Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Jews are Oranges; Arabs are Apples.
When 650,000 Oranges inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million Apples in 1948 Palestine tens of thousands of Apples fled into Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon:

"The number of Palestine refugees varies depending on the source. For 1948-49 refugees, for example, the Israeli government suggests a number as low as 520,000 as opposed to 850,000 by their Palestinian Arab counterparts. As of January 2010, UNRWA cites 1,396,368 registered refugees in camps and 3,370,302 registered refugees not in camps.[38]
The number of UNRWA registered Palestine refugees by country or territory in January 2010 were as follows:
Gaza Strip 1,106,195[39]
West Bank 778,993[39]
Lebanon 425,640[39]
Syria 472,109[39]
Jordan 1,983,733[39]"

Why should Jews distinguish between killing and displacing Syrian apples as opposed to making cider in Gaza? Israel was created precisely to guarantee the sort of crisis we see today in Syria and Lebanon and will likely see tomorrow in Tehran.

I guess it's Colonialism 101?
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, Georgie Boy? We realize that you hate the Jews, so of course that would include the Jews in Israel, but please think for a moment -- the Muslims are killing people in places where there are no Jews involved. Do you really think the Jews are working hand in hand with the Sunnis in blowing up the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. Are the Jews involved with the Muslim Brotherhood in going after the Christian Copts in Egypt? Georgie Boy has his own ideas why Israel was created so maybe he can give us some more nonsense as to why Pakistan was created. And since Georgie Boy fakes us out that he really cares about refugees which he actually uses as pawns, he should consider the millions and millions of refugees from Europe who had to move thousands of miles from their original homes after World War II and somehow they got on with their lives no matter their religion or ethnic background, many more successfully than Georgie Boy got on with his. By the way, I think Georgie Boy, throughout the day, keeps on pinching himself to remember to post his 650,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs shtick over and over and over and over on the forums that he is probably up to thousands of times by now. Can you imagine if Georgie Boy actually had any friends and kept repeating the same thing over and over how they would roll their eyes once he got started? Poor Rocco, he tries so hard but Georgie Boy resists what Rocco is saying.
Muslim crimes in Sudan and Pakistan don't give Jews a pass in Palestine, Aristotle.
My government isn't paying for and providing diplomatic cover for ethnic cleansing in Africa while that is exactly what its doing for the Jews. Once again, the same imperial power that created the mess in Pakistan played the same role in birthing a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil six years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets. You pretend to object to Muslim terrorists taking innocent lives in the Middle East and Africa yet you donated much of your adult life to the same endeavors in Vietnam. Don't you ever feel a little bit hypocritical?
Your government, my myopic friend, is busy bankrupting itself making sure you and your ilk are sharing the wealth. So can the BS.
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound, Georgie Boy? We realize that you hate the Jews, so of course that would include the Jews in Israel, but please think for a moment -- the Muslims are killing people in places where there are no Jews involved. Do you really think the Jews are working hand in hand with the Sunnis in blowing up the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan. Are the Jews involved with the Muslim Brotherhood in going after the Christian Copts in Egypt? Georgie Boy has his own ideas why Israel was created so maybe he can give us some more nonsense as to why Pakistan was created. And since Georgie Boy fakes us out that he really cares about refugees which he actually uses as pawns, he should consider the millions and millions of refugees from Europe who had to move thousands of miles from their original homes after World War II and somehow they got on with their lives no matter their religion or ethnic background, many more successfully than Georgie Boy got on with his. By the way, I think Georgie Boy, throughout the day, keeps on pinching himself to remember to post his 650,000 Jews and 1.2 million Arabs shtick over and over and over and over on the forums that he is probably up to thousands of times by now. Can you imagine if Georgie Boy actually had any friends and kept repeating the same thing over and over how they would roll their eyes once he got started? Poor Rocco, he tries so hard but Georgie Boy resists what Rocco is saying.
Muslim crimes in Sudan and Pakistan don't give Jews a pass in Palestine, Aristotle.
My government isn't paying for and providing diplomatic cover for ethnic cleansing in Africa while that is exactly what its doing for the Jews. Once again, the same imperial power that created the mess in Pakistan played the same role in birthing a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil six years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets. You pretend to object to Muslim terrorists taking innocent lives in the Middle East and Africa yet you donated much of your adult life to the same endeavors in Vietnam. Don't you ever feel a little bit hypocritical?
Your government, my myopic friend, is busy bankrupting itself making sure you and your ilk are sharing the wealth. So can the BS.
Our government isn't doing a very good job, is it?

