Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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I personally see no problem with 67 borders and right of return. They agree to let Israel be. It's better than exchanging nukes. What's the prob? :dunno:

Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Sigh..... Another one. Read the above Definition SLOWLY.

" Negotiation" and " Compromise" does not mean that one side makes all the concessions and the other side gets their way 100%. Get it? Of course not. :cuckoo:

Still refuse to answer the question; Why should Abbas not getting his way 100% cause a Nuclear War that you at least admit the Arabs will initiate ! :evil:

Israel gets recognition and peace. Meaning Jews officially get their country. How can you say they get nothing? For the arabs, that's pretty big.

Hey dumbass, you didn't even come close to answering proudveterans question.
Try again !
Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Sigh..... Another one. Read the above Definition SLOWLY.

" Negotiation" and " Compromise" does not mean that one side makes all the concessions and the other side gets their way 100%. Get it? Of course not. :cuckoo:

Still refuse to answer the question; Why should Abbas not getting his way 100% cause a Nuclear War that you at least admit the Arabs will initiate ! :evil:

Israel gets recognition and peace. Meaning Jews officially get their country. How can you say they get nothing? For the arabs, that's pretty big.

Hey dumbass, you didn't even come close to answering proudveterans question.
Try again !

Have you noticed that not ONE Pro- Palestinian will answer my question? :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Israel gets recognition and peace. Meaning Jews officially get their country. How can you say they get nothing? For the arabs, that's pretty big.

Hey dumbass, you didn't even come close to answering proudveterans question.
Try again !

Have you noticed that not ONE Pro- Palestinian will answer my question? :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You asked why Abbas should get 100%... He's not. He's giving up land for Israel and recognizing it.
Hey dumbass, you didn't even come close to answering proudveterans question.
Try again !

Have you noticed that not ONE Pro- Palestinian will answer my question? :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You asked why Abbas should get 100%... He's not. He's giving up land for Israel and recognizing it.

" 67 Borders " ( Which were never recognized or Accepted) and " Right of Return" is Giving up Land? lol Don't think so ! :cuckoo:

http://Click here: Abbas Makes It Official: Israel is Arab Palestine - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Abbas Makes It Official: All of Israel is Palestine

The Fatah party, headed by Abbas, has made official what it has been saying more quietly and adopts a new logo: All of Israel as Palestine.

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By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/30/2012, 9:09 AM

Abbas with map of 'Palestine'Palestine' in background

Israel news photo: Flash 90

The Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has made official what it has been saying quietly and has adopted a new logo showing all of Israel as Palestine.

The logo marks the 48th anniversary of the founding of Fatah by Yasser Arafat and includes a map with the PA flag and a map of Israel that appears to be a depiction of the black and white checkered kefiyah, a symbol of the violent intifada, and the slogan “the state and victory."

Palestine Media Watch (PMW) revealed that the official PA daily published the new official logo.

For the past year, official PA documents have increasingly shown Palestine as covering all of Israel, but this is the first time the Fatah party has placed the map on its logo.

PMW noted, “Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel.”

The Arab media watchdog translated and published the article announcing the new logo:

"Senior Fatah official in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Rabah, stressed that the movement this year will hold a big, central rally in the Gaza Strip on the day of the 48th anniversary of the beginning of the Palestinian revolution.

“Rabah explained to Ma'an that the event will be held considering the atmosphere of reconciliation and unity that has prevailed in the Palestinian arena in the last few….

“The organizing committee for the 48th anniversary of the Fatah movement approved this year's main anniversary logo... [The rally] will take place in Gaza to mark the 48th anniversary of the modern Palestinian revolution under the slogan 'the state and the victory.'"

