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Abbas Makes It Official: All of Israel is Palestine

The Fatah party, headed by Abbas, has made official what it has been saying more quietly and adopts a new logo: All of Israel as Palestine.

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By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/30/2012, 9:09 AM

Abbas with map of 'Palestine'Palestine' in background

Israel news photo: Flash 90

The Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has made official what it has been saying quietly and has adopted a new logo showing all of Israel as Palestine.

The logo marks the 48th anniversary of the founding of Fatah by Yasser Arafat and includes a map with the PA flag and a map of Israel that appears to be a depiction of the black and white checkered kefiyah, a symbol of the violent intifada, and the slogan “the state and victory."

Palestine Media Watch (PMW) revealed that the official PA daily published the new official logo.

For the past year, official PA documents have increasingly shown Palestine as covering all of Israel, but this is the first time the Fatah party has placed the map on its logo.

PMW noted, “Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel.”

The Arab media watchdog translated and published the article announcing the new logo:

"Senior Fatah official in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Rabah, stressed that the movement this year will hold a big, central rally in the Gaza Strip on the day of the 48th anniversary of the beginning of the Palestinian revolution.

“Rabah explained to Ma'an that the event will be held considering the atmosphere of reconciliation and unity that has prevailed in the Palestinian arena in the last few….

“The organizing committee for the 48th anniversary of the Fatah movement approved this year's main anniversary logo... [The rally] will take place in Gaza to mark the 48th anniversary of the modern Palestinian revolution under the slogan 'the state and the victory.'"

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) reacted to the new logo by urging “President Barack Obama, the European Union and the United Nations to condemn this outrage which reiterates the clear fact that Abbas and the Fatah/PA have no interest in peace with Israel, only its destruction.”

They accept the " 67 Borders?" Another Pro- Palestinian lie :clap2:

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Not sure why; Did it the proper way. On the other boards it was so much easier. However if you doubt the article ,Google it yourself. Initially the Pro- Palestinian Liar Ima claims that Abbas is " negotiating" and the Israelis aren't giving him a " real offer". When back into a Corner she says something stupid like Abbas is " letting" Israel have the 67 Borders. She is so stupid she doesn't realize or understand that nobody in the UN is calling for that; Not even the Arab Nations. :cuckoo:
"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.

"For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

" Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980. The record at the General Assembly since is similar."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"
"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.

"For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

" Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980. The record at the General Assembly since is similar."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"

" Negotiation" to the UN means Israel accept the 67 Borders that were never accepted before, have no rights in E. Jerusalem where the Palestinians can go anywhere they want within E. or W. Jerusalem, and " Right of Return". Not going to happen.

Abbas also wants land within the " 67 Borders" linking Gaza to the W. Bank. What is he willing to give up for it? :cuckoo:
What exactly do you remember about the mid-1970s?
What do you think "minor and mutual modifications" means?

"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange. For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications, to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"
"The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange.

"For many of the world's conflicts, it is difficult even to conjure up a feasible settlement.

"In this case, it is not only possible, but there is near universal agreement on its basic contours: a two-state settlement along the internationally recognized (pre-June 1967) borders -- with 'minor and mutual modifications,' to adopt official U.S. terminology before Washington departed from the international community in the mid-1970s.

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas).

"A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

" Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980. The record at the General Assembly since is similar."

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"

" Negotiation" to the UN means Israel accept the 67 Borders that were never accepted before, have no rights in E. Jerusalem where the Palestinians can go anywhere they want within E. or W. Jerusalem, and " Right of Return". Not going to happen.

Abbas also wants land within the " 67 Borders" linking Gaza to the W. Bank. What is he willing to give up for it? :cuckoo:

Still doesn't change the fact that Abbas wants borders that were never recognized before, " Right of Return" which could in time make the Jewish people a minority , NJA in E. Jerusalem, which would obviously mean the Palestinians could go anywhere in Jerusalem they wanted but not the Jews where their most religious sites are. That is not going to happen.
"The U.S. and Israel have been acting in tandem to extend and deepen the occupation.

"In 2005, recognizing that it was pointless to subsidize a few thousand Israeli settlers in Gaza, who were appropriating substantial resources and protected by a large part of the Israeli army, the government of Ariel Sharon decided to move them to the much more valuable West Bank and Golan Heights.

"Instead of carrying out the operation straightforwardly, as would have been easy enough, the government decided to stage a 'national trauma,' which virtually duplicated the farce accompanying the withdrawal from the Sinai desert after the Camp David agreements of 1978-79.

"In each case, the withdrawal permitted the cry of 'Never Again,' which meant in practice: we cannot abandon an inch of the Palestinian territories that we want to take in violation of international law."

Jews are entitled to all the land they can steal, right?

A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won't): In Washington-Speak, "Palestinian State" Means "Fried Chicken"
"The U.S. and Israel have been acting in tandem to extend and deepen the occupation.