US Income Gap Soars To Widest Since "Roaring 20s" | Zero Hedge

"The last time the top 10% of the US income distribution had such a large proportion of the entire nation's income was the 1920s - a period that culminated in the Great Depression and a collapse in that exuberance.

"As AP reports, the very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19% of the country's household income last year — their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash.

"And the top 10% captured a record 48.2% of total earnings last year. Analysis by Emanuael Saez shows that, based on IRS data, in 2012, the incomes of the top 1% rose nearly 20% compared with a 1% increase for the remaining 99%.

Do you remember what you were doing on September 16, 1985?

"No it's not Las Vegas or Atlantic City. It's the US financial system. The volume of transactions has boomed far beyond anything needed to support the economy. Borrowing-politely called leverage-is getting out of hand. And futures enable people to play the market without owning a share of stock. The result: the system is tilting from investment to speculation."
BUSINESS WEEK, September 16, 1985 as quoted in The ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know Magdoff and Yates, 2009 P.75

Our country has never been richer.
Our government chooses to borrow from the richest 1% instead of taxing them.
That's OUR problem, and it isn't BS.
Muslim crimes in Sudan and Pakistan don't give Jews a pass in Palestine, Aristotle.
My government isn't paying for and providing diplomatic cover for ethnic cleansing in Africa while that is exactly what its doing for the Jews. Once again, the same imperial power that created the mess in Pakistan played the same role in birthing a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil six years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets. You pretend to object to Muslim terrorists taking innocent lives in the Middle East and Africa yet you donated much of your adult life to the same endeavors in Vietnam. Don't you ever feel a little bit hypocritical?
Your government, my myopic friend, is busy bankrupting itself making sure you and your ilk are sharing the wealth. So can the BS.
Our government isn't doing a very good job, is it?

US Income Gap Soars To Widest Since "Roaring 20s" | Zero Hedge

"The last time the top 10% of the US income distribution had such a large proportion of the entire nation's income was the 1920s - a period that culminated in the Great Depression and a collapse in that exuberance.

"As AP reports, the very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19% of the country's household income last year — their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash.

"And the top 10% captured a record 48.2% of total earnings last year. Analysis by Emanuael Saez shows that, based on IRS data, in 2012, the incomes of the top 1% rose nearly 20% compared with a 1% increase for the remaining 99%.

Do you remember what you were doing on September 16, 1985?

"No it's not Las Vegas or Atlantic City. It's the US financial system. The volume of transactions has boomed far beyond anything needed to support the economy. Borrowing-politely called leverage-is getting out of hand. And futures enable people to play the market without owning a share of stock. The result: the system is tilting from investment to speculation."
BUSINESS WEEK, September 16, 1985 as quoted in The ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know Magdoff and Yates, 2009 P.75

Our country has never been richer.
Our government chooses to borrow from the richest 1% instead of taxing them.
That's OUR problem, and it isn't BS.
Sep 16, 1985. Yep! I was working at the USPS General Facility as an LSM Operator. Got a big pay raise in October and was able to make a down payment on a Bugatti. Still got that sucker. Uncle Sugar sho am sweet!
Muslim crimes in Sudan and Pakistan don't give Jews a pass in Palestine, Aristotle.
My government isn't paying for and providing diplomatic cover for ethnic cleansing in Africa while that is exactly what its doing for the Jews. Once again, the same imperial power that created the mess in Pakistan played the same role in birthing a little loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil six years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets. You pretend to object to Muslim terrorists taking innocent lives in the Middle East and Africa yet you donated much of your adult life to the same endeavors in Vietnam. Don't you ever feel a little bit hypocritical?
Your government, my myopic friend, is busy bankrupting itself making sure you and your ilk are sharing the wealth. So can the BS.
Our government isn't doing a very good job, is it?

US Income Gap Soars To Widest Since "Roaring 20s" | Zero Hedge

"The last time the top 10% of the US income distribution had such a large proportion of the entire nation's income was the 1920s - a period that culminated in the Great Depression and a collapse in that exuberance.

"As AP reports, the very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19% of the country's household income last year — their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash.

