Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Hezbollah was BIRTHED - CREATED IN IRAN - Brilliant! Furthermore, Iran has been openly plotting and conspiring to wipe Israel off the face of the earth for decades now. They financed Hezbollah - the weapons being sent to Hamas, they are fully complicit in actively working towards the destruction of Israel - on a major scale. Rosies analogy made PERFECT SENSE and the only idiocy I am reading here is coming from YOUR PEN, not hers! - Jeremiah
Hezbollah, is a member of the Lebanese governmet. Iran, is a completely separate country. And sending arms to Hamas, is none of Israel's god-damn business! Gazan's have a right to defend themselves. And there is nothing wrong, sending them weapons to do that with.

As far as the "wipe off the map" bullshit, that has been completely debunked and is nothing more than dumbass, zionist propaganda. And if someone actually does attack them, it will be because the Israeli's deserves it! You can't run around shooting whomever you fuckin' please, without someone eventually shooting back. Israel is the one intiating all the hostilities in that area.

But this is all a moot point. Even if someone wanted to "wipe them out", there isn't a single country in the ME that has the military capability of pulling that off. Now, if the Israeli's provoke the Russian's, that's a different matter. Russia can make that country glow in the dark, so Israel shouldn't be taking pot shots at them, like they do Palestinian fisherman and farmers.

I am well aware that Hezbollah has infiltrated the Lebonese Government. So what? What does that have to do with the fact that the terror group was birthed in Iran and she's been financing them ever since? Do you not recall the Iranians first calling the meeting in the 70's ----> calling the OPEC nations to rally round to wage war against Israel? Using the oil embargo to blackmail the west into putting the boycott on Israel? Just how much do you remember about the history of Hezbollah? This is how the Iranians have gotten away with much of their nonsense for decades and it is time to put an end to it. I believe those plans are in the making now.
Debunked my ass. It's not even one speech, it's a thousand speeches given over a period of decades starting with Khomieni himself, and repeated by almost every leader and over and over, you fucking moron. You really need to stop believing and repeating what these bullshit anti Semitic conspiracy sites say. Otherwise continue looking like an ignorant fool.

He has good reading material here if he will just open his mind up to hear the facts.
Anybody who actually believes that Iran doesn't want to destroy Israel is beyond help.

Why Israel Is the Victim

February 12, 2013
By David Horowitz

Israel, the only democracy and tolerant society in the Middle East, is surrounded by Muslim states that have sworn to destroy it and have conducted a genocidal propaganda campaign against the Jews, promising to “finish the job that Hitler started.” A global wave of Jew-hatred, fomented by Muslim propaganda and left-wing anti-Semitism, has spread through Europe and the United Nations and made Israel a pariah nation. David Horowitz’s classic Why Israel Is the Victim, now updated in the pamphlet below, sets the record straight about the Middle East conflict. In addition to restoring the historical record — a chronicle of obsessive aggressions first by Arab nationalists and then by Muslim jihadists, this pamphlet brings the story up to date by showing the systematic way in which the fanatical Islamic parties, Hamas and Hezbollah, sponsored by Iran, have subverted peace in the Middle East.


Why Israel Is the Victim
The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement

February 19, 2013
By Steven Plaut

The so-called “BDS” movement is nothing less than a poorly-disguised campaign of bigotry and aggression against Jews by anti-Semites and jihadists.


The latest manifestation of Boycott-the-Jews anti-Semitism is in the campus “BDS” movement. Like the previous boycotts, the newer “BDS” is nothing more than a campaign of economic warfare and aggression against Jews. The main aggressors these days are small groups of campus anti-Semites and brownshirts from the Far Left and the Far Right, joined by Islamofascists. The recent campus Day of Anti-Semitic Hatred at Brooklyn College was just the tip of the swastika, and was thoroughly denounced by Alan Dershowitz and others. The same university administrators who would order in the state troopers to prevent any “conference” on the genetic inferiority of black folks or on the mental deficiencies of homosexuals are the first to defend academic pogroms against Jews in the name of freedom of speech. Can campus Holocaust Denial Rallies be far behind? You can see a leading British BDS advocate posing in front of an Arab swastika, used by the Syrian neo-Nazi group, the SSNP, here. The resemblance to Judith Butler and her recent appearance at the Brooklyn College Hatefest is, in the immortal words of Yoggi Berra, too coincidental to be a coincidence.