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) reacted to the new logo by urging “President Barack Obama, the European Union and the United Nations to condemn this outrage which reiterates the clear fact that Abbas and the Fatah/PA have no interest in peace with Israel, only its destruction.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, "This new Fatah logo graphically depicts the ugly truth about this unreconstructed terrorist organization whose Constitution to this day calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 13) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the struggle to achieve this aim (Article 19). …It belies the fiction that Mahmoud Abbas is a 'moderate' who seeks peace with Israel, and who wishes to end Palestinian terrorism against Israeli Jews. It also makes clear that the principles of Yasser Arafat are respected and promoted.

This is the Pro- Palestinian defintion of Abbas " Giving up Land" ( Not the entire article) :cuckoo: :eusa_hand: :eusa_pray: :clap2:
ima got owned again. He still can't answer your question.

ima, why can't you just accept defeat ?
Why can't you guys just accept the fact that eventually, if Israel doesn't make peace with its neighbours, it'll get nuked. Seems pretty simple to grasp. Maybe you guys are just in total denial.
Why can't you guys just accept the fact that eventually, if Israel doesn't make peace with its neighbours, it'll get nuked. Seems pretty simple to grasp. Maybe you guys are just in total denial.

Why can't you just admit the fact that even though I asked you to Google Abbas " peace proposals" you haven't because he has never made one in spite of your earlier posts

Why can't you accept the fact that Israel is not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, give up all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" which could eventually make the Jewish people a minority. So much for their Homeland

You claimed earlier that Abbas is giving up land. Why can't you admit the fact that it's a lie?

Still haven't told us why the Arabs should INITIATE WW 111 if Abbas doesn't get his all his way. I gave you the definition of " negotiate" before. Try to read it again ; SLOWLY. At least you finally admit one thing; The Arabs are the agressors, they always have been and they are the ones who will initiate WW 111 :eek:
Why can't you guys just accept the fact that eventually, if Israel doesn't make peace with its neighbours, it'll get nuked. Seems pretty simple to grasp. Maybe you guys are just in total denial.

Why can't you just admit the fact that even though I asked you to Google Abbas " peace proposals" you haven't because he has never made one in spite of your earlier posts

Why can't you accept the fact that Israel is not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, give up all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" which could eventually make the Jewish people a minority. So much for their Homeland

You claimed earlier that Abbas is giving up land. Why can't you admit the fact that it's a lie?

Still haven't told us why the Arabs should INITIATE WW 111 if Abbas doesn't get his all his way. I gave you the definition of " negotiate" before. Try to read it again ; SLOWLY. At least you finally admit one thing; The Arabs are the agressors, they always have been and they are the ones who will initiate WW 111 :eek:
If a nuke goes off in or near Israel, you'll have about 3 nanoseconds to care about who started what before the shock wave hits you and blows your ass to smithereens. :D

Should make for good TV! :popcorn:
Why can't you guys just accept the fact that eventually, if Israel doesn't make peace with its neighbours, it'll get nuked. Seems pretty simple to grasp. Maybe you guys are just in total denial.

Why can't you just admit the fact that even though I asked you to Google Abbas " peace proposals" you haven't because he has never made one in spite of your earlier posts

Why can't you accept the fact that Israel is not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, give up all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" which could eventually make the Jewish people a minority. So much for their Homeland

You claimed earlier that Abbas is giving up land. Why can't you admit the fact that it's a lie?

Still haven't told us why the Arabs should INITIATE WW 111 if Abbas doesn't get his all his way. I gave you the definition of " negotiate" before. Try to read it again ; SLOWLY. At least you finally admit one thing; The Arabs are the agressors, they always have been and they are the ones who will initiate WW 111 :eek:
If a nuke goes off in or near Israel, you'll have about 3 nanoseconds to care about who started what before the shock wave hits you and blows your ass to smithereens. :D

Should make for good TV! :popcorn:

Noticed how you still can't answer any of my questions because you don't have the Guts to admit they never even tried to " negltiate", still can't justify why Israel should give in 100% or why that " justifies" Arab Agression starting WW 111. Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality- ALWAYS making excuses for the Arabs when it comes to the destruction of Israel :cuckoo:
Why can't you just admit the fact that even though I asked you to Google Abbas " peace proposals" you haven't because he has never made one in spite of your earlier posts

Why can't you accept the fact that Israel is not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized or respected, give up all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" which could eventually make the Jewish people a minority. So much for their Homeland

You claimed earlier that Abbas is giving up land. Why can't you admit the fact that it's a lie?

