Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Who Wants a Third Intifada?

Posted: 02/27/2013
Dr. Josef Olmert

Predicting troubles in the Middle East in general, and with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian situation in particular, is a safe bet. This is the region of the world where troubles are the rule, and good news is the exception. So, there is nothing new about predicting/anticipating a third Palestinian intifada against the Israelis, and with it all hell will break loose, and the West Bank and Israel itself will yet again become the arena of suffering, bloodshed and shuttered hopes. Well, not so fast. Maybe -- I should say hopefully -- not now, not again.

The immediate catalyst to the repeated talks about a new intifada is the unfortunate death of a Palestinian detainee, Arafat Jaradat, in the Megiddo Jail in Northern Israel.
[ I wonder if the Israeli's gave out sweets like the islamic beasts do when they murder an Israeli family???]


Dr. Josef Olmert: Who Wants a Third Intifada?

Nobody wants another intifada.

No justice-no peace.
There we go again; The ignorant one first claiming that Abbas is giving them "land" not even realizing that the " 67 Borders" that never existed are the " recognized borders" ( even though they aren't). Abbas CAN'T ask for more; he is not " letting" Israel have that land. NOBODY in the U.N. is calling for it lol At least she admits it's the Arabs who are the Agressors and will initiate WW 111:cuckoo: .

Israel started the war, the arabs are just continuing what the Jews started. As the aggressors and occupyers, the Jews need to decide whether they want peace or continued war, meaning getting nuked.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The Arabs initiated the 67 War because they couldn't stand Israel's right to exist. Until this time Israel was denied all access into E. Jerusalem, something they should have had access to since 1948 . You keep " claiming" Abbas is offering " land". Google it and let us know. You claim that Abbas isn't demanding it be ALL his way.... Documentation please. Still can't/ refuse to tell us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it ALL his way. I repeat... At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 like they INITIATED all the other Wars :cuckoo:
You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.
Israel started the war, the arabs are just continuing what the Jews started. As the aggressors and occupyers, the Jews need to decide whether they want peace or continued war, meaning getting nuked.

Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The Arabs initiated the 67 War because they couldn't stand Israel's right to exist. Until this time Israel was denied all access into E. Jerusalem, something they should have had access to since 1948 . You keep " claiming" Abbas is offering " land". Google it and let us know. You claim that Abbas isn't demanding it be ALL his way.... Documentation please. Still can't/ refuse to tell us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it ALL his way. I repeat... At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 like they INITIATED all the other Wars :cuckoo:
You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.

You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3
Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The Arabs initiated the 67 War because they couldn't stand Israel's right to exist. Until this time Israel was denied all access into E. Jerusalem, something they should have had access to since 1948 . You keep " claiming" Abbas is offering " land". Google it and let us know. You claim that Abbas isn't demanding it be ALL his way.... Documentation please. Still can't/ refuse to tell us why Israel should get " nuked" if Abbas doesn't get it ALL his way. I repeat... At least you admit the Arabs are the Agressors and will initiate WW 3 like they INITIATED all the other Wars :cuckoo:
You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.

You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.
Why do people talk about 'Israel's right to exist'? It is like going on about the Third Reich's right to exist. The colonists are, by and large, the non-believing descendants of converts, and even if they weren't, who believes what half-baked history tells us about the distant past gives us the right to steal some land? Of course 'Israel' has no right to exist, though the colonists as people have - except, of course, the war criminals, who should, like their German models be tried and, if guilty, hanged.
Why do people talk about 'Israel's right to exist'? It is like going on about the Third Reich's right to exist. The colonists are, by and large, the non-believing descendants of converts, and even if they weren't, who believes what half-baked history tells us about the distant past gives us the right to steal some land? Of course 'Israel' has no right to exist, though the colonists as people have - except, of course, the war criminals, who should, like their German models be tried and, if guilty, hanged.

And every one of your 'statements' above is inaccurate or false or an outright lie. Israel DOES exist: the UN accepted its existence. So although you're welcome to not like the fact - just disagreeing with Israel doesn't give others the right to attack its citizens repeatedly. Or to attack and murder other Jewish people around the world.
You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.

You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.
Right, and Ariel Sharon is still directing traffic in Israel. Do you ever read or listen to the news?
You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.
Right, and Ariel Sharon is still directing traffic in Israel. Do you ever read or listen to the news?

Yes he does. From here Palestine Chronicle | Latest News, Palestine, Middle East, Commentary & Analysis

You going to keep repeating the same lies every time I post something? Go for it. You're talking to someone who actually knows the truth of what happened. The arabs didn't start a war to establish a zionist state. I'm pretty sure even you know that.