"And the top 10% captured a record 48.2% of total earnings last year. Analysis by Emanuael Saez shows that, based on IRS data, in 2012, the incomes of the top 1% rose nearly 20% compared with a 1% increase for the remaining 99%.

Do you remember what you were doing on September 16, 1985?

"No it's not Las Vegas or Atlantic City. It's the US financial system. The volume of transactions has boomed far beyond anything needed to support the economy. Borrowing-politely called leverage-is getting out of hand. And futures enable people to play the market without owning a share of stock. The result: the system is tilting from investment to speculation."
BUSINESS WEEK, September 16, 1985 as quoted in The ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know Magdoff and Yates, 2009 P.75

Our country has never been richer.
Our government chooses to borrow from the richest 1% instead of taxing them.
That's OUR problem, and it isn't BS.
How about giving Russia or the Ukraine a try, Georgie Boy? You might feel very comfortable there. First check if they have subsidized apartments available. Meanwhile, of course, no matter how this country is doing at the moment, millions and millions of people would be happy to take Georgie boy's place here. Georgie Boy is so busy blaming America for something or other that he overlooks the fact that people all around the world are not doing so well, even in places like Europe. He should at least be happy that there are soup kitchens here for people like him. Many in Africa and other locations never get a full belly. By the way, Georgie Boy, it is cooling off in Los Angeles so why not get a little fresh air and gives the forums a rest for a while? You can show your hate for America later on.
Is Israel A Strategic Liability For The United States? - National Security Experts

By Michael F. Scheuer

Adjunct Professor of Security Studies, Georgetown University

And how does our former anti-Soviet bulwark help us in the post-Cold War era? Reportedly it sells the technology we supply to Russia, China, and other of America's great "friends." It suborns U.S. citizens to commit espionage against their country on Israel's behalf. It corrupts U.S. domestic politics and elections via AIPAC and other organizations. It deliberately alienates and provokes the growing American Muslim community by inviting prominent Jewish-Americans -- including the mayor of New York -- to come to Israel and cheer on its invasion of Gaza and the Muslim casualties it has produced. And how does America reward this sterling ally-like behavior? The president-elect makes his chief-of- staff a U.S. citizen who abandoned the United States during the 1991 Iraq war to serve with the IDF. Seems to me that if America had a few more allies like Israel we would be well and truly sunk.

Parenthetically, I am delighted that I will not be the CIA officer who has to brief soon-to-be-president Obama every morning with an IDF veteran listening to America's most important secret data. After such an expeirience, how would you ever pass the polygraph?

Cut US aid to Israel - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
First, since 1976, Israel has been the largest annual recipient of US foreign assistance. In the past 55 years, Israel has received more than $84 billion in grants alone. Annual American aid to Israel per capita is more than $340, which is by far the highest in the world. Average global aid per capita is only $22! This comparison becomes all the more glaring, given that according to various indices Israel is ranked 27th or 37th on the "rich scale."

Israel: a Huge Liability on American Foreign Policy Balance Sheet ? Indyk-AIPAC Secret Theft From American Industry Reaches $100 Billion | Global Research
The FBI soon discovered AIPAC had illegally obtained a secret copy of the business secrets compiled by ITC, giving AIPAC invaluable ammunition to target those lobbying against the deal.

When publicly called out to explain the data theft on National Public Radio, Indyk was incapable of explaining how his research division obtained American business secrets—and instead answered a philosophical question about free trade that had not been asked.(Listen here) Thanks to recently declassified FBI files, it is known that Israeli Trade Minister Dan Halpern surreptitiously obtained and passed the stolen secrets to AIPAC, allowing the Israel lobby to end-runstaunch opposition to the near-unilateral concessions. Complaints about Israeli theft of U.S. intellectual property, including pharmaceutical patents to export copy-cats into the U.S. market, have been ongoing.

Since the year of the theft, the formerly balanced U.S.-Israeli trading relationship has turned into a chronic yearly deficit for America. From 1985 through May of 2013 (the latest data available), the deficit has reached a cumulative $100 billion. The recently departed U.S. Trade Ambassador refused to provide compensation to victimized industries. Indyk is once again in a position to throw America under the bus. Concerned observers must begin wonder how much it will cost.