Still haven't told us why the Arabs should INITIATE WW 111 if Abbas doesn't get his all his way. I gave you the definition of " negotiate" before. Try to read it again ; SLOWLY. At least you finally admit one thing; The Arabs are the agressors, they always have been and they are the ones who will initiate WW 111 :eek:
If a nuke goes off in or near Israel, you'll have about 3 nanoseconds to care about who started what before the shock wave hits you and blows your ass to smithereens. :D

Should make for good TV! :popcorn:

Noticed how you still can't answer any of my questions because you don't have the Guts to admit they never even tried to " negltiate", still can't justify why Israel should give in 100% or why that " justifies" Arab Agression starting WW 111. Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality- ALWAYS making excuses for the Arabs when it comes to the destruction of Israel :cuckoo:

I'll say it again, I don't give a shit what abbas said or does. Israel as the occupyer and superior force should make a real peace offer, touching on all the major points, and maybe they take it for real! Who knows? It's never happened.
Otherwise, eventually, Israel gets nuked.
If a nuke goes off in or near Israel, you'll have about 3 nanoseconds to care about who started what before the shock wave hits you and blows your ass to smithereens. :D

Should make for good TV! :popcorn:

Noticed how you still can't answer any of my questions because you don't have the Guts to admit they never even tried to " negltiate", still can't justify why Israel should give in 100% or why that " justifies" Arab Agression starting WW 111. Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality- ALWAYS making excuses for the Arabs when it comes to the destruction of Israel :cuckoo:

I'll say it again, I don't give a shit what abbas said or does. Israel as the occupyer and superior force should make a real peace offer, touching on all the major points, and maybe they take it for real! Who knows? It's never happened.
Otherwise, eventually, Israel gets nuked.

I'll say it again; Try to read slowly. Olmert offered Abbas almost everything he wanted including land within the borders linking Gaza to the W. Bank ( Obviously something they did not have before) I have posted his offer MANY times. Not my fault if you can't read. Doubt my postings? Google it yourself then. It would only take a few minutes. Abbas made " offers" that Israel refused? Google them and let us know.

You won't because you don't have the guts to admit you're wrong. I repeat; Why should Israel get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get his ALL his way? What " land" is he giving up? Just one more example of Arab Agression starting WW 3 !!!!
:eek: :eusa_hand:
Noticed how you still can't answer any of my questions because you don't have the Guts to admit they never even tried to " negltiate", still can't justify why Israel should give in 100% or why that " justifies" Arab Agression starting WW 111. Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality- ALWAYS making excuses for the Arabs when it comes to the destruction of Israel :cuckoo:

I'll say it again, I don't give a shit what abbas said or does. Israel as the occupyer and superior force should make a real peace offer, touching on all the major points, and maybe they take it for real! Who knows? It's never happened.
Otherwise, eventually, Israel gets nuked.

I'll say it again; Try to read slowly. Olmert offered Abbas almost everything he wanted including land within the borders linking Gaza to the W. Bank ( Obviously something they did not have before) I have posted his offer MANY times. Not my fault if you can't read. Doubt my postings? Google it yourself then. It would only take a few minutes. Abbas made " offers" that Israel refused? Google them and let us know.