Its front page message is worth citing:

BDS-ers come from the goosestepping Neo-Nazi Right, from the bedwetting radical Left, from the “anarchist” anarcho-fascist movements, from the various front groups for the “International Solidarity Movement” or ISM (which stands for “I Support Murderers”). BDS is the official mantra of the anti-Semitic vermin and their genocidal fellow travelers, who are attempting to get the world to boycott Israel. The BDS scum consist of anti-Jewish racists seeking the annihilation of Israel and strive for a second Holocaust of the Jewish people. They work to achieve this while pretending that they think Israel mistreats Arabs. If they had been alive in the 1930s and 1940s, they would all have been participating in the German movement to boycott and divest from Jews.


But you’ve got to hand it to the boycotters. They hate Jews so much that they want Jews harmed even if the campaign also harms Arabs. After all, Arabs are nothing more than an instance in collateral damage in the holy war of aggression and jihad against the Jews. In the view of the BDSholes, Arabs never are entitled to any human rights protection in Arab countries. Arabs need protection only when this serves to undermine, endanger, and demonize the Jews. In all other cases, let them eat stale pita!

The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement
I am well aware that Hezbollah has infiltrated the Lebonese Government. So what? What does that have to do with the fact that the terror group was birthed in Iran and she's been financing them ever since? Do you not recall the Iranians first calling the meeting in the 70's ----> calling the OPEC nations to rally round to wage war against Israel? Using the oil embargo to blackmail the west into putting the boycott on Israel? Just how much do you remember about the history of Hezbollah? This is how the Iranians have gotten away with much of their nonsense for decades and it is time to put an end to it. I believe those plans are in the making now.
The last I looked, the US and Israel are the two country's running around the world, making up bullshit reasons, to attack sovereign nations.
The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement

February 19, 2013
By Steven Plaut

The so-called “BDS” movement is nothing less than a poorly-disguised campaign of bigotry and aggression against Jews by anti-Semites and jihadists.


The latest manifestation of Boycott-the-Jews anti-Semitism is in the campus “BDS” movement. Like the previous boycotts, the newer “BDS” is nothing more than a campaign of economic warfare and aggression against Jews. The main aggressors these days are small groups of campus anti-Semites and brownshirts from the Far Left and the Far Right, joined by Islamofascists. The recent campus Day of Anti-Semitic Hatred at Brooklyn College was just the tip of the swastika, and was thoroughly denounced by Alan Dershowitz and others. The same university administrators who would order in the state troopers to prevent any “conference” on the genetic inferiority of black folks or on the mental deficiencies of homosexuals are the first to defend academic pogroms against Jews in the name of freedom of speech. Can campus Holocaust Denial Rallies be far behind? You can see a leading British BDS advocate posing in front of an Arab swastika, used by the Syrian neo-Nazi group, the SSNP, here. The resemblance to Judith Butler and her recent appearance at the Brooklyn College Hatefest is, in the immortal words of Yoggi Berra, too coincidental to be a coincidence.


Its front page message is worth citing:

BDS-ers come from the goosestepping Neo-Nazi Right, from the bedwetting radical Left, from the “anarchist” anarcho-fascist movements, from the various front groups for the “International Solidarity Movement” or ISM (which stands for “I Support Murderers”). BDS is the official mantra of the anti-Semitic vermin and their genocidal fellow travelers, who are attempting to get the world to boycott Israel. The BDS scum consist of anti-Jewish racists seeking the annihilation of Israel and strive for a second Holocaust of the Jewish people. They work to achieve this while pretending that they think Israel mistreats Arabs. If they had been alive in the 1930s and 1940s, they would all have been participating in the German movement to boycott and divest from Jews.


But you’ve got to hand it to the boycotters. They hate Jews so much that they want Jews harmed even if the campaign also harms Arabs. After all, Arabs are nothing more than an instance in collateral damage in the holy war of aggression and jihad against the Jews. In the view of the BDSholes, Arabs never are entitled to any human rights protection in Arab countries. Arabs need protection only when this serves to undermine, endanger, and demonize the Jews. In all other cases, let them eat stale pita!

The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement
The BDS movement is an economic boycott of Israeli products because of their inhuman and illegal treatment of the Palestinian's.
Debunked my ass. It's not even one speech, it's a thousand speeches given over a period of decades starting with Khomieni himself, and repeated by almost every leader and over and over, you fucking moron. You really need to stop believing and repeating what these bullshit anti Semitic conspiracy sites say. Otherwise continue looking like an ignorant fool.
Khomieni's the only one who said it.