Israel is becoming a liability for the United States ? War in Context

As if to echo and underline Dagan’s message, Anthony Cordesman, one of the most respected non-partisan national security experts in Washington writes:

[T]he depth of America’s moral commitment [to Israel] does not justify or excuse actions by an Israeli government that unnecessarily make Israel a strategic liability when it should remain an asset. It does not mean that the United States should extend support to an Israeli government when that government fails to credibly pursue peace with its neighbors.

It is time Israel realized that it has obligations to the United States, as well as the United States to Israel, and that it become far more careful about the extent to which it test the limits of U.S. patience and exploits the support of American Jews.

And then comes word from the Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, whose impartial observations as a first-time visitor to the Jewish state cut to the core when she says:

[T]he concept of Israel as a humane and democratic state is in serious trouble. Once a country starts refusing entry to the likes of Noam Chomsky, shutting down the rights of its citizens to use words like “Nakba,” and labelling as “anti-Israel” anyone who tries to tell them what they need to know, a police-state clampdown looms. Will it be a betrayal of age-old humane Jewish traditions and the rule of just law, or a turn towards reconciliation and a truly open society?
Israelis never tire of declaring with great solemnity that they survive in a dangerous neighborhood — invariably the observation is used as a justification for some form of brutality. Yet behind the faux boldness of this embattled nation is the comforting awareness that little Israel enjoys the protection of its big American friend. But any friendship can eventually be strained beyond repair.

As Israel becomes more and more isolated, that isolation may reinforce the delusions of those convinced that the rest of the world is dangerous yet for others it will make the rest of the world increasingly appealing. Thus will arise the demographic threat that no racist scheme can resolve: the threat that life in a Jewish state is simply no longer appealing to enough Jews.
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[ame=]'Israel, a US liability in the Middle East' - YouTube[/ame]
Obama’s Shift from AIPAC to J Street

September 26, 2013 By Joseph Puder


J Street, the self-described pro-Israel and pro-peace organization, has announced on its website that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will be its keynote speaker at its annual conference scheduled to commence on September 28, 2013. Hitherto, President Obama has been unwilling to authorize his high-ranking officials to participate in the J Street conferences. However, Valerie Jarrett, a Chicago buddy of Barack Obama, who now serves as Senior Advisor to Obama and as Assistant to the president for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, was a major presenter at J Street’s 2012 conference. The significance of Biden’s acceptance of the invitation is that it may signal an Obama administration shift from supporting the traditional Jewish mainstream positions of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) on Israel to that of the left-leaning, and openly Democratic Party stalwart J Street.


It is understandable why Obama supports J Street. The latter group fully supports his vision of an Israeli-Palestinian peace. What is hard to understand is Biden’s move to please J Street. Biden has been the most hawkish pro-Israel member of Obama’s team, and a frequent guest of AIPAC. The Louis Susman factor is one reason. Susman, one of Obama’s chief campaign-contribution bundlers, has also been a close friend of Biden. J Street recruited Susman to be a member of their board and used his influence to bring Biden to the J Street conference. In considering a run for the U.S. Presidency, Biden needs people like Susman. But, it could also signal the Obama administration open shift from supporting the traditional Jewish mainstream positions of AIPAC on Israel to that of J Street.

Obama?s Shift from AIPAC to J Street | FrontPage Magazine

Netanyahu at UN: Stop Iran —- or We Will

October 2, 2013 By P. David Hornik



So Netanyahu reviewed some hard facts about Rouhani that reality-oriented commentators have been noting for a few months now. In the past he was a sinister terror chief, head of Iran’s National Security Council in the years of the Buenos Aires bombing and the Khobar Towers bombing, which killed 85 mostly Jewish civilians and 19 American servicemen, respectively.

He’s also a seasoned con man, proud of having duped the West in the past on Iran’s nuclear program. “While we were talking to the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing equipment in Isfahan,” Rouhani wrote in 2011 about his 2003-2005 stint as Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator—Isfahan, as Netanyahu clarified, being the facility where Iran turns uranium ore into uranium for the bombs it will soon be producing en masse unless something is done about it.


If, then, all else fails, will Israel indeed take matters in its own hands? Given the depth of Netanyahu’s identification with Jewish history and the power of his sense of responsibility, the working assumption should be that it will.