"In 2005, recognizing that it was pointless to subsidize a few thousand Israeli settlers in Gaza, who were appropriating substantial resources and protected by a large part of the Israeli army, the government of Ariel Sharon decided to move them to the much more valuable West Bank and Golan Heights.

"Instead of carrying out the operation straightforwardly, as would have been easy enough, the government decided to stage a 'national trauma,' which virtually duplicated the farce accompanying the withdrawal from the Sinai desert after the Camp David agreements of 1978-79.

"In each case, the withdrawal permitted the cry of 'Never Again,' which meant in practice: we cannot abandon an inch of the Palestinian territories that we want to take in violation of international law."

Jews are entitled to all the land they can steal, right?

Israel will not have the " 67 Borders" that the Arabs refused to recognize before, " Right of Return", and no rights in E. Jerusalem. You accuse the Jews of stealing land? The Arabs should have respected " International Law" lol before 1967 :clap2:
What land is he " willing" for the Israelis to keep? He has clearly said several times 67 Borders or nothing. Take a course in reading Comphrension :cuckoo:

Meaning he'd let them keep the 67 borders. Geez, were you really in an army? With a real gun?

You mean he's " negotiating" to let them keep the land that they are entitled to? lol Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality :clap2:
It's assholes like you who make me not care so much if Israel gets nuked. You seem to want it so much, then have it.
Meaning he'd let them keep the 67 borders. Geez, were you really in an army? With a real gun?

You mean he's " negotiating" to let them keep the land that they are entitled to? lol Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality :clap2:
It's assholes like you who make me not care so much if Israel gets nuked. You seem to want it so much, then have it.

It's assholes like you who claim Abbas is " negotiating" by letting Israel have some of his land then when asked what " land" there is no response. It's assholes like you who claim that if Abbas doesn't get it all his way the Arabs will initiate WW 111 and when asked why there is no response . Typical Pro- Palestinian Ass- Hole :cuckoo:
You mean he's " negotiating" to let them keep the land that they are entitled to? lol Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality :clap2:
It's assholes like you who make me not care so much if Israel gets nuked. You seem to want it so much, then have it.

It's assholes like you who claim Abbas is " negotiating" by letting Israel have some of his land then when asked what " land" there is no response. It's assholes like you who claim that if Abbas doesn't get it all his way the Arabs will initiate WW 111 and when asked why there is no response . Typical Pro- Palestinian Ass- Hole :cuckoo:

Israel has still NEVER made a real peace offer that's anywhere near what the arabs would accept. Anyways, if a lot of Israelis agree with you and are as obnoxiously arrogant as you are, then it's probably for the better that you folks don't make peace and get nuked. :D
It's assholes like you who make me not care so much if Israel gets nuked. You seem to want it so much, then have it.

It's assholes like you who claim Abbas is " negotiating" by letting Israel have some of his land then when asked what " land" there is no response. It's assholes like you who claim that if Abbas doesn't get it all his way the Arabs will initiate WW 111 and when asked why there is no response . Typical Pro- Palestinian Ass- Hole :cuckoo:

Israel has still NEVER made a real peace offer that's anywhere near what the arabs would accept. Anyways, if a lot of Israelis agree with you and are as obnoxiously arrogant as you are, then it's probably for the better that you folks don't make peace and get nuked. :D

You admitted in your prior posts that a " real peace offer" would be the 67 Borders that were never recognized or accepted or " Right of Return!" lol Then you LIED and denied Abbas was insisting on getting things ALL his way and stated he was giving up land. When challenged on that of course there was nobody home. Still haven't told us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get things ALL his way. I repeat; At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and they will initiate WW 111 ! :cuckoo:
It's assholes like you who claim Abbas is " negotiating" by letting Israel have some of his land then when asked what " land" there is no response. It's assholes like you who claim that if Abbas doesn't get it all his way the Arabs will initiate WW 111 and when asked why there is no response . Typical Pro- Palestinian Ass- Hole :cuckoo:

Israel has still NEVER made a real peace offer that's anywhere near what the arabs would accept. Anyways, if a lot of Israelis agree with you and are as obnoxiously arrogant as you are, then it's probably for the better that you folks don't make peace and get nuked. :D

You admitted in your prior posts that a " real peace offer" would be the 67 Borders that were never recognized or accepted or " Right of Return!" lol Then you LIED and denied Abbas was insisting on getting things ALL his way and stated he was giving up land. When challenged on that of course there was nobody home. Still haven't told us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get things ALL his way. I repeat; At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and they will initiate WW 111 ! :cuckoo:

Like I've already said, you'll have 4 nanoseconds before the nuclear shock wave hits you to figure out who's fault is was that you're about to become dust. In other words, it'll be the Israelis fault for not making peace. So you'll have 4 nanoseconds to think about it.
Israel has still NEVER made a real peace offer that's anywhere near what the arabs would accept. Anyways, if a lot of Israelis agree with you and are as obnoxiously arrogant as you are, then it's probably for the better that you folks don't make peace and get nuked. :D

