Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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It has recently become fashionable among various elitist and radical leftist quarters to criticize the Jewish State on everything ranging from its counter-insurgency operations to its development of barren land in Judea & Samaria.

Besides the lies in the article in general, this is an important example of how clever it is to use of the word "elitist" and why anyone, Alex Jones for example, who uses it in the context of anything other than that describing a zionist and zionism in general is a liar. Zionism has pretty much fucked the world up beyond repair. That is not to say Islam or other ridiculous religions are not bad and dangerous. They too are hilariously stupid and primitive, just like Judaism. But more importantly, it is saying that Talmudism, Old Testamentism and the raced-based association involved is the most pernicious crime syndicate in world history.

Stinky, they think you are hilariously stupid and primitive, plus you stink...:eek:
"...No military power lasts forever."
It is clear from the Palestinian's own propaganda maps that Israel's goal is to push every last Palestinian in the West Bank and Gaza over the border into Jordan and Lebanon.

I think they are going to succeed.

Safely entrenched behind defensible borders, the interior populated only by trustworthy factions, they will last for centuries, if not longer.

The Arabs have fought and bled for the Palestinians and had their teeth kicked-in for their trouble several times already, and methinks they've had enough for a generation or two.

By that time, the former Palestinians will be long-established as living amongst them and well integrated into Jordanian and Lebanese society.

Neither you nor I nor our children nor grandchildren will live long enough to know which of us is right.

I hear (and contemplate) what you say about the lessons of history.

But, given that Israel is a new thing on the world stage, and given its overwhelming ability to beat-back their attackers, Israel may very well turn out to be the exception that proves the rule.

In any event, they have little to fear over the next couple of generations.

Which is about as far as Man - as a rule - ever looks.
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It has recently become fashionable among various elitist and radical leftist quarters to criticize the Jewish State on everything ranging from its counter-insurgency operations to its development of barren land in Judea & Samaria.

Besides the lies in the article in general, this is an important example of how clever it is to use of the word "elitist" and why anyone, Alex Jones for example, who uses it in the context of anything other than that describing a zionist and zionism in general is a liar. Zionism has pretty much fucked the world up beyond repair. That is not to say Islam or other ridiculous religions are not bad and dangerous. They too are hilariously stupid and primitive, just like Judaism. But more importantly, it is saying that Talmudism, Old Testamentism and the raced-based association involved is the most pernicious crime syndicate in world history.

A rep for truth.

Also, remember what Voltaire said about those who hold the power in a society, they are the ones you can't criticize. It is obvious you cannot criticize the aforementioned criminal syndicate without facing serious consequences throughout the western world.
It has recently become fashionable among various elitist and radical leftist quarters to criticize the Jewish State on everything ranging from its counter-insurgency operations to its development of barren land in Judea & Samaria.

Besides the lies in the article in general, this is an important example of how clever it is to use of the word "elitist" and why anyone, Alex Jones for example, who uses it in the context of anything other than that describing a zionist and zionism in general is a liar. Zionism has pretty much fucked the world up beyond repair. That is not to say Islam or other ridiculous religions are not bad and dangerous. They too are hilariously stupid and primitive, just like Judaism. But more importantly, it is saying that Talmudism, Old Testamentism and the raced-based association involved is the most pernicious crime syndicate in world history.

Stinky, they think you are hilariously stupid and primitive, plus you stink...:eek:

Snouter is right. Look at this site to learn more about this criminal syndicate's entrenched control of our society.

Who Controls America?
"...No military power lasts forever."
It is clear from the Palestinian's own propaganda maps that Israel's goal is to push every last Palestinian in the West Bank and Gaza over the border into Jordan and Lebanon.

I think they are going to succeed.

Safely entrenched behind defensible borders, the interior populated only by trustworthy factions, they will last for centuries, if not longer.

The Arabs have fought and bled for the Palestinians and had their teeth kicked-in for their trouble several times already, and methinks they've had enough for a generation or two.

By that time, the former Palestinians will be long-established as living amongst them and well integrated into Jordanian and Lebanese society.

Neither you nor I nor our children nor grandchildren will live long enough to know which of us is right.

I hear (and contemplate) what you say about the lessons of history.

But, given that Israel is a new thing on the world stage, and given its overwhelming ability to beat-back their attackers, Israel may very well turn out to be the exception that proves the rule.

In any event, they have little to fear over the next couple of generations.

Which is about as far as Man - as a rule - ever looks.

It took the Jews 2,000 years to regain a foothold in ancient Judea, losing it in two hundred years is no biggie in the frame-work of time...

There is no defense in Wars of Religion...Both sides see the one universal god on their side. Threats of a suicide attack with two or tree nukes in Israeli population centers is probable, but I think the war will peter out like all other wars in the ME, the Israelis will leave of their-own volition in a war of attrition. No one can live with the fear of death forever. In fact, the brain drain in Israel is thriving today...It will escalate as tensions rise.
Besides the lies in the article in general, this is an important example of how clever it is to use of the word "elitist" and why anyone, Alex Jones for example, who uses it in the context of anything other than that describing a zionist and zionism in general is a liar. Zionism has pretty much fucked the world up beyond repair. That is not to say Islam or other ridiculous religions are not bad and dangerous. They too are hilariously stupid and primitive, just like Judaism. But more importantly, it is saying that Talmudism, Old Testamentism and the raced-based association involved is the most pernicious crime syndicate in world history.