Netanyahu at UN: Stop Iran ?- or We Will | FrontPage Magazine
Lessons from the Yom Kippur War

October 7, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Forty years ago, Israel experienced the most devastating war in its modern history. Israel not only suffered its worst casualties during the Yom Kippur War, but actually came close to being destroyed with Defense Minister Moshe Dayan warning that “The Third Temple is falling.”

To understand the lessons of the Yom Kippur War, it is important to understand the three key elements that led to it. These are Muslim deceptiveness, American diplomatic pressure and Israeli complacency.


Netanyahu is aware of the stakes, but is hamstrung by an American government still obsessed with appeasing Muslims to stabilize the Middle East and by an Israeli military and intelligence establishment that resembles the incestuous Old Boy Network in 1973, but is more heavily politicized because its members are even more eager to run for public office.

The ultimate lesson of the Yom Kippur War comes from Zvika Greengold who held out against the 51st Tank Brigade of the Syrian Army in only one tank.

“One thing that stayed with me after this war was the feeling of being alone,” he said later, “not in a room, but in a war, with one tank.”

That is Israel; fighting alone against impossible odds. It forgets that at its own peril.

Lessons from the Yom Kippur War | FrontPage Magazine

Netanyahu at UN: Stop Iran —- or We Will

October 2, 2013 By P. David Hornik



So Netanyahu reviewed some hard facts about Rouhani that reality-oriented commentators have been noting for a few months now. In the past he was a sinister terror chief, head of Iran’s National Security Council in the years of the Buenos Aires bombing and the Khobar Towers bombing, which killed 85 mostly Jewish civilians and 19 American servicemen, respectively.

He’s also a seasoned con man, proud of having duped the West in the past on Iran’s nuclear program. “While we were talking to the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing equipment in Isfahan,” Rouhani wrote in 2011 about his 2003-2005 stint as Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator—Isfahan, as Netanyahu clarified, being the facility where Iran turns uranium ore into uranium for the bombs it will soon be producing en masse unless something is done about it.


If, then, all else fails, will Israel indeed take matters in its own hands? Given the depth of Netanyahu’s identification with Jewish history and the power of his sense of responsibility, the working assumption should be that it will.

Netanyahu at UN: Stop Iran ?- or We Will | FrontPage Magazine
The descendants of the Maccabees have risen and are flourishing and depending themselves beautifully. Never again means never again.
One of my favorite pics:

Lessons from the Yom Kippur War

October 7, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Forty years ago, Israel experienced the most devastating war in its modern history. Israel not only suffered its worst casualties during the Yom Kippur War, but actually came close to being destroyed with Defense Minister Moshe Dayan warning that “The Third Temple is falling.”

To understand the lessons of the Yom Kippur War, it is important to understand the three key elements that led to it. These are Muslim deceptiveness, American diplomatic pressure and Israeli complacency.


Netanyahu is aware of the stakes, but is hamstrung by an American government still obsessed with appeasing Muslims to stabilize the Middle East and by an Israeli military and intelligence establishment that resembles the incestuous Old Boy Network in 1973, but is more heavily politicized because its members are even more eager to run for public office.

The ultimate lesson of the Yom Kippur War comes from Zvika Greengold who held out against the 51st Tank Brigade of the Syrian Army in only one tank.

“One thing that stayed with me after this war was the feeling of being alone,” he said later, “not in a room, but in a war, with one tank.”

That is Israel; fighting alone against impossible odds. It forgets that at its own peril.

Lessons from the Yom Kippur War | FrontPage Magazine
The ultimate lesson of the Yom Kippur War was Israel's rejection of the Gunnar Jarring/Anwar Sadat peace proposal of 1971 which offered a full peace treaty on the Green Line but which Israel's Labor party rejected, preferring to expand territorial gains (primarily in the Sinai) that had been set in motion by Israel's War of Aggression in 1967.

Two years later after nearly resorting to its Third Temple/Samson Complex nuclear option, Israel accepted "peace" on largely the same terms Sadat proposed two years before the '73 war.
"...Israel's War of Aggression in 1967..."


Arab armies had massed for invasion on all sides of Israel.

Israel merely hit them before they could hit Israel.

They took the Golan from you.

They took the West Bank from you.

And, most importantly, they took Jerusalem from you.

They kicked your nasty Arab asses on all fronts despite tremendous odds in your favor.

Much to your everlasting shame...

Much to the merriment and delight and contemptuous laughter of much of the rest of the world.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"...Israel's War of Aggression in 1967..."


