Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Nor is Rocco a poster who is 'erratic': he's been very much consistent in his posts AND based on fact and logic.

So I very much do NOT see whatever 'point' seal imagines he's making: in fact, I daresay that 'point' simply doesn't really exist.

i consider anyone who runs around rattling sabers an erratic and dangerous individual.

rocco drags in obscure facts and then leaps to a conclusion without logic.

i love my country enough not watch while we waste our children's blood just so old blowhards can thump their chests about how tough they are.

if you would care to recall, many of those who had an opinion as we began these military crusades were vets and opposed to such military action despite the cheers of the armchair patriots, fearing the mideast would turn into another vietnam and here we are now, ten years down the road with no real end in sight and people like rocco and crew are ready to shake, rattle and roll becaise somebody puts up a pic on a message board.

i have a kid serving now. lord protect him from erratic zealotry of americans who are willing to sacrifice him and his fellow soldiers and sailors of the altar of their own failed manhood.

those men and women want to come home now and i want them here. i want to help them come home.
Blooded killers like you ?? WTF is the matter with you Seal? God damn you are one vulgar disgusting liar who cannot contain himself.

As for Americans killed by Palestinians:
Americans Killed or Injured by Palestinian Terrorists (Boker tov, Boulder!)

if you expect me to apologise for serving in the U.S. Army in combat and not becoming a casuality despite your fondest wishes, you will be waiting a long time. i am sorry that some hot blooded troopies gave away positions in their eagerness when a bit of patience would have preserved the lives of american soldiers. perhaps you wish for more names on the wall.

your link provided no information at all as to how many americans have lost their lives to palestinians and how many have lost their lives to israelis. it was a jewish source anyway so i would expect the usual bias. the only thing i really noficed was a white box on an otherwise dark background with the words "send miney" in it. my internet connection then failed. i tried again and the same thing.

I have no clue what you are talking about regarding your service. Was this just another one of your deflections ?

LOL and you call my source bias?? Are you blind. Can you read? The link provides a list of Americans killed by Palestinians. What happens when you click the link ?

i saw a dark page with bokertov boulder at the top, followed by a zionist quote that indicated the bias. then i saw a bunch of links on the let hand side.
if you expect me to apologise for serving in the U.S. Army in combat and not becoming a casuality despite your fondest wishes, you will be waiting a long time. i am sorry that some hot blooded troopies gave away positions in their eagerness when a bit of patience would have preserved the lives of american soldiers. perhaps you wish for more names on the wall.

your link provided no information at all as to how many americans have lost their lives to palestinians and how many have lost their lives to israelis. it was a jewish source anyway so i would expect the usual bias. the only thing i really noficed was a white box on an otherwise dark background with the words "send miney" in it. my internet connection then failed. i tried again and the same thing.

I have no clue what you are talking about regarding your service. Was this just another one of your deflections ?

LOL and you call my source bias?? Are you blind. Can you read? The link provides a list of Americans killed by Palestinians. What happens when you click the link ?

i saw a dark page with bokertov boulder at the top, followed by a zionist quote that indicated the bias. then i saw a bunch of links on the let hand side.

There is a full list of Americans killed by Palestinians since 1993.
This was is response to your ridiculous claim that Palestinians never attacked Americans
I have no clue what you are talking about regarding your service. Was this just another one of your deflections ?

LOL and you call my source bias?? Are you blind. Can you read? The link provides a list of Americans killed by Palestinians. What happens when you click the link ?

i saw a dark page with bokertov boulder at the top, followed by a zionist quote that indicated the bias. then i saw a bunch of links on the let hand side.

There is a full list of Americans killed by Palestinians since 1993.
This was is response to your ridiculous claim that Palestinians never attacked Americans

i suppose you would have a link to the post where i said palestinians never attacked americans.
i saw a dark page with bokertov boulder at the top, followed by a zionist quote that indicated the bias. then i saw a bunch of links on the let hand side.

There is a full list of Americans killed by Palestinians since 1993.
This was is response to your ridiculous claim that Palestinians never attacked Americans

i suppose you would have a link to the post where i said palestinians never attacked americans.

Post #451
There is a full list of Americans killed by Palestinians since 1993.
This was is response to your ridiculous claim that Palestinians never attacked Americans

i suppose you would have a link to the post where i said palestinians never attacked americans.

Post #451

people can go read the post and the posts that preceded it and see your dishonesty. the dicussion was about the twin trade towers and the empire state building. i then said that i thought more americans had been killed by israelis than palestinians.
i suppose you would have a link to the post where i said palestinians never attacked americans.

Post #451

people can go read the post and the posts that preceded it and see your dishonesty. the dicussion was about the twin trade towers and the empire state building. i then said that i thought more americans had been killed by israelis than palestinians.

