jews need to decide whether they want peace or continued war, meaning getting nuked.
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.

Yes, but a few things to understand.
Unlike thousands of years ago, Israel now has the most advanced and trained army in the Middle East (some say the world) unlike back then.
Also, we're in the 21st century dude. Countries don't just get destroyed anymore lol.

And Israel's biggest threat is unarmed civilians.

What good is all that crap going to do them?
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.

Yes, but a few things to understand.
Unlike thousands of years ago, Israel now has the most advanced and trained army in the Middle East (some say the world) unlike back then.
Also, we're in the 21st century dude. Countries don't just get destroyed anymore lol.

And Israel's biggest threat is unarmed civilians.

What good is all that crap going to do them?

the "unarmed civilian" ploy of the infant throat slitting ISA RESPECTING crowd
is not new. In fact it is a concept well known in isa-respecting debate for many
decades. AL AZHAR koranic scholars----determined DECADES AGO---in fact,,
something like 5 decades ago that slitting the throats of Israeli infants is absolutely
legal based on the concept that Israel has a universal draft so that a 3 month
old can be considered a soldier. By dint of the same elegant logic ----back in the
60s -----the same organization determined that hijacking airplanes or violence on
the tarmac ----by UNUNIFORMED nabi ass lickers is absolutely legal
because they represent no ORGANIZATION ------if they either die or get away---
no one can be BLAMED. Some may have missed it----but it is a fact that tinnie's
people did explain that since the ISA RESPECTERS who enacted the GLORIOUS
FOR ALLAH ISA, AND THE RAPIST PIG ----mass murder of 9-11-01 ---
ALL DIED in the act and wore no uniforms------the MATTER IS CLOSED

Thus tinnie agrees that stabbings in the street ---blowing the brains out of children--
etc etc is a LEGAL ACT OF UNARMED CITIZENS----completely closed if the perpetrator
gets away of dies in the act. -----but legal anyway even if he does not

I was introduced to the logic of these arguments by an isa-repecting pakistani
surgeon more than 40 years ago

Drones are an excellent answer to the glorious ISA RESPECTER logic---so long
as they are unmarked and launched by unnamed persons----all legal
That is not what she said.

she said what the isa respecters have been saying for 1700 years---


Seriously, You have to consider the source. This is what she posted a few days ago.

What land is he " willing" for the Israelis to keep? He has clearly said several times 67 Borders or nothing. Take a course in reading Comphrension

The above was my question Below is her answer

Meaning he'd let them keep the 67 borders.

She is so stupid she honestly believes he is " negotiating" by letting Israel " keep " them. She is too stupid to realize that the " 67 Borders" are allegedly the " International Borders" and that Abbas CAN'T ask for more ! Even if he wanted to nobody else is calling for that. Not even the Arab League or the U.N.

Ask any Pro- Palestinian what Abbas has done to " negotiate" and there will never be a response :cuckoo:

67 borders & right of return.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

It might see me out, but I doubt it. Remember those mighty crusader states and the zionist model, the Thousand Year Reich. Nazis and other colonists always crap it up because they are racists and treat the rest of the world as expendable gas-chambeer fodder.

It might see me out, but I doubt it. Remember those mighty crusader states and the zionist model, the Thousand Year Reich. Nazis and other colonists always crap it up because they are racists and treat the rest of the world as expendable gas-chambeer fodder.

I agree with you that totalitarian imperialist WORLD agendas are doomed to failure.

historically----they have all failed FROM BABYLON thru ALEXANDER thru the
the first two holy roman empire (reichs) thru the FINAL MONSTER THIRD REICH---
and ---the COMMUNIST EMPIRES ----and the most brutal of all----the ISLAMIC EMPIRE
is crumbling from within. Israel has fallen to attackers many times----but it has
never crumbled from within and its nationhood was preserved even without a home base--
for a very important reason------it has never been IMPERIALISTIC or GENOCIDAL
the most important "preservative" of ISRAEL can be found in the INSISTENT
words of a "prophet" ----EZRA
Arabs are building nukes, that's their negotiation. Israel has until they finish building them to settle. Seems pretty fair to me after what Israel has done to them. Personally, I'd take the deal and end the occupation. Peace is always better than getting nuked. :D

There we go again; The ignorant one first claiming that Abbas is giving them "land" not even realizing that the " 67 Borders" that never existed are the " recognized borders" ( even though they aren't). Abbas CAN'T ask for more; he is not " letting" Israel have that land. NOBODY in the U.N. is calling for it lol At least she admits it's the Arabs who are the Agressors and will initiate WW 111:cuckoo: .

Israel started the war, the arabs are just continuing what the Jews started. As the aggressors and occupyers, the Jews need to decide whether they want peace or continued war, meaning getting nuked.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The Arabs initiated the 67 War because they couldn't stand Israel's right to exist. Until this time Israel was denied all access into E. Jerusalem, something they should have had access to since 1948 . You keep " claiming" Abbas is offering " land". Google it and let us know. You claim that Abbas isn't demanding it be ALL his way.... Documentation please. Still can't/ refuse to tell us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it ALL his way. I repeat... At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 like they INITIATED all the other Wars :cuckoo:
The prophesy that "Israel is here to stay" has a certain wry irony to it because Israel has been one of the most on-again-off-again nations the world has ever seen. Before the Romans scattered it the four winds, Nebuchadnezzar dragged it off to Babylon and before that the Pharaoh subsumed it into Egypt. Israel has been destroyed and born again many times, a will-o-the-wisp province surrounded by the far more stable nations of Egypt, Syria and Persia (Iran).

The most recent incarnation of Israel, dating from 1948, is one of several Crusader states, colonies established by Western military power and populated by immigrants whose ancestral connection to Judea is, in most cases, sketchy or non-existent. Crusader states like Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem usually last a couple of centuries, so the current iteration of Israel is just a flash in the pan, at least so far.

Memories go way back in the Middle East. That is a region in which history kills people. The Arab word, which regards Israel as a Crusader state of dubious legitimacy, has precedent to support its view that this latest Kingdom of Jerusalem is just a passing phase.
What consideration has the Ayrab World given to what the US will be doing while Israel is in this "passing phase?"
Who Wants a Third Intifada?

Posted: 02/27/2013
Dr. Josef Olmert

Predicting troubles in the Middle East in general, and with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian situation in particular, is a safe bet. This is the region of the world where troubles are the rule, and good news is the exception. So, there is nothing new about predicting/anticipating a third Palestinian intifada against the Israelis, and with it all hell will break loose, and the West Bank and Israel itself will yet again become the arena of suffering, bloodshed and shuttered hopes. Well, not so fast. Maybe -- I should say hopefully -- not now, not again.

The immediate catalyst to the repeated talks about a new intifada is the unfortunate death of a Palestinian detainee, Arafat Jaradat, in the Megiddo Jail in Northern Israel.
[ I wonder if the Israeli's gave out sweets like the islamic beasts do when they murder an Israeli family???]


Dr. Josef Olmert: Who Wants a Third Intifada?
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