Arab armies had massed for invasion on all sides of Israel.

Israel merely hit them before they could hit Israel.

They took the Golan from you.

They took the West Bank from you.

And, most importantly, they took Jerusalem from you.

They kicked your nasty Arab asses on all fronts despite tremendous odds in your favor.

Much to your everlasting shame...

Much to the merriment and delight and contemptuous laughter of much of the rest of the world.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In 1967, Israel conquered still more land. Following the Six Day War, in which Israeli forces launched a highly successful surprise attack on Egypt, Israel occupied the final 22% of Palestine that had eluded it in 1948 – the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Since, according to international law it is inadmissible to acquire territory by war, these are occupied territories and do not belong to Israel. It also occupied parts of Egypt (since returned) and Syria (which remain under occupation).

"Also during the Six Day War, Israel attacked a US Navy ship, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring over 200 American servicemen. President Lyndon Johnson recalled rescue flights, saying that he did not want to 'embarrass an ally.' (In 2004 a high-level commission chaired by Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, found this attack to be 'an act of war against the United States,' a fact few news media have reported.)"

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict
The Israelis did, indeed, conquer much land, as a result of the 1967 War.

Maybe you (Arab-Muslims) should not have amassed armies on all sides of Israel and provoked it into preemptive action?

Part of the reason why the world laughs at you is the stupid decisions you make.

Part of the reason why the world laughs at you is your military incompetency.

Part of the reason why the world laughs at you is your whining when things don't go your way.

Part of the reason why the world laughs at you is your amateur-hour re-writings and spin-doctorings of history.

You lost whatever credibility you had (with much of the rest of the world) on the battlefields of 1967.

Vae victus.
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Israel’s European Challenge

October 25, 2013 By Caroline Glick

Last month, the European Union pushed European- Israeli relations to a new low.

In mid-September, the IDF enforced a High Court of Justice order to destroy 250 structures built illegally by Palestinian squatters in the Jordan Valley.

The High Court acted in accordance with the agreements signed between the Palestinians and Israel. Those agreements gave Israel sole control over planning and zoning in the Jordan Valley and throughout the area of Judea and Samaria defined as Area C.

Five days after the IDF destroyed the illegal structures, Palestinian activists arrived at the site with tents. Their intention was to act in contempt of the law and of the agreements the PLO signed with Israel, and to resettle the site.

The Palestinians did not come alone. They were accompanied by European diplomats. The diplomats were there to provide diplomatic cover to the Palestinians as they broke the law and breached the agreements the PLO signed with the Israeli government.


Moreover, we need to recognize that like our European friends, we have given the benefit of the doubt to our continental adversaries, believing their empty claims of commitment to the peace process and international law. As a consequence, since the outset of the peace process with the PLO 20 years ago, most of the steps we have taken to demonstrate our good faith have strengthened those Europeans who wish us ill at the expense of those who wish us well.

Like our European friends, we need to stop giving a pass to those who distort the very meaning of international law while making empty proclamations of support for the cause of peace. Only be exposing the truth behind the lies will we strengthen our European friends and so increase the possibility that our relations with Europe may improve one day.

Israel?s European Challenge | FrontPage Magazine
"...Israel's War of Aggression in 1967..."


Arab armies had massed for invasion on all sides of Israel.

Israel merely hit them before they could hit Israel.

They took the Golan from you.

They took the West Bank from you.

And, most importantly, they took Jerusalem from you.

They kicked your nasty Arab asses on all fronts despite tremendous odds in your favor.

Much to your everlasting shame...

Much to the merriment and delight and contemptuous laughter of much of the rest of the world.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yep - Israel established Armistice lines, (borders) that were established after Israel had won multiple offensive wars started by Arabs. The borders that are an armistice boundary. The borders that in any other conflict in the world would be subject to the victor's discretion.

However, the Crusading Arabs have continually wanted Do-Overs as their wars of aggression have been turned into humiliating defeats.
"...Israel's War of Aggression in 1967..."


Arab armies had massed for invasion on all sides of Israel.

Israel merely hit them before they could hit Israel.

They took the Golan from you.

They took the West Bank from you.

And, most importantly, they took Jerusalem from you.

They kicked your nasty Arab asses on all fronts despite tremendous odds in your favor.

Much to your everlasting shame...