You admitted in your prior posts that a " real peace offer" would be the 67 Borders that were never recognized or accepted or " Right of Return!" lol Then you LIED and denied Abbas was insisting on getting things ALL his way and stated he was giving up land. When challenged on that of course there was nobody home. Still haven't told us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get things ALL his way. I repeat; At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and they will initiate WW 111 ! :cuckoo:

Like I've already said, you'll have 4 nanoseconds before the nuclear shock wave hits you to figure out who's fault is was that you're about to become dust. In other words, it'll be the Israelis fault for not making peace. So you'll have 4 nanoseconds to think about it.

So you finally admit you're a liar; Abbas isn't offering any "land" refuses to"negotiate"it's either all his way or no way! Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get his way 100 percent. At least you finally admit the Arabs are the Agressors who will initiate WW3 !!!!

You admitted in your prior posts that a " real peace offer" would be the 67 Borders that were never recognized or accepted or " Right of Return!" lol Then you LIED and denied Abbas was insisting on getting things ALL his way and stated he was giving up land. When challenged on that of course there was nobody home. Still haven't told us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get things ALL his way. I repeat; At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and they will initiate WW 111 ! :cuckoo:

Like I've already said, you'll have 4 nanoseconds before the nuclear shock wave hits you to figure out who's fault is was that you're about to become dust. In other words, it'll be the Israelis fault for not making peace. So you'll have 4 nanoseconds to think about it.

So you finally admit you're a liar; Abbas isn't offering any "land" refuses to"negotiate"it's either all his way or no way! Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get his way 100 percent. At least you finally admit the Arabs are the Agressors who will initiate WW3 !!!!

You don't seem to get it, it doesn't matter if I'm a liar or not. If Israel doesn't make peace, you'll get nuked eventually.
Like I've already said, you'll have 4 nanoseconds before the nuclear shock wave hits you to figure out who's fault is was that you're about to become dust. In other words, it'll be the Israelis fault for not making peace. So you'll have 4 nanoseconds to think about it.

So you finally admit you're a liar; Abbas isn't offering any "land" refuses to"negotiate"it's either all his way or no way! Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get his way 100 percent. At least you finally admit the Arabs are the Agressors who will initiate WW3 !!!!

You don't seem to get it, it doesn't matter if I'm a liar or not. If Israel doesn't make peace, you'll get nuked eventually.

Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
So you finally admit you're a liar; Abbas isn't offering any "land" refuses to"negotiate"it's either all his way or no way! Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get his way 100 percent. At least you finally admit the Arabs are the Agressors who will initiate WW3 !!!!

You don't seem to get it, it doesn't matter if I'm a liar or not. If Israel doesn't make peace, you'll get nuked eventually.

Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.
You don't seem to get it, it doesn't matter if I'm a liar or not. If Israel doesn't make peace, you'll get nuked eventually.

Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.
The only possibility of a nuke is if some Islamic terrorists get hold of a bomb. They won't hesitate to use one. So you can stop fantasizing about mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv.
Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.
The only possibility of a nuke is if some Islamic terrorists get hold of a bomb. They won't hesitate to use one. So you can stop fantasizing about mushroom clouds over Tel Aviv.
Again, you're shooting the messenger. I'm only saying out loud what's up because vet's in danger from "some Islamic terrorists get hold of a bomb". Did you know that they have friends in Iran among other places?
You don't seem to get it, it doesn't matter if I'm a liar or not. If Israel doesn't make peace, you'll get nuked eventually.

Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.

You have it backwards. lol I would be furious if they gave in to Abbas. I would be angry if they went back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, forfeited ALL Rights to E. Jerusalem and granted " Right of Return" which would eventually make the Israelis minorities in their own Country. At least you realize the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 :cuckoo:
Translation ; Israel has to make all the concessions yet you claim they aren't offering enough? The latter suggests you're " familiar" with their offers then.Since you're so familiar with what the Israelis have offered you should be just as familiar with what the Palestinians have offered. You claim you don't know? Google it and let us know. Still haven't told us why Israel should get nuked if Abbas doesn't get everything his way or what "land" he is giving up. Another Pro Palestinian liar
Buddy, you're getting mad at the messenger, you should be mad at your leaders for not making peace with your neighbours. Nukes are getting closer every day.

You have it backwards. lol I would be furious if they gave in to Abbas. I would be angry if they went back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, forfeited ALL Rights to E. Jerusalem and granted " Right of Return" which would eventually make the Israelis minorities in their own Country. At least you realize the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 :cuckoo:
I just wanted to let you know what could happen if peace is never achieved. You seem ok with getting nuked and are more worried about assessing blame. I'm good with that. :D
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