You won't because you don't have the guts to admit you're wrong. I repeat; Why should Israel get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get his ALL his way? What " land" is he giving up? Just one more example of Arab Agression starting WW 3 !!!!
:eek: :eusa_hand:

Israel has never made a proper peace offer. I'll think of you when the nuke hits. :D
I'll say it again, I don't give a shit what abbas said or does. Israel as the occupyer and superior force should make a real peace offer, touching on all the major points, and maybe they take it for real! Who knows? It's never happened.
Otherwise, eventually, Israel gets nuked.

I'll say it again; Try to read slowly. Olmert offered Abbas almost everything he wanted including land within the borders linking Gaza to the W. Bank ( Obviously something they did not have before) I have posted his offer MANY times. Not my fault if you can't read. Doubt my postings? Google it yourself then. It would only take a few minutes. Abbas made " offers" that Israel refused? Google them and let us know.

You won't because you don't have the guts to admit you're wrong. I repeat; Why should Israel get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get his ALL his way? What " land" is he giving up? Just one more example of Arab Agression starting WW 3 !!!!
:eek: :eusa_hand:

Israel has never made a proper peace offer. I'll think of you when the nuke hits. :D

Not my fault if you have a problem with reading Comphrension. Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. Typical Pro- Palestinian; To her a " proper offer" are the 67 Borders, giving up all rights to E. Jerusalem, and " Right of Return". It was in her prior post That will never happen. Still haven't " explained" why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it all his way. BTW, what " land" is he giving up in his " offer?" lol :cuckoo: :eek: :cuckoo:
I'll say it again; Try to read slowly. Olmert offered Abbas almost everything he wanted including land within the borders linking Gaza to the W. Bank ( Obviously something they did not have before) I have posted his offer MANY times. Not my fault if you can't read. Doubt my postings? Google it yourself then. It would only take a few minutes. Abbas made " offers" that Israel refused? Google them and let us know.

You won't because you don't have the guts to admit you're wrong. I repeat; Why should Israel get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get his ALL his way? What " land" is he giving up? Just one more example of Arab Agression starting WW 3 !!!!
:eek: :eusa_hand:

Israel has never made a proper peace offer. I'll think of you when the nuke hits. :D

Not my fault if you have a problem with reading Comphrension. Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. Typical Pro- Palestinian; To her a " proper offer" are the 67 Borders, giving up all rights to E. Jerusalem, and " Right of Return". It was in her prior post That will never happen. Still haven't " explained" why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it all his way. BTW, what " land" is he giving up in his " offer?" lol :cuckoo: :eek: :cuckoo:

He'd let the occupying force keep some of their ill-gotten land.
ima, talking about Israel getting nuked repeatedly just shows how frustrated you are with what proudvetran is telling you and your incapability to answer his simple question .. you're a sad man..

Nuked, now that's funny hahahaha. What country in their right mind would commit suicide by nuking ISrael
ima, talking about Israel getting nuked repeatedly just shows how frustrated you are with what proudvetran is telling you and your incapability to answer his simple question .. you're a sad man..

Nuked, now that's funny hahahaha. What country in their right mind would commit suicide by nuking ISrael

Israel getting nuked down the road is a possibility. Burying your head in the sand won't matter.
ima, talking about Israel getting nuked repeatedly just shows how frustrated you are with what proudvetran is telling you and your incapability to answer his simple question .. you're a sad man..

Nuked, now that's funny hahahaha. What country in their right mind would commit suicide by nuking ISrael

Israel getting nuked down the road is a possibility. Burying your head in the sand won't matter.

Translation; To the Pro- Palestinian a " Real Offer" are the 67 Borders that were never accepted, no rights in E. Jerusalem, and " Right of Return" which would eventually annex Israel to Palestinian. Why can't she tell us what " offers" Abbas made? That's because he hasn't made any; He demands all of the above. Why should Israel get " nuked" to start WW 3 if Abbas doesn't get EVERYTHING all his way? No answer. Typical Pro- Palestinian Mentality :cuckoo:
Well ima, just a reminder that Israel has several Dolphin submarines with nuclear tipped missles, operating under the water 24/7 :D
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