Much to the merriment and delight and contemptuous laughter of much of the rest of the world.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pig squeals from the heartland of the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World.
In spite of Israel's steady stream of provocations against its neighbors and a warning from its settler-colonialist benefactor, Jews struck first in '67 only this time they had better results than 1956.

"Although the U.S. warned against firing the first shot, the Israelis decided to read the lack of a firm no-go as a green light for war..."

"As war approached, Israel placed 70,000 men—infantry and paratroops—near the Egyptian border. They had some 700 tanks, mainly well-armored British Centurions; the Israeli air force (IAF), commanded by Gen. Mordechai Hod, consisted of 207 combat airplanes, a motley mix of French Mirages, Mystères, Ouragans, and Vautours.

"For its possible invasion of Jordan, Israel deployed 40,000 troops organized into eight brigades, about 200 tanks, most of them modified World War II–vintage 'Super' Shermans sporting 75mm or 105mm guns, and ultimately more than 200 fighter aircraft.

"Although the U.S. warned against firing the first shot, the Israelis decided to read the lack of a firm no-go as a green light for war on the Golan Heights, Israel had a much smaller force, consisting only of a couple brigades.

"By June 9, however, when Israel decided to invade Syria as well, it would strike with around 150 aircraft, 250 tanks, and 20,000 troops."

The Six Day War Sparked Forty Years of Strife

Those not hopelessly addicted to swallowing every load of kosher horse shit doled out by Israel will remember what happened the day before the heroic Jews invaded Syria AFTER the Syrians had given up the struggle:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Vae vicious, Punks?

USS Liberty Memorial
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Ah, when you have just been embarresed by your own argument about the 6 day war and your back is to the wall, have no fear - all you need to do in bring up the USS Liberty and yell " Look, look, Israel is evil, they killed Americans !"

Very sad George that you would exploit the USS Liberty incident for your own agenda to vilify Israel.
"...Israel's War of Aggression in 1967..."


Arab armies had massed for invasion on all sides of Israel.

Israel merely hit them before they could hit Israel.

They took the Golan from you.

They took the West Bank from you.

And, most importantly, they took Jerusalem from you.

They kicked your nasty Arab asses on all fronts despite tremendous odds in your favor.

Much to your everlasting shame...

Much to the merriment and delight and contemptuous laughter of much of the rest of the world.

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pig squeals from the heartland of the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World.
In spite of Israel's steady stream of provocations against its neighbors and a warning from its settler-colonialist benefactor, Jews struck first in '67 only this time they had better results than 1956.

"Although the U.S. warned against firing the first shot, the Israelis decided to read the lack of a firm no-go as a green light for war..."

"As war approached, Israel placed 70,000 men—infantry and paratroops—near the Egyptian border. They had some 700 tanks, mainly well-armored British Centurions; the Israeli air force (IAF), commanded by Gen. Mordechai Hod, consisted of 207 combat airplanes, a motley mix of French Mirages, Mystères, Ouragans, and Vautours.

"For its possible invasion of Jordan, Israel deployed 40,000 troops organized into eight brigades, about 200 tanks, most of them modified World War II–vintage 'Super' Shermans sporting 75mm or 105mm guns, and ultimately more than 200 fighter aircraft.

"Although the U.S. warned against firing the first shot, the Israelis decided to read the lack of a firm no-go as a green light for war on the Golan Heights, Israel had a much smaller force, consisting only of a couple brigades.

"By June 9, however, when Israel decided to invade Syria as well, it would strike with around 150 aircraft, 250 tanks, and 20,000 troops."

The Six Day War Sparked Forty Years of Strife

Those not hopelessly addicted to swallowing every load of kosher horse shit doled out by Israel will remember what happened the day before the heroic Jews invaded Syria AFTER the Syrians had given up the struggle:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

Vae vicious, Punks?

USS Liberty Memorial

Because Israel’s intelligence agencies and other networks were as strong as they had to be, as far as gathering and properly interpreting Arab intentions, Israel had some lead time before the hostile arab armies had time to launch an attack on them. Israel was, and still is, politically between a rock and a hard place.

For many reasons, arab armies have underestimated Israeli resolve, fighting will and tenacity in the face of hateful islamist ideology. This, as her arab neighbors found out to their embarrassment, is perhaps one of her greatest “hidden strengths”.
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