Stinky, they think you are hilariously stupid and primitive, plus you stink...:eek:

Snouter is right. Look at this site to learn more about this criminal syndicate's entrenched control of our society.

Who Controls America?

Maybe if you work a little harder and have more ambition, Iceman, you too could rise to pre-eminence in America.
You cannot acquire land by force.

Bullshit, how do you think America was born?your house is sitting on stolen Native American land buddy.

Precisely, force was used to create Israel against current International Law and Custom...But have faith that in the long-run overwhelming numbers win the game of attrition...Even America is predicted by Demographers to be a majority Hispanic Nation within fifty years... nothing you can do.
Billo_Really, et al,

Now you've made a point.

No I'm not! The comparison is a valid one. For the very reason Hitler tried to annex Poland, is the very reason it is outlawed today. You cannot acquire land by force. That's what Hitler tried to do. That's why it is illegal today. That's why it's illegal for Israel to do it to the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and Gaza.

So anyone saying it is okay to do so, is saying it was okay for Hitler to annex Poland.

If your point is: "You cannot acquire land by force." Then say that. Don't wrap it in an analogy that is not applicable.
  • BTW: Does your "You cannot acquire land by force" point work both ways? Equally applicable to the Hostile Arab-Palestinians, as well as, the Israelis?

In 1939, the Polish people (occupied) were not a political or military and security threat to Germany (the occupation force). The Polish were not on a military build-up and were not making threats to Germany. The Polish were not politically attacking Germany as an illegal state.

In contrast to the Polish analogy:
  • In 1964 (three years before occupation) the Arab-Palestinian wrote the Palestine National Charter (al- Mithaq al-kawmee al-Philistini) The Arab-Palestinian Council considers the establishment of the state of Israel a continuous aggression on the land and people of Palestine (all the territory formerly under Mandate) and declared right of the Palestinian people to struggle for the liberation of their homeland (Jihadist Fedayeen).
  • In 1966 (a year before occupation) the Arab-Palestinian Council establish the Liberation Army, to liberate Palestine and unified the Guerilla factions, under the framework of the PLO.
This is not a Twix Commercial where Left Twix layers caramel over cookie; and Right Twix cascades caramel over cookie (oops, did I get that right). No, this is about taking action to prevent a hostile people from pursuing their threat.

There is no comparison.
  • In the case of the Polish, the Germans were the aggressor and invaded to occupy a peaceful nation.
  • In the case of the Palestinians, the Palestinians were the hostile party, and were occupied, for among other reasons, to maintain the integrity and security of the sovereignty that is Israel.

Two entirely different case studies.

Most Respectfully,
The Germans were the aggressor and invaded a peaceful nation.

So were the Zionists who invaded Palestine with their apartheid and racist policies. They also brought with them jewish terrorist groups like Irgun.

There was no recorded incidents of major violence in that area, until the Zionists showed up. Which means, Zionists were the aggressors.
:lol: You're an idiot. The holy land has been fought over for thousands of years, and the first Zionist was Moses:cool:
You cannot acquire land by force.

Bullshit, how do you think America was born?your house is sitting on stolen Native American land buddy.

Precisely, force was used to create Israel against current International Law and Custom...But have faith that in the long-run overwhelming numbers win the game of attrition...Even America is predicted by Demographers to be a majority Hispanic Nation within fifty years... nothing you can do.

Exactly, so Israel is a majority Jewish nation and there is nothing you can do.
Bullshit, how do you think America was born?your house is sitting on stolen Native American land buddy.

Precisely, force was used to create Israel against current International Law and Custom...But have faith that in the long-run overwhelming numbers win the game of attrition...Even America is predicted by Demographers to be a majority Hispanic Nation within fifty years... nothing you can do.

Exactly, so Israel is a majority Jewish nation and there is nothing you can do.
Your naiveté in Demographics is glaring...the demographic time bomb is ticking within Israel proper with its Israeli/Palestinian citizens.
There it is again, this obsession over Legality.
Can't help it. I'm a citizen of a country that is based on the rule of law. Having respect for the law, is part of what it means to be an American. That's who American's are. That's what makes us American's. Respect for the law.

What you're advocating, is more akin to the folks in Weimar, Germany, than it is the United States of America.
Your naiveté in Demographics is glaring...the demographic time bomb is ticking within Israel proper with its Israeli/Palestinian citizens.
Ain't that the truth! Israeli bigots are going ape-shit because the arabs fuck more than they do.
Which is why the Jews are squeezing the Arabs off the land and across the borders to Jordan and Palestine; hectare by hectare, acre by acre, block by block, township by township; until the Jews finally hold it all.

No bunny-rabbit breeding campaign will be allowed to succeed on Israeli-Jewish -controlled soil.
"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."
You said you were a member of the armed forces. If the President ordered your platoon into the OPT to restore order as a UN peacekeeping force, would you go and, if you had to, shoot Israeli's who disrupted the peace?
Which is why the Jews are squeezing the Arabs off the land and across the borders to Jordan and Palestine; hectare by hectare, acre by acre, block by block, township by township; until the Jews finally hold it all.

No bunny-rabbit breeding campaign will be allowed to succeed on Israeli-Jewish -controlled soil.
It's called ethnic-cleansing.
"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."
You said you were a member of the armed forces. If the President ordered your platoon into the OPT to restore order as a UN peacekeeping force, would you go and, if you had to, shoot Israeli's who disrupted the peace?
Absolutely. Trouble is, from your perspective, that is never going to happen.
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