You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.

He was irrelevant from the Day he was elected just like any other " Palestinian President" lol will be.
You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.

He was irrelevant from the Day he was elected just like any other " Palestinian President" lol will be.
ALMOST as irrelevant as you. :D
You keep posting Abbas is giving land but you"re a liar. You repeat Abbas is" negotiating" but you"re a liar. You"re so stupid you a actually "state" that Abbas is"letting" them have the "67" borders not understanding that these are the "recognized International borders" and Abbas can't ask for more . At least you admit the Arabs will initiate WW3

Abbas is irrelevant. He left the government in June of 2007 and his elected term in office expired in January of 2009.
Right, and Ariel Sharon is still directing traffic in Israel. Do you ever read or listen to the news?

Not traffic, he's a waiter at the smoked grill serving up smoked yassin...

xXx WARNING xXx morbid picture HERE...
But not in it's present form

No going back to borders that were never recognized or respected, no "Right of Return"
How about a right to vote in Israeli elections for all Arabs under living Jewish laws between the River and the sea? Jewish State or Democratic State?

PROBLEM SOLVED_---and by muslims of all people. Maldives is a
DEMOCRACY ---which a few years ago DEMOCRATICALLY voted
to restrict citizenship TO MUSLIMS ONLY----all non muslims
were simply stripped of citizenship. I was a messageboard
person back then-----and back then ---noted that people like you
DEMOCRATICALLY VOTE itself a muslim only land.
It is just a matter of making it so by a careful adjustment.
The shariah shit hole in which my husband was born is
ALSO a democracy-----several years ago when there
were still jews there----a forward thinking young muslim
politician tried to over throw the rule that MUSLIMS ONLY
could run for political office----he was not only over-ruled---
but the country covered a possible loophole---
which was "CONVERSION TO ISLAM"-----the new rule on the
books is that in order to run for political office a person
must be the child of TWO MUSLIM PARENTS---as well---
of course as being a muslim. LAWS CAN BE MADE to
any purpose in a DEMOCRACY

Egypt’s Religion Minister Hopes to Visit Israel When All the Jews are Dead

April 4, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


Egypt?s Religion Minister Hopes to Visit Israel When All the Jews are Dead | FrontPage Magazine

Look at the poor old fuck, he'll never see Israel...:eusa_whistle:
American_Jihadi, Frontpage mag and MEMRI all spreading hate?
American_Jihadi, Frontpage mag and MEMRI all spreading hate?
Evidently Yousef Mohammed doesn't want to hear the truth. However, he does love to hear his beloved Ayatollahs screech "Death to Israel." Say, Yousef, since the truth is that Christians and Baha'is are being held in Iranian jails just because of their religious beliefs, could you hop over there and use your excellent Farsi in convincing the authorities that there should be tolerance in a religion and that the non Muslim people in Iran shouldn't be punished because of their beliefs.
American_Jihadi, Frontpage mag and MEMRI all spreading hate?
Evidently Yousef Mohammed doesn't want to hear the truth. However, he does love to hear his beloved Ayatollahs screech "Death to Israel." Say, Yousef, since the truth is that Christians and Baha'is are being held in Iranian jails just because of their religious beliefs, could you hop over there and use your excellent Farsi in convincing the authorities that there should be tolerance in a religion and that the non Muslim people in Iran shouldn't be punished because of their beliefs.

Hoss, don't waste yo time on it. He/she smokes to much shit...:eusa_angel:

American_Jihadi, Frontpage mag and MEMRI all spreading hate?

Evypt's " Religion Minister" hopes to visit Israel when all Jews are dead but the above mentioned are " spreading hate?" What would you say if a Jewish leader said he would visit " Palestine" if when all Palestinians are dead? ( Not a bad idea) Another Pro Palestinian Hypocrite :cuckoo:
American_Jihadi, Frontpage mag and MEMRI all spreading hate?
Evidently Yousef Mohammed doesn't want to hear the truth. However, he does love to hear his beloved Ayatollahs screech "Death to Israel." Say, Yousef, since the truth is that Christians and Baha'is are being held in Iranian jails just because of their religious beliefs, could you hop over there and use your excellent Farsi in convincing the authorities that there should be tolerance in a religion and that the non Muslim people in Iran shouldn't be punished because of their beliefs.

be careful bipolar-----I once got suspended from a message board
for doing copy/paste of mosque sermons----the moderator called it
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