Everything else, is just your bullshit translation deficiencies.
In 1932----the isa respecting ADOLF ABU ALI came to political power ---seven years
after publishing the sequel to the isa-respecting
Koran Jews objected----but their concerns
were termed "WAR MONGERING" by the
Isa respecters of the world and still are so
So what! Neither one have attacked Israel.

Iran supplied weapons to Hamas who launched them at Israel

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

And the US supplies Israel with money and weapons so they can attack arabs.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:
Iran supplied weapons to Hamas who launched them at Israel

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

And the US supplies Israel with money and weapons so they can attack arabs.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:

You're talking to a guy who constantly says Israel will be nuked soon lolololol. I think he's like 14 years old or something
And the US supplies Israel with money and weapons so they can attack arabs.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:

You're talking to a guy who constantly says Israel will be nuked soon lolololol. I think he's like 14 years old or something

I wish I was 14, thanks for the compliment. But I've said that Israel should use this time as the superior and occupyer force to make peace, or else risk getting nuked down the road. Soon? maybe. Probably not for a few years still. And it's only a fool who completely discounts the possibility. I guess that would be you 2. :D
The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement

February 19, 2013
By Steven Plaut

The so-called “BDS” movement is nothing less than a poorly-disguised campaign of bigotry and aggression against Jews by anti-Semites and jihadists.


The latest manifestation of Boycott-the-Jews anti-Semitism is in the campus “BDS” movement. Like the previous boycotts, the newer “BDS” is nothing more than a campaign of economic warfare and aggression against Jews. The main aggressors these days are small groups of campus anti-Semites and brownshirts from the Far Left and the Far Right, joined by Islamofascists. The recent campus Day of Anti-Semitic Hatred at Brooklyn College was just the tip of the swastika, and was thoroughly denounced by Alan Dershowitz and others. The same university administrators who would order in the state troopers to prevent any “conference” on the genetic inferiority of black folks or on the mental deficiencies of homosexuals are the first to defend academic pogroms against Jews in the name of freedom of speech. Can campus Holocaust Denial Rallies be far behind? You can see a leading British BDS advocate posing in front of an Arab swastika, used by the Syrian neo-Nazi group, the SSNP, here. The resemblance to Judith Butler and her recent appearance at the Brooklyn College Hatefest is, in the immortal words of Yoggi Berra, too coincidental to be a coincidence.


Its front page message is worth citing:

BDS-ers come from the goosestepping Neo-Nazi Right, from the bedwetting radical Left, from the “anarchist” anarcho-fascist movements, from the various front groups for the “International Solidarity Movement” or ISM (which stands for “I Support Murderers”). BDS is the official mantra of the anti-Semitic vermin and their genocidal fellow travelers, who are attempting to get the world to boycott Israel. The BDS scum consist of anti-Jewish racists seeking the annihilation of Israel and strive for a second Holocaust of the Jewish people. They work to achieve this while pretending that they think Israel mistreats Arabs. If they had been alive in the 1930s and 1940s, they would all have been participating in the German movement to boycott and divest from Jews.


But you’ve got to hand it to the boycotters. They hate Jews so much that they want Jews harmed even if the campaign also harms Arabs. After all, Arabs are nothing more than an instance in collateral damage in the holy war of aggression and jihad against the Jews. In the view of the BDSholes, Arabs never are entitled to any human rights protection in Arab countries. Arabs need protection only when this serves to undermine, endanger, and demonize the Jews. In all other cases, let them eat stale pita!

The Nazi Roots of the Boycott-Israel Movement
The BDS movement is an economic boycott of Israeli products because of their inhuman and illegal treatment of the Palestinian's.

BDS = Bad Dumb & Stupid

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Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:

You're talking to a guy who constantly says Israel will be nuked soon lolololol. I think he's like 14 years old or something

I wish I was 14, thanks for the compliment. But I've said that Israel should use this time as the superior and occupyer force to make peace, or else risk getting nuked down the road. Soon? maybe. Probably not for a few years still. And it's only a fool who completely discounts the possibility. I guess that would be you 2. :D

If Israel is nuked way more arabs will die then Jews from nuclear fallout alone...:eusa_angel:
the only dangers a nuclear Iran is to Israel is the possibility of their using
dirty bombs and the SENSE OF TRIUMPH that will be engendered in the
Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:
An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense.

Israel became a " occupational Force" when the Arab Nations decided not to accept the 67 Borders or anything else concerning Israel's existence.

They initiate violence; Israel has the right to defend herself. Deal with it :clap2:
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