What dishonesty ?? You said you don't recall Palestinians attacking Americans and I showed you the many Americans who were killed by Palestinians. I didn't know you were talking about the Twin Towers
You said 'us'. I assume that meant Americans

i did. do you think i am not an american. again, the discussion was about an attack in our soil and centered around an attack in the empire state building.

you are a sniveling little whiner who is cyber stalking everything i post beccause you are angry because you have lied about me and people have called you on it. you are a coward.
leave me alone and stop being such a baby.
You said 'us'. I assume that meant Americans

i did. do you think i am not an american. again, the discussion was about an attack in our soil and centered around an attack in the empire state building.

you are a sniveling little whiner who is cyber stalking everything i post beccause you are angry because you have lied about me and people have called you on it. you are a coward.
leave me alone and stop being such a baby.

Hahaha a coward ? A coward is someone who deletes his post after being called out on it and then runs away like the little weasel that he is. YOu said Palestinians never attacked Americans and I proved your claim to be wrong.
Now you're angry about that so you resort to insults, as usual. THAT is being a cry baby.
If you don't like being called out on your claims, then don't post here .
Funny you call me a whine when you are known to be a whiner.
YOu continuously accuse people of what you are guilty of, and that shows just how self conscious you are about the littlest things. You have to be the most immature poster here Seal. Immature and full of shit. I can smell the shit here from Canada
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And what was I being dishonest about ? Care to elaborate, or is this another lie ??
You said 'us'. I assume that meant Americans

i did. do you think i am not an american. again, the discussion was about an attack in our soil and centered around an attack in the empire state building.

you are a sniveling little whiner who is cyber stalking everything i post beccause you are angry because you have lied about me and people have called you on it. you are a coward.
leave me alone and stop being such a baby.

Oh, and here's another incident:

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was done on U.S soil.
Maybe you should be doing a little more research instead of lying and being a bigot, before you make stupid claims. Run along now little coward
You said 'us'. I assume that meant Americans

i did. do you think i am not an american. again, the discussion was about an attack in our soil and centered around an attack in the empire state building.

you are a sniveling little whiner who is cyber stalking everything i post beccause you are angry because you have lied about me and people have called you on it. you are a coward.
leave me alone and stop being such a baby.

Oh, and here's another incident:

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was done on U.S soil.
Maybe you should be doing a little more research instead of lying and being a bigot, before you make stupid claims. Run along now little coward

again, we were discussing something in a very narrowly defined area.

you are grasping at straws.

try leon klinghoffer too. i have mentioned him a few times in the past as well.

and there was a wrestler competing for israel that competed in the munich olympics as well. you are a freak. there was no link and coyote called you on it. there was no link and i called you on it and now, you are grasping at any straw you can find.

stop making a complete fool of yourself. drop it. you accused me of something. i asked for a link, you had none. the end.
i did. do you think i am not an american. again, the discussion was about an attack in our soil and centered around an attack in the empire state building.

you are a sniveling little whiner who is cyber stalking everything i post beccause you are angry because you have lied about me and people have called you on it. you are a coward.
leave me alone and stop being such a baby.

Oh, and here's another incident:

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was done on U.S soil.
Maybe you should be doing a little more research instead of lying and being a bigot, before you make stupid claims. Run along now little coward

again, we were discussing something in a very narrowly defined area.

you are grasping at straws.

try leon klinghoffer too. i have mentioned him a few times in the past as well.

and there was a wrestler competing for israel that competed in the munich olympics as well. you are a freak. there was no link and coyote called you on it. there was no link and i called you on it and now, you are grasping at any straw you can find.

stop making a complete fool of yourself. drop it. you accused me of something. i asked for a link, you had none. the end.

I don't consider the assasination of RObert Kennedy as grasping at straws, but whatever
Oh, and here's another incident:

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was done on U.S soil.
Maybe you should be doing a little more research instead of lying and being a bigot, before you make stupid claims. Run along now little coward

again, we were discussing something in a very narrowly defined area.

you are grasping at straws.

try leon klinghoffer too. i have mentioned him a few times in the past as well.

and there was a wrestler competing for israel that competed in the munich olympics as well. you are a freak. there was no link and coyote called you on it. there was no link and i called you on it and now, you are grasping at any straw you can find.

stop making a complete fool of yourself. drop it. you accused me of something. i asked for a link, you had none. the end.

I don't consider the assasination of RObert Kennedy as grasping at straws, but whatever

the discussion began and centered around aand evolved from this post...

and if you had an ounce of sense you would be able to understand that.

as for your link, i e-mailed it to a friend and asked him to copy it and e-mail it to me and it is even more ridiculous than i thought. for proof you are offering me some cat, a jew, compiling a list that is absolutely ridiculous. i can see why you didn't post the list and posted a link instead...

my fave statistic was "U.S. citizens injured:
One as-yet-unnamed U.S. citizen (reportedly a diplomat)"

now who could debate the accuracy of a list solicited over a blogspot with an entry such as that. i almost though i would see that oft cited jew, seymour butz on the list.

also, many, if not most, of those US citisens were settlers so ya know what, i am going with them being israelis as they had an intent to live there and weren't tourists.

weeee-oooooo. reality wants you to come home, toastie. zionism needs you. LOLOL.
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